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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HUSBAND AND I – Episode 1

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New Story Alert⚠️

My Husband & I

(Dark Romance) ?

~ Unfulfilled and unhappy in her marriage, Maryjane does everything she could to keep her husband happy. That was until she met two men who caused her to think more about what she wanted in life.
Soon enough she discovered a side of her that she longed to be unleashed and a love that knows no bounds. ~

Fair Warning❕ This story contains mature content that is entirely consensual. It is highly more mature than my stories. It may also be somewhat trigging as well.

So if this is not your cup of tea, don’t read. Yeah, don’t read.


The sound of heavy grunts were filling my ear. Willingly laying facedown, rooted up for my husband as he took his pleasure.
Consummation between husband and wife should be pleasurable for both, but I’ve never felt that way. I rolled my head to the side trying to focus on the clock beside our bed. I had started counting down the time when we began having segz.

I only had a few more seconds to go before he came. I went to stretch one of my arms because it was beginning to cramp but he grabbed onto it. I held back a grimace as he pulled my arm behind my back mistaking me for wanting to grab onto the sheets.

“You feel so good,” he Mõ@ɲed while his th-ru_st began to speed up. I didn’t reply as there would be no point. Although if I did, he wouldn’t have cared to hear. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate on my body. Maybe if I focused enough on how my Ɲīpplës brushed against the sheets with every sway to my heavy Břě@šťs, I’d be turned on. Or perhaps the feel of my husband’s touch on my hips should have been enough. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not get turned on. There was no fire to our lovemaking — just a dullness.

“Ouch,” he stuttered and his hips lost rhythm as he chased his high. He let go of my arms, choosing instead to grip my hips harshly. th-ru_sting into me unrealistically, I could hear his balls slapping against my lower hips.

I cried out under his brushing grip and th-ru_sts trying to wiggle away. Stupid mistake seeing as he gripped me harder to which I had no choice but to take it. My @zz jiggled beneath him as he continued his lovemaking.

“I’m about —” His lips stuttered and I felt him pour himself inside me. The feel of his seed inside me caused my ćƖĩť to twitch but then settled to normal. He leaned his body over mine nearly squishing my body into the mattress. He th-ru_sted quite a few times making sure he filled me with everything he had.

The room remained silent except for his heavy breathing and the squelching noises of my Pů$$¥ taking his Ďïčk. After moving inside me a few more times to make sure I took his seed. He started kissing my back, murmuring intangible words as I continued to breathe slowly.

Truth is I’m quite ashamed of myself to say that I lead my husband on occasionally. I often fake having had an 0rg@zm, something I haven’t felt in what feels like years. So when it comes to the end of our lovemaking, I Mõ@ɲed as if I’m coming down from my high. Although his kisses were the sweetest and make me feel warm inside.

“I love you,” he whispered against my back before he pulled out of me with a ‘plop’ sound.

He turned my body around to face him to admire me as I admired him. I watched his dark forearm reach between us to his Ç0çƙ. He stroked it a few times before taking a few dips in my honey pot full of his Com. I glanced at his dark Ç0çƙ before taking my hand to stroke his buzzed hair lovingly. As he lathers his Ďïčk, I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.

“I love you, too,” I told him sincerely. Although his segz game ain’t great, I still love my husband with all my heart. I’d do anything for him and he knew it. There was a short bit of silence before he sat up and I had a full-eye view of his Ç0çƙ covered in both of our juices.

As he lazily stroke himself in one hand, he used the other to grab my hair full of short black locks. His grip wasn’t bruising as he used my hair to guide my face closer toward him. I took a glance at the clock before starting a countdown and closing my eyes. Opening my mouth, I took his length and let my husband use me once more.

The Next Day

I waved goodbye to him inside our home through the window as he left for work. He didn’t wave back which I could understand because he was nearly late. I kept getting tired to remind him to have his clothes ready the night before, but he never listens. After seeing him get into the car and drive off, I sighed and got into the kitchen to clean up. I had made breakfast for him this morning as usual and cleaning up was a chore I couldn’t stand.

Every day I made sure to have breakfast and dinner served for us both.
Well, I wouldn’t eat breakfast, just dinner. I was never able to make lunch because I had clients during noon which sometimes could reach into the night.
However, I always made sure to arrive home before my husband did. Putting plates in the dishwasher, I wondered what I would do to start my day. I turned to wipe the stove and then sink, before washing my hands. Then I decided to leave the kitchen and make my way to the basement.

Our home wasn’t extraordinary or anything since the walls had all been painted white which my husband requested. There were a few portraits of us two hanging on the wall. A few of them were our wedding photos, my favorite photo of me shoving ice cream up his nose.

Thinking back on those moments caused a silly smile to make its way on my face before I began to frown, wondering where I went wrong in our marriage and why our relationship was that way. I passed by a few more photos of us lining the halls. One of my husband graduating from the police academy and one photo of me attaining my counseling license. We were both proud of each despite our jobs didn’t pay as much as we hoped.

Frank The Writer

(Dark Romance) ?

Fair warning; this episode contains explicit content.
It’s highly more mature than my stories. It may also be somewhat trigging as well. So, if this is not your cup of tea, don’t read.

Episode 1

I heard the sound of his keys before the door opened. I didn’t glance up from the store while preparing stew. It just needed a few more minutes and it would be done. I already had set the table. I heard his heavy footsteps as he walked through the house, making his way into the kitchen.

“Hi honey, how was work?” I asked without turning around. I sensed him before I felt his hands against my lower back.

