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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Me??”,Edgar gasp

Charlotte and Thomas wasn’t excluded,their eyes were no different to that of an owl


“I can’t do that”,Edgar said,

Thomas,somehow felt relieved

“Since Edgar didn’t agree,there’s no way he would be forced to”,he thought,

“Why??”,Charles asked

“I just don’t want–”

“It’s okay,if he doesn’t want to do it”,Thomas chipped

“Then should we cancel the $h00t then??”,Charles asked,

“Charlotte,why aren’t you saying anything?” Thomas asked,

“What do you want me to say?” Charlotte said

“Anything you agreed on,am in”,she added,

“Am here!”,a male voice sounded from the background,

“Wright?”,Charles said

“Why are you here?”,Thomas asked

“Am good at faking kiss,yunno”,Wright winked

“Am leaving”,Edgar said and left with a poker look on his face,

He came here to stop the hugging scene but he is gonna witness an kissing scene too??

Charlotte felt bad as she saw him leaving

“Lets start,go through your script for one last time”,Charles announced


“Boss,I found out everything about the unknown guy”,the usual man on black suit said,

His name is kelvin,Byram’s right hand man,he does all the dirty works for Byram,

“Go on”,Byram instructed

“His name is Edgar,a teacher in Oxford high school,he doesn’t have any family relatives”,Kelvin said

“Age?”,Byram asked

“Thirty one”,Kelvin replied

“Does he have a child or a wife?”,Byram asked

“No,he doesn’t”,Kelvin replied

“A mother?”,Byram asked

“No”,Kelvin replied

“Mmm….seems he has nothing to protect”,Byram said

“That’s not true,every human has what he or she wants to protect”,Kelvin said

“What do you mean?”,Byram asked

“We can use Charlotte”,Kelvin said and Byram smirked as he stood up from his donkey chair

“You are so good at learning,keep it up”,Byram said and ruffle kelvin’s hair,he pushed his hands into his pocket,as he started walking round Kelvin

“Since his always with Charlotte,why don’t we kidnap her parents,have always wanted to do that”,Byram smirked,

“Just give the order boss”,Kelvin bowed

“Kidnap,Clifford and his wife” Byram said and stopped walking,

“Yes boss”,Kelvin bowed


Loud screams filled the air as Francisco walked,Inside the school was a racetrack,it’s looks like a road or you can call it a road but it’s specialized for race only,

Francisco was putting on a blue jersey with a white thong,it’s was a wear suitable for sports,he also has a bandana on his head,

? Francisco!

? His ki||ing me!

? Heard Francisco is gonna race with Andrew!

? yes,it’s true!

? why?

? Dunno!

Francisco kept winking at the girls screaming his name,giving them charming smiles,

Andrew walked in,all eyes turned to him the girls mouth went slight open when they saw Andrew,

He was hot like f-__-k!

His putting on a green jersey that has white straps of line on it,which fit in the white thong he was wearing,he wasn’t putting on his glasses,which made look so cute,


? Be ki||ing me!

? Never knew he was this hot and segzy!

? His handsome too!

When the girls eyes caught what he wrote at the back of his jersey,they started screaming his new nickname,


Andrew nicknamed himself that because of it’s meaning,

“That’s bastard!”,Francisco spat,seeing Andrew getting the spotlight annoys him,

Ryan entered with a gun in his hand,he was smiling as he walks,hoping his plan would work

Seeing Francisco and Andrew fighting irritates him and makes him feel bad,the fact that pained him most was how Andrew was flogged by his own father,

He really wants to make things better and probably be friends with them,giving up on Shirley wasn’t easy but has do it

? triple R!

? triple R!

? triple R!

Ryan winked,smile and waved at the girls screaming his name,

? why is he holding a gun?

? For the race,are you that dumb?

