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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 28

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 3 (Episode 28)

~ Mary’s POV ~

I had gotten better with the help of Abbey and Shola. Though Shola tried to pretend he wasn’t helping. Whenever I would find myself half awake, I’d hear the door crack open, listening to him as he checked on me each night I stayed here. Going as far as to drop snacks and cookies on the end table.

I was going to mention it to Abbey but thought better of it. Not wanting to create a big deal out of something so small. Shola must’ve seen what I looked like when I first arrived. He most likely just feels bad for me.

Besides that, it’s been two weeks since what went down with John and I. I was still in shock that he had left me outside to rot. I started to suspect that he held h@ťě for me.
Nonetheless, I tried to distract myself from marriage because it was painful to think of him. And when I did think of him, a small imaginary light bulb would appear in my mind, highlighting a thought I was scared to linger in my mind, which was leaving John.

Such a fleeting and powerful thought. It shook me to my core, so much that I forced myself to leave it alone. I mean, he’s never done this to me before. What if it was a one-time thing? Plenty of people have hardships and hurdles in their marriage. Maybe this is the one of ours. But even as I tried to convince myself, I literally felt my soul cave in on itself, not wanting to go back to a man who constantly showed me that I wasn’t his wife.

At this point, I wasn’t sure what I was.
Taking my mind off my solemn thoughts, I focused back on the television, watching some sort of movie that I was hardly paying attention to. I had many things other than my husband occupying my mind. Such as work, where I’ll be staying, and what my future would be.


Thankfully, I was able to take some time off from work since I never took days off. Hopefully, I’d be back in another week or two. It depends.

When I talked to Comfort on the phone, she said that I could sleep at her place whenever she returns as she uttered h@ťěful words toward John. And for once, I didn’t stop her.

After our phone call, I gave the phone back to Abbey. I was lucky to have met him. He saved me and has been doing his best to get rid of my fever, which he has successfully done, saved for a few sniffles here and there. My cough was long gone, but my nose was snotty and stuffy; making it hard to breathe.

Although I was doing better physically, I couldn’t help but feel bored and if I must confess, aroused. I was tired of sitting in bed all day, but each time Abbey came in and took care of me. It triggered something. Seeing such a genuine man in clothes that showed his physique and truly looked after me was such a turn-on.
Here he was, feeding me, making sure I was comfortable, while I was picturing him naked. God, the image of his bare chest occupied my thoughts daily.

Recalling when we were in the pool feeling on each other before we got interrupted. The way his hands held onto me as he groped my Břě@šťs, fondling them as he kissed me lazily. Just thinking about it now had me tingling over.

Suddenly, I had a thought. A really bad sinful thought. No, no, no, bad idea, don’t do it. But as I looked at the door across the room.
I remembered his room had a bathroom connected to it. No one was home. Shola had left hours ago, and I wasn’t sure where. Abbey had left a few minutes ago.
I had time to please myself while he was away. He wouldn’t find out. My mind was made up, I got up from the bed and walked toward the bathroom. I could feel the excitement bubbling inside of me. I didn’t normally do things like this; m@$tvrb@te in someone’s else home. But then I needed to reach some sort of pleasurable climax. There was too much lust built up inside of me. It needed to be unleashed.

Opening the door, I stopped inside, leaving the door ajar, the lights coming on automatically. Walking at a brisk pace, I went to the tub. I flicked the fancy knob into hot water and pressed down on the drain so the tub would fill.

Next, I started taking off my clothes that smelled of Abbey. Though he went ahead and bought me some underwear, they were embarrassing, not really the type I wear. Maybe because I told him not to spend more money on me. Probably, that was why he got those fabrics.

I felt guilty that he was doing all this for me and I claimed it was too much. He already brought a doctor here that I definitely couldn’t afford to look over me. He brought medicine for me along with food and the underwear I mentioned. So, when he offered to buy more clothes for me, I declined. I felt it was too much.

However, the other reason was that it terrified me to admit I loved smelling his scent on me in the morning. Wearing his clothes helped me sleep at night and brought me comfort. I was ashamed to say it out loud. That’s probably another reason I’ve been feeling lustful.

