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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 34 & 35

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 34 & 35. . . .

“No… I can’t fall in love with Olivia Smith, haha!
she’s way outta my league, but Alex…hope he
isn’t into her or he wants to play with

her heart….yes! that’s the truth, that means we’re
on the page! well, let’s see who will get

inbetween her legs first!…. ” Adrian stated to
himself and laughed like a maniac.


Violetta sat down on the couch as she glanced
at her phone, waiting for a call.

The door swung open and a maid ran in,
“Ma’am, your husband is back!” She uttered and
Violetta stood up and ran outside to welcome
him, happily.

“Honey?! ” Violetta called, sweetly and threw
herself in his embrace.

“Wow you’ve grown more beautiful Violetta,
what’s the secret? haha” Michael which is
Violetta’s husband uttered, happily.

They disengaged the hug but Violetta still clung
unto him like an octopus

The maids came and took his bags from him,
Violetta and Michael discussed as they strolled
into the mansion,

“Aigoo, I missed you like crazy ” Violetta whined.

Michael chuckled and caressed her hair,
“Me too, hope you didn’t drink while I was
away? ” Michael asked, coolly.

Violetta staggered and quickly composed
herself, she laughed, nervously.

“How would I do that..i didn’t ” Violetta uttered

Michael rolled his eyes,
“Of course you did, you visited five bars while I
was away, Estella’s bar, Pablo’s bar,

Compass bar, V & T’s bar and Miami’s bar. “
Michael uttered swiftly and went in with a smirk
leaving Violetta behind.

Violetta stood frozen on her spot,
“Geez! how did he know?? Aish! it must be
Vince. So he has been

feeding Michael in all this while? how could he
betray his mother like this?? ” Violetta mumbled
to herself and went in.

Meanwhile in that same mansion but upstairs,
there Charlotte stood as she peeked through the

window with a cold and envious glint, seeing
that Violetta and her husband has gone into the
mansion, she closed the curtain.


“Welcome back home father” Vince stated and
hugged Michael.

“Oh! my son has grown into a fine young man,
you finally came back to stay with us..? “
Michael uttered, happily as he pat Michael’s

Vince smiled, warmly.
“Less I forget, where’s Charlotte?” Michael

“Oh..seems like she doesn’t know that you’re
back, Vince go call Charlotte ” Violetta uttered,

Vince hesitated for a while, he let out a slight
nod and went upstairs to call Charlotte.

When he got to her room door, he knocked,
He opened the door and went in when he heard
a come in,

He sighted Charlotte who was seated on the bed
with a book in her hand,

When Charlotte saw that it was Vince she
sprang up from the bed as she stared at him,

“Don’t quote me mom and dad needs
you downstairs” Vince uttered, coldly and left
not waiting to hear what she wanted to say

Charlotte let out a sad sigh, she walked out of
the room, slowly till she got downstairs.

“Welcome home dad! ” Charlotte uttered as she
hugged Michael,

Michael laughed as he caressed her hair, he
disengaged the hug and scrutinized her with his

“Ah my Charlotte is turning into a big girl! hope
your mom and Vince didn’t made you feel
uncomfortable?” Michael asked, jokingly.

Vince scoffed while Violetta pouted,

“How can you say such a thing honey?!” Violetta

“Don’t mind me am just joking, here I got a gift
for you” Michael uttered and brought a gift box
from his bag,

Charlotte took it from him with a wide smile,
“Thank you so much dad! ” Charlotte said,

“You’re welcome…erm! you and Vince should
stay and discuss, me and your mom will be in
our room” Michael stated and held Violetta’s
hand as they strolled upstairs together.

Charlotte fixed her gaze at them till they were
out of sight, Vince stood up, took his phone and
turned to go,

“Wait..? dad said we should stay and discuss “
Charlotte retorted, boldly.

Vince continued taking the stairs as though he
didn’t heard what she said,

“Vince please…..” Charlotte uttered, sadly
making Vince to pause,

“just give me attention for once.. please ” Olivia
pleaded, tearfully.

Vince scoffed and went back to sit on the
“Be fast, I have other things to do” Vince stated,

“At least even if you h@ťě and despise me just
smile whenever you see me or acknowledge my
presence… ” Charlotte muttered, softly.

“Is that all? is this what you wanted to tell me?…
well I do smile but not to people like you” Vince
retorted, harshly.

Charlotte smiled, bitterly.
“Ouch that hurt…who and who have you smiled
to…? ” She asked, slowly.

Vince chuckled, coldly.
“Mom, dad, business partners and…your friend”
Vince muttered, grumpily.

Charlotte glared at him, stunned.
“My… friend..? which friend and when? “
Charlotte probed, seriously.

