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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Addicted to you…)


THEME: The Man next door


By, Manuel blaq .A.





“A man who cheat on his wife stand a high chance to cheat in the court room,I request for the judge to be changed”Jennie smirked at Hareton and he staggered backwards without being pushed or punched


After much arguments,Judge Marcel was replaced with another Judge,the trial is about beginning

“Plaintiff counsel,you may begin”the Judge said and Hareton stood up,

“May I bring in an witness?”Hareton said

“Yes,witness get ready to testify”The Judge said

“Helena Jude”Hareton called and a female figure stood up admist the audience,she removed her hoodie and it turned out to be Helena,

Helena cat walked to the witness seat,not sparing anyone a glance,

A man in suit gave her a opened book,which placed on her right palm,she raised her left hand up,

“Witness should take an oath”The Judge said

“I swear to testify nothing but the truth,under the pains and penalities of perjury”Helena swore

“Helena,can you please tell me what you told me few days ago”Hareton said

“Sure,have said it before and am still saying it,Charlotte told me how much she h@ťěd her parents and how badly she wants them dead”Helena said

“Objection my Lord”Jennie stood

“Objection overruled”The Judge said

“As a friend,shouldn’t you try advice your friend who is going astray?”Hareton asked

“I did,but she took my words for granted and I still feel hurt,she did what she has wanted,despite all my advice”Helena patted her chest

“As you all can see,the witness here is her best friend which guarantee that all what she said is nothing but the truth,I request for the defendant to be sentence to 14 years imprisonment,for murdering,late mr & mrs bronte”Hareton said

“Witness,are you sure of what you are saying?”The Judge asked

“Yes,your honour”Helena said

“Plaintiff counsel,you have anything else to say?”The Judge asked

“No,that’s all,your honour”Hareton left a short bow

“Okay,Defendant counsel,begin cross examination”The Judge said,

“Yes,your honour”Jennie stood up walking towards Helena

“How are you sure,your friend was her parents ki||er?”Jennie asked

“Because I was there,I was there when she murdered her parents”Helena said

“Then,you are saying you were at two places at the same time?”Jennie smirked


“Clifford Bronte died in an abandoned house in havana,while Catherine Bronte died in a fire which took place in their mansion”Jennie smiled

“Objection!”Hareton stood

“Overruled”The Judge said and Jennie smiled

“I know what am saying,I saw her!”Helena said

“Okay”Jennie said and turned her gaze to the Tv screen,a black and white picture of the abandoned building house showed on the screen,

“That’s the old building where Clifford died,but there is a drawing of a cup there on the wall, “Jennie said

“So?”The judge asked

“Since it’s a black and white picture,the real color is hidden,Can miss Helena tell me the color of the cup?”Jennie said

Helena felt a lump in her throat and she quickly swallowed it,

“f-__-k!”She muttered inwardly

“Miss Helena,what’s the color of the cup?”Jennie smirked

Hareton ruffled his hair,Charlotte smiled and Edgar face Byram,they smirked at each other

“Mrs lawyer is smart”Thomas whispered to himself with a smile

Stella had a poker expression

“The color is…–”

“Is what?”Jennie smirked

“Green”Helena guessed

Jennie smirked and press a button on the remote control she was holding,the real picture of the old house came to view,

“The color of the cup is blue”Jennie said


“It’s obvious the witness is giving false testimony,she should be accused for perjury”Jennie said

“Objection!”Hareton said

“Sustained”The Judge said

“The defendant counsel is labeling false accusations on the witness,that she didn’t get the color of the cup right,doesn’t means she is committing perjury”Hareton said

“Maybe she forgot the color,people forget things yunno”Hareton added

“What’s the abili of the accused”The judge said

“She was in the abandoned house,Year,2023,month,July third,time,10:43am,that’s the same time and place Late Clifford Bronte died”Hareton said

“Objection!”Jennie stood

“Overruled”The Judge said

“It’s obvious she ki||ed her father and hired someone else to murder her mother,to avoid suspicious”Hareton said

