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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Addicted to you)


THEME: The Man next door


By, Manuel blaq .A.





“What??”Charlotte asked, but her curiosity cleared when she saw Thomas and Jennie…..



Thomas and Jennie was still kissing while Charlotte and Edgar stares at them with widened eyes

Jennie’s eyes were pinched close, enjoying the taste of his lips, nothing on earth is a bother to her,right now,

Her phone buzzed in her handbag but she didn’t break the kiss, it’s buzzed again still she didn’t pay attention, she was kissing and almost loosing her breath

“Can’t believe this is happening”Charlotte muttered

“I know Jennie loves Thomas but Thomas is the one confusing me here”Edgar said

“Why??”Charlotte asked

“He responded to the kiss!”Edgar blurted out

“Have you ever seen Thomas reject a pu**y?, talk less of a kiss, come on, you should know better”Charlotte said,

“He’s kissing with much affection,am I the only one seeing that?”Edgar questioned

“Enough…..Let’s talk about us now”Charlotte winked at him naughtily

“What about the party?”Edgar asked

“Am sure she would run away after she broke the kiss, I noticed something about her, she’s shy”Charlotte said,

“Unlike you,huh?”Edgar asked

“Let’s go now….so we can be able to finish by morning”Charlotte said

“Too bad, I didn’t get to learn new s*x styles”Edgar chuckled

“You gonna f-__-k me that way”Charlotte smiled naughtily, dragging him by his belt,

“Naughty you”Edgar smiled and like that, they were off to Charlotte’s room,

Few seconds later, Jennie broke the kiss to catch her breath,

“Why did you kiss me huh?”Thomas asked, sadness accompany his words as it came out from his mouth,

“Forget about it”Jennie said without sparing him a glance, she took her handbag that was on the table and made to leave, but Thomas held her hand,

“You think you can just steal a kiss for me and go?”Thomas said sadly,

“You want to get paid for that?”Jennie replied with her own question, she broke free from his grip and started walking away again

“Those things do you said, do you meant it?, would you heal me?”He said in a broken voice

“I never said I would heal you, I just gave you an advice”She said

“Why will you say those words when you know you aren’t gonna do it!”He yelled this time and it made her stop on her track,

“Was that interesting witnessing my jealous side”He added calmly,

“Have nothing to say to you”Jennie said and left immediately, cleaning the tears that was already on her cheeks,

Thomas ruffled his hair and went back into his room, Meanwhile, Jennie stopped at the gate,

“Thomas!”She sniffed, she was already crying

“How do hell did I fall for a playboy?”Jennie lamented and almost immediately her phone buzzed again, she brought it out from her handbag,

She sniffed and clean her eyes with the side of her knuckle before swiping the green icon

“What’s up, Kingsley”She forced a smile

“Have been calling, you weren’t picking up where are you?, it’s anything the problem?”He asked

“Am fine”she replied

“Are you sure, your voice sounds other wise”Kingsley said,

“Am fine”She replied again

“Mm.. Jen, have something to tell you, I don’t think I can keep it from you anymore”Kingsley said

“What??”She asked

“Let’s meet”Kingsley replied


Do you wanna know where Edgar and Charlotte are right now??

They are both on the bed, naked!

Edgar was doing justice with his fingers on her pu**y and she kept Mõ@ɲing in pleasure,

“I need your Ďïčk right now, let’s break this d@mn virginity”She said,more sounding like a Mõ@ɲ,

“Okay,baby” Edgar winked at her

He carried her like a baby in his arms and placed her on her make up table, everything on the table scattered as a result of it,

Charlotte widened her legs and he came in between her two legs,

“Ouch…..!”His slow, smooth entry made her winced in pain,

“It’s hurts”She winced

“I told you it will, you just have to endure it,baby!”Edgar said,

She held the edge of the table tightly,pinched her eyes closed and threw her head backwards,

Edgar kept moving in and out of her and soon her hyema broke, blood gushed out…

Edgar pulled out of her and cleaned the blood, Charlotte already open her eyes, she was still holding the Edge, but not tightly

“Let’s enjoy the pleasure now”Edgar said and she smiled naughtily, and like that he rode his rod into her ćƖĩť,

“f-__-k!…”She couldn’t hold back the Mõ@ɲ

Edgar kept moving in normal pace, not too fast and not to slowly, since this is her first time,


“I want more Eddie….f-__-k my ćƖĩť…ouch”

“Faster…more…. faster.. harder… give me more!”

