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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 24

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 2 (Episode 24)

~ Mary’s POV ~

Abbey and I were having fun in the pool when suddenly we heard someone call his name from a close range.

“Abbey!” a thick voice called out causing my eyes to flash open. I gasped in shock as I saw a man I recognized standing feet before us. I quickly tried to cover myself while Abbey attempted to help me. But my mouth couldn’t help but as if the person I was seeing was the man I had met twice before.

“Shola?” I spoke, panicked while the man whose skin was as dark as mine stood there just as customized as I was. His eyes widened, looking over at Abbey and I in our swimwear while I was trying to cover my naked Břě@šť from his view. I glanced up into Abbey’s eyes who seemed shocked to be caught. And to my horror, I noticed that he wasn’t looking at Shola as if he were a stranger. No, he looked at him as if he knew him.

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

I held my Břě@šťs up with my arm across my chest as Abbey stood behind me. Shola had his back toward us, so he didn’t see more than he should. Though it was too late for that since he had seen Abbey playing with them moments ago.
I was still dumbfounded that he was here. Shola, out of all the people in the world. How was this possible?

Abbey stepped back from me to give me space, removing the large feel of his bulge away from my behind. I hesitantly began walking towards where the bench was. I covered myself in a towel, shivering.

Abbey looked at me, his eyes portraying how sorry he was for being discovered. I knew it wasn’t his fault. We were outside, but what is the connection between him and Shola?

He leaned in slightly to whisper, “I’m so sorry, Mary. I didn’t expect anyone to…”

“It’s ok,” I told him in a lower voice, so Shola wouldn’t hear. I really wasn’t upset with Abbey, truly. We risked getting caught in public. I knew that. The thing is, I didn’t actually think it would happen.

Swallowing my pride and embarrassment away, I spoke up so both he and Shola could hear me.

“How did you know each other?”


“Best friends..”

I turned my eyes to Shola, who spoke. Who now had his eyes on Abbey and me.

Though his attention shifted to just me when I nervously ran a hand down my face, my wedding ring glinting in the dark. Once I noticed him focused on it, I quickly brought my hands to my side, shielding my left hand with my right. I saw his stunned eyes flicker as a hardness set in. He clenched his jaw harshly.

“You weren’t wearing that when we met.” He pointed out.

Abbey looked between us two, confused. “You know each other?”

She’s the woman from the club,” Shola told him, and Abbey’s brows nearly shot up before he schooled his features. Then he chuckled lowly, attempting to hide the small smile appearing on his face. Why was he laughing?

This was not a laughing matter. I was freaking out on the inside. Not only was I cheating, but I was caught cheating by another man whom I…ugh, d@mn!

“The woman you have been obsessing about?” asked Abbey and I noticed his tone was teasing. I shifted my focus to Shola, who leveled a glare at Abbey.

Obsessed? Surely, he’s joking,g right?

Gripping at his hair, he showed that he was as panicked as I was. My heart was beating fast, not believing that this situation I was in now was real.

“Abbey, she’s married!”

I stood up for myself. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, I wouldn’t let him ignore me. I saw Abbey was about to speak but I beat him to it. “And if you weren’t too busy flirting with me the second time we met, you would’ve noticed my ring.”

I threw at him and I saw him visibly seethe. Abbey stepped in front of me, shielding me from his view.

“Just go Shola.” His voice was strong, yet low and deep.

Shola tried to protest.


“Excuse us. I won’t say it again,” Abbey added.

A minute or two passed before I heard the footsteps of Shola fading away. Once he was completely gone, Abbey faced me. His hardened depression softened when his eyes met mine. “Mary – “

“I want to go home,” I told him and when he tried to reach for me, I sidestepped and walked away.


The car ride was silent between us. There was so much I had on my mind, I didn’t know where to begin. After what occurred at the swimming pool, we said our goodbyes to his family. They wished me to stay longer, but I wasn’t in a cheerful mood as I once was before. As we left, there was no trace of Shola anywhere which I was grateful for.

