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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Five

“So how is it going?” Mark asked as he walked into Andrew office.

Andrew who was busy with his phone didn’t even notice Mark arrival.

“Oh! Isn’t that Claire Maxwell?”Mark said suddenly only for Andrew to look up to find no one there.

Andrew gave him an angry glare which he returned with a smile.

“I came right through that door and you didn’t notice,I also said some thing and you didn’t reply but on hearing Claire name, you payed me some attention. Am getting a feeling about this”Mark said as he sat down on one of the chair.

“A feeling about what exactly?” Andrew asked

“You are paying Claire Maxwell too much attention, Do you perhaps like her?”Mark asked

“Of course not! Why would I like a lesbian”Andrew replied quickly

“Common we both know that that is not true, she likes men and that Chef is a proof”Mark said

“Of course! The chef, why didn’t I think of it?”Andrew said suddenly

“Think of what?”

“Have been sending her a lot of message and she has been ignoring me, let’s see how she does that when she sees me in person”He said as he stood up putting on his suit

“Common let’s go”Andrew said as he began heading out

“Where are we going?”Mark asked

“To eat dinner and also to see Claire Maxwell, after all she always help at that Chef restaurant,let’s see how she ignores me when she attends to me”He said and with out waiting for Mark response, he walked out of the restaurant.

Claire sighed as she checked her message.

Why can’t he leave her alone, she thought as she went through his text.

“We have some things to discuss”
“Why aren’t you answering?”
“Ignoring me right?”
“Claire Maxwell or should I say Claire lesbian,give me a response”
“Let’s have dinner tonight and talk about the situation”

Claire was about to respond to his message in a rude way when she remembered that he was her boss and that if she were to be rude, he might just fire her. It will best if she just ignore him, ignoring him and avoiding him will be the best thing for her, she thought as she sighed again.

“Is some thing bothering you?”Ben asked as he walked towards her by the counter.

“What? Oh! Nothing, I was just thinking about some thing”Claire said giving him a smile.

“And can this some thing be a guy?”Ben asked

“O..f…of course not, you know I hardly have male friends, you along with Peter my colleague at work who is apparently a gay are the two male friends I have ” Claire replied quickly

“What about Nick?”

“You know Nick is a pain in the @zz, I would rather have him far from me than close to me”Claire replied

“I would really like it if you find a guy, you have been alone for let’s say, five or four or never years. I hardly see you going out on dates, why don’t you just tell Alicia to help you prepare one date or two, you might just be a spinster forever “He said as they both stared at Alicia who was sitted at a table,having dinner with her latest client.

If only you know who I want to be with, you won’t be telling me this, Claire thought to herself.

“I don’t need to attend a date Ben, am happy being on my…….”

“That’s why am more worried Claire”Ben said as he took her hand, turning her towards him.

“You only spend time at your office and also here, you will barely have time for your self. Let me help you find some one, who knows you might just take it from there”Ben said

“Ben you don’t have …….”

“I have to! You are like a sister to me, I feel like I have some sort of obligation towards you”He said touching her cheek gently

“But Ben….”Claire was cut short when Ben suddenly kissed her on the forehead.

“Better, some how doing this always keeps you shut” he said as he smiled down at her.

Claire could feel her heart beating so fast and she felt giddy all over, not wanting him to see her red cheeks, she moved away from him.

“So? Should I help you put together a blind date?”He asked and quickly Claire nodded

“That’s my girl”he replied as he went back to the kitchen.

Claire stood frozen for a while, putting a hand on her flushed cheeks, she smiled softly to her self.

He always does that when ever he wants to get his way with her and fool that she is allows him, loving him and seeking for his affection, she is willing to do any thing just to get a little of his kisses.

Still smiling, Claire looked up only to stare into a eyes as dark as night.

Those eyes were starring at her and it looked very angry and the owner of that eyes is none other than Andrew Black.

A customer coming to the counter distracted her and she hurriedly answer the customer.

Her phone beeped and she checked it only to see that it was a message from him.

“Having a great time with the chef right?”

She read and stared at him only to find him starring at her too.

“We have to talk Miss Claire”he texted again.

Not wanting to talk to him and trying to stick to her plan of ignoring and avoiding him, she went into the kitchen,almost bumping into Ben.

“What’s wrong?”Ben asked on seeing her behaviour

“Am sorry Ben, I have to leave, some thing urgent came up”She said as she walked past him only to be pulled back

“What’s wrong?”Ben asked looking worried himself

“Nothing is wrong, I just have to leave, I will be taking the back entrance”Claire said as she walked off Quickly.

Andrew stared at his phone, waiting for a reply and at the same time he kept on looking at the kitchen, waiting for her to come back to the counter.

He had been expecting to see her here but what he didn’t expect to see was the romance being displayed between the chef and her.

Its all one sided and yet she keeps on blushing due to a kiss he gives her on her fore head, what a gullible girl, he thought as he stared at the kitchen again.

“Just eat, you are making it obvious that you came here to see Claire”Mark said as he ate his steak.

“Does it makes sense that she acts all lovey Dovey in front of me when she told me she is a lesbian”Andrew said

“You know what I think, I think you are jealous”Mark replied

“Me! Jealous? And why would I be jealous, I certainly don’t like that lady”Andrew replied

“Then why do you keep on talking about her, you even came to this restaurant just to see her”

“Well that’s because….she….she have been avoiding my messages and also my calls”Andrew replied quickly and mark nodded not convinced at all.

