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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 71 & 72

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 71 & 72. . . …

“Aunt? Aunt? are you okay? ” Olivia called worriedly bringing Violetta out of her thoughts.

“Ugh? ” Violetta muttered as she glanced around her surroundings.

“You were deep in thought aunt, is everything alright? ” Olivia uttered again.

“Aunt? ” Violetta muttered to herself and it dawned on her, she was only imagining things.

“A…am sorry for keeping you guys out here…come in” She muttered nervously and paved way for them to come in.

Olivia smiled, they trailed behind her towards the dinning area,
They sat down.

Violetta smiled nervously as she dished out some mushroom soup and gave it to Olivia,

“Drink up honey, you really need it” Violetta uttered, coolly.

She gave Alex some stick with cheese,
Olivia smiled as she drank from the mushroom soup excitedly.

“Hmm so yummy! you’re a great cook aunt! ” Olivia praised.

Violetta smiled.
Soon, Michael and Vince joined them,

Olivia gazed at Vince for a while, as she was about to lower her head, Vince let out a wide smile which made Olivia to froze.

Did this cold guy just smiled at her???
Olivia thought and felt her stomach churned.

“Are you okay? ” Alex asked, worriedly as he handed a glass of water over to her,

Olivia drank from it, slowly.
“Erm! good day sir! ” Olivia greeted Michael.

“Olivia dear, it’s really nice to see you, am so glad to have a daughter like you” Michael uttered cheerfully.

Violetta and Vince froze while Olivia furrowed her brows confused,

She shrugged it off and continued eating.

“So…ugh Olivia dear, how have you been? hope you weren’t freaked out about what happened here during that birthday party, we’re still searching for the murderer” Violetta uttered, coolly.

“Really? that’s nice, but aunt what about Charlotte? ” Olivia asked, softly.

“She went out, don’t really know where she went to” Violetta muttered carefully.

Olivia nodded.
“Olivia dear, h…how is your mother? ” Violetta asked, nervously.

Olivia smiled and dropped her spoon.
“Ah…am filled up, thank you for the food aunt” Olivia muttered excitedly as she wiped her mouth with a towel.

“I don’t really know how she is, I feel so bad that I haven’t gone to see the woman who took care of me since when I was little till now. ” Olivia mumbled sadly.

Michael glared at Violetta signalling for her to say something.

Alex cleared his throat and stood up as he straightened his suit,
“I’ll head outside need to take this call” Alex muttered, lazily and turned to go.

Violetta quickly sprang up from her seat,
“Why don’t you hold on a little bit Alex, I..i mean–

“It’s really an important call” Alex muttered, coolly as he tucked his hand into his trouser pocket.

Olivia frowned,
But she didn’t hear when his phone rang..?

Violetta struggled to say something but couldn’t,

Alex strode towards the door, as he was about to open it, Violetta uttered something which made him to pause.

“Olivia dear…am…am your mother! am your real mother! ” Violetta blurted out, forcefully.

Olivia gazed at Violetta as though she had grown two heads,
“Hahaha, you’re really funny aunt, my mom is at home and–

“That woman isn’t your mom, she’s just an imposter! she stole you from me the day I gave

birth to you…Olivia dear, believe me, we even did a DNA test. ” Violetta muttered tearfully.

Olivia stood up, slowly as she chuckled, confused.
She turned to Alex,

“Is this…..why you brought me here…? you…knew? ” Olivia asked, softly.

Alex sighed as he strolled towards her direction, he held the tip of her wig and pulled it off together with her glasses.

“Haven’t you ever thought about it, why miss Judy always wants you to wear this wig and glasses? that’s because you look like your mom” Alex muttered, calmly.

“This is the DNA test result, you’re my sister ” Vince muttered slowly.

“Olivia dear forgive us for not recognizing you all this while please… ” Michael retorted, tearfully.

Olivia ran towards the window as she gazed at face and it suddenly dawned on her,

She looks so much like Violetta, Violetta is her…is her mom… Michael is her….dad…? she has a

father?…Vince is her brother…she has a big brother….This is all what she has ever wished for…. But…why

does it feel so weird..? so her mom…no miss Judy has been lying to her all this while? she stole me from my own mom? how could she??

Olivia thought as tears rolled down her cheek and she sobbed, bitterly.

Alex pulled her into a hug as he rocked her back,
“Y…you knew about this all this while…right? ” Olivia sobbed out.