After some minutes the students were all seated on the audience seat,the race was about to begin,Shirley and Princess was there too,

A drone was seen in the air,Jacob was controlling it,if the drone should fall,it would fall directly in the middle of Francisco and Andrew,

(For those that forget easily,Jacob is the junior male student from earlier,the one that locked the door)

Ryan who was standing behind them,pulled the trigger of the pistol,sending the bullet to the air,

When Francisco and Andrew heard the gunshot they took off,the drone followed them,but was still hanging in the air,

Francisco was running faster but Andrew was jogging,with a smirk on his face,

“He just made a stupid move”,Andrew said inwardly as he kept jogging,while Francisco was running very fast,

“Shirley is mine”,he said inwardly

Some girls was cheering up for Francisco while some were for Andrew,

Shirley was screaming Andrew name while Princess was screaming Francisco name,

When they were out of sight,the students started viewing them from the plasma TV,all thanks to the drone,

Francisco wasn’t able to run 400 metres when his leg started hurting like hell,he became tired and was breathing heavily,

His legs gave up and he fell on the ground,breathing heavily,he was still laying there when Andrew passed him,he was still jogging,

“Andrew can’t win against me”,he said and stood up,running very fast again,


Francisco and Andrew was heading towards the end line,Andrew was still jogging while Francisco was running very fast,

Francisco was very close to the rope that’s was tied between the two ends,when he collapsed on the floor,

“Fransisco!”,Shirley and Princess screamed at once,

Francisco was breathing heavily as Andrew passed him,he pass through the rope too,and it’s cut in ththe process,

Andrew won!

Francisco couldn’t move,his legs failed him

“The winner of the race is Andrew Eliot!”,Ryan said,using a microphone,

“Yes!”,Andrew screamed happily as the students ran to him,chanting his name as if he won medal,

But Shirley and Princess ran to Francisco,

“Francis! Are you okay?”,Shirley asked,with total sincerity beaming in her eyes

“Francis! What happened?,you almost won”,Princess said,but Francisco total gaze was on Shirley,smiling at her with his pale lips,

“Am fine”,he muttered,seeing how worried she is gave him a little torrent of strength,right now,he doesn’t regret loosing to Andrew,the one he wants is with him,

“Even though I loose to him in all the games,I would never loose the last game to him”,he said inwardly,

“You are not fine,you need to go to the infirmary”,Shirley said and he place his right palm on her right cheek,

“I just said am fine”,Francisco said wiping the little tears that was at the corner of her eyes,

Andrew saw Shirley with Francisco and his smile disappeared immediately,he has been looking for her with his eyes,only to find her with Francisco,

He won but the one he wants was with another,how badly that can hurt,


“I will be back”,Shirley said

“Okay”,Francisco said and she left

Shirley has been with him for the past two hours,and he really enjoyed their moment together,he was laying on a sickbed,the nurse was thru treating him,

Andrew entered

“Congratulations on your winning”,Francisco smirked,you could sense the mockery in his tone,

“Sure,Thanks”,Andrew smiled,but he was very annoyed,

“You can win in all the games,I don’t care anymore”,Francisco said

“Don’t go back on your words,when I finally do”,Andrew said

“Sure,I won’t go back on my words and you too,don’t go back on your words”,Francisco smirked

“Enjoy Shirley’s company for now,because I will surely win all the ten games”,Andrew smirked

“My pleasure”,Francisco smirked

“Thank goodness you are here Andrew”,Ryan said coming in,he came to see Francisco,but he’s gonna used the opportunity to announce the second game

“What’s the second Game?”,Francisco and Andrew asked at the same time,

“Swimming competition”,Ryan said

“How bad,am not good at it”,Francisco smirked

“Sure,am winning again”,Andrew smiled

“Guys,am facing trial on the 27th of this month”,Ryan said,

“What–“,they gasp

“I segzually assaulted a girl”,Ryan said

“You going to jail?”,Andrew asked

“Nah,this is not the first time,but am feeling guilty this time around”,Ryan said

