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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY FUTURE WITH YOU – Episode 1 & 2

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{ Love Of Tomorrow }


THEME; Bounded By Fate.


Gbemi Writes


The ringing of the bed side clock woke a sleeping Lucy.

“Another day for school” Lucy muttered and got off the bed to get dressed.

Some few minutes later, she walk out of her room dressed in a baggy trouser and top couple with a head warmer and also her black gloves.

“Good morning miss Lucy” the maids greeted as always and Lucy acknowledge their greeting.

When they walk past her, she began counting to three from within and on the third count, the maids began to gossip.

🗣️ “She’s wearing her gloves again”

🗣️ “I peeped at her in the rest room last night and there’s nothing wrong with her hand ”

🗣️ “Then why does she wear those glove every single day”

🗣️ “Maybe, she get a kick from it or she’s just totally crazy”

Lucy let out a sigh and went into the kitchen where her breakfast was waiting.

Ever since she came to live with her father whom she knew nothing about until a month ago, things haven’t been good.

Especially when she’s someone who posses a certain power, a power that allow her to see the future by touching them.

At first, Lucy did everything she could to prevent the briefest touch but things didn’t go as she plan which is why she decided to use gloves at home and at school.

At least when she’s home, she only have to cope with her stepsister insult but at school, everyone thinks her weird and ignore her like the plague, something she’s satisfied with.

“Gosh! Am late for my morning class” on hearing her stepsister voice, Lucy left her food and went after her.

“Giselle” she called and a disgruntled Giselle stop to give her a h@ťěful look.

“What!” She half yelled looking radiant and gorgeous as always.

Her good looks is one of the reason why she’s famous in college and the reason why she has told Lucy to pretend not to know her in school.

“I already h@ťě the fact that you are dad’s illegitimate child. So stay the hell away from me at home and at school or I will make your darn life miserable” Giselle had told her that the very first day she arrived which was a month ago.

“Will you speak!” Giselle snap got her back to the present.

“It’s just that I need a lift to school. I know I promise to stay out of your way but I keep getting late to school whenever I use the subway, can I at least use the car with you?” Lucy asked and that got Giselle laughing.

“You want me to take you along and let everyone think I have something to do with the school weirdo? Never!” Giselle said and got into the car.

It will be the simplest thing for Lucy to tell her father about Giselle mean behaviour but that will further divide them all.

Putting on her head set, Lucy made way to the sub station where she spent half hour.

By the time she got to KNIGHT COLLEGE , she was late for her morning class.

Lucy was about going in when she saw one the professor, a professor who didn’t like her and he turns out to be the one teaching them that morning.

If he sees her just arriving, he’s certainly going to punish her somehow for her lateness.

Lucy ran away from the school entrance and hid behind the wall waiting for the professor to go in but instead, he stood by the entrance striking up conversation with one of the guards.

Lucy knew that if she didn’t make it to class before him, she’s definitely going to lose mark which is why she took the risk of trying to climb the wall.

But her attempt at this was proving to be futile, she was about to give up when she heard someone ask.

“Need help?”

Lucy turn to see William there, someone who turn out to be one of the most popular guys in school. Someone who have always ignored her existence like the others and why is he now offering her his help.

“You really want to help me?” Lucy finds herself asking.

“You could step on my back to reach the top of the wall ” William said in return.

“Everyone stays away from me and call me the glove maniac ” she said, showing him hand.

“What does that have to do with my helping you?” he asked and knelt on the floor ” Get on my back before you end up late to class” he added.

Immediately, she step on his back and climb the wall easily.

“Thank you ” she said and ran off in excitement.

But even with William’s help, she got to class late.

The professor was there already and there was no way she could go in without being seen.

As the thought of getting an F bothered her, Lucy left the law department and made way to her only solace in school which is the rooftop.

As always, while she listen to her favourite music, she watch everything going on downstairs.

A tap on the shoulder got Lucy spinning around in alarm.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten. I just wanted to ask you to join us” The girl who had tap Lucy said.

“To join you?”

“Yes. You must have been late for class right? We are in it together, my name is Bonnie” The girl introduce herself.

“And mine is….”

“Lucy, I know you” Bonnie interrupt.

“And even with that, you don’t mind talking to me” Lucy asked again.

“Believe me when I say that I don’t mind at all. Afterall we are the same as you, an outcast” Bonnie said and pulled her towards a table where another girl was seated.