Alex froze, he released a light nod.
Olivia disengaged the hug as she took a step back,

Alex sighed and massaged his forehead, tiredly.
“W..why didn’t you tell me all this while?! yes how could I forget,

that was why you were asking me all those questions….you were only trying to tell me.. ” Olivia mumbled tearfully.

“It wasn’t his place to tell you, it is our place to tell you. Alex only helped us to get information. ” Vince retorted, calmly.

“I went through hell in the hands of poverty when I was with my mom…no…miss Judy. She stopped me from doing things in which I loved all because she

was running from you, I couldn’t sing and showcase my talent, I couldn’t make friends, I couldn’t….” Olivia muttered and choked on her sobs.

“Her name isn’t’s Julie that thief! ” Michael muttered through gritted teeth.

“Olivia dear…just give us a chance, we promise to make you happy…please ” Violetta pleaded tearfully.

“What about Julie? we need to find her, she needs to go to jail” Vince retorted, seriously.

Olivia sobbed as she turned to go,
“Olivia?! please don’t leave…please ” Patricia sobbed out.

“I…have to check up on miss Judy…she has some explanations to do… ” Olivia mumbled tearfully and left.

Violetta fell on the floor as she sobbed bitterly,
“Oh God…my baby…will she ever forgive me…” Violetta sobbed as Michael pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay, she will eventually come back..let’s just give her sometime. ” Michael muttered, soothingly.
Alex sighed as he sat down back.

“Thanks so much for bringing her here” Vince muttered, seriously.

Alex nodded.
“You guys should give her sometime” Alex muttered lazily.

Vince let out a sad smile.
Suddenly, Alex’s phone rang and he picked up,

He sprang up from his seat,
Worry etched on his cold face,
“I’ll be there shortly just hold on” Alex stated, seriously and hanged up.

“What happened? is it Olivia? ” Violetta asked worriedly.

“I think it concerns miss Judy–

“Why don’t we come with you? ” Violetta cuts Alex off, hurriedly.

Alex gave it a thought and nodded,
They all stroll out of the mansion.


Olivia sobbed as she saw miss Judy’s lifeless body sprawled on the bed and blood was splattered everywhere, miss Judy’s head was no more.

“No…what happened…who did this to you…please wake up… ” Olivia sobbed bitterly.

The door burst open and Alex, Violetta, Michael, Vince and some cops strolled in.

“Oh my God! ” Violetta shrieked in disgust at the horrible sight in front of her.

Vince closed his nose because of how horrible the house stench.
The cops looked for a way and took miss Judy’s body out of the house.

“I think the mysterious ki||er did this ” Vince muttered, seriously.

“Miss do you have any idea how this happened? ” A cop asked Olivia as he took a piece of paper so he will write down any important details.

“I…i don’t know…i just came to see her and found her this way” Olivia sobbed out.

“No need of asking, this is something in which the mysterious ki||er did, and you all know about this ki||er so instead

of questioning her, you guys should go search for this unknown ki||er” Alex retorted, coldly.

The cop flinched and quickly left with the rest.

“No…she was supposed to be alive, she needed to tell me why she did it…it’s all my fault ” Olivia sobbed.

Violetta knelt down on the floor and embraced her,
“It’s okay honey…it’s not your fault” Violetta mumbled softly.

Soon Olivia calmed down, she disengaged the hug, slowly.
“I…need to get something. ” Olivia muttered and stood up, Violetta stood up too.

She head towards the drawer, she took the key and opened it, she took out some important files and documents and shoved them into her bag.

She searched the whole room until she saw what she was looking for, miss Judy’s diary.

She had always seen Miss Judy writing down something inside this diary but didn’t give it a thought.

Olivia shoved it into her bag, she took miss Judy’s phone which was on the floor and tried to on it but figured out that the battery was down.

She shoved it into her bag and they all went outside,
“I’ll be taking my girlfriend home now, she really needs rest” Alex muttered and opened the car door.

“Bye… ” Olivia muttered, weakly and got into the car.

“Olivia? ” Vince called.

Olivia gazed at him, nervously.
“Please just visit us whenever you have the chance to” Vince muttered, softly.

Olivia forced out a small smile which faded instantly.

Alex got into the car too, the chauffeur roared the engine to life and the car zoomed off.

