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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 63 & 64

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 63 & 64. . . …

A man clutched his stomach tight as he rolled on the floor in pain,
Anita could do nothing but only sobbed.

🗣 So it’s really true! The food is poisoned!

🗣Nobody should eat, the food is poisoned!! don’t eat!

🗣Thank God I didn’t eat mine

🗣My stomach hurt….

Anita quickly ran to the VIP area to warn the rest,
“No don’t eat!! ” Anita screamed and Charlotte and Michael who was about to eat stared at her as though she has growned two heads.

“Hah! what are you saying, allow us to eat” Patricia who was done with her phone call, uttered with a short laughter.


“The food is poisoned!! ” A woman who had ran into the VIP area screamed madly cutting Anita off.

They all sprang up from their seats, Charlotte quickly took a step back as she glanced downstairs and saw that so many people were sprawled on the floor, dead.

Vince quickly gazed downstairs and he face turned serious.
Violetta quickly ran in as she panicked
“Honey…people are dying! ” She sobbed as she hugged him.

Michael held her waist as he rocked her back,

Patricia glared at them as she clenched her fist tight,
Charlotte held her stomach and felt like throwing up,

“I’ll use the restroom ” She muttered and left.

Alex gazed downstairs as he felt his heart ached,
Whoever did this was trying to ki|| hundred birds with one stone but how could someone be this wicked? ki||ing innocent souls?

Vince quickly called 911 and explained the situation to them,
Alex received a text message, suddenly worry was etched on his cold face,

“Where’s Olivia? ” He asked Violetta, seriously.

“She might be inside…i left her there” Violetta muttered, thoughtfully.

“What is she–

Alex left the VIP area hastily in search of Olivia,

Vince took his cold gaze to Patricia,
Patricia who noticed his gaze, suddenly became nervous,

“Violetta who might have done this, if the cops arrive they will think you guys are the one who did it… ” Patricia feigned sadness.

Violetta sobbed more as she cursed whoever did it,
“Whoever did this to us will never know peace ” Violetta spat out in tears.

“Yes! they won’t ever know peace!” Patricia added, sadly.

“I’ll be back let me see if I can talk to the cops ” Patricia quickly uttered and left.


Meanwhile, Olivia got out of the room and sighed tiredly when she remembered that she doesn’t know the way back to the VIP area, the mansion was really a big one.

“Aish why am I so dumb, I would have followed aunt Violetta at once” She muttered, lowly.

She quickly took out her phone to call Alex, she flinched when she heard light footsteps behind her, she turned but saw no one,

“Is…is anyone there? ” Olivia called out, slowly but no one came out.

She turned back to go but flinched when she saw a figure in front of her, in an all black and covered its face with a veil,

The figure raised the hammer up, slowly
Olivia tried to scream but it got a hold of her hair closed her mouth with its hand,

The figure pulled her towards the balcony as Olivia struggled against it, the figure threw Olivia to the floor in an aggressive way

and raised the hammer to hit Olivia but she quickly ducked backward making the hammer to hit the ground, hard.

“W… Who are you?! ” Olivia asked, fearfully.

It brought out a knife and threw it at Olivia, she quickly dodged as the knife only gave her a sharp tear in her arm,
“Ah! ” Olivia winced in pain.

The figure tried to attack Olivia when it heard footsteps and quickly disappeared into the dark alley.

“Olivia?! are you okay? ” Alex asked as he pulled Olivia into a hug,

“A…alex it…was here ” Olivia uttered fearfully as she sniffed.

Alex quickly disengaged the hug as he scrutinized her with his eyes,
“Who was it? who did this to you?” Alex asked, coldly when he saw how blood drip down her hand,

“T…the mysterious ki||er ” Olivia blurted out, slowly….


By now all the guests had already left the mansion while the dead ones remained on the floor as the cops who had arrived did some investigations on them,

Violetta sniffed as she walked into Charlotte’s room,
She sighted Charlotte who was on her bed, still on her party clothes.

“Charlotte dear you have to come downstairs, the cops said they need to scan our faces…we’ve been

accused of something we didn’t…do” Violetta muttered, sadly. Her eyes were red and puffy.

Charlotte stood up from the bed as she hissed in pain,
“What is wrong, are you okay? ” Violetta asked, worriedly.

“Am just feeling nauseous….my stomach ache, I don’t know why” Charlotte muttered, slowly.

“Come on we’ll do a check up later for now let’s go downstairs ” Violetta uttered, hurriedly.

Charlotte nodded and they left the room.
When they got downstairs, Violetta felt her heart ached when she saw her husband pleading to the cops.

Alex who had came downstairs with Olivia, quickly joined them.
His eyes were dark, sharp and cold.

“Please believe us, aunt Violetta can’t do such else why would they invite so many guests…think about it” Olivia added, seriously.

“Someone is behind this, they only want to frame the Armstrong’s, even while all this chaos was going on, someone

still attacked my girlfriend and tried to ki|| her” Alex stated, calmly but his tone was cold and deadly.

“Which means that person was trying to frame us and is still after Olivia… ” Vince retorted, seriously.