“Objection,your honour!”Jennie stood

“Sustained!”The Judge said

“According to the NFS (national forensic service),Clifford Bronte died exactly at 10:45am,are you saying she used only two minutes to ki|| her father?”Jennie asked

“Objection,your honour!”Hareton said

“Overruled!”The Judge replied

“Secondly at the crime scene,the dead bodies of twenty hefty men were found,are insinuating that she ki||ed them all alone?”Jennie said

“Is that all?”The Judge asked

“Yes,your honour”Jennie said

The two judges at the left and right side of the main judge came closer to the judge and whispered something into their ears

“We have come to a conclusion,the trial is adjourned”The Judge said


“Why am thinking about him?”Princess asked herself as she continuously flip the pages of the book on the table in front of her,

“Why isn’t he here yet?”She muttered to herself as sgee kept looking at the Entrance,wishing Andrew would just show up

She has been waiting for him for the past one hour but still no sign of him,

“Should I just go back?”She asked herself

After few minutes,she started hearing footsteps,she quickly assumed that he was the one coming,she raised a book to her face,pretending to be reading

As if she was a soothsayer,her prediction was right,it’s truly him!

Andrew walked to his usual spot and met a female figure sitting on it,he couldn’t tell who it is cause the book was covering her face,but that didn’t stop him from guessing

“Princess?”He asked

“What?”Princess rolled her eyes,bringing the book down

“You are on my spot”He said

“It’s doesn’t have your name on it”Princess rolled her eyes again

“My grandpa is the owner of the school”Andrew said

“So?”She shrugged her shoulders

“Just forget it”Andrew said and sat beside her

“Am afraid you came to the library”Andrew said

“Why? I can’t?”She asked

“You never came to the library,the only frequent visitors of this library is Shirley and I”He said

“That’s doesn’t mean I can’t come to the library”Princess rolled her eyes

“Too much rolling of eyes could make your balls roll out of it’s socket,yunno”Andrew said but Princess wasn’t listening anymore,she was lost staring at his pink lips as it moves,

He did worst by licking his lips and she swallowed the lump on her throat,resisting the urge of claiming his lips and kiss the hell out of those lips

Andrew noticed the way she was staring and he winked at her biting his lips,she swallowed her saliva this time,

He took out a lollipop and remove it clothing,he deep it into his mouth in a segzy way,he started licking,in just few seconds the lollipop wets his lips making it more tempting

Princess bite her lips hard as she was totally lost in his cute,pink tempting lips,the way the lollipop moves in and out of his small pinkisg mouth is driving her crazy,like she is totally mad about it

She just wants to kiss those freaking lips it isn’t too hard to ask,right?

He licked his upper lips this time,her eyes followed the movement of his tongue as it went back into his mouth,he continued with his lollipop,

“Arghh!!”Princess screamed,getting back to her senses,

“My lips,you wanna taste them?”He asked

“No,I don’t want to”She snapped

“But you were lost staring at–”

“I wasn’t staring at you,here,look,I was staring at that picture”Princess cut him off

“There’s no picture here”Andrew said

“I wasn’t staring at you”She said and raised the book to her face,

“The book is upside down”Andrew said and made touching the book,but she ran out of the library,he chuckled

“Am a baaaad guy”He smiled


A cop held Charlotte arm as both of them walk towards where Edgar was seated,waiting…

Charlotte saw him and a faint smile appeared on her lips immediately,Edgar smiled too

Finally,they reach where Edgar was waiting and she sat down on the seat opposite him,

“Are you okay?,Hope your inmate are not too cruel”Edgar said worriedly,

“Don’t worry,am fine”She said and he sighed

“Don’t worry,am getting you out of here soon,okay?”He said and she nodded,

“Here,I cooked something for you”Edgar brought out the food flask he came with,

“Wow,thanks”She smiled

“It’s nothing,just make sure you eat it,okay?”He said

“Sure,why won’t I eat this delicious meal”She smiled

“Am glad you are okay”Edgar said

“Just exercise patience,am taking you out of here soon”He said

“Time up!”A cop announce and Charlotte stood up,the same guard that came with her,held her arm and started leaving with her,