“Lucy meet Mary and Mary this is Lucy” Bonnie did the introduction and immediately, the girl who was gobbling down the hamburger in front of her stood up to give Lucy a shake.

“Hope I didn’t stain your glove?” Mary asked as they all sat down.

” You are actually the first person apart from my father to touch me ” Lucy said gently.

“So, just like us everyone keeps away from you right?” Mary asked and Lucy gave a nod.

“I thought I was the only outcast here, how come you are too?” Lucy asked.

“That’s because we are the most poorest in this school” Bonnie began.

“At least, we would have been respected by everyone if we had enroll as the social welfare students but then we aren’t that” Bonnie added.

“Bonnie dad works as a security here while my mom works as one of the cleaners here too, which is why everyone dislike us” Mary cut in as she kept eating.

“Most of the students here are from rich home which is why they like to pick on the poor ones” Bonnie said looking a bit angry.

“What about you? I know that you came from China and judging by your clothes, you must obviously be rich, so why are you an outcast?” Mary asked.

“Due to my gloves. They all think me weird and a psycho for putting on this gloves but I have my reason” Lucy replied.

“Reasons which her private to you. Don’t worry, we won’t pry but I do hope that you won’t distance yourself from us” Mary said and Lucy gave them a look.

“Even if we are an outcast, we still have a life and we deserve to be happy” Bonnie said as she brought out three can of cola.

“Cheers to happiness ” Bonnie cheered and they echo it along with her.

And just like that Lucy got two new friends. She found out that Mary is taking the business course while Bonnie is under the same course as her which is law.

“Shall we dance to some music, we missed class already and so we should just enjoy our free time” Mary said as she pulled out her phone but at that moment they heard screams coming from downstairs.

Immediately, all three went the roof edge to see what’s happening downstairs.

“If it isn’t the devil themselves” Bonnie muttered as four male students walked out of the building.

“Hot devils to be precise” Mary said as she kept giggling like a school girl.

Lucy on the other hand kept starring at William who is among the four guys.

“Hot? They are all bullies, did you forget how they pick on poor Mark till he left school” Bonnie said.

“Who’s Mark?” Lucy found herself asking.

“Just some poor student like us. The only thing he did wrong was messing with Andrew, the leader of the f-__-king group” Bonnie said and that got Lucy starring at Andrew.

The little she knew of him is that he’s the second son of the knight family, one of the biggest and richest family in America.

Apart from his good looks and wealth, he’s mean and cruel. He bullies the weak and poor and what’s worse everyone considers him a god.

The girls go crazy over him while the boys admire him even some of the professor treat him with respect.

Thank God she isn’t one of his crazy fan….she thought as her gaze went back to William.

A smile tilt her lips and Bonnie couldn’t help but to notice it.

“Don’t tell you like Andrew too?” Bonnie asked and immediately, she shook her head.

“I totally dislike him” Lucy said quickly.

“At last, someone who h@ťěs that guy and his crazy friends but what was that smile for?” Bonnie asked.

“That’s for William, I notice you were looking at him. You have a crush on him right?”

“Perhaps” Lucy said and smiled again.

“At least he’s the most decent one out of the four of them ” Bonnie conceed.

Sometime later, Lucy went into the rest room to freshen up.

She took off her gloves to wash her hand and was drying it when suddenly, a boy took the glove and ran off with it.

“Hey!” Lucy called as she went after him.

“Give me back my glove!” She yelled at him but he kept running off with it.

Lucy was breathing heavily as she took the stairs her glove stealer took earlier.

She made a turn only to collide into someone’s body.

A gasp left her lip as she found herself falling back ward but whoever she collide into held onto her to steady her.

Lucy looked up only to see Andrew Knight starring down at her.

Her eyes widen and she was about to pull away when her mind went into freeze mode and different kind of scene began to flash before her eyes.

Scene that have to do with Andrew Knight future.

When it ended, she quickly pulled away from him, staggering a little and she would have fall if William hadn’t caught her hand.

“Easy or you will fall” William said and due to him holding her, she couldn’t help but to see his future.

William’s future really shock her hard that she ended up falling on the floor starring at Andrew and William incredulously.

There’s no hope of her ever being with William because her crush turns out to be gay and the most shocking revelation of all is that, he is Andrew’s lover…..


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