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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 23

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 2 (Episode 23)

~ Mary’s POV ~

“Abbey!” The voice exclaimed. There stood an older woman whose features resembled Abbey’s Except her skin was paler. Based on the way Abbey rushed to hug the woman, I had to guess it was his mother.

“Hello, Mom.” He said in Yoruba and hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead before backing away. He gestured toward me, inviting me over with a smile.

“This is my friend Mary. Mary, this is my mother..” she cut him off, bouncing with energy.

“Please, call me…

“Mother,” his words held an air of warning, but she waved him off.

Her eyes drank me in and she gave me a mega-watt smile. I reached out my hand for a handshake, but she nuzzled it aside to give me a fierce hug. She smelled of literal flower goodness as she pulled me into her arm.
John never bothered to introduce me to his extended family as he doesn’t have the best relationship with them. And I never had a family, to begin with.

“It is wonderful to meet you, Mary.” She backed away and I couldn’t help but smile at the woman who reeked of genuine intentions.

“You are beautiful,” she said in Yoruba.

“Ese, ma,” I replied, which meant: thank you.

Did Abbey mention me? Well, it makes sense since he invited me to come here. Before I could say more, she rushed us into her home.

Soon, as we walked in, it wasn’t as lavish as I thought it would be. In fact, it was quite homey with white walls decorated with blue and grey furniture.

She walked us down the corridor, passing multiple rooms. Abbey’s mother was vibrant with energy as she showed us around. Then, as she began talking about Abbey’s childhood, a man who looked identical to Abbey appeared from the backyard. He was about as tall as Abbey with dark hair. The only difference between them was their eyes and beard.

When we reached the backyard, I audibly gasped. While I was looking around, I hadn’t noticed someone nearing us until they exclaimed. Both Abbey and I swiveled around just in time for the man to pull Abbey in for a hug. Abbey let my hand go in the process. Once the two pulled away, I was able to see the man. He was a bit paler and shorter than Abbey. I recognized him immediately.

He was Abbey’s brother! I had met him before at the restaurant John took me to that very day. The one where Abbey and I shared our first kiss.

“Ayomide,” Abbey grinned, then he began to introduce us. “This is….”

“The hot woman from Mom’s restaurant,” he said and I laughed.
“Good to see you again,” he gave him a brief hug.
“You as well. I’m Mary,” I told him.

“Thank you for the compliment.”
“I’m going to get Mary settled in the first place. We need to talk later.”

Ayo nodded his head before saying he’d see me later.

As soon as he walked away, Abbey turned back to me.

“What do you say we get to eat?” I nodded my head and followed him.
What a wonderful family he has. Although the day just started, I couldn’t wait to see what else was in store.

It was nighttime now, with the moon above the clouds, and I was happy. After Abbey and I ate their local delicacy, he introduced me to the rest of his family. The ones that were around, consisted of his cousins, aunts, uncles, and a few of his parent’s friends.

Though he said they were practically family. He told me he had a larger family from his maternal home.

I wasn’t sure why this surprised me, but his family was very nice and receptive to me. I found myself at the pavilion chatting with a group of Abbey’s cousins while he went off to talk to his brother. They had me laughing the entire moment as they talked about the happenings in their family. Even as far as going back to their childhood days, telling me stories of themselves and Abbey.

“He’s always been a good boy,” his cousin, I’ve come to know as Remi informed me.
“Abbey has never been one to get into trouble. We were never able to convince him to do something rash.”

“His brother on the other handful!” They laughed.

They went on to talk about their old day’s memories.

A hand placed itself on my shoulder gently, interrupting my laughter. I turned around in my chair to Abbey, smiling.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear, making my stomach flutter as I felt his breath brush against me.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Mary? I nodded my head, drawing back to look into his eyes. God, the man was handsome as he stared at me. It was as if I could get a spark between us, tingling me.

“Good. I want to show you something.” He reached his hand out and I took it. We snuck away from his hand out and I took it. We snuck away from his family and headed to the far back of the backyard, where trees blocked the view.
“You won’t ki|| me, right?” he chuckled.

“I promise I won’t. There’s a path that leads somewhere I’d like to show you. Do you trust me?”

I looked behind us to see his family having fun and then looked back at him. Though I wasn’t keen about going anywhere, I did trust Abbey. He hasn’t proven that I shouldn’t trust him. I nodded and want to move, but he stopped me, causing me to look into his eyes.

“I trust you,” I said honestly. He squeezed my hand a little before leading me into the back side of their house. A small dirt path that seemed to be used often. I also noticed that while we stayed on the said path, we were heading downwards. Abbey was Confident in his studies while he took me to God knows where.

A few minutes later, I saw a spectacular view.

“A swimming pool? Wow! You guys have a swimming pool?”
“Yeah.” He answered. My jaw dropped while Abbey stood beside me, chuckling.

