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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Thirty seven( semi finale)

“Am fine grandma. You and Nick don’t have to worry”Claire said as she spoke to her grand mother on the phone.

“Really? Tell Nick and Alicia to choose a convenient day for the wedding. I want to be there”She said happy to hear about Nick and Alicia upcoming wedding.

“I will surely be back in time for it. You don’t have to worry”she said as the waitress came to serve her juice.

After assuring her grandma that she was okay in Singapore. She end the call and while she sipped her juice. She stared at the passerby.

It’s been three days since the day she told Andrew the truth. Just like they said, she wasn’t allowed in the hotel and it was hard trying to get to talk to Andrew again.

She had been lucky to hear some workers talking about him visiting a hotel called Star and so she here she is. Idly sipping her juice and waiting for him to arrive.

“It’s really you!”on hearing a familiar voice, Claire turned only to see Sofia Belmont starring at her.

It’s been three years since they last saw each other and meeting her here is something of a coincidence.

“I knew it was you. Have been watching you for a while now, wondering if it is the Claire I know or not”She said as she seated herself in the table.

“What brings you to Singapore”Since they hadn’t been friends in the past this was the question Claire could ask.

“For business and what about you?”She asked and Claire was about to reply when she stopped.

If Lucia had managed to hide Andrew for years now then Sofia too would have thought him dead. She has been thinking of ways to convince Andrew that he is her husband and here is someone that can help. She thought .

“Though it’s been more than five years since have been here. I still think of this city as a beautiful place”Sofia continued to blabber

“Have you heard anything from Lucia?”Claire asked wanting to know if she knew about Andrew.

“Like what? It’s been a while since I heard from her. Ever since Andrew death, she has been on her own. Working and making more money for her company”Sofia replied.

Clearly Sofia doesn’t know about Andrew being Alive. She have got to tell her and get her to help talk to Andrew.

“Oh my God!”Sofia burst out suddenly and when Claire followed her gaze to see what caught her attention she saw Andrew with a blonde being led to their table.

“Is that really him or a replica?”Sofia asked still starring at them.

“It’s Andrew. He didn’t die. Lucia lied to us all and have kept him hidden here for years”Claire said

“But that’s horrid! How can she do something like that? She didn’t even let me in on it. She made everyone believe that Andrew is dead. Is he the reason why you are here?”Sofia asked and she nodded.

“He is the same Andrew that we all know but he lost his memory and knowing he was vulnerable. Lucia used that creating a whole new identity for him.”

“So your saying he lost his memory and that he can’t remember anything from his past?”Sofia asked

“When I told him about me. He wouldn’t believe but now that there is a two of us. He will surely believe. Please help me to convince him “Claire said.

“That’s a piece of cake. Come with me”Sofia said as she stood up heading towards Andrew table.

“Hello there. It’s been three years since we last saw each other but your still the same darling”Sofia said to Andrew who stared at them both.

“Who is she?”The blonde with him ask

“Well am Sofia, Sofia Belmont. I was this man fiancee three years ago and she is Claire, Claire Black. She is his wife”Sofia introduced.

“Whats going on Jack?”The blond asked Andrew who was looking very angry now.

“Jack? Is that the name Lucia made up for him?”Sofia asked Claire who nodded in return.

“Jack doesn’t suit you. I prefer Andrew more”Sofia continued not caring if she was getting attention

“Now look here! I do not know who you are and if you are here with her, it clearly shows that you are nothing but a liar like her. So take your lies somewhere else cause am about to reach my limit”He said as he stood up.

“Your hurting my feelings Andrew. Don’t you remember me? Okay you might have lost your memory but you shouldn’t deny the people who know you. Most especially her”Sofia said staring at Claire.

Andrew sighed deeply before moving towards Claire.

“You really had to go this far just so you could keep up with your lies?”he asked

“They aren’t lies Andrew! Am your wife and your mother is the one feeding you lies”Claire said quickly.

“Stop with this madness or else I will make you regret it. She is a good actress. I was almost convinced”he added starring at Sofia.

He took the blond hand and gave them both an angry look before walking off.

