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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 5

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Episode 5

When we arrived home, I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed John into the house. As we got inside, he placed his keys on the hook beside the door and walked inside the room. I stood in the corridor for a few minutes, lost on what to do. Eventually, I gained the courage to walk into our bedroom.

When I walked in, I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I sighed, taking off my shoes and placing them in the closet. Then I went back into the room and sat down on the bed, waiting for him to finish.

As soon as he did, he opened the door, not minding his nakedness. He made his way closer, ignoring me completely, causing my heart to sink. I sat there patiently as I heard him shuffling around. At last, he came out still naked but with clothes in his hands. He made his way to our bed and sat down still ignoring me. Taking this as an opportunity to apologize. I made my way behind him. Drops of water from his shower still glistened on his dark skin.

I reached a hand out to touch his back softly before deciding otherwise. “I’m sorry,” I whispered as I say behind him. He turned around suddenly and gently grabbed my hand.

“No, I should be the one apologizing,” He spoke. “I’ve been stressed from work and wanting to have a family with you. And I haven’t been the best I could be,” he added.

Stunned as I was, I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t used to John apologizing to me, as horrible as it sounds. Usually, I was the one saying sorry so there would be peace. And I also felt like most of the fights or perhaps the disagreements were my fault. But this time, John said sorry to me and I foolishly felt hope blossom inside of me.

“It’s okay. Thank you for apologizing,” I leaned in and pecked at his lips. “I love you,” I added.

“Mhm,” he murmured before he leaned in and captured my lips with his. As our mouths fused, John’s tongue darted inside, eliciting a Mõ@ɲ from me. Seeing that our one-shared kiss was becoming heated, I broke it off.

“What’s wrong?” he asked once I backed away. John’s eyes were still staring at my lips.

“We’re taking a break, remember?” our eyes met and he sucked in his teeth before looking away.

“Yeahhh.” He deflated and then moved from the bed to our closet. I knew he was disappointed, but I wasn’t interested in having segz.

When he came out, he was wearing boxers and a t-shirt. He made his way to our bed again and lay down. “Why don’t you take a shower and then we can watch a movie?”

I guess John must’ve felt bad earlier if he was willing to compromise. I nodded affirmatively to his question before making my way into the bathroom.

As soon as I went in, I turned on the shower heater. I decided to wipe my makeup off and clean my face at the sink. I wasn’t wearing a lot, so it didn’t take too long. As soon as my face was cleared, I jumped in the shower.

Using my sponge and soap, I started to wash my body as my thoughts went back to what happened earlier in the day. I was happy John took us out to eat today. It felt good to get out of the house, which we hardly do. Although I was happy at first, John’s comments really hurt me and were unnecessary. Even though I apologized to him, I still didn’t understand why he thought I was flirting with the waiter. But the waiter was obviously being silly.

Thinking back on the waiter, I hope he didn’t get into trouble, judging from the look on his colleague who eventually attended to us.
However, I hope my conversation with his colleague would help me. I can’t tell why I was thinking so hard on two strangers. Specifically, the one who talked to me in the bathroom. Maybe it was because of his kindness towards me or his looks.

Taking a moment, to be honest with myself, the dude was very handsome. He was so tall and broad, and his eyes were charming. A shiver ran down my back as I thought of the man. The way our eyes clashed as we glanced into each other’s eyes. Brief but our stares felt long as if I didn’t want to look away. Maybe I was just delusional. I was married for Christ’s sake!! I have never looked at another man since I first met my husband. So why is this waiter affecting me so much? I asked myself.

Feeling the water run cold, I hadn’t realized I had been in here for so long. I shut the water off, moved the shower curtain, and stepped out. I walked to the sink to grab the towel that had been laid out earlier and began to dry myself off.

Soon enough, I wrapped the towel around me and left the bathroom to go to the closet. There I changed into my pajamas and headed out to see John still laying on the bed, but with the TV on. I walked to the bed and crawled on, laying right beside him.

“What are you watching?” I asked him.
“American movie. Come here.” He said, and without taking his eyes off the screen, he lifted his arm, inviting me in.

I shuffled closer to him before laying under his arm, cuddling. I felt some guilt because of my shower thoughts earlier. What kind of wife thinks of another man she doesn’t know? But I decided to push that to the back of my mind and focused on the now which was me snuggling with my husband.

I snuggled up against him, chest to chest, my heartbeat slowly catching up to his, as if our bodies reacted simultaneously to our warm touch. Both of our bodies were buried under the covers, yet I could see his silhouette from the dim light peering in. The light made my body shine, very little beads of sweat glistening on his small forehead. His lips softer than the softest thing you can think of.

I couldn’t think of anything better to than kiss them. I kissed his cheek lightly, and closed my eyes for a second, silently inhaling and exhaling. When I opened them, I saw him slowly opening his eyes like a baby opening its eyes for the first time. A smile slides across his face.

I pressed my chest against his, my heartbeat starting to pace with his again. I grabbed his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. Our lips meet at the slightest and softest touch, then they part.

I was engulfed in my passion for him, that I didn’t even realize his lips moving. I smiled at him, playing with his hair lightly. “I love you..” I finally say, slowly.

“All the things they say about love, it’s true.. You know how I know? Because I get to wake up in your arms every morning. You prove it to me every single day, by not doing a single thing, except being here in the morning. That’s all you have to do, and my day is already going to be just fine.” John said.

He smiled and kissed my nose. “I think you’re my soulmate,” he said. “What makes you say that?” I asked curiously.

“Well, I love you. You wanna know why? Because I don’t have to work at being happy when I’m with you. Any time with you is the right time. Nothing is ever wrong if you’re by my side. What I feel for you seems so inhuman at times. You make me into this person I’ve never been before, a person I’m proud to be. The same me that I love, you love as well… that’s amazing. You’re not the easiest person to love, but you’re my soulmate because you’re the twin to my soul. What I feel for you is deeper than the heart, the mind, the whole body… deeper than this room, this house, this neighborhood, this state, this country… even this whole world.”

We lay there for a while longer, looking for more words to say.
But maybe it’s true what they say, that silence is golden.
Because the look in his eyes told me everything I’d ever wanted to hear.

Do I really love him as much as he loves me?

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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