“See have sent her a message and she haven’t replied yet and she went into the kitchen and haven’t even been out yet”Andrew said again

“Might have left through the back door” Mark said as he kept on eating


“I saw it while driving here”Mark replied

“And you decided to tell me that now!”Andrew said clearly annoyed

Mark didn’t have the chance to reply because Ben came towards them asking about the food

“Its great! Can I get more of this?”Mark asked happily and Ben signalled to the new waitress who was now by the counter telling her to bring more of the dish to Mark.

“Have you always been a chef or is it some thing you just decided on a whim?”Andrew asked suddenly

“Have always wanted to be one ever since Claire told me that I would be a great cook. You must know Claire,Claire Maxwell, she works at the company you just acquired”Ben replied

“Oh! Isn’t she the one who suggested your restaurant for the meeting?”Andrew asked feigning ignorance

“Yes! She is quite dedicated to her work,I can assure you of that”Ben added quickly

“I know. So tell me since when have you known Claire Maxwell, I mean you must have known her for a long time now, judging that she is the reason you took up cooking “Andrew asked.

Mark already knew what was running through Andrew head as he asked the question and judging from the determined look on his face, he won’t stop until he gets the answer he wants.

“Well we have been childhood friends for a long time” Ben replied

“And you have never felt a thing for her?”Andrew asked


“I mean that you two have been friends for a long time, one of you might have developed feelings for each other “Andrew finished

“I think you should get the steak for me, am still very hungry”mark said hurrying Ben off, not wanting him to give Andrew a reply

“You are really asking for trouble”Mark said when Ben went to get the steak.

“I was just trying to be helpful”Andrew replied not a least bit bothered.

“Don’t you think you should leave it for them to see it on their own, if Claire likes Ben then it’s up to her to tell him so. I don’t think it’s proper with you meddling” Mark said.

Andrew didn’t get enough time to reply because a laughter from the other table interrupted him.

He turned to see whose laughter rang out so loud only to see Alicia Drake, Claire accomplice.

“Why are you smiling ?”Mark asked as he stared up to see Andrew smiling mischievously.

“I think I know what to do Mark”He replied still starring at Alicia.


Claire found herself heading to the lift and pressing the button to the top floor.

She had wanted to avoid him, to ignore him but due to what Nick did, she had no choice but to see him as he requested.

Why did Nick have to do that! He never do any thing right, she thought as the lift door opened.

She braced her self and walked the few paces to his office.

While his secretary went to announce her arrival, she stood in the waiting wondering if she could get out of meeting him, some thing has to be done some how, she thought but all that vanished when his secretary asked her to go in.

Taking a deep breath, Claire walked into his office and the first thing she noticed was the bruise on his lips.

Nick is really crazy, she thought silently to her self.

“Good morning sir”Claire said

“There is nothing good about the morning, well it might be good for you but it can’t possibly be good for me”he said touching his bruised lips.

“Am really sorry,I…..”

“I can’t believe that a little thr_@t from me will make you come see me, have been asking you to talk but you have been avoiding me and yet, here you are all because of your brother doing. When next I want to talk, it’s best if i just get Nick to hit me agai”He said this standing up.

“Am really sorry for what Nick did to you and i have my reasons for avoiding you”Claire added

“what are those reasons?”Andrew asked

“Well for one, the blind date and then knowing you are my boss and knowing my secret and also knowing that you and I…..”

You are and I are meant to get married in three weeks time, she thought this silently

“Knowing that you and I what?”Andrew asked waiting for her to speak

“It doesn’t matter, what matters now is that you know my secret and I feel that you might tell it to others”She said changing the subject quickly

“And what would that secret be?”Andrew asked

“About my preference, I will really like it if you don’t get to tell any one and I…..”

“It surprises me that you are still willing to lie to me even after making a fool out of me “he said getting up

“What do you mean sir?”She asked

“I know what your preference is Claire Maxwell and I know you are not what you claim to be”he said bursting Claire bubble.

Did he know that she is not a lesbian, she thought as she move back when he began moving towards her.

“I think you might have misunderstood sir, I certainly am some one who is interested in girls, I have no feeling whatsoever for a guy, that’s a typical lesbian behaviour”Claire added the last part quickly as she kept on moving back until her back hit the locked door.

“Want me to show you that you are not what you are claiming to be?” He asked as he kept on moving until he stood in front of her, she would have moved if he hadn’t put his hand on the door blocking her path with his body.

Claire gulped down forcefully and dared to ask “what are you doing?”

Wait a minute, why is she feeling that she has seen this scene some where before?

“Trying to show it to you! Trying to prove to you that you are not what you claim to be ” He said softly breaking into Claire thoughts.

Slowly Claire found her self asking “H…how do you …intend to show me?”

He stared at her face for a while and then at her lips before giving her a smile, A very sly one at that.

It couldn’t be! It certainly couldn’t be the dream she had some days ago,it certainly couldn’t be him kissing her in that dream, this moment isn’t the dream she had, she thought hoping it would turn out like that but his next words confirmed her doubts.

“By kissing you”He muttered softly
and before she could stop him, he kissed her.

To Be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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