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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 28 & 29

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 28 & 29 . . . .

Adam chuckled and released a faint smirk,
“I think I smell jealousy, hatred and love triangle.
…interesting” Adam mumbled……..


Alex dropped Olivia inside his car, carefully. He
got into the drivers seat, roared the engine to life
and drove off.


Alex was seated elegantly on the couch as he
went through Olivia’s diary with a faint smile, he
sipped from his wine, gently.

Even though he had read the diary before, he
still felt like reading it all over again.

He was still in his bathrobe and was looking so


Olivia woke up and stretched, she winced when
she felt pains all over her body and her head
was heavy.

She rose up from the bed and observed her
surrounding, of course everywhere was still
blurry but her bed wasn’t this

comfortable, her bed wasn’t soft like this!
Suddenly it dawned on her that this wasn’t her

Olivia sprang up from the bed and hit her butt
hard on the floor, as she hissed, painfully.

“W… where am I? what… am I doing here? “
Olivia muttered to herself, fearfully and
scrutinized her clothes, she shrieked when

she saw that she was wearing another clothes
and not the one she was wearing yesterday.

“Have I been R@P£D? kidnapped? oh no… am
doomed” Olivia uttered, tearfully and flinched
when the door pulled open.

Alex strode in still on his bathrobe and a pink
diary in his hand,
“You’re awake..? ” Alex muttered, coolly and
wanted to touch her forehead but she took a
step back,

“W… what am I doing here..?”
Olivia asked, fearfully.
Alex rolled his eyes,

“You don’t know..? Ah, you were seriously
begging for it yesterday, it seems like you were
so hungry for it” Alex uttered with a cunning

He went to the bed and sat down, gently.
Olivia felt her heart shattered as fear gripped,
her legs became wobbly, she lost her balance
and fell on the floor…

“What… what do you mean? ” Olivia asked,

Alex smiled and pushed some strands of his
hairs which fell on his face behind his ear,

“We made love, a really rough one. After that
you were exhausted and couldn’t clean up so I
had to do it for you.. I changed your clothe” Alex
muttered, lazily.

Olivia heard a loud bang in her head and a loud
sob escaped her throat,
“H…how could I..what have I done… mom will be
so mad at me” Olivia sobbed…

Alex scoffed, he stood up from the bed and
went to where she sat as she sobbed

He gave her a light knock on her head,
“Naive girl we didn’t do anything, you fell into
the pool yesterday and was unconscious so I
had to

bring you here, the maids were the one who
changed your clothes not me” Alex uttered,

Olivia calmed down as she wiped her tears,
“Sir… are you sure?” Olivia asked, softly.

Alex nodded,
“Of course, else you would have felt pains down
there” Alex muttered, lazily and turned to go but

Olivia gave it a thought and let out a sigh of

“Besides even if I did it…you wouldn’t be able to
use your legs for weeks” Alex uttered, Ç0çƙily.
Olivia’s eyes widened,

Wait? what?! he’s a pervert!!
Alex strode towards the door,

“Put on that clothes over there and come down
for breakfast ” Alex muttered with a Ç0çƙy smile
and left.

Olivia shook her head trying to erase what he
said from her mind, she stood up, slowly and
took the clothes which were on the bed as she
blushed furiously……..


After dressing up, Olivia head downstairs,

“Wow…Alex’s penthouse looks like a castle “
Olivia muttered, softly.

She finally got to the dinning and a man guided
her to her seat, Olivia sat down and her eyes

widened when she saw the mouth watering
dishes on the table, so appetizing and delicious!

Olivia thought and licked her lips.
“You can start eating miss, Alex is having a
business meeting

with his shareholders and won’t be coming out
now” The man who had directed Olivia to the
dinning seat uttered, politely.

“Oh.. ? so I won’t be able to see him… ” Olivia
murmured and started eating, after eating to her

Olivia glanced at the remaining food on the
table, they were much and could feed she and
her mom for five days.

Olivia frowned and itched her nape, awkwardly
“Is there any problem miss? is the food not
enough for you? ” The man asked, confused.

Olivia smiled and shook her head
“I..i was wondering, erm! since am unable to
finish this food, if I leave what will happen to it?
” Olivia asked with an embarrassed chuckle.

“We’ll throw it away miss” The man stated with
a small smile.
Olivia flinched and gazed at him, surprised,

What?!! throw it away?? but it’s still good…
seems like she will pack it up and–

“Or should i pack it up for you since you don’t
want it to go to waste..” The man said, calmly.

“Yes…thank you so much sir” Olivia uttered,

After packing it up, the man took Olivia to where
different cars were parked,

“Please take her home” The man said to the
chauffeur and left.
Olivia got into the car as she gazed outside in
search of Alex, she sighed sadly.

“Olivia Smith, leaving without a goodbye..? ” A
cool voice uttered.
Olivia quickly glanced outside

and saw Alex standing somwhere not too far
away from the car, he took slow steps to where
the car was,

Olivia pushed the car door open and came out,
“Am.. sorry I was told that you were on a
business meeting ” Olivia muttered, softly.

