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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 20

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My Husband and I

Dark Romance ?

Part 2 (Episode 20)

~ Mary’s ~ POV

While we drove to his apartment that I had never seen before, he kept saying it was a regular space. But as I looked out the window and saw the building go from poor to the middle class and finally the rich, I knew he was lying.

Then, once we arrived, it took everything in me to not gape like a fish. His home was enormous for a simple apartment. I told him he was living in a mini, but not so mini house. It has everything such as its gym, a large kitchen, a game room and more.

However, it made sense when he told me he lives with his best friend who was currently out of town. So we had the place to ourselves. While I was relaxing in the sitting room, he was in the kitchen preparing something for us to eat. He even put on his apron and that made me giggle.

“You’re really making this cooking official tonight,” I asked him, laughing when he put on the ensemble.

“Of course! I have a special guest tonight,” he replied with a smile.

I laughed again as I saw him hush up the sleeves of his shirt. Then I noticed something on his forearm. I moved closer to him and was surprised at what I saw.

“You have a tattoo,” I said, somewhat surprised.

A bird tattoo. I wasn’t sure of the bird species but it looked like an eagle. Its wings spread as if it was about to fly.

“Yes, I have a tattoo. Are you surprised?”
“Um, not really. What does it stand for?”

“Well, the bird right here symbolizes peace, strength, and love.”
“Hmm…Love? Strength? Well, if you say so,” I pulled back.

Now, the smell of food wafting through the air. My belly was rumbling and I couldn’t wait to eat wh@ťěver Abbey had cooked. I was just about to round up a chat with a client.

About a half hour later, I heard the sound of plates being moved around and Abbey’s steps as he shuffled in the kitchen.

Moments later, I felt his presence behind my back before he dipped low to reach my ear. Putting my phone down, I turned in my seat, nearly gasping as we met face to face. He hadn’t moved, and neither did I want him to. The smell of his perf was alluring along with wh@ťěver he cooked up. I smiled up at him through the nervousness I felt.

The aroma of the food he made had me ready to jump out of my chair. At that moment my stomach decided to rumble loudly.
He held out a hand for me which I took, easing me off the couch. Then he took my hand and led me past the kitchen and dining room. His dining room was big with plenty of chairs and a long table. But what really captured my eyes was the setup on the right side.

There was a couch facing the far wall, and then I saw a cat which initially scared me. Just as I turned around to ask Abbey about it, I saw him holding a wrapped package. I couldn’t tell what was in it.

Oh, my God.

“Abbey….,” I was lost of words. My eyes widened as I took in the handsome man before me.

He had abandoned the silly chef hat but kept the apron on, standing tall in his dark slacks and blue shirt.

“A gift,” he held out the package waiting for me to take them. “As friends, And as much as I wanted to go along with the friendly gesture.”

“This isn’t because of…” he shook his head, the smile not disappearing. “This was already planned, Mary. I just needed an excuse to get you here,” he admitted.


“Do you accept my gift?”

Thump, thump, went my heart.

Without hesitating, I replied, “Yes.” I took the wrapped package, wondering what was inside. I reminded myself that Abbey was just a friend. Even if his gesture sensed anything but friendly.

After we got that over and done with, we got settled with our food. Then Abbey put on a movie for us to watch. I was surprised he chose an American movie. I think I have mentioned that to him before. Shrugging off the thought, I began to dig into the food. I tried not to make a fool out of myself when I took my first bite, but it couldn’t be helped.

“Abbey,” I Mõ@ɲed after swallowing. “Who taught you how to cook?” I glanced up to see him watching me. His gaze was darker than it had been minutes ago. I hope he didn’t mind me asking. I was genuinely curious. He cleared his throat when he saw me stare at him questioningly, still eating the food he made.

“My mother taught me. She told me that one day I’d meet someone special who I would need to make a good impression on.”

I stopped chewing as I ingested his words. I caught his gaze, feeling the air tense in, something I couldn’t identify.

“So tell me, so you like the food?”

I swallowed harshly, feeling a pang $h00t through my belly in want and need. But I pushed it to the side, seeing the easy-going smile on his face. Abbey liked to joke around by teasing. Surely, that’s what he was doing now.

“Well, it’s nice. I like it,” I stuttered before looking away. I didn’t say much else, and neither did he as we ate our food quietly.
The noise from the movie drowned out my thoughts, yet, I was super-aware of the man beside me. Discretely side-eyeing him every chance I could. Just being in his presence turned my brain to mush.

When we finished our food, he took away our plates before returning with wine. Good, this will calm me down, I said to myself.

