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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: MY FUTURE WITH YOU – Episode 22 & 23

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“What’s wrong? You look pale” William asked, wanting to touch her but she moved away.

“I…I…think it’s best I leave” Lucy stammered and ran out of the hospital in a hurry.

She stood by the road side waiting for a taxi to arrive when two men in white approach her.

“Lucy Bai?” One of them asked and instead of replying, Lucy took to her heels but they caught her eventually.

“Where are you taking me to? Let go of me!” Lucy kept struggling as they pulled her back into the hospital.

“We work in the psychiatric ward, she’s a run way patient” one of the male nurse said to the onlookers.

“Am not crazy! They are kidnapping me, help me” Lucy said but they chose to believe the male nurses.

It wasn’t until they got to ward in the psychiatric department that they let her go.

“Why are you doing this? Who sent you?” Lucy yelled as she was pushed into the room.

“Just yelling or I will put you to sleep. You should have known better than to cross William… he’s someone with a loose screw and you’ve annoyed him so much that he wants you gone. You are safe for now since I won’t be the one ki||ing you, William himself will do it” The male nurse said before leaving the room.

Just like the future she saw, she has been locked up and William will come back to ki|| her….she has to do something before he comes for her.


Bonnie was just leaving the library when she saw Francis waiting for her outside.

“Do you mind joining me for lunch?” Francis asked.

“But I just had lunch” Bonnie said.

“Then you can just accompany me then, I have something to tell you”

A while later, Francis and Bonnie was seated at one of the table at the cafeteria.

Bonnie silently watch him eat a mouthful of pizza before speaking.

“Am sorry, I lied to you” Francis began.

“It’s true that Donovan got engage but it’s all in the past, I purposely made you believe that he’s still engage because I….I like you” Francis confess startling Bonnie.

“At first I thought Donovan interest in you was all fake but seeing him recently, I realize that he is really serious about you. He likes you Bonnie and I think you have to go see him, he’s in a mess and…. he’s not just the Donovan I know him to be”

“Go see him, please” Francis pleaded.

Sometime later, Bonnie kept wondering why she agreed to go see Donovan.

The thought kept bothering her as she made it to the house being rented by Donovan and Francis.

A knock on the door thrice showed there was no one at home.

She got down the stairs and was about calling Francis when Donovan showed up.

He was dress in a hoodie sweater and jean, he had the hoodie on which did little to cover how pale he looks.

Just as she was assessing him, he was doing the same to her but in the next minute, he took the stairs, ignoring her.

“Have you been smoking?” Bonnie asked as she followed him up the stairs.

“You look pale, have you not been eating?” Bonnie asked again and when he said nothing, she took hold of his hand.

“What do you want? Why are you suddenly interfering in my life when you’ve been ghosting me since a week ago?”

“You should have tried to tell me the truth, even when I was stubborn about it, you should have made it clear to that you are not gay and….”

“What difference would it make? You wouldn’t have believe me, I will keep on being the bad guy to you no matter what I do. Go away Bonnie, I want to be alone” he said and went into the apartment, shutting the door on her face.

A sad Bonnie stood at the door, starring at it for a while and when there was no sign of him returning, she took her leave.

She was almost at the bus stop when a motorcycle came from nowhere heading towards her.

Bonnie who was in shock stood still watching the motorcycle come towards her but then someone pulled her out of harm’s way.

“Why the hell were you just standing there? If he had run into you, you would have been dead! Is it your intention that I get more crazy? Didn’t it occur to you that I would have been devastated without you in my life? That I won’t be able to live without you?” Donovan yelled down at her and all Bonnie could do was to smile.

“It’s not funny!” He said sternly and she gave him a hug, startling him.

“I was scared….I was scared that you no longer feel anything for me but right now, am so happy. Thanks for coming after me, Donovan ” she muffled against his chest and in return, he hugged her more tightly to him.

Mary got to her dorm to see Steve waiting by the door.

“Hello” he greeted, coming towards her and Mary couldn’t help but to drink in the sight of him.It’s been a week since she has seen him.

“Are you just getting out of class?” Steve asked.

“Yes” Mary replied feeling awkward.

“Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee or something?” Mary asked and he shook his head.

“But you must be thirsty, I will prepare the coffee….”

“Let me ask you this question for the very last time” Steve said, interrupting her.

“Do you not feel anything for me? Did my absence this week made you think of me at all?” Steve added gently and when Mary said nothing, he let out a sigh.

“You don’t know this but your silence says a lot. I won’t bring this up ever again, have a nice day” He said and began to walk off.

With tears glistening her eyes, Mary watch him walk away.

Is she really do the right thing by rejecting him? Is she doing the right thing by keeping him at bay when she wants him close to her more than ever?

She didn’t know but what she know is that if she doesn’t go after him, she will regret it forever.

Taking to her heels, Mary went after Steve and caught up with him down the street.

She hugged him from behind, startling the poor guy.

“I keep hesitating and that’s because am scared. Am a lot older than you, Steve. I keep wondering what people will say most especially our parents but have decided to stop being scared again”

“I like you Steve, I like you very much and I want to be with you, that’s if you still want me” she said still holding onto him from behind.

He turned towards her and gave her a kiss.

“I still want you” he said, smiling down at her.

Burying her face against his chest again, she held him tight not wanting to ever let go.


Lucy kept pacing around the room, she has tried every little trick she knew in opening the door but it won’t open.

She move towards the door only to hear approaching footsteps.

The door open and William walk in holding the injection which had poison in it.

The injection which he will inject into her and which she will end up dying from.

“Still alive and well?” William asked.

