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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 43

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~ Mary’s POV ~

“Mary!” Comfort exclaimed once she opened the door to her apartment. A huge smile was on her face as her eyes brightened with excitement, feeling her happiness drift from her in waves made some of my anxiousness go away.

“I see you have brought someone with you.” She peered at me, seeing Abbey, who had the majority of my things in his hands.

“Comfort this is….”

“Abbey, nice to meet you in person.” She greeted him. Before he could reply, she ushered us into her home.

“Come in, come in. My neighbors are nosey sometimes, especially the ones across the other side.”

Comfort lead us inside the apartment, and the door shut behind us. Since I was already familiar with her place, I set a few things down by the kitchen insisting Abbey does the same with my bag.

As soon as we placed my stuff down, Abbey stepped up from behind, holding a small bag and a bottle of wine.

“Lovely to meet you too, Comfort,” Abbey greeted her with a smile.

“I brought you a little something.”

Comfort’s eyes rose in surprise as she eyed the gift before she accepted them. If possible, her smile widened as she beamed at Abbey. She set the wine on the kitchen counter before she peered inside the bag. She then pulled out two items, gasping in surprise.

It shows that Abbey paid attention when I mentioned Comfort moving to the UK.

“Thank you so much!” she said to him before placing the items down on the counter. She then opened her arms; inviting Abbey in for a hug which he gladly accepted as they hugged each other for a brief moment. I couldn’t help but feel happy at the sight before me.

When they pulled apart, she spoke again. “I love it! And we are definitely tasting this expensive-looking wine tonight.” She said jokingly.

“Not a problem. I was hoping to take the two of you out,” he stated, gaining my attention. He didn’t mention this earlier. “To celebrate.”

His eyes moved from Comfort to me as he gave me a small grin. My pulse sped up as he caught me in his gaze.

“Is this why you insisted I get dressed today instead of wearing a sweater?” I asked him.

Although I had planned to wear something simple while moving, Abbey had insisted I dress up a bit more. Instead of wearing a dress, I wore high-waist-jeans and a white button-up shirt leaving only three of the button open, showing a bit of my chest, and a necklace gifted to me by Abbey some time ago.

She shrugged innocently. “Maybe.” He said, causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

“Oh, you two are cute,” Comfort commented on us, capturing our attention. Her eyes watched us with amusement and I looked away, embarrassed. Abbey, on the other hand, let out a small chuckle. “Let me grab something from my room and we can head out.”

When we nodded, she went off to her room, leaving us alone in the room.

“You’re sneaky,” I told him sincerely once Comfort’s door slammed shut. His head turned to me, our eyes connecting as if drawn by a magnet.

“How?” he asked, coming closer to me.

“Making sure I got all nice and pretty so we can go out,” I told him and he laughed.

“You look pretty every day, Mary,” he replied. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from how hard I was smiling.

He gathered me in his arms, kissing my forehead before he looked down at me again.

“I didn’t say it earlier, but you look beautiful, darling.

“Alright guys,” Comfort said as she re-entered the room with a smile. “I’m ready to go.”

The three of us soon exited the apartment and headed outside, toward Abbey’s car. He opened the door for both of us and made sure we were settled in. Then he rounded the car to enter the driver’s seat, starting the car and pulling off once he had his seatbelt on.


A few hours later and the three of us were chatting away as if we were lifetime friends. Well, as if Abbey had been friends with Comfort and me forever, conversing on different topics, and flowed easily as we sat in the restaurant. Our plates before us lay empty save for a few scraps here and there.

Although it had been long since we finished eating, Comfort and I kept sipping on our wine. I was attempting to take it easy as to not embarrass myself like I had done before in Abbey’s presence.
But the casual, yet exquisite restaurant Abbey had taken us had delectable wine. It was so good —too good; it screamed rich.

It was a welcome sight to see my best friend and lover getting along. Maybe it was the businessman in him, but Abbey had charmed Comfort. It was apparent she liked him based on the looks she would $h00t me from time to time.

She wore a sly grin, even while taking a sip of her wine. I knew that grin, and it meant that she could hardly wait for the chance to talk to me one on one. She seized the opportunity to talk when Abbey took a restroom break. The second he was out of earshot, she beamed at me, wiggling her brows.

“Sweetheart,” she pointed in his direction.

“He’s a man. I mean he’s wow, Mary. Just wow!”

It wasn’t often I got to see my friend’s mind blown, yet here she was, stunned. Even as she smiled, her wide eyes portrayed how she really felt. I laughed, partly from the alcohol in my system and her expression.

“I’m serious! He’s the perfect gentleman and sweet, and,” she paused, her eyes narrowing on me.

“You haven’t been able to take your eyes off him, not once. Like I can feel the energy between you too.”


“And vice versa. It’s cute the way he looks at you when you aren’t looking. Like he wants to gobble you up.” She said jokingly with a laugh.

Deciding to be cheeky, I replied. “He did last night.”