He walked us closer to it and noticed a single bench before it and not it, had towels and water to drink. Abbey suddenly let go and placed his phone on the bench before looking down at me.

“Would you like to swim with me, Mary?”
“Yes, but not too far,” I said. I didn’t exactly trust water where I wouldn’t be able to be rescued. I had a phobia of water but I could handle five feet at least.

“Alright.” With that, Abbey began unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes widened considerably while he did so. Each button being released almost in slow motions. His muscles peaked through the more button he popped.

Realizing I was staring, he flushed and caught his eyes awkwardly where he was casually grinning at me as he undressed.

“Um, I’ll just….,” I turned my back to him trying to be polite.
Though his next words nearly had me spinning back around.

“You’re welcome to watch, Mary.” I closed my eyes at the sound of his voice, thick with an accent, causing me to close my eyes.

Just friends, I reminded myself. Abbey and I are just friends. I heard his footsteps walk further away from me. Curiously, I turned over my shoulder just to see the back of him. Naked, broad shoulders with muscles, his lower body protected in shorts but shoved the roundness of a perfect @zz.

When his body finally lowered into the water, he turned to me. A bright smile on his face as he gestured for me to come in. I was playing a dangerous game. I shouldn’t get into the water with him. Seeing his form from his front confirmed that Abbey didn’t have the body of a bodybuilder, more so, the body of an athlete. His muscles were firm, and I knew if I ran my hands over his chest, it’d be solid.

“The water is warm, Mary!” he called out, then turned opposite me. “I won’t look as you change.”

Don’t do it! Don’t get in the water, my mind screamed at me.

But I didn’t listen. I took off my dress slowly, revealing my underwear. I took off my shoes before making my way toward the water. I dipped my toe in and noticed that the water wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be.

Wrapping my arms around my midsection, I made my way over to Abbey. I was waist-deep in the water, the bottom of my Břě@šťs close to being submerged in the water. I tapped Abbey on his shoulder softly, then returned my arms to where they were.

Admittedly, I was a little insecure. My body wasn’t a sculpture, and I had stretch marks. There was also the little scar I had underneath my belly that…. No, no negative thoughts.

He focused on me, his eyes shining as he drag me in. I wonder if he found my body unattractive. If I wasn’t what he was expecting. I know I shouldn’t care about another man’s opinion, but I cared about his. John often made me feel as if my body was below his standards. Though I’ve tried my best to please him. But the more I tried, the less weight I would gain.

Now, I’m a woman with less meat on her bones than normal. The more I thought about myself, the more down I felt. Despite trying to be positive. Without realizing it, I had my eyes downcast awaiting the judgment I was used to hearing.

Suddenly, Abbey used a finger to tilt my chin up, causing our eyes to connect. He eyed me, then with something akin to desire making a shiver run down my spine while he pressed close to me.

“Stunning,” was all he said, smiling down at me. Then, before I could understand what was happening, he gripped my hips, lifted me, causing me to shriek, and then tossed me into the water. When I came up for air, I was gasping for breath while he laughed.

“Abbey!” I screamed at him, removing my hair from my face. “You are going to pay for that!”

I startled him. We weren’t deep in the water, but it was enough for us to swim in.

Once I reached him, I threw water at him and tried to run off. He grabbed me by my waist again and tossed me. This carried on for some time before I got tired of being offensive. As much as I wanted to beat him, I knew I would lose every time. He had the advantage, but not until I tricked him. He had just tossed me into the water again when I decided to hold my breath longer under the water.

“Mary?” he called out. I heard him come closer, looking for me. And when he was right where I wanted him, I jumped from behind and tackled him, taking both of us down into the water. When we popped back up, I was cracking up at him.

“Oh, you think that’s funny?” I screamed as he started chasing after me in the water. I tried to get away from him, but he caught me, dragging his hands along my body, when suddenly he began to tickle my belly. I screamed into the air, laughter escaping me.

“Abb…” I tried to gasp for breath, but couldn’t due to my hysterical laughter. His fingers dug into me as I tried to escape him. His warm chest was against my back as we stood close together, laughing. It wasn’t until a few minutes later that I was begging him to stop. He let me surrender. Yet, he didn’t let me go as I spun in his arms to look at his face.

We stood there in the water, beaming at each other under the night sky. Then out of nowhere, we heard something akin to a sharp whistle. Then a firework popped off above us. We glanced up at the night sky as more fireworks lit up the area. It was midnight, and Christmas vibes were on the air.

We watched as the whole area was lighted up with fireworks until I remembered I was in his arms. It seemed he thought the same as when we looked back at each other. Our eyes clashed once more as another firework went off.

First Christmas out of home and I was having a blast at Abbey’s family house.

Tmine continued…
Frank The Writer

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