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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 26

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 2 (Episode 26)

~ Abbey’s POV ~

My phone rang in my head, causing me to wake from sleep. It was loud and irritating as I blindly reached for it in the dark. I was sad that I didn’t put it on silent last night, I grabbed it before opening one eye to see who was calling me. It was an unsaved number. I pressed decline and then looked at the time. It was a few minutes after 2 in the morning. I yawned while I put the phone on silent and placed it back on the table beside my bed.

Then I quickly got comfortable, closing my eyes. Not even a second later, the phone buzzed, making noise as it vibrated on the end table.

Without opening my eye, I ended the call and turned over. However, to my annoyance, it started to ring again. I groaned, turning back over to the phone, opening my eyes this time as I gripped it in my hand. It was the same number. I hung up again. This time, seeing my notifications pop up on my screen.

Not only did I see that number through my notifications, but it seemed whoever this person was had been calling me for a long time.
What the f-__-k? By this ungodly hour. I didn’t have time to question it before my phone started to ring again.

Wanting to know who it was, I accepted the call, holding the phone to my ear.

“Who is this?” my voice rumbled with drowsiness.


I paused, blinking away my sleepiness, thinking I may have heard the wrong voice on my line.


Why was she calling this early?

“I’m so sorry for calling you at this time, but I had no one else to call.”

I sat up at the sound of her voice. Traces of my sleep left me as my body became alarmed. She sounded panicked. She said, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.” I instantly got up from the bed, making sure the phone didn’t slip from my hand.

“Where are you?” I tried to keep myself calm as I quickly went to my closet to put on a pair of trousers and grabbed my shoes. Not bothering to put on my shirt as I hobbled to put my shoes on quickly.

“I-I-I don’t know,” her teeth chattered and my heart began to pound more.

“I’ve been walking for so long. I’m so scared.”

Outside? I grabbed an extra jacket for her and then ran out of the bedroom.

Though I was panicking over her well-being. I needed her to tell me where she was. Somehow, I had to calm her down.

“Mary, I’m on my way to come to pick you up, but I need you to look around and see if you can spot anything familiar. See if there are any signposts, I mean anything.” She didn’t say anything rather than sobbing on the other end. I told her again to look around and see where she was.

“Once you do, I’ll be there as soon as possible, ok? I promise.”

When I ran down the stairs, I saw Shola coming in through the front door. He must’ve been coming back from another night out. He gave me a confused stare as I went to find my keys. Shola knew I’m never up at two in the morning even if it involves work. So something must be wrong.

“Yes, I can look,” Mary said over the phone quietly, her voice shaking.
“Um, I’m close to a bus stop and…”

She started to tell me where she was. Shola came to me in concern, noticing I was in a panic. I put the phone on speaker and then muted myself.

“What’s going on?”

“I need to get to Mary.” I looked under the couch to find my car keys.

I stood up with the extra jacket in my hand. I still listened to Mary as she spoke on the phone.

“Is she alright?” Sheila asked.

Though Shola was upset, Mary was the woman he had felt a connection with. He didn’t want to admit that he still liked her, and wanted her. I knew him so well, so I wasn’t surprised to see him show concern. It was a twist of fate how we met the same sweet woman.

But I was too unsettled by the prospect of her being alone and in danger right now. I didn’t have time to talk to him.

“I will find out when I get to her. I have to go.”

Rushing out of the apartment, I didn’t stick around waiting for a response.


I was positively certain I broke a few traffic laws but I didn’t care. If an officer wanted to chance me, then I would accept the consequences. Especially since the call had been cut due to her using a person’s phone. She literally had nothing with her, not even her phone.

Luckily, she was able to give me a street name before the call went off.
Although the GPS indicated I would arrive in a few minutes, it felt like hours.

What if she was injured? What if someone harmed her? Or they did harm her? So many questions were burned into my brain as I turned a thirty-minute drive into half that time.

