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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 27

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 3

(Episode 27)

~ Mary’s POV ~

“John!” I banged my fists against the front door, screaming out my husband’s name as I pleaded with him. “Please, let me in! I’m sorry!”

The volume of the television in our house became so loud as if to block out my pleas. Why won’t he come? Is that he doesn’t love me? I knocked harder until my knuckles started to crack while my heart beat faster inside of my chest and the rain-drenched my entire being. I was freezing and felt hardened like ice as I tried to get to the place I called home.

“Please!” I sobbed as the surrounding darkness closed in. Anxiousness and fear settled deep inside of me, causing a panic that I haven’t felt in such a long time to surface.

“No, no! John, please! I can’t be alone, it’s dark! Don’t leave me out here.
Becoming desperate, I screamed and screamed until my voice went raw. My cries turned into listeria. I can’t, I can’t. John please, I’m sorry. Don’t leave me! I don’t want to be alone again!

Suddenly, I woke up with a shout, my eyes popping open as sheer terror encased my body. My vision was blurry and my body felt heavy when I tried to move. I blinked a few times and heard someone speaking above me despite the ringing in my ears. I fought to regain control of myself. It was obvious I had been dreaming.

Yet, it seemed my body and mind no longer cared what I thought. I was wheezing for breath, wanting to clutch at my chest as it began to hurt. It was too much. Through my panic, I knew what was happening, but I couldn’t stop it.

The voice spoke again, not getting any closer as the suffocation set in. My body felt so heavy that I couldn’t move. I didn’t know where I was, and it scared me. I wanted to cry again, but my eyes were still blurry and burned slightly from the tears, I cried when he forced me out.

Mid panic, I realized something pricked me in my arm. I could feel where, but I didn’t have enough energy to turn my head.

“Mary,” I heard, though it was somewhat muffled. The voice kept talking, but I was fading in and out. I couldn’t make sense of anything. I just wanted the noise to stop. It was too loud, too much and I wanted it gone. Luckily, when I closed my eyes for the final time, it did.


The next time I woke up, I felt slightly better. Although, I knew I was still in bad shape since I didn’t feel like myself; my body was hot and a little sweaty. Blinking the sleep away from my eyes, I was glad my vision wasn’t blurry this time. Laying down, the comfortable pillows supported my sore body.
Taking in the sight before me, I realized I was in a large bed, held in an even bigger room. The curtains were thankfully closed, though I could still see small traces of light fitter in, letting me know the sun was up and it wasn’t night or very early in the morning.

Before I could look around more, the sound of the door opening had me looking toward it. Then came a man I wasn’t expecting to see. He was carrying a bowl and a glass of water, humming to himself.


It’s been a while since I last saw him when he stalked off, but he still looked the same. He was dressed in a short and a white shirt, and he was yet to see that I was awake. Seeing him already told me that I had fortunately made it to his and Abbey’s place. Everything was looking hazy. I just remembered walking for a long time. My memory wasn’t doing a good job of remembering what happened after John left me outside. I focused on Shola again, removing John from my thoughts.

Though I didn’t feel negatively toward Shola, I didn’t want things to be awkward. Before he saw me wide awake, I decided to close my eyes, pretending to be asleep.
Childish, I know, but I was embarrassed enough that I stayed up here in bad shape.

I heard him approach the bed while I fought to keep my breath even. Oddly enough, when he reached me, I didn’t feel uncomfortable in his presence. He brought his hand down to my forehead, checking if was heating up, I assumed.

A moment passed, and I heard the sound of water dripping. Next, I felt the cool press of cloth did a good job of bringing down the heat I was experiencing.
Next, I felt him use another cloth on me to wipe my face, neck, and my arms that were bare. His touch was gentle throughout as he took care of me. I wasn’t sure how to feel other than grateful.

Minutes later, I hadn’t realized I was actually falling asleep until I heard his footsteps stop at the end of the bed. The covers shifted before I felt the cool air in my feet. Suddenly, the feel of Shola’s cool hands on my skin had me tense slightly. I heard the sound of a cap being opened and then I felt a cream-like substance on the bottom of my left foot.

Soon enough, he began to rub the cream, massaging my entire foot. I wasn’t able to keep track of the time he started or when he stopped. I just knew that I was a goner as he kneaded my feet, going back and forth between them. Not having realized how sore they were until this moment.

Unknowingly, a sigh escaped my lips while he took care of me. I was on the edge of sleep when he stopped, but I was too far gone to think of protesting.
As my mind finally decided to rest again, I heard a whisper in my ear. “Sweet dreams, Mary.” His voice was soft in the quiet room, giving my mind the given light to rest.

Moments later…

“Mary,” a dreamlike voice entered my ears, sounding far away as my brain fixed itself to wake up. Though my body protested being woken up. However, it didn’t seem like it would have much of a choice as my name was called again. This time, sounding much clearer as I awoke.

My eyes opened, fluttering as I pushed my tiredness away. When I was able to focus, I saw Abbey hovering over me, wearing a small smile. My heart leaped at seeing him standing before me, and wearing a thin smile as he gazed down at me. With a dry and scratchy voice, I called to him, “Abbey.” Although my body felt heavy, I lifted my arm to seek him out. He placed my hand in his, bringing it to his lips, and kissing my knuckles softly.