Alex tucked his hands into his trouser pocket as
he gazed at her, calmly
The black joggers and hoodie in which she wore
was a perfect fit for her, she looked so good in
his clothes.

“You promised to sing that song for me so
tomorrow meet me at the school’s music room
after class” Alex stated, firmly.

Olivia smiled and nodded
“Thank you for everything sir.. ” Olivia muttered,

“Hmm, give me your number I’ll contact you as a
reminder so you won’t forget” Alex uttered and
took out his phone.

Olivia smiled and lowered her head,
“I…i don’t have a phone for now”Olivia
Alex gazed at her surprised and nodded,

“It’s alright see ya later” Alex uttered, coldly and
went into his penthouse.

Olivia went into the car with a frown,
What a cold man and a mood

swinger! he couldn’t even say a proper goodbye
to her or would he start to avoid her since she’s
poor and doesn’t have a phone??

Olivia thought and let out a sad sigh.

Soon the car stopped at Olivia’s house, Olivia
came down, slowly.

“Thank you so much Mr chauffeur! ” Olivia
uttered, sweetly and sauntered off.

The chauffeur smiled and drove off.


Olivia walked into the house, fearfully but
flinched when she saw a weird man seated on
the tattered couch,

“Who.. are you? ” Olivia asked, slowly.

The man stood up from the couch with a dirty
smirk on, he licked his lips as he eats her up
with his eyes.

“Julie?! Julie?! come see the Ɓîtçh of your
daughter, she’s home! ” He called out,

Olivia frowned
“Julie? who’s Julie..? ” Olivia mumbled,

“Marcus stop calling out my na–

miss Judy’s words were cut short when she saw
Olivia who was glaring at her, confused.

She took hurried strides to where Olivia stood
and landed a hot slap on her cheek, Olivia
staggered as she held her cheek.

“You slut!! is this the way I raised you up?! is
this the way I trained you to be?! I played the
roles of a mother and a father, I gave you

anything you asked of me, you eat three square
meal a day, I loved you like how some mothers
love their child but in the end you pay me with
this? how insolent of you! ” Miss Judy spat out,

Olivia sniffed,
“You finally said it, where are my real parents?
from what you just said now it means that all of
us here are just strangers to each other” Olivia
uttered, coldly.

Miss Judy froze as she roughed her hair,
“Get out, go upstairs now you disgust me” Miss
Judy uttered, simply and turned to Marcus..

“I won’t mom, since when the both of us lived
together for years you never did told me that
your name is also Julie..” Olivia retorted, angrily.

Miss Judy clenched her fist, tight.
“Olivia…upstairs now! ” She ordered, angrily.

Olivia let out a sarcastic chuckle,
“Who’s he and what is he doing here? ” Olivia
asked, coldly as she pointed at Marcus.

Marcus scoffed and took out a cigarette from
his pocket, lighted it and smoked from it.

“Oh…? Olivia meet your father.. Marcus smith”
Miss uttered through clenched teeth.

Olivia gazed at the man known as Marcus, he
was looking so tattered, ugly and rough.

he looks like those men who normally beats up
their wives at home, his eyes were red, his face
was so scary in short, he looked like a murderer!

Olivia shivered, fearfully.
“Hello dear daughter, nice to meet you for you
look like a fallen

angel, you’re so gorgeous! ” Marcus uttered and
giggled like a maniac.

Miss Judy felt embarrassed and turned to go
when Olivia stopped her,

“Is it true? is he truly my dad..? ” Olivia stuttered,

Miss Judy hissed,
“Yes so stop asking me again! ” Miss Judy
roared, angrily.

Olivia shook her head as tears rolled down her

“No… it’s not possible…you’re lying mom, can’t
you tell? why embarrassed when you’re telling

me that he’s my dad? why turning your face the
other way? why can’t you tell me the truth huh?!
why?! ” Olivia sobbed out.

“The truth about what?! what do you want?! “
Miss Judy snapped, rudely.

“The truth that I am not your daughter and
you’re not my mother, the truth that this man
standing here isn’t my dad but

your husband! my father can’t be a drunkard,
my father can’t look so tattered, rough and

like him! my father can’t smoke and can’t glare
at me with lust! ” Olivia retorted, coldly and left
for her room.

Miss Judy bit down on her lip, angrily as she
stood frozen on her spot.

“That little Ɓîtçh! she really need some beatings
to keep her tiny mouth shut! ” Marcus gritted his
teeth in anger.

“Am so sorry about her attitude… I’ll talk to her…
” Miss Judy muttered, fearfully.

Marcus gripped her hair, tight and landed a hot
slap on her cheek,
Miss Judy hissed in pain.

“You’re a Ɓîtçh for not teaching that Ɓîtçh some
manners! ” Marcus roared and threw her on the
floor in disgust and left.

Miss Judy sobbed, bitterly. …………


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