Charlotte Mõ@ɲed and that made Edgar wild,he began moving very fast,

“Oh….. yeah!….. right there….f-__-k!”

“You hitting the right spot… yeah….oh,, daddy”

Edgar raised her up from the table, his Ďïčk still inside her, moving in and out in a fast pace, producing the pa! pa! pa! sound,

He maintained that position for half an hour before dropping her on the bed,his spe*m splash on her B-__-bs,he went on the bed and took in one of her erected pink ni**Les into his mouth,

“Mm…”A silent Mõ@ɲ escape her lips as her body shivered in cold pleasure,

He started s**king on her B-__-bs, Charlotte did no Job other than to Mõ@ɲ,he planted an hickey on the middle part of her b** bs, licking back his Coms,

The kind of pleasure that was washing through her spine was second to none,all she wanted was…..more!

After licking his Coms off her body…..

Charlotte stood up and Edgar pulled her into a kiss, he wrapped his hands around her waist, while she hang her left hand on his shoulder with her right hard gripping his hair,

They were still on the kiss when Edgar inserted his member into her ćƖĩť from the front,

“Mm…!”She Mõ@ɲed in the kiss

He started going in and out from her, he broke the kiss and replace her lips with her right ni**ple, wrapping his mouth around her pointed ni**ple,

“You like my ni**ple that much?”She Mõ@ɲed

“Yeah… it’s makes me go crazy”He said and she blushed,

“Am–f-__-k!”She Mõ@ɲed instead when he gave her a deep th-ru_st

He reconnected their lips and this time he showed no mercy to her ćƖĩť

“f-__-k me….till am crippled….till I can’t work anymore…..f-__-k that ćƖĩť… all yours”, They kept f-__-king and Mõ@ɲing till 5am in the morning,


Ryan’s car stopped in front of Kate’s restaurant and Isabella came down after Ryan opened the door for her,

“I will miss you”Ryan said

“Awwn,, me too”Isabella blushed

“Coming school today?”Ryan asked

“Dunno, I might consider coming”Isabella said

“Give me a call if you are going, I will come pick you up”Ryan said

“Thanks… I have such a caring boyfriend”Isabella smiled,

“Really??”Ryan blushed

“Yeah…ehh, how about the driver, I mean the driver of car that hits us?”Isabella asked

“His still in the hospital, it’s affected him most”Ryan said

“Parys he wakes up soon”Isabella said

“Yeah…bye”Ryan waved with a smile, she waved back at him before he finally entered his car and zoomed off,


“Am really sorry for what I caused you, and I pray Luna wakes up soon”Roman said

“I pray so too, it’s wasn’t your fault she got shot and besides the doctor said it isn’t that severe”Lorenzo said,

“The primary debate is happening soon, how prepared are you?”President Roman decided to change the topic,

“Am fully ready”Lorenzo said

“We have two other candidate yunno, Edward keys isn’t a big deal but August Austen kinda has the people support”Roman said

“I see”Lorenzo smirked, imagining how to clear of August Austen,

“Hope you aren’t the type to go extra length, just for a position? “Roman asked

“Am not that desperate,if I loose I should try better next time”Lorenzo said

“It’s good”Roman said

“And hope you are free from corruption, I don’t mingle with corrupt politicians”Roman said

“I understand you are worried but don’t you think you are going too far?, have lived my life in a righteous way”Lorenzo said

“Am sorry, just need to be careful”Roman said

“Okay, that’s not a problem”Lorenzo replied

“Let’s talk on drinks”Roman said

“Yes,sure”Lorenzo said

“Abel!…”Roman called


High screams filled the air as Ryan and Isabella stepped out from the car,


?️ My idol is back!