“Oh…? I’ve answered your question, don’t pester
me again ” Vince uttered, coldly and went

Charlotte glared at his retreating figure,

“Who the f-__-k has seen my Vince’s smile.. is it
Olivia? I don’t care who that girl or boy is, i’ll end
them all ” Charlotte muttered through gritted

“Charlotte dear.. me and your dad will go see the
stars, we’ll be back later” Violetta who had just
came downstairs uttered, excitedly as she held
unto Michael’s arm, tight.

Charlotte who heard Violetta’s voice quickly let
out a faux smile,
“Alright mom and dad” She uttered, happily.

Violetta and Michael left the mansion.


The loud music of WATER by Tyla boomed
from the speaker as some ladies and men
rocked each other while some sat down and

Olivia gazed at the stars through the window as
she drank from a bottle of water, it was 7 o
clock in the evening

She’s supposed to be at home but she just
doesn’t feel like going home,
Olivia sighed, tiredly.

Inside one of the room she was, one of the
waitress strolled in,
“Olivia someone’s looking for you outside ” The
waitress stated and left not waiting for Olivia to
say anything.

“Who could that be? ” Olivia mumbled and left
the room to see who was looking for her.

When she got outside, she froze when she saw
her mom glaring at her coldly.

“Hmph! so this is where you work? without my
consent?” Miss Judy asked, coldly and strolled
to where Olivia stood, frozen

She landed a hot slap on Olivia’s cheek, Olivia
held her cheek and lowered her head,
“How dare you work without my consent?! “
Miss Judy roared, angrily.

“Of course I told you but you never did wanted
me to work” Olivia muttered, calmly.

Miss Judy scoffed,
“Follow me let’s go somewhere ” Miss Judy
uttered and turned back.

“I…can’t…leave my work behind else I will be
sacked” Olivia uttered, slowly.

“I would love it if you were sacked, come here! “
Miss Judy spat out venomously.

She grabbed Olivia’s hand and started dragging
her to a particular direction.
Olivia struggled against her but her mother was
too strong.

Miss Judy stopped a cab and pushed Olivia in,
she got in too and the driver drove off.

Soon, the cab stopped at a hospital, Miss Judy
came out from the cab and pulled Olivia out too,
she payed the cab man and he drove off.

Olivia frowned,
“A.. hospital? what are we doing here mom? “
Olivia asked, stunned.

“Don’t question me, let’s go in” Miss Judy said,

Olivia removed her grip from her mother’s own
and took a step back,
“Mom…why are we here? ” Olivia stuttered,

Miss Judy sighed and massaged her forehead,

“Am just…tired and stressed out, I feel pains all
over my body. I just wanna run some few tests

am nervous to do it, I feel like it is something
bad…i want you to be in there with me” Miss
Judy uttered, sadly.

Olivia nodded but was still having some doubts,

“I’ll go in with you mom” Olivia muttered.

Miss Judy let out a forced smile and the both of
them went in, she asked of doctor Henshaw and
a nurse directed her to where he was.

She knocked and opened the door, she and
Olivia went in, they sat down.

“Good evening Doctor Henshaw” Miss Judy
greeted, seriously.

Olivia greeted too as she glanced at the both of
Why does it seem as though her mom and
Doctor henshaw knows each other…?

“Welcome back again Miss Judy, are you here
for the opera–

“Am here for something else” Miss Judy cut
doctor henshaw off, coldly.

Doctor henshaw raised a brow, waiting to hear
what miss Judy wanted to say.

Olivia furrowed her brow, confused.
What opera–

“My daughter is here to perform a face surgery “
Miss Judy dropped the bombshell, Olivia sprang
up from her seat, confused.

“Surgery?? me?! ” Olivia shrieked.

“Yes… she wants to change her
face…please start the process immediately”
Miss Judy stated firmly.

“Mom.. what are you doing?! I never did opted
for a surgery! ” Olivia screamed.

Miss Judy sprang up and gave Olivia a warning

“Keep your dirty mouth shut young lady,
whether you like it or not you must change your
face today! ” Miss Judy spat out, menacingly.

Olivia quickly ran to open the door but Miss
Judy beat her to it, she grabbed Olivia by her
shirt and pushed her to the floor,

“Doctor henshaw should I do it myself or–

“Bring her outside, we’ll do the surgery there”
Doctor henshaw uttered and left the office.

Miss Judy also pulled Olivia outside,

“Let me go mom!..please…i don’t want to do it!
“Olivia sobbed as she struggled against her

Miss Judy gave her a warning glare and
continued holding Olivia tight,

“Help!! please someone help me, I don’t want to
do it!! ” Olivia screamed tearfully.

Some nurses and patients just glared at them
but couldn’t do anything.

Miss Judy pushed Olivia into a room, doctor
henshaw ordered some nurses to hold Olivia
down so they pushed Olivia to the bed and
pinned her there.

