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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 25

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

(Part 2) Episode 25

~ Mary’s POV ~

Rain pattered against the kitchen window as I washed the dishes. The dim sound of John watching TV in the background accompanied the noise. An occasional laugh bubbled out of him as he watched a movie. The two of us had recently finished dinner, and I was doing my chores; cleaning the table, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, doing this and that, and so on.

Usually, when I did my normal routine, I would do it with swiftness without my hand in the clouds.
Now, all I could think about was Abbey, sweet Abbey.
It’s been a week since his family hangout and our conversation in his car. We haven’t had much time to get together. We were both busy with work and I couldn’t find the right time to leave the house. Mainly because John has been home this past week. I heard him let out another boisterous laugh in the living room.

With a tired sigh, I finished the last dish and moved on to clean the counters. I was still at odds with myself for cheating on John. I truly loved him, but recently he hasn’t been the man I fell for. No, not true. John hasn’t been the man I fell in love with for a long time.

Although I told Abbey that I wanted us to see how things go, I felt uneasy. Affairs never work out for the better. Someone or maybe all of us, was bound to get hurt. The thought made me become riddled with anxiety. And what if John found out? A cold feeling wrapped around me thinking about it.

What would he do or say? He has quite the temper. Then again, it wasn’t as if he loved me as much as I loved him. He probably wouldn’t care. If I had these thoughts months ago, my heart would have succumbed
Now, the ache feels dull in comparison. As if I was losing feelings for my husband. Even now, I can’t be sure if that’s a good or bad thing.

“Mary.” My head shot up from where it was looking at the floor while I swept.

Did John just call me? He hasn’t spoken to me in so long.

“Mary,” he called again and I looked over to the living room. He sat on the couch with his dark eyes on me, one arm on the top of the couch, the other holding beer.

“Yes?” I asked hesitantly.

He gestured with his hand, “Come here.”

My brows narrowed in confusion at him before I moved to put the broom away. Then I made my way toward him, his eyes on me the entire time. When I reached him, I stood in front of him, blocking the TV.

“What’s it?” He patted the seat next to him after my question.

“Sit wth me,” he paused when he saw I didn’t move.


John never says “Please.”

Deciding to go along with wh@ťěver he was doing, I sat beside him. Once I did, he placed an arm around my shoulder and drew me nearer. I sat with my legs crossed since I was wearing a loose dress for the second time this week.

He took a sip of his beer, returning his attention to the TV together.

Like we used to, and when he placed his beer down on the end table, it felt like the old days, me, wishing to never leave my husband’s side, wanting to keep him happy. While he did what he was doing now which was hiking his hand up my dress.

Unlike the previous times during our marriage, I swatted his hand away.

“What are you doing?” I asked him calmly. He leaned into me and I backed away as he did so. He stopped moving toward me as a frown came across his face.

“I was trying to have fun with my wife,” his voice carried a hint of invitation.

Could he be serious?

There have been a few times when I’ve rarely gotten mad at John. Few, as in I could count them on my fingers since we never had fights until the past two years. This was another fight, at least, it was to me.

“You haven’t spoken to me in months, John,” I began, trying to remain calm even as I felt my anger rising.

“You’ve blatantly ignored me, and hurt my feelings, and now you expect us to have segz? Are you out of your mind?”

“Mary.” he called me.

I stood up from the couch, wanting to get away from him.

“Don’t Mary me, John. I’m your wife, not someone you have your way with! I’m the woman you make love to!” my voice rose, and he stood up, towering over me. Anger in his eyes as he looked down at me, scoffing.

“Mary, what’s wrong with you? Huh? You’re the one who started all this! You didn’t want to start a family..”

“Yes, and I have my reasons for not wanting to have a child right now. If you would have just talked to me instead of being immature, you would know!”

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me, Mary?” His voice lowered.


“It’s bad enough you’ve been going out with Comfort.

“Comfort?” I interrupted, flabbergasted. “What does this have to do with her? She’s my best friend.”

“You’re hardly home!” he yelled. “She keeps you out so you don’t come here! You know she h@ťěs me, yet you continue to be friends with her. I’m your husband, Mary! You come home whenever you like and soon as I ask for our monthly segz, you push me away?!”


“The last time we had segz, you hurt my feelings, John. You made me feel unappreciated and unloved!”

He shook his head, almost as if he were denying it.

“And how are you mad at me for having fun? I barely go out anymore. You are angry because Comfort makes me feel better by convincing me to leave the house? To do something with my life for a change?!”

“No,” he walked closer to me. He leaned down, so he was able to speak directly in my ear.

“I’m mad because she’s turning you back into the wh-_-re you were in college.”

I don’t remember doing it. The only realization that I did is when I felt a stinging sensation in the palm of my hand.

The silence rang loud in the room as I realized. I put my hands on him. My heart started reading a mile a minute when he slowly turned his head back on me. His gaze was hard and somewhat menacing. I hadn’t realized how scared I was until he moved toward me and I took a step back. He continued to follow me until my back bumped into a wall.

“Get out.” He said slowly, the smell of beer clinging to his mouth.

Through my shock, I muttered, “What?” I looked at him with wide eyes. I’ve never physically touched John in such a way. He struck a cord in me, but I didn’t mean to.

Hitting one’s partner was wrong but how could he say that to me? Knowing that he was my first… my everything.

“Leave.” He said.

“Get lost!” he shouted, making me flinch.

“John, I’m sorr—”

Not giving me a chance to apologize, he grabbed my arm in his grasp and started to drag me out of the living room. His grip tightened when I tried to escape his clutch.

“John, stop!” I cried out, tears starting to stream down my face. Yet he ignored me as he dragged me through the house. It wasn’t until he was at the front door did I see how serious he was.

“I gave you everything! Your car! Connection, mention it! I gave you everything! But since you don’t want to act as a wife, you can go!” he seethed.

Opening the door, he hurled me out while I cried, begging him not to do this. He pushed me out while I landed on the ground. I was just wearing nothing but the loose dress I had on, and the rain battered against me.

Soaking my body within seconds, I got to my feet as quickly as I could, but by the time I got up, he slammed the door shut. Immediately going to the door handle, I twisted it, but it remained solid. He locked me out.

“John!” I banged on the door as I could, crying as the rain soaked the only clothes I had on.

So, for the next hour, I stood there banging to be let inside my own house like a maniac, sobbing as I called for my husband to let me in. Shivering in the chilly rain as my knocks grew weaker, but I suddenly became quiet when I noticed the light in the house went off.

I was alone in the dark.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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