I still can’t believe what happened and my shitty luck. How did I happen to gain interest from two men who are best friends? One who has been the absolute sweetest, most genuine, and most handsome man. And the other who’s been a complete flirt, daring, and downright segzy. The thing both men have in common other than being friends is that they cause my heart to race.

And the air between us filled with electricity, heating me in ways I can’t explain. I shouldn’t be thinking of us, or perhaps them. I was married. I am married.

To a man who doesn’t love me.

I looked down at my ring, tears welling up. This was such a mess. In all honesty, I wasn’t mad that Shola was upset.

He had a right to be, I guess. No, I was mad because he was right. He saw me and Abbey. A married woman and his best friend doing things they shouldn’t. I was a terrible woman. An awful woman for God’s sake! I came here and met Abbey’s family. As if I was living a fairytale! I was sick!

I wiped at my tears subtly, and a sniff escaped me “Mary?” The sound of Abbey’s voice ringing with uncertainty made my ears ring. I was dragging him into my mess making him deal with me—using him to make me happy because my marriage was in shambles. What kind of person does that?

He was too kind to deal with a woman who couldn’t save her marriage. I looked at him, then just as he turned to me, a sob slipped past my lips.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Abbey.” His eyes widened in a panic as I started crying. I used my hands to cover my face to control myself but failed. I knew I was a pain in the @zz, but I felt horrible about myself, and because of the recent events that occurred, I truly felt overwhelmed.

Abruptly, I felt the car pull to the side of the road. Then heard the sound of Abbey’s seat belt unleashing. His large hands placed themselves on my own before pulling them away from my face.

“Because you’re worth it.”

I shook my head, denying it. I tried to remove myself from him, but he wouldn’t let me, stopping me with his piercing eyes that I couldn’t get enough of.

“When you laugh, I want you to never stop, your beautiful smile that takes up your entire face makes my heart cease, beating every single time.”


Don’t say that! Don’t please!

“The way you get nervous around me, although you try your best not to. I noticed that you tilt your head down at the slightest hint of a compliment. I can tell you secretly love them, though you get embarrassed easily,” he went on.

“The day we met, and you stood up for my brother. Though small, it made me see you in another light. I didn’t want this to happen at first, Mary. I mean being responsible for ending someone’s marriage is awful. I tried to fight against my feelings. But when I saw you again on that stormy night, I knew it was fate. I know it sounds cliché, but I wasn’t able to get you out of my mind for weeks. I was at home, at work, and with my family, wishing and praying that I could see you again. Then it happened, and we kissed.”

I gulped as he poured out his feelings. His story sounds similar to mine. I remember feeling the same way knowing it wasn’t right to wish for such a thing, but seeing him again felt right.

“So I begged us to be friends knowing you were married and that we couldn’t be or do anything. But Mary, I wanted or will I say I want you in my life. I would take you in my life. I would take you as a friend, enemy, or lover. Only if I can have you, darling,” he paused.

“I know it is too much to ask and I have no right to, but I want to see where this goes. I want us to try.”

My tears were flowing again, which he was wiping as he awaited my answer. How did I get so lucky to have a man to wipe my tears? He wasn’t exactly my man, but he could be. Though it would be wrong on both of our parts. A wife engaging with a man who wasn’t my husband.
He, a single man engaging with a married woman. But this feeling we share might be worth it. To know he felt it as much as this spark was a relief. I thought I was going nuts.

And the fact that he tried to stay away as much as I did made me happy. I wasn’t the only one having an inner battle with myself and I wasn’t alone in not being able to walk away.


“What?” he asked, astounded, causing me to giggle.

“Yes, Abbey. I want to try…”

I didn’t get to finish as his lips crushed mine. Despite initially being shocked, my body submitted against his as he turned my face to suit him.

Now that we have agreed to try to stay away from each other, will I stop thinking about him? Will he stop texting and calling?

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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