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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 29

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 3

Episode 29

~ Mary’s POV ~

Abbey reached for me, then placed his hands on both sides of my face as he leaned down, connecting our lips. I was loving the way his lips pressed against mine, sweetly. His tongue slipped inside, seeking mine, and entangling with each other.

There were no other thoughts on my mind except the man before me. The smell of vanilla infiltrated my nostrils as he kissed me deeply. Our bodies sticking so close, there wasn’t a gap between us. As we breathed heavily in the quiet room except for the noises that escaped us.

Removing one hand from my face, I felt it trail down my body, stopping at my waist before trailing lower to grip my @zz. Suddenly, he lifted me in his arms, causing my legs to wrap around him. I let out a gasp which he swallowed quickly, continuing to kiss me as he carried me, walking toward the bed.

Upon reaching it, he placed me down, separating himself from me. I lay down, looking up at him, wondering what his next move would be. I wasn’t used to the nervousness I felt when it came to being intimate. Having only ever been with one man and offering my body now to someone else was nerve-wracking. He reached for the light on the end table and I panicked.

Though the room wasn’t too dark for us to see each other, I didn’t want the room to be lit up. Although Abbey had been in a bathing suit, it was too dark enough to see all of me. Plus the water did well in hiding a body I was self-conscious about.

My husband was different, we had been together for years. Even though he made awful comments about me, but with Abbey, I didn’t want him to think I was unattractive neither did I want him to see the tiny scar below my belly.
I sat up quickly, reaching to stop him.

“Wait,” I rushed out the word. He paused, staring at me in confusion.

“Do you mind if we keep the light low like this?”

I could tell he wanted to ask why but seemed to stop himself from doing so. His eyes softened as he looked at me. Before pushing me back slightly so my back was on the bed again. He hovered above me with his arms on each side of my head. This time, he leaned down, giving me a sensual kiss, so gently. It was sickeningly sweet as he made love to my mouth.

Then he moved away from my lips, pecking me along my face, not missing an inch. When he pulled away, our eyes met in the smoldering heat. It was so intense, the way I saw him eye me as if penetrating my soul. I wasn’t sure how he could have such an effect on me, but I love it. Until I remembered to ask him something important.

“Are you…okay?” I asked quietly. Despite the awkwardness I was sure would arise, he chuckled softly.

“Yes, Mary. I haven’t had segz since we met.” He admitted, causing my jaw to drop.

It’s been months. Not wanting to compare, but even my husband wouldn’t be able to last that long without segz. He’d always say men have needs. Seeing the stunned look on my face, he laughed, pecking my lips.

“Does that surprise you?”

“Uh yeah. I mean you’re you,” when he asked me to elaborate. “You are very attractive, Abbey. I’m sure you’d be able to get with any woman.”

“Maybe so, but I don’t want just any woman. I want you.”

My heart stuttered at his admission. It’s always been you.

I didn’t know how to respond to that, but I didn’t need to. Abbey stole my lips again, fervently kissing me. I was thinking too much. I knew I was. Abbey has been honest with me since we met.

Although I trusted him, my insecurities had a way of making me doubt him. At times I had a hard time believing he was attracted to me.

“And you, Mary?”

“Huh?” I blinked up at him when he separated our lips.

“Are you okay?” His tone was teasing with a tone of seriousness in his voice. He went back to kissing me, except he had moved lower to kiss my neck.

“Oh, yeah,” I knew that for a fact. Having secretly gone to check after the last time John and I had segz. Since he first stepped out of our marriage, I have been visiting doctors more often, just in case.

After getting the Ok from me, he continued kissing my skin. He flicked his tongue out before sucking my exposed skin. I sighed, arching as he marked his hipping at me as he trailed lower down my body, reaching my covered Břě@šťs. He moved the towel down, exposing them to his eyes. A sigh escaped me as he placed one of my Ɲīpplës in his mouth, using his hand to knead at my other Břě@šť. While the other held onto my waist, drawing circles.

My thoughts washed away as he pleased me, teasing me as he switched between my Břě@šťs, making me want more. By this time, my lower lips were wet and aching. I needed him.
With a whine on my lips, I told him.


I was cut off at the feel of his hand reaching down towards my parted legs. Bunching the towel at my hips, he brought his hand down, brushing against my lap, toying with me. I lifted my hips for more. His chuckle rang out after he released my Ɲīpplës from his mouth, glancing up at me.

“You’re naughty,” he teased in Yoruba.

Oh God, hearing him speak in Yoruba had my life lips twitch. His accent turned me on more which I was sure he felt as his fingers brushed against my opening again.

“Please,” I begged. I wanted him to touch me more. I needed him to.

Thinking he had caught the hint when he moved his hand to push open my thighs more, his head lowered to my chest. I was confused at first, wondering what he was doing when he started peppering kisses, but when he skipped over where the towel sat on my hips, hiding the scar I had. I’d be lying if I say I didn’t gush in excitement.

Placing one last kiss on my thigh, his stubble tickling me as he glanced up at me once before leaning down. I watched him through hooded eyes, feeling his breath fan across my exposed p@zzy. A beat paused before I felt his tongue lick in one slow swipe across my P. Then another and another.