With a sigh, I turned off the water when it reached midway through the tub. I love hot baths even though it burns slightly when I first got in. Hurriedly putting my locs in a bun, I stepped foot inside the bath. Wincing from the hot temperature, I placed my other foot in and slowly sat down with a long sigh.

Finally seated, I laid my head back on the edge of the tub, closing my eyes. It felt wonderful being in the water. My body became less tense as the minutes ticked by.

Once I felt myself fall completely and relaxed, I moved my hands along my body, teasing myself as I trailed my fingers to my most sensitive parts. Becoming aroused at the prospect of reaching my big O. I sighed again, palming my Břě@šťs to get me going, knowing it wouldn’t take me long to Com.

I wanted to scream as I let out a frustrated grunt. It’s been over thirty minutes and I was yet to reach 0rg@zm. What the hell was wrong with me? I just wanted one thing to go my way! I was leaning back with my thighs spread on both sides of the tub. My finger worked on my ćƖĩť in the water as I used my other hand to pull at my Ɲīpplës. I had done this for what felt like hours. I was beyond irritated at myself for getting hot and bothered by caretaker, Abbey.

I was almost there, seconds from reaching my peak. Rubbing my ćƖĩť faster, trying to achieve an 0rg@zm. Moaning as quietly as I could, knowing the apartment was empty. And right when my eyes began to roll, it stopped. Just as it had been doing for the past few minutes. “Why can’t I just Com?” I yelled angrily. Breathing harshly as I threw my hands down into the water. I wanted to cry. That was how much segzual tension I had built up inside of me. I felt like I was going crazy.

Deciding it was best to cut my losses, I washed up quickly. Then I unplugged the drain and stepped out of the water.

Turning to my right, I grabbed a towel out of the closet and wrapped it around myself. With a disappointed sigh leaving my lips. I left out of the bathroom.
Entering the bedroom, I stopped in my track as I saw a suited figure sitting on the bed with his arms clasped in front of him.

Glancing up, my eyes met him in shock in the bedroom. Especially after I tried to get myself off. A few seconds passed as we stared at each other. I didn’t know what to say. And him, I wasn’t sure. His eyes glinted with something I wasn’t familiar with. Maybe he didn’t hear anything.

I cleared my throat, “Um, hi..,”

d@mn, I wanted to slap myself for how I sounded just now. I’ve always been a little reserved, albeit shy, but never squeakily. My voice had raised in a pitch when I greeted him. I saw his mouth tilt up in a smile as he took me in. My small figure was wrapped in a little towel, with water dripping from my body.

“Hello, Mary.” The deep tone of his voice sent a shiver down my spine. He paused before getting up, making sure his eyes never strayed from mine as he moved towards me, slowly, methodically, as if I were prey.

“Were you satisfied?” he asked.

I took a step back nervously.

“What do you mean?” I nearly stuttered out but managed to keep my composure.

If I played it cool, he wouldn’t find out. There was no way he knew what I was doing. I made sure I was as quiet as a mouse.

“I heard you, Mary. The sweet sounds of your Mõ@ɲs reached my ears crying out for release. Practically begging, as you willed yourself to Com!”

I shuddered at his words, turned on and yet embarrassed at the same time.

“Tell me, Mary, were you satisfied?”

I couldn’t believe he heard me in there. It mortified me that he did. Though the way he was looking at me told me I shouldn’t be. Abbey was looking at me as if he wanted to eat me up but was just waiting for a command. He wanted me. I didn’t need words to be spelled out for me when I could see them as he stood before me. This was bad, I mean very bad.

I didn’t know when the word left by mouth. “No,” I said.

“Do you want to be?” he asked.

I knew what he was asking. I knew exactly what Abbey was willing to give me, but I wasn’t sure if I could. I glanced down at my wedding finger, there was nothing there. I had taken it off a few days ago and placed it on the table. It had almost slipped down the sink drain, so I took it off, but I haven’t put it back on since.

I would be crossing a line I wouldn’t be able to uncross. I would be betraying my husband. And even though he did the same to me once, it wouldn’t make it right. But I wanted Abbey. My need for the man in front of me had grown in the short time we had gotten to know each other. I trusted him and wanted him. So I gave him an honest response.


“Yes, what?” he pressed on.

This time I pressed closer to him, tilting my head up to face him, knowing he wanted to hear me say it.

“Yes, Abbey. I want to be satisfied.”

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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