“But we don’t really care about all this, justice must be serve. Can’t you see the number of people that died in here, if this eventually

spread outside, people will say that we can’t do our job as cops” One of the cops uttered, seriously.

“Then are you trying to say that you want to get all of us arrested? Both my parents? it’s not fair! My parents were only trying to throw a birthday party! ” Charlotte retorted, angrily.

“Well little Missy you don’t tell us what to do so keep your tiny mouth shut” One of the cops shunned, seriously.

“Why don’t you give us sometime, we’ll look for whoever did this and bring he or she to you” Vince stated, seriously.

“Am sorry but we can’t–

“Why are you guys so annoying..?” Alex blurted out, lazily as he massaged his forehead.

The cops flinched and quickly apologized,
“Sorry if we are making you to feel uncomfortable Mr Donovan, we’ll take our leave now please when you have your evidence contact us” One of them uttered, fearfully and they quickly left the mansion.

“What about Patricia? where did she went to? ” Violetta asked no one in particular.

“Who cares” Vince mumbled coldly.

“Charlotte dear do you know where Patricia went to? ” Violetta asked, worriedly.

Charlotte who was deep in thought didn’t heard what Violetta said,

“Charlotte honey?! ” Violetta called as she tapped Charlotte.

Charlotte flinched and gazed around the sitting room, confused.
“You’re lost in thought, is anything wrong? ” Violetta asked.

Charlotte swallowed, nervously when she felt Alex’s piercing gaze on her…

“I….am fine…am just scared…what if I had eaten the meal, I would have been dead by now” Charlotte muttered and sniffed.

“Oh my poor baby, come here” Violetta said soothingly as she hugged Charlotte and pat her back.

Olivia just gazed at the two of them but didn’t utter any word.


all the maids gathered inside the maid’s quarters as Violetta and Vince stood in front of them,

“Who did it? ” Vince asked coldly but nobody answered.

“Who poisoned the meals?!! ” Vince roared and they all flinched.

“We know nothing about it sir, when we were preparing the meals, The head maid was their and even supervised our cooking” One of the maid uttered, boldly.

Vince chuckled coldly,
“I don’t care because the head doesn’t have hundred eyes, if whosoever did it don’t come out then you all will be….fired! “
Vince stated, coldly.

“No! Please you can’t fire us….i didn’t do it…am innocent ” A girl pleaded, tearfully.

Violetta sighed as she felt pity for them,

“You’re only speaking for yourself, what about the rest? I’ll do it this way..if you were asked to serve foods to the VIP area yesterday step out” Vince stated, coldly.

Three girls stepped out, slowly.

“Nari you were among them” Anita said to one of the maid.

“What? Me? I wasn’t, I didn’t even go to the VIP area..inshort I didn’t attend the birthday party. ” The girl known as Nari uttered, quickly.

“Hey! why are you lying?! you were with us and even spilled some shrimp soup on a lady’s body!” A girl spat out seriously.

“Yes! I remember it clearly, the head maid called out your name as people who will serve food in the VIP area! ” Another uttered, thoughtfully.

“Quiet! ” Violetta yelled and they all went silent.

“Nana…she was among right? ” Vince asked seriously.

Nana nodded.
“Yes she was, Nari why are you lying? ” Nana muttered.

Nari busted into tears,
“I swear I wasn’t among them please believe me, the last thing I remember was when Nana had

asked me to dump some trash in the garden…that is the only thing I remember ” Nari sobbed.

Vince’s thoughts drifted off to how the maid spilled shrimp soup on Olivia’s body and the way she was glaring at Olivia as though

she was surprised to see her, even the way Patricia was staring at the maid it felt like they knew each other…

Vince thought.

“Mom…there was an intruder among them, an intruder took the place of this maid” Vince blurted out, thoughtfully.

Violetta flinched as fear gripped her,
“Oh my God! but how is it possible? you all are supposed to recognize yourselves! ” Violetta said to them, seriously.

“I did sent her to dump some trash in the garden, she did wasted time before coming back and when she came back, I did

felt it like she changed or something because the normal Nari we all know is calm, gullible

and hardly talks but when she came she was all high-spirited” Nana spoke out, seriously.

“But who might that be? ” Vince muttered to himself.

“The three maids that was murdered….it was still the mysterious ki||er’s work ” Vince retorted, slowly.

“But am still wondering why the mysterious ki||er would go for the maids and still tried to hurt Olivia?” Violetta muttered, confused.

“To me it feels like the mysterious ki||er attacks whoever offends him or her… ” Vince muttered.

“Dismiss” Vince muttered and strolled out of the maids quarters, Violetta scurried out too.


👤 Did you heard? The birthday party in which most of our students attended at the Armstrong’s villa, they all died!

👤What do you mean?

👤What I mean is that the Armstrong’s are murderers! the foods in which they prepared for everyone was poisoned!

👤About fifty people died both guests and some of our classmates and schoolmates!

👤Oh my God! how could they be so heartless, what about the cops, they didn’t do anything??

