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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Claire closed the door to the study and took the empty chair just as Lucia settled herself in her chair.

“You must be wondering why I asked to see you. So I will get straight to the point”She began softly.

“I want you to leave”Lucia stated firmly.

Claire knew she would have to leave sometime but what she didn’t fathom was that she would be leaving so soon.

“Andrew is gone and I……I never agreed to him marrying you. If it were up to me. You wouldn’t even have met him”Lucia continued.

“Your staying here is pointless. He didn’t think that he would die so young. So he didn’t prepare any will for you and luckily you aren’t expecting his child and ……”

“What makes you so sure that am not expecting his child?”Claire asked and that got her shut for a second.

“Don’t tell me you are?”Lucia asked.

“Luckily as you put it. Am not expecting his child but I can’t leave. I don’t want to leave yet”She said quickly.

“Why? I see no reason for you not to leave”She said.

“At least let me stay till the funeral is over. Let me say goodbye to Andrew……”

“No! Have been very patient with you, Claire. You must also admit that have been very patient with you. I only agreed that you stay here because of Andrew who was very adamant, but not anymore. I don’t want you here. I never did and so am expecting you to leave today”Lucia stated fiercely.

“Can I ……”

“Don’t bother asking cause it won’t be granted . I want you to leave, Claire. Save me the embarrassment of having to get the guards to accompany you out of the house. Leave as soon as you finish packing your stuff”She said and left the study.

Claire took her time in the study before leaving. She opened the door to find Jenna, Andrew grandmother there.

“Grandma! What are you doing here?”Claire asked as she knelt in front of her because a wheel chair had been provided for her.

“Did she ask you to leave?”Jenna asked.

“Yes. Its bound to happen anyway”Claire replied softly.

“That cold little thing. I told her not to do it but she did. I will talk to her and……”

“Its okay grandma. She never wanted me here in the first place. Its best that I leave and save every one from further arguments” Claire replied sadly.

“Am sorry my child”Jenna said softly.

“For what?”

“For not being able to protect you. If only I wasn’t so weak. I would have some control in this situation “Jenna said and Claire hugged her tightly.

“Thank you Grandma. Thank you for welcoming me “Claire said and stood up.

“Goodbye Grandma”She added as she quickly walked off heading to her room.

It wasn’t until she finished packing that she took one last look at the room.

She found herself moving towards Andrew wardrobe. She opened it and fingered all of his clothing there. Picking a particular scarf she had always seen on him. She tucked it into her bag and closed the wardrobe before walking out of the room.

She was surprised to find Ben waiting for her by the door. He also had his luggage with him.

“If you leave. I leave too”Ben said giving her a smile.

Returning his smile. They both left for the airport. Heading back to Australia.

“Have you seen Mrs Black?”A girl of about the sixteen asked her friends as they walked past her.

“Saw her heading to the rest room”One of them replied and as soon as the girl thanked them. She ran eagerly to the rest room.

She got there only to see Mrs Black heading into the rest room.

“Mrs Black!”The girl called again and Claire turned to find Susan running towards her excitedly.

“Eas…….”she didn’t get to finish her word because the girl hugged her tight. Knocking the breath out of her.

“I got in. I got accepted Mrs Black”Susan said as she held her tightly.

“That’s great! You really studied hard to get in “Claire said with sincerity.

“Without you it couldn’t have happened”Susan said now gazing at Claire.

“That’s not true. You put in a lot of effort and you deserve it “Claire said starring at her.

“Thank you teacher. I still can’t believe that i was accepted into Bradford music school in Singapore.”Susan stated dreamily.

“You deserve it and it’s your turn to shine”Claire assured her only to be rewarded by a hug.

“I love you teacher. Your the best “Susan said as the bell was rung. Throwing a kiss at Claire. Susan headed back to class.

Claire smiled as she got into the restroom to do her thing.

For two years she has been chasing this dream for Susan. All the rejection had stopped the girl from trying but Claire kept on encouraging her until she finally achieved it.

She was heading back to class when Mrs Houston. Another teacher teaching in the little institute called for her attention.

“He is here again”Mrs Houston said grinning from ear to ear.

“You should give him a chance. Mourning for your dead husband for three years should be enough. I wouldn’t take that long to do it” Mrs Houston stated.

Knowing that Mrs Houston have always been a gossip. Claire only gave her a nod and went in search of this visitor of hers.

Its been three years. Three years since Andrew death.

She had come back to Australia only to quit her job in the advertising agency. Being in a place which held a lot of memory was quite choking. So she had quit her job and had travelled back to her parents home town to begin a new life.

Though her grandmother and Nick had objected. She had been very adamant about it. She was offered a job in the institute to teach Arts.

She had also continued using Andrew surname. After all she was still his wife and she kept wearing his ring. It somehow kept Andrew close to her heart and it gave men who eyed her a reason to avoid her.

Her life have been great but not as great as she wanted because an empty void have always been in heart. A void which no one can fill.

She got to the visiting room and found Ben waiting for her.

On seeing her he smiled and went towards her. Without waiting for her say a thing . He pulled her to him and hugged her.

“Ben”Claire called softly and he released her to stare at her.

“Have been thinking if i should do this or not, but I can’t wait anymore. Its been three years, Claire. And you have mourned him enough.”He stated.

“What are you trying to say?”She asked.

He brought out a box from his pocket and opened it to reveal an engagement ring.

“Marry me Claire. I promise to make you the most happiest woman on earth” Ben stated waiting for a response from her.

To be continued✌️✌️✌️

Andrew is dead???

Its been three years and Claire hasn’t moved on yet???

Will she accept Ben???

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