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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 41

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 3

Episode 41

~ Mary’s POV ~

“Hey, you two,” my ears perked at his greetings.

“What’s up?”

“Hi Shola,” I replied, looking at him before moving my eyes to the tv screen.

“Watching a show,” said Abbey, and I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

His voice was feared toward Shola, but his attention was still on me until he spoke up again and his eyes left the side of my head. “How was work?”

“Boring,” Shola walked further into the apartment into the kitchen. “Did you cook?”

“Do you smell food?” Abbey asked and when Shola said no, he continued.

“There is your answer.”

A laugh bubbled up past my lips at Abbey’s reply. I tried to hide it by using a hand to cover my mouth, but it didn’t help. Shola grumbling in the kitchen as he searched for food made the situation even funnier.

“Don’t be mean,” I told Abbey as my laughter faded.

Facing him, he had a grin on his face.

“Yeah, Abbey, don’t be an @zz to the soldier risking his life for our country,” Shola said, walking back to the living room.

“You go to the base and sit in a chair all day playing video games on your phone. What exactly are you risking?” Abbey retorted with a chuckle.

“Abbey!” Grabbing a pillow off the couch, I started hitting him with it. He leaned back, throwing his hands up to shield himself while laughing. To add to my embarrassment, a few chuckles flowed out of Shola’s mouth as well.

Stopping my assault on Abbey, I turned my head to Shola and pointed the pillow at him.

“Are you going to get hit, too?” he froze shaking his head and holding his hands up in surrender.

“No, no, carry on. In fact, I need a shower.” He got up before walking away, keeping his eyes on me the entire time while I narrowed mine on his, playfully.

When he walked upstairs, I turned my attention to Abbey, raising the pillow once more.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he chuckled, with his hands raised in front of him.

Placing the pillow back down, he sat up from his position. His eyes held a spark of amusement as he reached his hands out of me. Shuffling closer to him, he wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my forehead. When he pulled back, I took that as an opportunity to lean in and kiss his lips softly.

“Do you surrender?” I asked, my voice lowering into a seductive whisper.
“Always, pretty.” He spoke right before his lips molded into mine once more.

This was one of the main reasons I felt so deeply about Abbey. We could be silly one moment to being passionate the next. I’ve never experienced anything quite like this before. A fire has always been quick to ignite between us. So hot and powerful, yet dangerous the more I got lost in him.

What had started as innocent kisses turned into more? Gripping me by my waist, Abbey lifted me, placing me in his lap. Thus, causing me to straddle him as our kiss deepened. With my hands resting on his cheeks, I Mõ@ɲed, letting his tongue slip in and seek mine while his hands roamed my body.

Drifting down from my waist to cup my @zz, adjusting me so my body could grind on his d!ck, practically dry-humping him.

He groaned, “Mary.” The sound of his voice was full of lust and my heart was flattering and my lower lips became excited. It was crazy how he had such an effect on me. I was sore from earlier but I wanted him inside me again. He pulled away. “We have to stop or you’ll be even more than you are now.”

“I know.” He was right.

Plus, Shola could come back down any minute. Although the two of us have been on the path to becoming friends, finding Abbey and I this way would be awkward. Honestly, it’d probably set us back a bit. I’m sure he still wasn’t on board with Abbey seeing me because I was married.

I wasn’t expecting him to be, but I wanted things around here to be simple. At least, until it was time for me to go which was what I had forgotten to mention to Abbey.

Removing myself from Abbey’s arms, I sat beside him, looking up into his beautiful eyes as I thought over what I’d say.

“Abbey, I want to talk to you about something,” I said. Hearing the seriousness of my tone, he straightened up. Reaching for the remote on the table, he turned the TV down before focusing his attention on me.

“What is it?”

“Well, I know I agreed to stay here, but I think it’d be best if I leave.” Before I could elaborate he spoke up.

“Did I do something wrong?” he questioned.

“No, not at all. It’s just that I was scared to be alone. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I have abandonment issues,” A humorless laugh escaped me before I sighed.

“I..I’m uncertain about a lot of things concerning my future. Especially with my marriage. Since my school days, I’ve depended on my husband for everything. Now that I’ve been thrown out I’m not too sure where to go from here.”


“I love staying with you,” I cut him off.

“Truly. But I have to learn to be independent. I can’t wait until I’m thrown out again.”

“I thought the same of my husband,” I said tearfully.

“And I know you aren’t him. You’re an entirely different man who’s shown me so much kindness. But there are too many what-ifs, Abbey. I don’t want to feel the way I did that night, not again.”

Looking away from his pitching gaze, I stared off to the side. The two of us sat there in uncomfortable silence. I wondered what he was thinking and hoped he wasn’t upset at me.

Suddenly, I felt his warm hands clasp gently on my own.

“I understand.” He mumbled. Glancing back at him, his gaze was swift as he eyed me.

“Do you have somewhere safe to go?”

I nodded.

“I’ll be staying with my friend, Comfort. Then I’ll take over her place when she leaves.”

“So when are you leaving?”

“I was thinking of moving on after two weeks, but I’ll have to confirm with Comfort.” I paused, letting it seep in. It’d give me more time to spend with Abbey while I was here. “I still want to try with us. If you’d like to.”

A sigh of relief escaped him. “Of course, pretty. I was worried you were breaking it off completely. It may not mean much, but I’ll support you no matter what. I’ll just have to cuddle with my pillow more after you leave.” He said jokingly and I laughed. The tense air of the room drifted away.

“It means more than you know. Although Abbey has become more of a friend, he’s also become someone I’d turn to if I needed help.
Throughout the months of our getting to know each other, he’s been an amazing man.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be cuddling with mine as well.”

“How will you get to work?” he asked after chuckling at my words.

“Oh, I’ll just take the bus or Uber.”

He shook his head. I’ll drive you.”

“It’s quite far from here.” I protested, but he shrugged off my words. “It’ll be fine.”

“No, it won’t. Our schedules will clash and..”

“I’ll fix my schedule, so, problem solved.” He countered with a smile.

“No, you’ve already done enough. I’ll figure it out.”

Abbey had told me lots of times that I wasn’t a burden, but I couldn’t help but to feel that I was. He has done so much for me since we’ve grown close. Being someone I could confide in, saving me, getting a doctor to see me buying me clothes, and a new phone, and doing his best to take care of me.

“Pretty, you can call me a psychopathic control freak for wanting to drive you somewhere, but I’m not compromising your safety. If something were to happen…” he trailed off, his smile turning into a frown.
His thoughts headed in a dark direction.


“I’ll take you,” Shola spoke up, seeming to appear out of thin air. When I started to disagree, he stopped me.

“Think of this as an extended apology for being aggressive to you. If you don’t accept this, that means our handshake from the other night meant nothing.” He grinned with his arms across his chest.

“Also, this is a way to make it up to Abbey. You wouldn’t want two best friends to be mad at each other forever, right?” his grin turned into a smug smirk when he realized I was stuck

His tactic of making me accept was a hurry, but he did have a point. I didn’t want to come between the two men.

“That’s of your own doing, Shola,” I snapped back at him, but he did nothing but shrug. If anything, his smirk widened. Shrugging he said, “Even so.”

“You two are making this a bigger deal than it is,” I told them, seeing that they weren’t budging. Shola just stared, looking pleased with himself. On the other hand, Abbey stared at me expectantly, a small smile creeping on his face.

The two friends were arguing about who would drive me to Comfort’s place.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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