Olivia sobbed bitterly as she struggled against
them, she prayed for God to help her, for God to
send someone to save her because he has done
it numerous times for her.

Suddenly the door flew open and a man walked
“Sorry to interrupt but doctor henshaw someone
is here to see you! ” He stated calmly.

The nurses lost their focus and stared at the
man, Olivia used that opportunity to push them

off her, she pushed her mom too who was
trying to pull her back and dashed towards the

The man at the entrance only gazed at her and
shifted to the side for her to pass,

Olivia raced out of the hospital without looking

Inside the room, miss Judy screamed out,
“Olivia baby?! come back!! ” Miss Judy called
out, tearfully.

“But why did you wanted to do such? ” Doctor
henshaw asked, calmly.

“Because that face can get me into trouble….
and jail forever ” Miss Judy uttered, lowly…..


Olivia continued running in the lonely, dark
street as she sobbed.
She stopped running when she

saw that she was very far away from the
hospital, she saw a bench and sat down on it as
she whimpered,

So her mom really wanted to change her face?
but why? she can’t perform surgery on her face,
from what she has heard about the face
surgery, it is very painful.

Olivia thought and sniffed,
“Michael you haven’t even given me a kiss since
when you came

back, don’t you know how bad I missed you!?”
Olivia heard a woman’s voice uttered, groggily
behind her.

She heard a man chuckled, lightly
“Fear not honey am all yours tonight and forever
” A man uttered, flirtatiously.

Suddenly the place was silent, the only sound
which could be heard was the sloppy sound of
lips connected together,

Olivia scrunched up her face in disgust, she
turned back to see the faces of the people
behind her but couldn’t see them clearly
because they were in a dark spot.

The man held the lady’s waist tight as he
savoured the sweet taste of her lips, Olivia
scoffed and turned her face away, sadly.

What a cute couples though, but they should get
a room, they shouldn’t make out here…

Olivia recalled the incident at the hospital and
her mom is so cruel, how could she tell her to go
through the

knife…? and she was even forcing her which
means that one day her mom can just arrange
any man

for her to get married to.
Olivia thought and sighed.

“Huh? who are you and why are you out here
alone, you shouldn’t be outside by this time ” A
lady uttered, curiously and bent her head to
stare at Olivia’s face.

“Who is she? ” She heard a man asked behind

Olivia gazed at the woman and was surprised
when she saw who it was,

“Aunt Violetta?? ” Olivia called, surprised.

“Umm…Olivia??! what are you doing out here all
alone?! ” Violetta asked, shocked.

Olivia smiled, sadly and lowered her head,
“I just needed some peace of mind, I’ll go home
soon. ” Olivia lied, swiftly.

“Peace of mind? is there any trouble or problem
at home? ” Violetta asked, calmly.

“Hah! no aunt… there isn’t ” Olivia uttered with a
nervous laughter.

“Honey, meet Charlotte’s friend and she’s also
like a daughter to me, Olivia this is my husband
Michael ” Violetta uttered, warmly.

Olivia glanced at the man beside Violetta and
felt that same feeling when you’re longing and

craving for something badly.
He looked so young and handsome but mature,
he looks like one of those Koreans.

“Hello sir.. ” Olivia greeted with a slight bow,

“Nice to meet you Olivia..” Michael muttered,
He scrutinized her with his gaze,

her blonde wig wasn’t well packed and her
glasses were big but she had ocean blue eyes.

Through her glasses, he could tell that her eyes
were red and puffy which means that she was
crying and somehow she looks so much like his

“Honey let’s allow her spend the night at our
house just for today, Olivia dear is that okay
with you? ” Violetta muttered.

“You can spend the night dear” Michael uttered,

“Aunt…am okay here besides I would still go
home ” Olivia stated, softly.

Violetta scoffed,
She took Olivia’s hand into hers and pulled
Olivia up,

“Let’s leave now, am sure Charlotte would be so
excited to see you. Don’t worry we’ll discuss at
home.” Violetta stated firmly.

Olivia gave up, she followed them to their car,
they all got in and the chauffeur drove off.

Meanwhile when the car drove off, a black
sedan was parked in a dark alley, the glasses
were tinted.

Inside the car, his ocean blue eyes shone so
brightly inside the car and the aura around him
was so cold and intimidating.

He wined the glass down as he gazed at the
spot Olivia sat down but wasn’t there anymore,
he clicked his tongue.

“Sir…sorry to ask but why did you let those
people take her away instead of you? ” The
chauffeur asked, politely.

The cold man inside the car let out a
mischievous smirk,

“Family matters I guess, they should spend
some quality time with their lost one because
soon she will be in my care…she will be safe
there anyway… ” The cold man muttered, coldly.

“Drive, I need a good rest ” He ordered and the
driver roared the engine to life and drove off…….


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