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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 44

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~ Mary’s POV ~

The smell of yam, potatoes, and burnt toast filled the small apartment. My heels clacked along the hardwood floor as my body scurried within the kitchen. Glancing at my phone on the counter as the alarm went off again. I had about five minutes before I have to leave for work.

“What is going on here?”

Comfort’s voice came out from the living room. Still dressed in her pajamas, I imagined, she yawned aloud.
Not sparing her a glance, I took the potatoes off the gas before placing some on a plate that had a side of yam on it already.

“I was trying to make you a big breakfast, but I woke up late this morning,” I told her as I moved to the toaster.

Despite the bread burning my hands, I took it out before smearing jelly on it. Placing the toast on the plate beside the yam and potatoes, I turned around and walked toward her with a smile.

“I would have made eggs and noodles, too, but..”

“You know I’m not an early bird, Mary.” She reached a hand out toward the plate and looked down at it with a grin.

“I’m about to tear this up. God, I’m seriously going to miss your cooking when I leave. Thank youuuu.”

“You are welcome,” I told her before I wiped the counters down with a wet rag.

“I thought you were going to sleep in my room again, but you never came.”

Since moving in a week and a half ago, she didn’t want me to sleep on the couch. So she insisted we share her bed because she didn’t want me to be uncomfortable.

Comfort and I have shared beds many times, so I had no issue with it. Plus, her bed was very comfortable.
Taking a moment to answer her question, I hesitated. “Oh…,” she trailed off, her voice beginning to tease me.

“Oh, what?” I asked, shrugging her off.

However, I knew where she was heading. She ate another piece of potato before speaking again “You were talking to Abbey all night, huh!”

Choosing not to respond, my alarm went off again, signaling that it was time for me to go.

After my finger pressed ‘stop’ to turn it off, my phone received a text message. My eyes scanned over it briefly. This man was always on time.
Putting the rag down in the sink, I turned to Comfort. “I’ve gotta go,” I told her as I went into the living room to fetch my purse and new house keys.

“Yeah, yeah.” She waved me off.

“You are lucky this time. Don’t think you’re off the look.” She pointed her fork at me with a small laugh.

“Wh@ťěver.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh, I’ll probably be home late tonight,” I informed Comfort as I headed toward the door.

“Mhm, have a good day at work, and don’t forget to wear protection when you and Abbey meet,” she said, laughing.

I slammed the door shut to cut off her words. Though it didn’t do good as I could still hear her laughing from within the apartment. Shaking my head at her antics, I rushed out of the building.

Comfort wasn’t wrong about her assumptions. Following my departure from Abbey and Shola’s place, Abbey and I have found other ways to spend time together. We would settle after having had a long day and then have late video calls with each other.

Sometimes they would end at about one in the morning, but last night we pushed the limit. Neither of us cared that we had work in the morning. Choosing to stay on until about four in the morning, if I’m not mistaken.
I didn’t think would miss him this much, but I did. My mind and body craved him in a way I’ve never felt toward my husband.

Speaking of, I’ve been keeping my mind off John.

Lately, my feelings for him have waned tremendously. What I had once thought of as love has spiraled into something darker.

I was beyond upset with him for everything he did and even angrier with myself. I chose to marry him. At one point, John was my everything. The man I’d do anything for, but now my eyes see that what I thought of as love may not have been love at all.

I wonder if what we had was real or did I make it all up in my mind? Too scared to be alone that I romanticized him.

The honk of a car beeping shook me from my thoughts. The sight of a sleek black car parked in front had me eyeing it in confusion.
Suddenly, the passenger door opened and out came a man dressed in blue slacks, a white long-sleeve shirt with a golden cross necklace dangling from his neck.


“Mary.” He dipped his head at me in greeting before he beckoned me closer. Walking toward him, a smile crept on my face.

“Hi,” I waved at him.

“Did you get a new car? I thought you were a stranger when I saw the car.”

“Yeah, adding it to the collection,” he said with a grin before we walked together to the passenger side. Opening the door for me, I threw him a grateful look before getting in the vehicle. He closed the door behind me after making sure I was alright. It smelled like a brand-new car, so he wasn’t lying.

Along with it was his natural sandalwood scent. The interior was nice with leather and spacious seats. It also had a touch screen in the car with a lot of apps.
While I was busy taking in the car’s appearance, Shola got into the driver’s side.

“Technically to Abbey’s collection, not mine.” He added.


“Seatbelts,” he said, and I followed his command.

Reaching over my right shoulder to put it on as he did the same with his. “Yeah, Abbey wanted me to pick it up on my way to you. Did he show you the rest of his cars yet?”

Shaking my head, “No. How many does he have?”

“I think four,” he chuckled before pulling from the curb. “He has a thing for sports cars. I’m sure he’ll show you one day.”

“For some reason, I would have thought you were into those types of cars,” I admitted.