I winked at her. Her eyes widened before we both began to laugh. Not caring about the other people in the room whose stares I could feel at the back of my head.

Once we became quiet, she nudged my shoulder with her hand, lightly. Her smile became gentler as she peered at me softly. I haven’t seen you this way in a long time, Mary,” she said, her voice lowered before she looked away solemnly.
My smile dimmed into a frown. “What do you mean?”

“Happy. Carefree.”

A beat of silence passed as I sat lost for words. Looking back on the time spent here with Abbey, I have been smiling more. My shoulders were no longer tense and I didn’t feel dread like I used to. I was contented, and I loved the feeling.

Suddenly, my brain seemed to remember the small object in my pocket. I glanced down before bringing my eyes up to Comfort again.

“I know this is a bad time, but,” gaining her attention, I showed her my hand. Her face held confusion until her eyes zeroed in on my wedding finger.
A gasp left her lips as she saw no marks of the ring that once bore my finger.

“You haven’t put it back on? When did you stop?” she asked?”

“A while ago, when I think about putting it on, I feel burdened and sad. So d@mn sad. It’s like a mood ki||er or something.” I tried to say jokingly but it came out lame.


“I know we discussed this weeks ago and how terrified I am leaving John, but the truth is, I do think about it often.

“This is the first step,” she placed my hand in hers, tightening her grip. “You are doing the right thing by living on your own. Even though I’ll be with you for a few more weeks, I know it’s scary, sweetheart. But sometimes you have to run toward what scares you the most so that you will never be terrified again.”


“This isn’t just your independence, Mary. You know in your heart that this is your very first step to leaving John, you can say no at any time and go back to him, but let me lay out the facts. You’ve been falling for another man. You were kicked out by a husband who’s supposed to love and cherish you. You took off a ring you swore on your life you never would, and after all these years, you don’t carry this shroud of darkness around you.”

I loosened one of my hands to rub at my eyes, feeling the waterworks come. As bad as my eyes wanted to flood, I didn’t want to be embarrassed for crying in public

“Most importantly you have a choice. You were young and didn’t know much. I understand that. But Mary, you’re an adult who has a career, and you have a man who clearly has strong feelings for you. Stop thinking about the past, sweety. You don’t owe John anything no matter what he’s said to you. You owe yourself.”

“You are going to make me cry,” I sniffled hearing every word she spoke. She laughed, fighting back her tears.

“I know,” she giggled before clearing her throat and getting back to the topic.

“Now answer me this; do you want to go back home?” she asked, referring to the house I had shared with John.

I didn’t have to think before I answered. “No.”

“Then you know what to do.”


The moon above shone brightly showing our shadows below, stuck closer together like glue. A light breeze blew by as Abbey and I walked hand in hand on the sidewalk. No destination in mind. We just basked in each other’s company. It’s been a few hours since Abbey took Comfort and I out to eat.

When we returned to my new home, Comfort informed us she was going to hit the sheet (going to bed) $h00ting me a side look which told me that she was giving Abbey and I a chance to be alone.

God, I just love her.

Comfort thanked Abbey for the meal and that it was nice meeting him. She then tossed me my new spare keys before she walked into her bedroom.
Although he hadn’t said anything, I could sense that Abbey was happy to spend more time with me. His eyes shone brightly as he suggested we take a stroll around the neighborhood.

After exiting the apartment, we headed in one direction and have been walking for minutes. We didn’t speak much and remained in comfortable silence until Abbey ki||ed the silence by talking.

“I’m going to miss you.” He said, causing me to look up at him.
“We’ll still see each other a lot since you don’t want me to take the bus,” I rolled my eyes, smiling. “And you can visit or I can go to your place when you want to have fun.”

He chuckled. “I’m not just talking about segz, Mary. I’ll miss waking up next to you and seeing your sleepy face.”

My heart beat faster at his words. “I’ll miss seeing your smile every hour of the day except when I’m at work, cooking for you, hugging you whenever I want..”

“Abbey…,” We stopped walking, facing one another.

“Kissing you,” he whispered, leaning down to lay a kiss on my forehead.

“Whenever I want.”

After planting a kiss on my temple, he began peppering kisses all over my face. From my head, eyes, nose, chin, and finally, he captures my lips. My eyes fluttered shut as I sighed pleasantly.

Loving how soft he felt against me, I practically melted into a puddle as his tongue sought out mine.

Luckily, Abbey’s hands had a firm grip on my waist to keep me steady. Otherwise, I would have fallen

Backing away slightly, Abbey looked down at me with a soft smile. In the moonlight, Abbey looked so handsome. His black hair swayed with the breeze and his eyes made me want to swoon.

“I’m going to miss you too,” I said, finally speaking up. Looking back into his eyes, feeling that spark between us once more.

Removing one hand from my waist, he tugged me tighter to him, getting us close as we were before we eventually turned around and began walking home.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

This story is gradually coming to an end…

John’s POV?
We’ll surely hear from John before it ends, so relax. ?

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