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Friday, October 18, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Twenty eight & Twenty nine

While people came to their aid. Claire sat on the floor starring at Andrew who layed on the floor covered in his blood.

She knew people were calling for help and some were talking to her. Asking if she is alright, but she couldn’t reply. All she could think of was Andrew.

“Claire. Are you okay?”Ben asked as he ran towards her. Kneeling beside her.

When she didnt reply he stared at what she was looking at and saw that it was Andrew.

Quickly Ben moved towards him. He was about to touch him when Claire yelled.

“Don’t! Don’t touch him”She said as she moved towards them. Cradling him close to her while his blood stained her hands and clothes.

“Call for help. I will stay here with him”She said as she held him to her.

“Everything will be fine. He will be fine. He has to be” She murmured to herself.

The ambulance arrived and she insisted on going with them. While they did the necessary things. Claire sat still holding his hands while she murmured the words from earlier to herself.

He was rushed in by the nurses on a stretcher and she went with them.

They made her stop by the door way and she stood starring as they peeled off his shirt to do the necessary.

A sound she was familiarised with began making a noise and she stood still hoping it wasnt what she was thinking.

While the doctor tried to jolt his heart back to being stable. Claire saw the lines on the monitor. It had turned parallel.

Parallel lines only shows when one heart stop beating. She thought as she opened the door and walk into the room.

“What’s going on?”She asked starring at the doctor and nurse who stood still.

“Time of death 12:45. Died on the 15th of may”The doctor pronounced Andrew death.

“It can’t be. You are joking right?”She asked as she stared at them.

“We are sorry”The doctor replied.

She moved on unsteady legs to the bed where Andrew layed.

“Its not true. My husband will wake up. He has to”She said as she held his hand in her’s while the tears she had been keeping in check began to Pour.

“You can’t leave me! Its not true. Wake up! Please wake up!”She cried as she held him.

“Claire”Ben called as he tried to pull her away from the deceased but she pushed his hand away.

“He can’t be dead. He promised we will be together. He just can’t die. He can’t leave! He will wake up! He must wake up”She said as she shaked him. Hoping that by doing so he would wake up but he never did.

Ben pulled her away from him and hugged her tight. She tried to wrestle herself free but he held her tight.

“Let me go! I have to wake him up. I have to….”

“He is dead! He is no more Claire”Ben yelled at her. Wanting her to come out of her illusion.

“It can’t be! He just can’t leave me. He….can’t…..he just……”She didn’t get to finish her words because she fainted right in Ben arms.

Claire opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar room.

She was confused and wondered why she was here instead of being home but then the memory of the past hour came back to haunt her.

Feeling an immense loss. She began to cry. Andrew is gone. She still can’t believe it.

She was Clutching the sheets and was sobbing profusely when the door opened and Ben walked in.

“Claire”he called softly moving towards her to give her a hug.

“He is gone. Andrew is gone”She cried as she hugged him back. Embracing his comfort.

“Its okay”Ben kept muttering as he held her close.

It was a while later that the tears stopped and she moved out of his arms.

“Where is he?”She asked.

“He has been taken to the morgue. His mother and Sofia are there. Do you want to go there?”Ben asked.

“No! I would rather leave. Can you take me back home”She requested and he agreed.

They got out of the ward she had been admitted in and was heading out when someone suddenly pulled her by her hair.

“You witch! You ki||ed him! You ki||ed him”Sofia yelled as she pulled Claire hair.

Ben managed to push her away and stood in front of Claire. Protecting her from any attack from Sofia.

“You ki||ed him! You are a curse. A mistake in his life. If only he didn’t meet you. If only you two never crossed paths. He would be here with us. Andrew died because of you”Sofia yelled at her.

“I know you are deeply hurt Sofia but there is no use putting the blame on Claire”Ben said.

“Shut up! Andrew died because of her. Andrew died because he met her. If only she hadn’t come into his life. If only….”Sofia stopped as she tried to choke back her tears.

“If only he had married me and not her. Andrew will still be alive”she said crying.

“You should have died instead. You should have died…..”She added as she sat on the empty chair crying.

“Stay with her! I will call a cab to take me back “Claire said to Ben.


“I want to be alone. Please, stay with her”Claire begged interrupting Ben and before he could insist again. She left the hospital. Hailing a taxi quickly.

As soon as she got to the mansion. She went straight to her bed room. Walking the few distance to the bed, she layed on it breathing in Andrew scent.

She remembered their discussion in the morning and began to cry again.

Sofia is right! She had ki||ed him. She was meant to be the one to die but Andrew had died in her place. If only she had seen the future before this happened. If only she had…..she stopped thinking as she cried her eyes out and when there was nothing left. Claire dozed off. Dreaming of Andrew.

She was woken by someone who kept on knocking on her door. It was late in the afternoon. Had she slept for hours? She thought as she got out of bed to open the door.

“Thank God. I was about to break the door if you didn’t answer”Ben said as he walked in dressed in black.

“Why? Were you scared that I had done something to myself”she asked.

“Of course not! I know how strong you are”Ben replied.

“Of course you do”She replied looking wistfully.

“Are you okay?”Ben asked.

“I will be lying if I said I am”Claire replied softly.

Ben walked towards her to give her a hug.

“Everything will be fine Claire. Just stay strong”Ben replied and she replied before pulling out of his arms.

“Why are you putting on Black?”She asked.

“Lucia decided to have Andrew funeral today. That’s why am here. Will you attend or should I just tell them that you are not well and……”

“I will “She replied quickly.

“But Claire…..”

“Don’t worry! I have to be there anyway. I will get changed and be with you” Claire stated as she went into the room to get changed.

Putting on her best black outfit. She left the room accompanied by Ben.

The funeral was taking place downstairs and they were guest around the house.

She saw Lucia and Jenna. Andrew mother and grandmother sitted on the chair looking sad.

“Why are you still here? I thought you left!”Sofia said as she walked towards them.

“Its my husband funeral. I just can’t leave”Claire replied getting annoyed by Sofia behaviour.

Everyone of them were grieving. She shouldn’t make it worse by being antagonistic.

“Get out! No one cares about your marriage to Andrew. Leave and…..”She stopped when Lucia called her name.

“Why don’t you handle the guest while I talk to, Claire.”Lucia said looking Prim and proper as always.

Sofia did just as she said and after assuring Ben that she would be okay. Ben left the two of them alone.

“Can we do the talking in my study?”Lucia asked and Claire nodded in reply. Following her to the study.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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