“Why is that?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Don’t most military men like that kind of stuff?” I asked jokingly, causing him to laugh.

Since moving, the two men have been stubborn about taking me to work. Not wanting me to ride the bus. Turns out they were truly committed to helping me out, so they took turns driving me to and from work. There wasn’t a schedule in place now, but the night before I’d get a text from either of them telling me who’ll be there in the morning.

Today was Shola’s turn and so far it wasn’t bad. He’s taken me to work a few times since I moved. The first few times were awkward as we didn’t have much to say.

However, gradually we started to converse. Although we weren’t buddy-buddy yet, we were slowly becoming friends.

“I’m actually more of a simple man. Don’t you remember me picking you up in a Mercedes?” he asked with a grin while keeping his eyes on the road.

I shrugged. “Yes, and a Mercedes is expensive. That’s far from simple.”
“True, but it’s not that expensive vehicle. Besides, it’s not about the price that makes it simple, it’s about the look and quality of it.”

“If you say so,” I told him with a slight shake of my head. I was holding back a laugh while he glanced at me as we came upon a red light.

“Hmm,” he hummed. “I’ve been thinking…” He trailed off going off-topic.

“Thinking of what?”

“Well, we hardly know each other, and I want to know more about you.”

“Ok. Do I get to ask you some questions too?” I asked him, tempted to go along with his idea. He nodded in response. “Of course. You go first.”

“Um,” I paused, thinking of what to ask him.

“What made you go into the military?”

He hesitated. The grin on his lips tilted downwards slightly before he schooled his features.

Clearing his throat, he spoke up. “My father was in the military and at the time, I wanted to follow his footsteps.”

“Oh, is he still in..?

“He’s dead.”

Despite the easy-going smile on his face, the topic seemed anything, but clearly, that was a sore subject for him, but I wouldn’t question it. “What about you?” Any family?” He asked, to which I tilted my head.

“I’m an orphan. I met Comfort in school and she’s like a sister to me.”
“d@mn. That’s good you met her then. Do you know what happened to your parents? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“No. I was going to look for them, but I changed my mind.” I told him, moving my gaze to the window to loom outside.

“Why?” At his question this time I was the one who hesitated. Remembering the time Abbey asked me the same question.

“Have you tried to find out who your birth parents are?” he asked cautiously.

“I wanted to after I graduated from Secondary school, but then I went to Uni. And that was, well, I didn’t have the best time. Then at some point, I just left it alone.”

Thinking back, I decided to tell Shola the same thing. It sounds better than the truth as to why I really stopped searching. More so that I never began looking in the first place.

“Sore subject?” he asked after I answered him. Realizing that the smoke that was once on my face was now gone.

“More like a sore past. Sometimes I dislike thinking about how I grew up. Everything is tied into who I am now if that makes sense.”

A beat of silence passed by as we got lost in our thoughts.


Opening his door, he exited the car before walking over to the passenger side. It’s weird how I’ve gotten so used to him and Abbey doing this for me. Although the gesture was small, it was chivalrous and made me happy. I stepped out of the car once he opened my door.

“Thank you, Shola,” I said as he closed the door behind me.

“No problem, Mary. And don’t suggest taking a taxi, Uber, or wh@ťěver. I’ll be picking you up. Text or call me if you leave early or need anything I’ll see you later,” I nodded up at him.

“Bye, Shola.” I waved at him before I began walking towards the doors. Once inside, I turned around to see his car pull off. He always waits until I’m in the building to finally leave. Placing my signature work smile on my face, I greeted a few of my coworkers and then headed toward my office.
I had plenty of clients to get through today.

With a tired sigh, I finished reviewing one of my client’s files. Placing the files into a folder titled with the client’s name, I moved it into my middle drawer. Settling it with the other files that I have on others. When I heard my phone ring, I knew it was Shola. I called him about a half hour ago, telling him I was getting off work soon. He had told me he was on his way, so the text must mean he was outside waiting.

Standing up from the desk, I made sure I didn’t leave additional papers out. I also made sure to collect my bag and phone before walking out of the room.
As usual, the hallways were less crowded and more empty around this time. By now, people were either home or leaving the facility.
While leaving, I said my goodbyes to my other coworkers until I reached the main lobby.

Right as I exited the doors to the facility, I noticed Shola standing by his car dressed in the same clothes from earlier.

However, this time, he wore sunglasses. He was once he saw me and right as I was about to do the same, my name was called. I recognized that voice. My attention moved to my left and I was shocked to see him dressed in his police uniform. He took long strides toward me. My pulse raced as he approached me.

My eyes glanced away from his to see Shola looking at me in concern as I neared panic. I guess he saw something he didn’t like on my face because he instantly started making his way toward me. I was going to faint. This cannot be happening. I shook my head at him subtly, causing him to stop in his tracks.

Though I may not have done well in being subtle because the man in front of me began to turn. I grabbed onto his arm, stopping him.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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