“What? Are you angry to see that am not yet dead?” Lucy replied, trying to look brave.

“On the contrary. I am happy, am happy to see you alive and well since I will be the one ki||ing you. I only have to inject this in you and your gone” Willam said.

“Before you inject that into me. I want you to tell me if Andrew’s brother is okay?” Lucy asked.

“As far as I know. The idiot is still breathing with the life support”

“Idiot? Isn’t he suppose to be the one you love?” Lucy asked already knowing what his answer will be.

“Love? I was never attracted to Adam, have only ever been attracted to Andrew which is why have been by his side always but then…you had to come along and make him fall for you and for that, you will be dying tonight” He said, moving towards her.

Lucy was also prepared for him and as soon as he got to where she was, she gave him a kick in the groin and hit a tray which had been place on the table on his head.

William was reeling in pain when she took to her heels.

She left the psychiatric ward and got into the elevator which whisk her to the sixth floor.

She found Andrew’s brother room easily and went in without knocking.

Luckily for her, Andrew was there and she ran into his arms.

“What’s wrong Lucy?” Andrew asked worriedly.

“It’s William, he tried to ki|| me by taking to the psychiatric ward but I escape and also, he will be here soon to ki|| your brother by turning off his life support” Lucy said.

“William? He will never do that”

“I know you trust him but you’ve got to trust me too. You might think am crazy but I can see the future, I can do that by touching people’s bare hand, so just listen to me and get your brother away from here or….” A gasp left her lips when the door open and the two male nurse came in accompanied by William.

“Who the hell are you!” Andrew yell as one of them held him while the other hold onto Lucy.

William walk towards Lucy and gave her a slap on the face.


“Why the hell did you do that!”Andrew yelled at him.

“Cause she’s the reason you change. It because of her you are leaving me, I won’t let her take you away from me!” William said, looking like a maniac.

“What the f-__-k are you saying?” A confuse Andrew said.

“He’s in love with you. It has always been you Andrew and that’s why he plan on ki||ing your brother and I ” Lucy said and earned another slap.

“I told you to stop hitting her!” Andrew yelled at him.

“I plan on ki||ing your brother and this slut. I won’t let her take you from me, you are mine, you’ve always been mine Andrew” a crazy looking William said as he switch off the life support machine.

“No!” Andrew yelled as he break free from the man holding him, a punch on the face sent the nurse crashing into a wooden table.

Andrew went to switch on the life support machine while William attack him.

They both got into a fist fight and at that moment, Lucy bit the hand of the second male nurse.

When he let her go, she picked up a broken part of the wooden table and hit it twice on the man.

Then she went to William, jumping on his back to bite his ear.

He groan out in pain and threw her off his back and at that moment, Andrew attacked him again but William gave Andrew a kick which sent him falling against the bed side table.

Andrew hit his head on it and fell unconscious.

Seeing Andrew unconscious, Lucy and William both calm down.

Lucy knelt in front of Andrew, holding his bloody head while William ran out of the room, screaming that he didn’t mean to do it.

Not wanting to take the lift, William took the stairs and in his hurry to get away, he slip and roll down the stairs breaking his neck bone which led to his death.


“Happy new year!” Everyone yelled as they drank their wine.

they went back to talking about the things they did a year ago and Lucy left their midst to find a private spot to stay.

It’s been a year since that fateful day at the hospital.

She was quite surprise to find out that Steve and Mary were dating and also Bonnie and Donovan.

They were both lovely couple and she wish them nothing but the best.

Francis on the other hand left for Australia to further his study and Giselle is busy modelling for a big company to notice her existence.

She will be travelling to China with her father during the holiday since she wants to visit her mother graveyard.

Everything seem to be going well for her without Andrew in it, she thought she will be fine but then…. she’s not doing well even after seven month.

“It’s snowing out here, you must be freezing” Donovan said and gave her his coat.

“You keep thinking of him right?” Donovan asked and she gave a nod.

“Why don’t you go and see him then?”

“He won’t want to see me” Lucy said remembering how Andrew avoided seeing her after the incident at the hospital.

“I doubt that. I went to see him yesterday and he kept asking of you and before I forget, Andrew is leaving for Egypt where he plans to stay for good. If you don’t want to live in regret, go and see him tomorrow” Donovan said and went back in.

Through the rest of the night, Lucy kept thinking about what he said and as soon as it was morning.

Lucy was out of her dorm heading to Andrew’s home but she was told that he already left for the airport and immediately, she took a taxi straight to the airport.

Though the airport was filled with people, she easily spotted him amongst the crowd.

“We need to talk” she said, breathing heavily.

“My flight will take off soon, I don’t have much….”

“For how long will you keep running away? How long will you keep avoiding me? ” She yelled, drawing the attention of some people.

“What do you expect me to do then? If you are by my side, you will always be in danger and I’d rather die than to let you die ” Andrew said.

“Why don’t you leave me to take care of myself and let’s think about us. I love you,Andrew. I know it started out as a pretence but have realise my feelings and I love you, I love you so much” She cried out.

“You once told me that you can see the future. Then touch me and see if there’s a future for us” he said, putting forth his hand.

Lucy took hold of his hand and did what he want, she let go of it to give him a hug.

“We do have a future together. I saw us graduating together, getting married and building a family. You and I are meant for each other” Lucy said truth fully.

“Let’s stay together forever then. He warned that I will never let you go, Lucy” he whispered into her ear.

“And I never want you to let me go. My future is with you, forever” Lucy added.

“Let’s go home” He said and she nodded, taking hold of his hand, they both left the airport as one……..

The End ✌️✌️✌️

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