👤Why would they do something when the Armstrong’s might have already offered them tons of money to keep their mouths shut!!

👤Thank God my spirit never did allowed me to go.

👤Stupid Armstrong’s! Murderers!

Some people gossiped but suddenly stopped when they saw Charlotte glaring at them,

Some scoffed and dispatched while some lowered their heads and left the scene.

A female teacher walked into the class and dropped her books on the table in a harsh manner.

“Charlotte Armstrong? do you mind explaining why most of our students are not here? ” The female teacher asked, rudely.

Charlotte only swallowed, nervously as she clenched her fist tight,
Only if it wasn’t for that woman…

“Am I not talking to you or you’re now a statue?! stand up and answer me!! ” The female teacher roared.

Charlotte stood up slowly as she sniffed,
Whoever did framed the Armstrong’s family has already tarnished and ruined their reputation.

🗣She isn’t even answering, dumb and a murderer indeed.

🗣This is what I was waiting for, a time when her long wings will be cut off!

🗣Poor black goat is about to cry…give the goat a salt or a soap to eat so it won’t cry hahaha!

Charlotte clenched her fist tight and tears rolled down her cheek,

“Tell us what happened to them!” The female teacher screamed again.

“I….I don’t….know….an intruder poisoned the foods not my parents, they aren’t murderers” Charlotte muttered, slowly.

“You’re a liar! because of you and your stupid parents my brother died and left me alone in this world! go to hell! ” A girl screamed in tears.

Charlotte raised her head up as her sobs died down, she scanned the faces of everyone,

One, two, three, four….five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten….

Twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three……

And thirty.

She counted in her mind and sighed…
She lowered her head….


Meanwhile Olivia who was about to use the restroom flinched when someone pushed her and she fell down to the floor, roughly.

“You slutty Ɓîtçh! how dare you seduce my Alex!!” Lisa screamed like a lunatic.

She got a hold of Olivia’s hair and gripped it tightly that Olivia hissed in pain,
“And now you’re dating him?! Alex is my fiance! my husband to be

and am his wife to be! how dare you touch my property!!? ” Lisa roared as she threw Olivia to the floor.

By now the place was already crowded as some students took out their phones to video and take pictures,

“Am not so cheap like you Lisa, am not a Ɓîtçh like you who seduces men to like them, I only

fell in love with him and he did fell in love with me too” Olivia blurted out, mockingly.

Lisa shrieked in anger,
“Leave my man alone Ɓîtçh am warning you for the last time!” Lisa warned, menacingly.

Olivia stood up from the ground as she chuckled,
“Look at you, so shameless! you’re fantasizing over a guy who doesn’t even know if you exist or not or care you are alive or not. Even before I

came to this school, I do see the two of you on TV and I do see the way you always force yourself on him while he’ll just keep a cold

face at you, which means he never did loved you. What is the meaning of a marriage if there’s no love in it, what is the meaning of a relationship without love? Toxic! “Olivia retorted, coldly.

Lisa got angry and wanted to tear Olivia’s face with her nails but a firm hand held hers and pushed her back,

Lisa staggered backward but her face softened when she saw who it was,
“A…alex this Ɓîtçh here insulted me! ” Lisa whined sadly.

Ignoring her, Alex turned to Olivia as he arranged her blonde wig, carefully.
He glanced at her hand and saw how she was holding her waist,

“Are you hurt? ” He asked, softly.
Olivia nodded.

Alex took his hand to her waist and caressed it, tenderly.
“A…Alex they’re all watching we sho–

Alex grabbed her waist and pulled her to his body as he massaged her waist,

He disengaged the hug and palmed her cheek, slowly.
Like that, he slammed his lips on hers…

Everyone gasped and Lisa shrieked and felt vomiting out blood, her face turned sour and ugly.

“A….alex…” Lisa called, shocked.

Alex removed his lips from Olivia’s lips,
“Now listen close Lisa, Olivia

smith…is my girlfriend and my wife to be, whoever sent you those pictures of me and Olivia kissing when you were in London didn’t give you all the details… ” Alex retorted, lazily as he caressed Olivia’s cheek.

Lisa flinched!
H…how did he know??

“Well I guess now that you have seen it with your surgical eyes you’ll understand. Olivia smith is my girlfriend and my wife to be

and anyone in this school who raises his or her hand on her will be expelled from this school and

not also that…I’ll also make their families and parents regret it” Alex stated coldly.

He took Olivia’s hand into his, gently.
“And Lisa…you and I know that I never did loved you, you were the

one forcing yourself on me. I’ve already told Marcel to cancel the engagement and if he doesn’t

want to cancel it then the both of you can get married after all he’s not that old” Alex mumbled lazily and left with Olivia.

Lisa broke down into bitter sobs, Lana and Lily tried consoling her but her sobs only grew worse.

Some students shook their heads in pity for Lisa while some cussed Olivia.

Having no other thing to do again, they dispatched.

“No….my Alex…he can’t leave me else I will die… ” Lisa sobbed out, bitterly.

“It’s okay after all you still have Chris ” Lana stated……


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