“I’m sorry to wake you up but you have to eat something.” He placed my hand down. “Hope you don’t mind if I help you sit up?”

I shook my head.

Springing into action, he sat me up as gently as he could. I felt my body protest somewhat before a cough emptied from me. I did my best to cover it with my weak arms, not wanting to get him sick or think I was gross.

However, it didn’t seem like he minded as he kept a small smile on his face. He reached over to the side table and grabbed a glass of water that held a straw in it, lifting it to my mouth, so I could have some. I opened my mouth sipping the refreshing water as it healed my throat.

Nodding to him, I signaled I was done, and he put it back where it was.
“Thank you,” I said, he nodded with a smile.

Next, he reached over for a small bowl that was sitting on a food tray. Bringing it over, I looked inside and saw that it was soup; pepper soup. He used the spoon to gather some before lifting it to me.

“I can do it myself. You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” he interrupted, leaving no room for me to protest.

He moved the spoon toward me more and I gratefully ate it. It wasn’t too hot or cold.
For the next few minutes, Abbey spoon-fed me, making sure I was able to swallow it properly. And waiting patiently if I coughed in between bites. Abbey was so caring the way he went about it.

When I finished, he set the bowl back into the food tray and gave me some more water. He was so sweet.

As for Shola, who I needed to make sure to thank later. Though I wasn’t sure how I’d approach the subject since I had pretended to be asleep earlier. Shola’s action surprised me. We had met a few times, the last ending badly, so I thought he disliked me. Yet he took care of me.

Why would he do that? I looked toward Abbey again, needing to say something, but he beat me to it and looked me over with concern.

“Mary, I need to ask you something,” he sighed deeply, looking into my eyes. “The other night did anyone touch you in any way? Do you need to see the police?

At first, I wasn’t sure what he was hinting at, if only he knew my husband himself was a policeman too, but when I understood his question, I shook my head.

“No. No, nothing like that,” I told him honestly.
Though my memory was still out of sorts, no one had touched me after John locked me out.

“Ok. Do you mind if I ask what happened?” I averted my gaze from him, looking down at my hands.

“Why were you out there in the rain?”

Honestly, I didn’t want to tell Abbey what happened. It was embarrassing; humiliating. A wife admitting to another man that her husband had thrown her out of their home. Listening as she begged for forgiveness and to be saved from the darkness. Darkness she didn’t felt since she had first left the orphanage.

How could he do that to me? Yes, I mistakenly hit him in anger, but I was sorry. He knew how I felt about being alone. John knew my fears and he used that against me.

Did he even care to look for me?

Without realizing it, a lonely tear trailed down my cheek which I swiped away angrily. I was so sick of crying, of feeling helpless, used, and abused by a man I loved. After all he did to me. I should be fighting back, but I just felt tired. So d@mn exhausted.

“Mary?” Abbey spoke, worry leaking into his voice. I felt guilty for the trouble I’ve caused him. He saved me, and now he’s taking care of me. I hadn’t meant to impose myself on him, but since my friend, Comfort was still in Abuja, I had no one else to turn to.

“I’m sorry for troubling you,” I mumbled. “I just need a few days until my friend gets back from her trip.”

“There’s no problem,” Abbey replied.

“I can pay when I find a way to get my stuff,” I said but he cut me off.

Using his hand to tilt my head but stared down at my hands. His hold held firm when I tried to move away from him. His eyes held a seriousness I’ve not seen before.

“You won’t pay me a dime, Mary.” His eyes didn’t waver from mine. “And what do you mean, you have to find a way to get your things? What’s going on?

My eyes welled up with tears at the memory of what happened. With a heavy heart, I told him what had occurred at home, down to the last detail.

“He threw me out,” I cried.
“As if I was a piece of trash that needed to be dumped. Maybe I deserve it for hitting him.”

Abbey shook his head at me, his eyes holding anger.

“He called you a wh-_-re. He deserves the worse. He must be feeling better he threw a woman out. Wait until I get my hands on him…,” Abbey said, and other things he added in Yoruba which I really didn’t understand.

“What did you say?” I asked, not understanding other things he said, but wanting to know.

Clearing his throat, he answered, “I said you can stay here as long you like.”

“Oh no! I don’t want to be a burden. I just need a few days until…” He pressed a finger to my lips, cutting me off.

“You could never be a burden to me,” he deadpanned and looked directly into my eyes so I would see the sincerity in his gaze. “Get that notion out of your mind, Mary. Ok?”

I nodded, and he shot me a disapproving look.
“Yes, Abbey,” I sighed.

He kissed my forehead sweetly, then kissed me on my nose before laying a few more pecks around my face, causing me to giggle.

“Ok, stop, before you catch my cold,” I laughed while he grinned down at me.


“Huh?” I asked him.

“The doctor I brought over said you have a fever.”

“Oh! That’s expected after being in the cold rain for hours and walking barefoot.

Abbey gave me another kiss on my cheek this time.

“Now, let me do my job and help you get better.”

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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