“Can’t believe am feeling guilty,what’s has come over me??”,he said

“Okay,I will take my leave”,Andrew said and left,

“I will leave you to rest,take care of yourself bro”,Ryan said and left

Francisco brought out his phone and tap the google app,

“HARETON EARNSHAW”,he searched on Google,and it brought out Hareton’s public about,

Francisco zoomed his picture

“Am coming for you, Hareton Earnshaw”,he smirked


Edgar walked towards the door,he was at his gym when he heard a knock on the door,right now he was shirtless,

His hotness was something to die for,his eight packs adding to his hotness,he isn’t that handsome but sure,his hotness covered up for him,

He opened the door revealing Charlotte,

“Been a while you visit”,Edgar said as she walked in,

“You won’t die if you visit me”,she rolled her eyes and he smiled,closing the door,

“You didn’t go to school today?”,she asked

“I came back early,school is yet to be dismiss,I came back home since my class for the day is over”,he said

“Okay,Why are you sweaty?”,she asked

“I was in my gym”,he replied

“You have a gym?”,She asked

“Yes,I used the remaining empty room for that”,Edgar said,

“Okay,can I have a look?”,she asked

“Sure”,he replied,and they walked to the gym

“Woah!”,she said staring at the small room (gym),it’s was small but very beautiful,

“You like it?”,he asked

“Yes do you practice archery?”,she said staring the bow and arrow,

“Not really,but I would teach you if you want”,he said

“Sure,why don’t you teach me”,she said and he took the arrow and bow,he gave it to her and went behind her,

He held her hands from the behind and started teaching her,

No matter how he tried teaching her,she wasn’t still getting it,she missed the whole target!

Fifteen minutes past but still,she was missing the target,

“I don’t think I will be ever be good at this”,she said

“Let’s try one more time”,he said,his right hand held her right hand as she picked another arrow,he was still behind her,

His left hand was holding her left hand too as she insert the arrow into the bow,

“I should teach you how to defend yourself some other time,do you want to learn?”,he asked

“Maybe,but first archery,have always wanted to learn this”,she said

“Okay”,he said

“Now,stare at your target”,he said and she obeyed,

“Don’t allow yourself to be a victim of tension,free your mind and focus”,he said and she was doing exactly as he told her,

“Breath in—“,he said and she did just that

“Breath out”,he said and she breathed out

“Now $h00t”,he said and she released the arrow,

“Yes!”,she screamed when the arrow got stuck on the target,

“Yes,I did it!”,she screamed and almost fall but Edgar was quick to hold her,he held her on her waist,

Her eyes met with his,slowly she looked down to his shirtless body,she felt a lump on her throat as she stared at his perfect eight packs,

She has seen alot of shirtless guys but the feeling she’s getting right now was totally different from the feelings she get when she see a bare chest of a guy,maybe because of a scene in a movie or maybe reality

She could hear the louds thuds which she could swear was derived from her chest,

“Am too segzy,right?”,Edgar winked at her,that’s when her senses returned,

“segzy?,you look like a goat”,she said

“Mmeee!”,he heard a goat bleat in his head


Andrew was walking on the hallway heading towards the classroom,when a hand pulled him to a corner,

“Who the hell–“,he stop when he saw princess,a smirk crept on his lips,

“It’s you”,he said

“Let’s be straight forward,we can help each other yunno,I want Francisco,you want Shirley,let’s help each Other,what do you think?”,Princess smiled

“I think you are mad”,Andrew said and left without saying anything else,

“Me??……Mad??”,she gasp


In front of Thomas gate,was Helena’s car parked,she was inside her car continuously dailing Thomas’s number but it’s was unreachable,

She hasn’t seen him since yesterday,to make matter worst,his line has been unreachable since then,

She knocked a million times on the gate but got no response,

“What’s happening?”,she said to herself,trying hard not to get emotional but she already is,

“Let me call Charlotte”,she said and dailed Charlotte’s number,she picked up almost immediately,