“He really has change”Sofia said starring at him.

“Lucia has blinded him. He can’t see reason and he won’t believe me”Claire said looking sad.

“This wont end like this, come with me” Sofia said as she pulled Claire going after Andrew.

They got to the floor he had chosen to spend the hotel with the blond when they saw him kissing the Blond and caressing her body boldly before entering their hotel room.

“He really has change. The Andrew I know wouldn’t do that”Sofia yelled out.

“He wouldn’t”Claire said looking sad.

“Forget him! He doesn’t remember you anyway and he is an @zz for still sleeping with a slut when knowing you are his wife” seeing the fierce way Sofia was supporting her got Claire smiling. Who would have thought that they were both enemies three years ago.

“I can’t do that Sofia. I still love him and am not going to give up. He will remember”Claire said with conviction.

“I really admire you. If it had been me,I would have just let him be. I would help you speak to Lucia. Who knows she might just decide to tell him the truth”Sofia said.

“Do you think so?”Claire asked hopefully.

“Just leave it to me. I will arrange a meeting with her right now. Seeing how determined you are, I want to help”Sofia said and Claire told her a thank you as she watched Sofia walk off already calling contacting Lucia.

Claire hoped Sofia suceeds in convincing Lucia to tell him the truth. She stood by the door waiting for Andrew to come out.

She was about giving up when she finally heard the door open and they both walked out looking satiated. She didn’t need someone to tell her what they’ve both been doing.

“It’s her again? Tell me is she really your wife?”the blond asked

“Just a stalker. Go ahead,I will follow soon”he said to the blond who eyed Claire before walking off.

“Why the hell won’t you leave me alone!”He yelled at her.

“I can’t leave you because you are my husband”Claire said only to be pushed to the wall with him towering over her.

“Am not your husband. Am no one to you. I h@ťě girls who are clingy and that’s what you are. You even had to go far as to hire someone. You really are crazy you know”He said

“Call me names. I don’t care. All I know is that you are my Andrew and I won’t give up until you remember …….”

“Cut it out with your nonsense!!! Okay fine, let’s say I am your Andrew and I do remember you. Do you think that I would still want you back? It’s been three years, shouldn’t you move on with your life? Let me make one thing clear. Even if it turns out that your saying the truth which I doubt, I will never go back to you. Look at you! Just look at yourself. Your some sort of beggar looking for love. It’s disgusting and irritating and I h@ťě it. Stop now or you will forever earn my hatred” he said as he walked off leaving Claire there.

“Have you recall anything yet”Doctor John who had been Andrew doctor for three years asked him.

“Nothing yet. Though I would like to remember”Andrew replied honestly. A part of him have always wanted to recall his past but he wants to recall it now because of that woman claim.

She had said he was her husband and that she still loves him. A part of him wants to believe her but another doesn’t. He had to remember, he must remember just so he can know if she is saying the truth or not.

“You don’t have to force it and use this drug for the headache. It will help relieve it”Doctor John said as he write down the drug.

Just then something crossed his mind and he decided to ask. “Did you ever get rid of a scar on me?”He asked

“Why ask?”

“I just want to know. Was a surgery performed to remove a scar from my body”He asked and the doctor nodded.

“Yes. Back then it was necessary but there was a scar on your abdomen which had to be removed”he replied and Andrew found himself remembering Claire claim of having seen a scar on him.

“I have to go”he said quickly.

“But your prescription”Doctor John yelled out but Andrew was long gone.

He got to the office only to find out that his mother had gone on a business trip which would take her the whole day.

He was about to leave when he recalled something.

“Remember the girl I came here with a few days ago?”He asked his mother secretary who nodded.

“Have she been here to see my mom before?”He asked again

“Yes. I can remember because she had caused a scene just so she could talk with your mom that day”The secretary replied.

“Can I get the CCTV footage for that day. It’s very important to me”Andrew said and she told him to wait while she get it for him.

It took a while but Andrew got the footage and as soon as he got to his office. He watched the whole thing and it was then he realised Claire had been saying the truth all along.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Andrew have found out the truth???

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