I decided to wear a loose orange dress today since I felt like getting dressed up hoping it’d make me feel better about myself. The dress only reached my knees and it fit my figure quite well. I wasn’t really tall nor was I short. I had about an average height while my husband stood about two inches above me. My weight had been fluctuating, but I did have some small curves here and there, but nothing too exciting. I could be considered an average-looking woman, maybe even below average due to the bags underneath my eyes.

“Tiring, I had a stressful day. How was your day? The food smells good,” he spoke in his deep voice that used to send shivers down my spine. He moved his hands up to my shoulders and began to massage them. I leaned back into his embrace, letting out a sigh.

“You like the smell? I decided to make sauce and yam tonight. I didn’t do much aside from attending to my clients,” I responded and turned down the heat on the gas cooker.

“That’s good baby,” he spoke before one of his hands lowered from my shoulders and down toward my left Břě@šť palming my Ɲīpplë through the dress.

“You look pretty.”

“Thank you,” I tilted my neck to the side when he lowered his head and dipped in for a kiss. He kissed my lips before kissing down my neck sensually.

I let out a low Mõ@ɲ as he sucked on my skin in between kisses. I slowly felt his other hand trail down my back down to my hips before slowly hitching my dress up. I placed one of my hands on top of one and played with my B-__-bs before speaking.

“Babe, we’re about to eat dinner and the gas is on..”

“Turn it off,” I want you first,” he said and continued to play with my body. I could feel him getting hard through his uniform.

Did I forget to tell you that my husband was a police officer? Pardon me.

He kissed me some more and I followed through by turning off the gas. I tried to turn around in his arms, but he stopped me.

“No, I want you like this.” He moved us away from the gas to the counter beside it. I was still facing away from the gas to the counter beside it. I was still facing away from him as he bent me over and fully hiked up my dress, so it sat on my hips.

“Isn’t there a rule about disrespecting the uniform or something?” I asked quietly when I heard the sound of his belt unbuckling and his trouser unzipping. He then used his hand to rub against my clothed p@zzy, belting out a laugh.

“That’s for the military, and if it was, no one is here to watch me smooch my wife,” he said as I heard him shuffle some more.

Sensing the irritation in his voice, I decided to keep my lips closed. He placed his hand away and decided to push my P@ŋtîēṣ to the side instead of taking them off. He then took both hands and spread my @zz cheeks to widen.

I heard his spit fly and felt his saliva drip down my @zz to my p@zzy. Then he pushed inside of me without a second thought.

“Humph,” I groaned when he hardly settled inside me and just began to th-ru_st. I felt discomfort right away.

“John, wait,” I threw my hand back to show him, but he pushed me away, pushing me down roughly against the counter.

He slapped my @zz once, twice, and thrice as I squirmed during the harsh pounding. I had no choice but to take his frustrations as little whimpers left my lips. Groans of satisfaction left his mouth as his pelvis met my behind. My @zz jiggling seemed to goad him as his grunts became louder. I had to hold onto the counter to not hit my head on the cabinet above me.


John was breathing faster as he was th-ru_sting so hard and my whole body vibrated. I just wanted it to be done and over. I presumed he won’t last long with the way he was going and I was right. He spent himself in me in less than three minutes. I breathed a sigh and started to get up before he pulled out, grabbed me, and turned me around himself. John then lifted me onto the counter, pulled my P@ŋtîēṣ down my legs, and shoved himself back in without warning.

“John!” I exclaimed in surprise and then shouted again when he pulled down the front of my dress nearly ripping the fabric as he exposed my Břě@šťs to his eyes.

He leaned in and closes his mouth on my left Břě@šť. I Mõ@ɲed to turn him on more, hoping he’d finish faster. I had my legs splayed out on both sides of him with my currently ripped P@ŋtîēṣ hanging from one of my legs.

My p@zzy and Břě@šťs were fully exposed as if I never had clothes on. If this wasn’t a segzy image to get him to Com I wasn’t sure what it would take. Although I wasn’t fully turned on and a bit taken aback by his aggressiveness. I had confinements position was spicy. I caught an image of our reflection through the bowl I had set on the table across from us.

Suddenly, I had an idea come to mind. I paid no mind as John ravished my body and instead took in my appearance. My pretty brown skin was soaked in sweat. My tits were bouncing, free from the confinements of my dress. The current state of my dress was ruffled against my waist as my husband took me roughly. My brown eyes narrowed slightly on myself, realizing that I looked segzy and my life lips began to tingle, still using the bowl across from us to see myself. I looked down at my husband, closing my eyes as a sudden onslaught of emotions hit me, I shake my head subtly. I opened my eyes again to be sure it was my husband inside me and not a different man.

I let out a yelp closing my eyes again to which John took that I was truly enjoying his lovefest. So he began to speed up once more and went a step further by spreading my legs wider using one of his hands. At this point, my husband was punishing my p@zzy and I knew I’d have to take a soak for a while in the bath tonight. I sighed in defeat and let him take me knowing any protest would egg him on.

A couple of minutes later, John came inside of me again breathing loud. I started to kiss his head as he gathered his breath. Once he did, he started raining kisses on my chest, telling me he loves me. I told him the same as he began to kiss my Břě@šťs again. And this time taking his time and making sure to coat them in his spit. I started to Mõ@ɲ for real this time because my Břě@šťs were sensitive and loves attention.

“You didn’t Com,” he said abs trailing his lips lower. I shook my head. He nodded and slide my head. He nodded and slide down between my legs with kisses.
Although I didn’t reach 0rg@zm that night, I loved seeing my John happy.

To be continued..
Frank The Writer

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