?️ Sad,, his taken!

?️ Heard his dating Isabella now!

?️ Isn’t it’s obvious!

?️ His holding hands with her

“You guys are right,am dating Isabella, the only woman that makes my heart beat, the woman after my own heart, my one and only, the reason I choosed to live, am so much in love with her,so mind the way you mingle with me, she’s a jealous freak”Ryan said and Isabella would have died,if blushing ki||s

?️ Awwn… single me!

?️ I must date!

?️ Out to find my own man!

?️ I wish am her!

?️ We still love you Ryan!

?️ My prince charming!

“First day at school and you want to ki|| others with oppression”They heard Francisco’s voice

?️ Francisco!

?️ Red Devil

They began chanting his name and he winked at them,

“Stop winking at them, it’s annoying”Shirley showed up,

“Am sorry,my lady”Francisco said

“Just say, you are jealous”Isabella rolled her eyes

“Me?? Jealous??”Shirley scoffed

?️ NEON!

?️ why are they together?

?️ They’re not dating, right?

?️ I can’t loose Andrew too


?️ Everyone is just being taken, why?

?️ Don’t jump into conclusion, I think they’re not dating!

?️ I can’t loose my Andrew too

High screams filled the air as Andrew approach the others with Princess by his side,

Princess was smiling non stop as the comments the students were making made her blush hard,

“It’s not want am thinking, right?”Shirley asked

“What are you thinking?”Andrew replied with a question,

“He hugged her the other day at the hospital, what more explanation do you need, let’s date too,we can’t be the only single ones”Francisco said and Andrew pushed Princess a little, she staggered away

“Hey!”She shouted

“Mm… Shirley, ignore her, she’s nobody”Andrew said and Princess left angrily,

“I think she’s angry”Isabella said

“But it’s was just a joke”Andrew said

“Jokes does hurts sometimes”Isabella said

“Wh@ťěver, when is our game resuming?”Andrew asked Ryan,

“Tomorrow,,gast to rest for today”Ryan said

“With your Ďïčk buried in her ćƖĩť?”Francisco smirked, pointing his index finger on Isabella

“f-__-k you!”Ryan gave him the middle finger and left with Shirley,

Andrew, Francisco and Shirley followed, the students followed behind them, screaming out their lungs,

“Guys, I will be back”Andrew said and took another direction,


“It’s ten 0’clock already but none of this two were awake,they were still sleeping soundly on the bed, naked!

The door is locked so no one could barge in, Charlotte was the first to wake up, and when she saw Edgar sleeping peacefully beside her, she smiled

She got a glimpse of his fingers still punching one of her ni**ples and she bit her lips,

“Gosh…. I want more”She said

“Naughty girl”She heard his voice

“Good morning,my mystic boyfriend”She smiled

“I think Eddie is better”He said

“But you have mystic powers and you are my boyfriend, that makes you my mystic boyfriend”She smiled

“I know but it’s not Romantic”He said

“Don’t know immortal’s knows what is romantic”She said

“You made me learned about it”He smiled

“Gosh… have you ever dated in your 169 years on earth?”she blushed

“Yes…once”He said and she felt a little bad

“Don’t give me that look, I didn’t feel anything for her because I haven’t learnt human emotions then”he said and she smiled

“Really? You are happy now?”He chuckled

“Yes”She blushed

Edgar stood up, he was naked!

“Let’s go bath”He said

“Okay… can you teleporate the same way you did last two nights?”She asked and he climbed the bed, pulling her into a kiss,they teleporated into the bathroom, in the bath tub

Edgar has his back rested on the bathtub while Charlotte sat on his Ďïčk

“Always wanted to do this”He said and she chuckled

“Naughty”She smiled but her smile cleared off, fright kick in, Edgar noticed it

“What baby? Why are you looking scared?”He asked

“Blood…..”She said, pointing at a particular direction







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