A few minutes later, I arrived on the street she said she was on. It was dark, causing me to use my high beams as I slowed the car, searching for her.
I went down the street and I didn’t see her.

Please, be safe, I repeated in my head. Dread filled my entire being the more I continued to look, but couldn’t spot her. Until I came across a bus stop with her huddled under it to protect her from the rain.

Pulling to the curb, I hopped out as fast as I could, rushing to her. She was startled, as though she didn’t see me at first. Or didn’t believe that I had really come for her.
Clothed in a dress that now clung to her form, Mary looked so small, tiny, and vulnerable. I noticed she didn’t even have shoes on. She was shivering so badly with her arms across her chest, I feared she’d need to go to the hospital.

What the hell happened to her?

“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I asked as I place the jacket on her. Checking over her body for any type of harm, I pulled her into my arms, not minding that I was getting wet. I examined her from head to toe as fast as I could.

“No, no, I’m just cold,” her voice was hardly more than a whisper when she spoke. Her voice cracked as she stared tearfully up at me. Her brown eyes seemed so wounded and hurt.

How long has she been out here?

“Let’s get you to the car. I’m taking you in my car, ok?”

Any other time I would have waited for an answer, but I was worried she wouldn’t be able to hold herself up any longer. I bent low, placing one hand under her knees and the other behind her back. I made sure the jacket was on her correctly, before hurrying to the car. Placing her in, I put on her seatbelt and went to the driver’s side.

Soon as I got in, I cranked up the heat. Mary needed to get warm as soon as possible. Truly, I was worried for her as I drove home. The sound of her crying made me physically ache, wanting to make her happy. But in the state she was in then, I wasn’t sure how that would be possible.

Mary looked impossibly frail and distraught, causing a million questions to appear in my mind. Though I knew she wasn’t in the right state to answer. I’d wait patiently, but I had this gut feeling that something had gone wrong.

The drive to my place didn’t take as long as it did to get to her. Maybe because I knew she was safe now. Glancing over at her now, I saw she was still asleep, her head laying on the windscreen. Her tears coupled with exhaustion knocked her out.

Nevertheless, I could tell her sleep was far from restful. Her brows were furrowed, while her lips wore a permanent frown. Even her breaths were shaky as she dreamt. My forehead creased in worry before I focused on driving and parking the car in the garage.

After parking, it took me a few minutes more to get Mary out of the car without waking her up. I held her in my arms as I went upstairs. Her clothing was still soaked along with the jacket she had on now.
There wasn’t a spot where water wasn’t on her body. The heat from the car not having a major effect on her.


As I gazed down at her, I felt horrible. If only I had woken up to the first call she made for me. What if I hadn’t answered on the last ring? What if I had turned off my cell phone completely? So many what–ifs. Something could have happened to this magnificent woman.

Her dress had been completely soaked showing her body through it. Someone could have seen her this way and taken advantage of her. It didn’t help that when I was getting her out of the car. I noticed she had some bruises on her feet. I recalled she said she had been walking for a long time. I held onto her a little higher, hugging her to my chest.

Who the f_ck did this to her?

After unlocking the door and stepping through. I saw Shola in the living room. Once he saw me, his eyes went zeroed in on the woman in my arms. Concern flared in his eyes as he scanned her over.

“What really happened…?”

I shushed him to lower his tone. I didn’t want him to wake her up.

“I need your help,” I said.

He swallowed harshly, glancing down at her tiny figure in my arms before nodding.

Presumably, walking away to get the med kit we kept. I noticed him looking down at her feet. I looked down at the woman in my arms, knowing that wh@ťěver the hell happened to her, she didn’t deserve it.

I kissed her forehead, and I muttered under my breath, “It’s okay Mary, I’ve got you.”

To be continued
Frank The Writer


This is the end of part 2.

Hope you enjoyed reading this second part of Mary and John’s marriage adventures. I would like you to drop a constructive comment on the comment section.

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