He lay down closer, beside me as I continued to drink. I found myself loosening up by my second glass and we laughed at the screen by the time I had the third in my hand. I wasn’t drunk by any means, but I was feeling a bit tipsy.
After the movie went off, Abbey used the remote control to change to another channel.

However, I noticed that he sat farther than he did before. I frowned as I looked over at him while he paid attention to the movie. The smile never left his face as he watched.

“Abbey,” I called him, and he turned his attention towards me.
“Why are you so far away?” I questioned and beckoned him closer. I saw him hesitate briefly before he scooted close to me. There was still space between us which I covered immediately. I moved my body in a way so I could lean my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me then.

“Abbey,” I breathed out and then looked up into his pretty eyes.

“Perhaps it would be best if you get the wine down. I think you already push it with four glasses already.” I looked at him, confused.

“Fourth? No, I only had… how many is it again? If he said I had four glasses, then the one in my hand would make it five.

I hiccupped.

While I was stuck in a confused daze, he slowly pried the glass from my hand and then sat it on the table.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

I winced, shaking my head instantly, causing me to get dizzy, and nearly tip over on the couch.

“Please don’t take me home,” I begged in a drunken haze. “I want you to stay with me.”

“Ok. Let’s get you upstairs then,” I suddenly found myself being lifted in his arms. And Abbey whom I called a friend carried me through his house. It was weird being in another man’s arms. Wrong but right at the same time. I buried my head into his shoulder, sniffing him. He smelt so good.

Before I knew it, he placed me on a soft bed, undid my shoes, tucked me in, and wanted to leave.

“Wait,” I called out. “Please, don’t go,” I told him. Don’t leave me.
“Mary, I….,”

“Abbey, please,” I asked for him again, pointing all the while. Just the sound of his name leaving my lips had me turning around.

However, he stayed above the covers, facing the ceiling. I shuffled closer to him and laid my head on his chest. His heart was beating fast as we lay in silence for a while. I couldn’t sleep though. I wanted more. I wanted him closer to me, in me!
But a part of my mind knew it was the drink talking. But did Abbey think the same? I didn’t want him to. I waited for him to know.

“I like you,” I admitted in the quiet room.

When I didn’t get a response, I pressed. “I really really like you..”
“Mary,” he cut me off, causing me to frown. Tears beginning to gather behind my eyes.

“Do you not like me?”

He didn’t speak for a while until he shifted a bit as he wrapped one arm around my body. I looked up at him.

“Of course I do, but…”
“Prove it,” he sighed as if tortured. I didn’t care.

He knew what I wanted, what I was asking for.

“Prove it.” I challenged, meeting his heated stare in the dark while he looked down at me.

Abbey gripped my waist, bringing me up, and crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was heated as he gave me all that he had, not bothering to seek an invitation as he fought out my tongue with his, making me feel hot as he plundered my mouth, taking ownership as if my mouth didn’t belong to me.

I could do nothing but lie pretty as he greedily kissed the hell out of me. That was until he removed the covers in haste and flipped us so that he was above me. His lips stayed fierce on mine as we made out like teenagers.

While his hands warmed my body, his right hand gripped my waist, and his left hand rose to my neck clutching it in his grasp, delicately but making sure to know we had control. He was in charge. I Mõ@ɲed against him, which he swallowed while the hand on my waist began drawing circles, pressing on my body in places I didn’t know could cause a reaction to me.

“Oh, Abbey,” I whined when I had the chance to breathe after we broke away. He responded by laying sweet kisses against my neck. My back arched in pleasure as he pulled my skin between his teeth.

He removed the hand on my waist to drag it up to one of my Břě@šťs, squeezing it to cause pleasurable pains before soothing it with his thumb; rubbing my Ɲīpplë through the fabric of the shirt I wore. It was too much and too little at the same time. My foggy brain couldn’t handle it as my P@ŋtîēṣ dampened and he repeated the process with my other Břě@šť. I’ve never cried out in pleasure so much for something so little.

Before I could ask for more, he halted what he was doing. I looked at him confused as he sat up, hovering above me.

Please, please, don’t stop. I screamed inside my mind. I felt as if I were going crazy with how much need I felt for this man.

“That was just a taste of what we could have,” He spoke to me in a voice filled with clear lust. “I won’t do anything else with you tonight. I’ll wait until your mind is clear and I know that you want me, just the way I want you; body, mind, and soul.

“Just sleep,” he answered.

I protested but he shushed me. “Sleep, beautiful lady.” He kissed my forehead and hopped out the bed. He quickly exited the room and I sighed.

To be continued…
Frank The Writer

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