“So pretty,” he groaned before he returned to lap me. Taking his time before he pushed his wet tongue inside of me. I threw my head back, clutching at the pillow above me. His tongue doing all sorts of strokes, then as if to say “f_ck it.”
He ate me out wantonly. His ski||ful mouth sucked on my ćƖĩť while I Mõ@ɲed in pleasure, tongue f_cking me, slurping at my juices that left out my Çüñť. It was hot, so d@mn segzy. Hearing the wet noises of my P and the low groans coming from him. My belt tightened in response. It felt so good!

Quickly, I could feel myself about to reach my peak. He hadn’t even spent more than five minutes down there before I was ready to Com.
However, it couldn’t be helped. I haven’t felt this intense feeling when being intimate.

“Ah, I’m going to…” My stomach clenched, my hips rising. Abbey placed a hand on my hip to prevent me from moving, pressing ever so slightly right above my navel. The final push to make my body rest. My toes curled in ecstasy as I achieved what I had been craving for the past few days. A downright dirty 0rg@zm that ripped through my body. Not stopping as I pecked over.

Abbey began to eat me in freezing, slurping lazily from my slopping wet P. Unintentionally, but too fast in between my thighs to grab into his silk hair. Pushing his head deeper into my Çüñť, rolling my hips, and d@mn near riding his face. Not a minute more, I Mõ@ɲed louder, arching my back as I came again.

I’ve never had two 0rg@zms back to back. And based on the way he held me and yet to get off, even as I untangled my hands from my hair, he was going to keep going, but my body was already buzzing with sensitivity. I wasn’t sure if I could Com again. My Břě@šťs heaved at each inhale and exhale I took, breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath, but Abbey didn’t stop once.

“Abbey,” I whimpered. His eyes glanced up from my p@zzy to lock eyes with me. His eyes gleamed with pure lust. The look shot straight to my core, feeling more of my essence slip out. He moved his head back, unlatching his lips and replacing them with his fingers.

“You look so segzy when you Com,” he paused, inserting a single finger inside. “Will you let me see that look on your face again?”

“Oh, God.” I nearly wept as he worked me with his finger before adding another. How was this man so ski||ful?

“Pretty Mary,” he slowed down his pace, keeping his gaze locked on mine, awaiting an answer and grinning.

“Yes, yes!” I nodded enthusiastically.

Not an ounce of shame in my being since I craved another release.
After I answered, he brought his hand down to my P. His tongue resumed working on me like magic as his fingers joined the fun; flicking, nipping, and sucking at my sensitive bundle of nerves. I was panting, Mõ@ɲing under him as he pleasured me in ways I’d never been pleasured before. My thighs quivered, teetering on the edge of release, but I needed one more push.

“Com for me, Mary.”

His rough voice, laced with his accent, had me Com hard, losing myself at the moment as my eyes rolled back. Gripping the sheets underneath me while Abbey devoured me.

Afterward, I lay there panting in exhaustion, my body pushed to its limit, not used to coming so many times in a row. Abbey moved up my body as his finger stroked me. He leaned over me, then dipped his head down before connecting our lips. I could taste myself on his tongue as we swapped spit. I was convinced Abbey was a different breed.

Although I was overworked with sweat littering my body, I prepared it for an 0rg@zm that was sure to come as he stroked me gaining momentum. I pulled away from his lips, Mõ@ɲing. His thumb swiped over my ćƖĩť, once twice, and then I crested. My mouth dropped open in a silent scream, stars littering my vision once I came again.

“Beautiful Mary,” he said, not once and removing his eyes from my face.

Too lost in my high, I didn’t notice Abbey had left until I felt him pry my thighs open. I didn’t even remember closing them in the first place.
Next, I felt a cool rag wiping me down, getting rid of any traces left of my arousal. For the next few minutes, he took care of me and it felt nice.

No one has catered to me like this before. When he had finished, he left the bed again before returning. Though I was on the brink of falling asleep, I called out to him. I didn’t think it was fair that he had me Com so many times, but he hadn’t.

My vision was a little hazy, but from a close distance, I could see his bulge through his trousers. I tried to sit up, but he gently laid me back down.

“I can take care of you, too,” I told him, wanting to reciprocate. Though my eyes dropped low. I fought the sleep that wanted to claim me, seeing him smile at me.

“Tonight was for you, pretty.” He told me, tucking me into the covers. I attempted to protest, but he shook his head. “I’m okay, Mary. Stop fighting your sleep.”

Although his large bulge told me a different story, I listened to him. I really was tired after coming that much. Still, I grabbed onto his hand, pulling him toward me.

“Stay with me,” I asked him, not wanting him to leave. He slipped inside the covers and we faced each other, cuddling close, he wrapped his arms around me, tucking me into his side.

He leaned his head down slightly, laying a sweet kiss against my temple.

“Goodnight, darling.”

“Goodnight, Abbey,” I yawned, my eyes fluttered close, sleep taking hold of me.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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