“Bye honey…come visit your family whenever you feel lonely! ” Violetta yelled as she waved at the zooming car.

They got into their own car and the car zoomed out of the vicinity.


Charlotte walked into the mansion tiredly as she flung her bag carelessly that it hit one of the maid who was clearing the dinning table.

“You worthless thing! come here and take off my shoes!! ” She roared, irritated.

The maid quickly ran to where Charlotte was and took off her shoes,

Charlotte took her gaze to the plates of foods on the table and scoffed,

“Where is my parents and why are there so many left overs on the table? Did mom and dad invited some guests over? ” Charlotte uttered, confused.

The maid nodded, stiffly as she remembered how Vince warned all of them not to tell Charlotte about who came over today.

“Who are they?” Charlotte probed, seriously.

The maid shook her head,
“I…i don’t really know, Ma’am Violetta told all of us to stay inside our quarters so we weren’t able to see the guest’s faces” The maid retorted, softly.

Charlotte scoffed as she strolled towards the kitchen, all the maids inside the kitchen quickly bowed,

“Who was the guest? ” She asked, sharply but they all refused to answer.

She slammed her hand hard on the counter,
“Who the f_ck are the guests that my parents invited over!!?” She screamed madly making all of them to flinch.

“We weren’t able to see their faces, madam warned all of us not to step out from the maid quarter till the guests leaves… ” Nana uttered, politely.

Charlotte let out an evil grin as she turned and strolled out of the kitchen.

The maids sighed in relief.
When she got to the sitting room, she feigned sadness when she saw Violetta, Vince and Michael strode in,

“Mom! you didn’t even tell me that you won’t be around! ” Charlotte pouted as she hugged Violetta.

Violetta smiled and caressed her hair,
“Mommy has been busy with some stuffs lately, how was school today? ” Violetta asked, tenderly.

“School was cool, welcome home dad and big brother! ” Charlotte muttered sweetly.

“Ah, I almost thought that I was invisible ” Michael muttered jokingly and laughed.

Vince rolled his eyes as he strolled towards the staircase,
“Mom please I need to talk to you privately ” Vince stated, lazily and left for his room.

“Mom! you’ve always been spending time with Vince and dad but you haven’t spent time with me! ” Charlotte whined, childishly.

Michael chuckled as he strolled towards the staircase, for his room.
“Let me take a shower, today was so hectic ” Michael muttered.

“Come on baby it shouldn’t be today, am sure Vince has something to discuss with me

and besides we really had a tiring day today so I’ll spend time with you tomorrow ” Violetta retorted, softly.

Charlotte’s smile faded and she quickly forced out a fake laughter,

“What happened today? is there something you guys are not telling me? ” Charlotte asked, sweetly.

Violetta froze and quickly chuckled, nervously.
“Ah! no dear…it’s nothing ” Violetta retorted.

“That’s a lie, you guys are hiding something from me! ” Charlotte probed.

“It’s nothing dear” Violetta uttered, softly.

“You’re lying, is it something personal? Oh! is it about your lost daughter? ” Charlotte asked, sweetly making Violetta to froze. did she know??
“Oh? I overheard some of the maids talking about it yesterday, am so sad that you didn’t even tell me! ” Charlotte whined but let out an evil smirk.

“Oh? ugh..i think you heard it all wrong, am only helping a friend of mine to search for her lost daughter, she was here this

evening and so me, Michael and your brother had to escort her out” Violetta retorted seriously.

She didn’t know why she’s having this weird and strange feeling about Charlotte…
Something seems off about her.

“I’ll be in Vince’s room now ” Violetta muttered.

“I wanted us to have a drink together but since you’re busy now no problem ” Charlotte retorted coolly.

Violetta nodded and went upstairs to Vince’s room.
Immediately Violetta left, Charlotte’s smile faded and her face went cold and dangerous.

“Fools! Idiots! Worthless ingrates! do they think am a fool? so they’ve finally found her but who could that Ɓîtçh be?! she can’t

take my place, no! not when am still alive and breathing! ” Charlotte muttered to herself, maliciously.

She took out a small bottle which had a whitish substance inside and smirked evilly,
“I wanted to make that Ɓîtçh

drunk! Well since it didn’t work out I can still use it for something else ” Charlotte muttered, mischievously.

“Hahahha! Vince I must have you on my bed ” Charlotte uttered with an evil grin…..


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