“Hey babe”,she spoke up

[27TH JUNE 2023>>FRIDAY>>10AM]

Five hefty men stopped a moving car,they were carrying guns,from their looks,they seems to be dangerous gangster’s,

Inside the car was Clifford and Catherine,the five hefty men forced them into the booth,they entered the car and zoomed off,

After 20 minutes ride,they stopped at a old looking house,they took Clifford and Catherine into the house but kept them in different rooms,

Clifford was tied to a chair,Byram then came out from his hiding place,

“Nice to meet you,Mr president”,Byram said

“Byr…..Byr….Byram!”,Clifford shuttered,he was shocked but he overcome it immediately,his wife life is more important,

“Please,don’t harm Catherine”,he pleaded

“Sure,I won’t”,Byram smirked

“But…but,how could you,Byram,I did everything for you”,Clifford said in tears

“You did what?,handing over the company to your daughter when am alive?”,Byram yelled

“Byram,where is my wife?,she was kidnapped with me,why was she taking to another room,bring her i want to see her”,Clifford yelled

“Sure you would see and watch how I f-__-k her in front of you”,Byram said



“Please,help my daughter”,a man pleaded with Jennie,he is Isabella father,the girl that got segzually assaulted by Ryan,

“Alright,I will try my best,Mr Gabriel”,Jennie said

“All rise”,a voice sounded as the Judge entered the court,everyone stood up and when the Judge sat on his seat,they sat down too,

“Defendant counsel begin”,The Judge said

“Yes,my Lord”,Hareton said and stood up,he bowed at the Judge,

“First of all,I will like to ask the victim few questions”,Hareton said

“Go ahead”,the Judge said

“Isabella,How do you get assaulted by my Client,Ryan Rodgiro?”,Hareton asked

“I was coming back from school,I decided to wait for someone,Ryan walked to me and started touching my private parts”,Isabella said in tears,

“I tried defending myself but he overpowered me”,she added,

“Who were you waiting for?”,Hareton asked

“Objection my Lord,the defendant counsel is asking an irrelevant question”,Jennie said

“What do you mean by that?,it’s necessary to know who she was waiting for”,Hareton said

“Objection overruled”,the judge said,and Hareton smiled while Jennie frowned

“I was waiting for……for…..Ryan”,she shuttered and all eyes widened,


Ryan was staring at Isabella with tears in his eyes,he just feeling like ending the whole thing,but the problem is,how??

“You see,she just admit that she was waiting for Ryan,that’s means she is crushing on my client and when he wasn’t giving her the attention she wanted,she framed him for segzual assault”,Hareton said and Jennie gasp

“Objection my Lord,the defendant counsel is cooking up stories”,Jennie said

“Objection overruled”,the Judge said and Jennie ruffled her hair,

“Calm down”,Kingsley said beside her

“They are driving me crazy”,Jennie said

Stella was watching with a smile on her lips,

“Is what I said true?”,Hareton asked Isabella

“No,it’s not true,I didn’t frame anyone”,she said in tears and Hareton smirked

“Here,I present to you all,the witness that would tell us the truth of what happened,the victims father,Mr Gabriel”,Hareton said and Mr Gabriel stood up

As he stood,Jennie gave him an,”what’s going on” look,but he ignored,he went to the witness seat

“I swear to say nothing but the truth,if I lie,I would face the punishment for Perjury”,Mr Gabriel sworn

“Mr Gabriel,can you repeat what you told me yesterday at the bar”,Hareton said

“Yes,My daughter here once told me that she has a crush on Ryan and will do everything within her power to have him”,Mr Gabriel said

People start murmuring within themselves,Jennie was shocked to the bones,Stella and Hareton were smiling,Ryan has tears at the corner of his eyes while Mr Gabriel hid his face in guilty

“Father! Why??”,Isabella said,she was in tears as she spoke,

“Am sorry my daughter,I have no choice”,Mr Gabriel said inwardly







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