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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Twenty one

“Its so huge Andrew”Claire commented as he stopped in front of the mansion which had been in the Black generation.

“Wait till you see inside, you won’t call it huge from here”he said as he got out of the car only to be enveloped in a hug by an older lady.

Claire stood watching him them both wondering if the woman he kept talking to with so much warmth was his mom or perhaps his grandmother.

She was still wondering when they both turned to her.

“This is Claire Maxwell, My fiancee”Andrew said pulling Claire into his arms

“She is so beautiful, you clearly have an eye for beauty Andrew”She said jokingly.

“I got it from no one but you. Claire my love”He began although she was surprised by the My love bit, she act accordingly knowing it was all a pretence.

“This is Nanny Rose, she has been my Nanny ever since I was little and have always thought of her as a mom”He said finally introducing the two.

Claire liked the woman knowing she will be more welcoming to her if she needed anything.

“Your mother and grandmother are both waiting for you, they have been on edge ever since you called and told them that you were coming back with your fiancee. Your mom is really angry about it, she won’t give in easily”Nanny Rose said as they all climbed the stairs walking into the mansion.

“I know and I certainly wouldn’t give in to her too”He replied as he took hold of Claire hand.

Claire couldn’t look around as she wanted to because her thought were now occupied with the meeting ahead.

They walked through a room which Claire could tell that it was a room used for leisure. Her whole house could certainly fit the leisure room, she thought as they walked into the sitting room where two women were seated.

One she recognised as Sofia Belmont and judging by the same features which were outlined on Andrew, you could tell that the other lady seated is none other than Andrew mother.

“Hello mom”Andrew greeted as he went to give her a kiss which she returned more out of courtesy.

“Where is grandma? “he asked as he sat Claire down on one of the luxurious sofa.

“Up in her room. Her heart has been acting up again and I sent her up assuring her that you will go to see her when your done with me”She replied giving Claire an intimidating look.

“And who is she?”She asked staring at Claire.

“She as you refer her is Claire Maxwell, my fiancee, Claire meet my mom Lucia Black”He introduced

“How do you do Ma’am”Claire greeted in the most polite manner she could think of.

“Its madam! I prefer the word madam! “She said in return and Claire nodded softly.

“Do you know a wedding will be taking place two days from now?”She asked suddenly and Claire turned to stare at Andrew, he hadn’t told her about a wedding taking place in two days but then her dream, her dream had been of her getting married to Andrew in three weeks time. Knowing that, she nodded starring back at Lucia Black.

“And you know that your not the bride intended for the wedding?”She asked again

“I certainly wouldn’t get married if my bride isn’t Claire”Andrew spoke up but his mother didn’t even give him a glance, she was starring at Claire waiting for an answer.

“I know you had Sofia intended as the bride to be but Andrew and I love each other and we came solely to get your blessing”Claire replied.

“Blessing my foot”Sofia snorted out loud.

“Like you said yourself you aren’t the bride intended and so I think you coming here is a waste of time Claire”She replied using Claire name for the first time.

“Your the one wasting your time mom,I only came to introduce Claire to you and to tell you that I won’t be getting married to someone else even if you ki|| me. Claire is the one I love and…..”

“That’s enough Andrew!!! Have had it with your stupid little love thing. Iove is something we can never have as a Black, I told you severally, I made it clear that being in love only weakens you, it makes you look weak and that is how you are, right now!”She yelled getting up from her comfort zone.

“Just because your life with dad never went well doesn’t mean mine wouldn’t. I love Claire mom and i will follow my heart no matter where it leads”Andrew said and Claire who had been watching the whole thing found herself feeling that Andrew meant everything he was saying.

“I should have known that you will turn out to be a weakling. What has she used to entrap you? Her body. From what I see Sofia is more better than her”Lucia Black said eyeing Claire body while Sofia tilted her body to show more skin and also show that she was more better earning a disdainful look from Andrew.

“That’s enough mom!”

“Its not enough! I sent Sophia to you to let you know of your pending marriage to her but instead you made fun of her and insulted her just because of this! Well let me tell you that just as you have made up your mind to marry her, have also made up mine”She said softly

“Its either you marry Sophia or I disown you as my son”She thr_@tened.

Claire knew it was getting serious and she turned to Andrew wanting him to take the safe part but instead he took her hand pulling her to his side.

“Do wh@ťěver you want mom, you were never a mom when I needed you, so using that as a thr_@t wouldn’t work. I will marry Claire and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it”He said as he began to pull Claire out of the room.

“She is not worth it Andrew, Your just throwing your life away for someone not worth it”Sofia yelled after him and he stopped to give her an angry stare.

“She is worth everything to me, get that into your head”He replied and stormed off with Claire.

His hold on her hand were tight and though she has been calling his name for him to stop, he wasn’t listening.

He was climbing up the stairs when he stopped to stare at her.

“Am sorry! Did I hurt you?”he asked as if noticing her for the first time.

Knowing that he was angry and due to that anger he had held her wrist tightly she could understand.

“You didn’t”she replied starring at Andrew.

It was the first time she was seeing him this way and somehow it made her sad.

“Are you okay?”she asked

“Of course I am”he replied quickly

“I think what your mom said earlier will be carried through, should we still go ahead with it?”She asked and he moved towards her taking both her hands in his.

“Right now all I need is for you to follow my lead, don’t be burdened by what my mother said, she uses it all the time and am sick of hearing that line”he said giving her a smile.

“But I….”he stopped wh@ťěver she was going to say by kissing her.

“Andrew!”she called reminding that it was all a pretence.

“I know. I only did it because the maids were watching. Common let’s go meet grandma,she will be more accepting”He said as he pulled her to his side.

Together they walked passed some rooms until he got to the room where is grandma was taking her rest.

Mean while Lucia Black stayed sitted at her seat long after Claire and Andrew left.

“What are we going to do?”Sofia asked

“He wouldn’t budge, I told you that that slut has bewitched him”Sofia added when Lucia said nothing.

“Then you should have tried harder, you should have tried harder in seducing him, if only you had done that, he wouldn’t be lured by that girl”Lucia yelled shutting Sofia up.

“I thought my thr_@t would work but as he stupidly says, he has fallen for her, we have to do something to get her out of Andrew life”Lucia added starring at Sofia.

“Am willing to do anything just to get him back”Sofia cried out enthusiastically.

“Then we must think of something first, have any idea?”Lucia asked and Sofia nodded giving a quirky smile.

“I think I have the perfect plan “She replied staring at Lucia Black.

To be continued✌️✌️✌️

What’s Lucia and Sofia cooking up???

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