She turned to face Edgar,she waved at him with a smile,holding back the tears that’s was thr_@tening to pour,

Deep down in her,she wants to be beside him,she wants him to give her a piggy ride,she badly wants to be in his arms

Edgar on his own part,wasn’t crying but his heart was shattered seeing her that way,

He badly wants to vanished with her but he doesn’t want her to live the rest of her life in hiding,

Charlotte was finally escorted to her jail room and her annoying inmate came closer to her

“Wow,someone brought you food”The tallest lady said,they were four plus her (Charlotte)Making it five,

The tallest lady who seems to be the superior of the the other three made to collect the food flask from Charlotte,

“Don’t touch that!”Charlotte voice made her shivered,but she cared less and made to touch food flask again,Charlotte grabbed her wrist and bend it

“AHH!”she winced but Charlotte paid deaf ears,another lady came at her,but she kicked her and she landed back on the wall before falling to the ground,

The remaining two moved back in fear,

Charlotte released the first lady’s wrist and she fell on the floor,

“Ahh!”She cried,her wrist was totally reddish and it’s hurts badly, even though Charlotte released her already

“Don’t try $h|t with me,next time!”Charlotte spat

She opened her food flask and the sweet aroma hits her nose immediately,

She took a spoonful of the fried rice and memories of Edgar filled her skull,tears slipped down her eyes as she remembered those happy moments they shared together

“Why do things have to change??”

*”Take this”*


*”so you won’t die while I cook”*,their little conversation rang in her head

she took the second spoonful of the fried rice,

Right now her tears was uncontrollable,so she let it poured,as she ate,the memories kept hitting her head,

“Why do I miss him this much,why???”She cried


Edgar was on the treadmill with memories of Charlotte hitting his head,

He wasn’t a type to cry but tears was really insisting to pour out from those of eyes of his

“Isn’t it weird??”

“An immortal crying for an mortal??”

As the memories came,Edgar increases the speed of the treadmill,right from when he saved her ten years ago,it’s was all flashing through his memories like it happened yesterday,

He missed her alot,He badly wants to have her in his arms,his hearts beat increased whenever his with her,

“What’s all this feelings??”

Silent was his reply,

“I will make them pay,one by one they would taste my wrath!”He vowed with anger boiling in him like fire would do with a firewood,

His veins popped up and his eyes was thr_@tening to beam gold,

“What have you done to me?,Charlotte!”He muttered


The school bell rang signifying dismissal,the whole student of oxford high trooped out in groups,

Ryan was on his bike waiting for Isabella to show up,

“Isabella!”He waved when he saw,she smiled and ran to him,

He pecked her lips and she blush

“Here”He gave her an helmet

“Where to?”Isabella asked

“Ice creams”He smiled

“Yhhhhhh!!”She screamed and climbed the bike immediately,he zoomed off

In few seconds,he was already hitting the road and Isabella never stop screaming out her lungs,

“Stop shouting!”He shouted

“But you just shouted”She said and he smiled

“I love you Ryan!”

“Love you more,heartbeat!”He said and she blushed

“My new nickname,huh?”She smiled

“Yes,Do you like it?”He chuckled

“Yeah!, I love it”She shouted

“Ryan look!”Isabella shouted when she sighted a white car coming out from a sharp end,but it’s was too late as the car jammed Ryan’s bike

Ryan,Isabella together with the bike went flying in the air,Ryan was the first to fall on the ground while Isabella fell beside him

The bike landed on the windscreen of the car and it broke into pieces

Blood gushed out Ryan’s head in a snake manner,while tears slipped down his cheeks in the same manner, same with Isabella,

Their palms met with each other,they hold their palms tightly as their blood mixed with each other.







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