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Friday, October 18, 2024
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My ?
( A sweet pretence )
Genre: Fantasy and Romance
Written by Gbemi ❤️
Chapter Ten

Claire stood frozen by the door starring at Ben who kept on starring at her, judging by the look in his eyes, he knows and some how that made her feel exposed and vulnerable, she had to leave,had to be by herself for a while, she thought as she moved past him.

“Claire I….”he didn’t get to finish his words when Cindy yelled out his name

“Ben! If you go after her then we are over”Cindy said behind her.

Claire stood still waiting to know what Ben answer will be, hoping with hope that he will stand by her this time.

“One more step towards Claire and you lose me for good”Cindy added.

Claire turned to see Ben starring at her and with out a word,he turned back to Cindy, he made his choice,Claire thought as she kept on walking.

“Where have you been, I have…….”Andrew didn’t even get to finish his word when she walked past him, he watched her heading to her table, making her excuse,she took her bag and headed out of the hall.

Andrew was still wondering what happened when he saw Ben and Cindy coming from the same place Claire had walked out of and with out another word, he ran out of the hall, intent on finding Claire.

He saw her walking down the street instead of hailing a taxi, she had done the same thing the other night and if his guess is right, she would be crying.

Slowly he followed her, watching her as she kept on walking with her head bow.

She got to a road which she had to cross to the next street, her head was still down and judging by the way she was acting,she definitely didn’t notice.

Andrew ran the few paces that separated them and pulled her out of harm’s way.

He was starring at the car which would have hit her while she stared at him.

“Its not the end of the world Claire! Don’t try to get yourself ki||ed for some one not worth it !”He yelled starring at Claire who surprisingly wasn’t crying.

She stared at him and at the street and smiled softly.

“Am sorry….I didn’t notice the car coming”she said softly and with out another word,Andrew pulled her into his arms.

“Just cry! Lean on my shoulders for a while and cry”He said and she stood still in his arms that he thought she wouldn’t do it but that changed when she held him back,burying her face in his chest and crying out her eyes.

A while later, Claire sat down in front of the convience store waiting for Andrew who went in to get some thing.

Just yesterday she had been crying right here and now she is being consoled too, she thought as Andrew walk up to her stretching out an ice cream bar .

“What’s this? Am I some sort of a child?”She asked as she gave him a smile

“I just thought that you would need some thing sweet after that wailing,just take it”he said and she took it from him giving him a smile.

“Feeling better?”He asked much later when she was happily enjoying the ice cream.

“Yes”she replied

“You don’t have to pretend with me, i know you are feeling…..”

“I…..have decided to let Ben go”She said cutting him off and he stared at her,not believing what she said.

“You are right sir! I should have stopped when I saw that there was nothing in it for me but some how that made me long for more, made me wanted more but no matter how long I wait Ben will never notice me, An unrequited love is just too tiring and stressful, I want to live my life with no more stress, so am letting Ben go”Claire said and some how that got Andrew very happy. He smiled softly before saying

“Are you sure about this Claire?” She stared at him for a long time before nodding her head.

“I am! Have never been sure of anything in my life,you tried to open my eyes about it yesterday but I insulted you and am sorry about it”She said as she took his hand in hers.

To Claire she was doing it with out any feeling but to Andrew just having her touch him did a lot of things to him.

“Let’s go back to the party “Claire said as she stood up

“I have a better idea, why don’t we go some where else instead”He suggested

“Some where else?”she asked

“Yes! The three dates you promised me, let’s use one of it now”He replied

“Now? but I can’t think of a place to take you”

“Think of some thing and i don’t care about the place as long as you pay” he added giving her a smile

“That’s not fair! You suggested the three dates and it’s you who is meant to….. sir!sir!”Claire called but he was already walking off to get the car.

“What a stingy boss”Claire muttered to herself.

“What’s this?”Andrew asked as they both walked into a little steak stall

It looked old and dilapidated and the stall was all full of sweaty men ,who spoke loud in volumes, the food in their mouth spilling while they talk, Never has he been in a place like this before, he thought as he brushed an invisible dust from his coat

“Its a stall and let me tell you that their steak here is very delicious”Claire said as she took his hand wanting to pull him in but he stopped her.

“I don’t think anything I eat here will digest”he said as he stared at the men in the room.

“You are worried about them right? They are just some construction workers who came to eat after work, really it’s nothing “Claire said

“Apart from them, the interior of this place is something else, let’s go some where else, am willing to pay “he said

“Don’t tell me that you are one of those rich people who look down on places like this! This is what I can afford, taking you to one of those Michelin restaurant will certainly cost me three month of my salary and I can’t allow that, this is what I can afford and if you won’t eat then it’s best that we both go back “Claire said a bit annoyed by his attitude.

“I don’t look down on people or places its just that it’s my first time eating some where like this “he said

“Then let your first experience be with me, come on, you will love the steak here”She said and before he could stop her, she pulled him to a table.

They ordered their steak and on the first bite Andrew found himself enjoying the food.

“Its good right?”She asked

“Very good”Andrew replied as he kept on eating.

“You know! You look different each time you eat”Claire said suddenly and he stopped to stare at her

“How different?”he asked

“You look like a kid given a new toy and mind you it’s not an insult but a compliment,I saw you eating at the cafeteria with your secretary the other day and your face was all bright like a two year old after eating the salad and…..”

“You watched me eating?”he asked cutting her off

“Well not on purpose, I just kind of caught a glimpse”Claire replied feeling embarrassed

“You know you kind of look cute when you get shy or embarrassed “He said too

“Cute! Am every thing but cute, Nick always tells me that I look like a fool each time am shy or embarrassed”Claire said laughing

“Well Nick lied to you,You really look Cute”He added looking a bit serious

“Fine then, let’s say I look cute and thanks for the compliment sir”Claire said as she bit into a steak

“I don’t like that”

“What?”Claire asked looking puzzled

“The sir! Can’t you just call me by my name?”He asked in return

“I can’t, you are my boss and am just your employee and…..”

“Just call me by my name, I want to hear my name from your lips Claire “He said this and she stared at him,feeling an awkward tension In the air.

He looked serious and saying that kind of stuff to an employee is way too intimate, Claire thought as she was about to reply when she heard some one calling her.

They both looked up to see Nick and Alicia walking in.

“What are you two doing here?”Claire asked clearly surprised

“To eat, If I had known you would be here, I wouldn’t have come “Nick said clearly annoyed at having his time alone with Alicia cut by his sister.

“Then find some where else to eat, I also don’t want you here”Claire replied annoyed too

“I will surely do that”he replied as he took Alicia hand

“Let’s just join them”Alicia said

“Yes join us Nick”Andrew said and he turned to stare at him

Nick hadn’t given the guy his sister was with a glance but on hearing him speak,he knew who it was even before he looked at him

“Really?”He asked acting like a jelly all of a sudden

“What’s wrong with him?”Claire muttered as she glare at Nick who took two chair placing it by their table so they could be a foursome.

“You and I still have some unfinish business”Andrew said as they were all eating and on hearing that Nick nearly choked on his steak

“We do. Am really sorry for how I reacted that day, I thought Alicia was having a date with you”Nick said and Claire hid back a smile.

Never had she seen her brother being meek to some one.

“I accept your apology though Claire has already apologised on your behalf, you should be thanking her”Andrew said and Nick gave her a glare which got her poking out her tongue to him.

“Let’s all forget the bad moment and start afresh”Alicia suggested and they all agreed.

They all talked about them selves, the news and other crazy things which spluttered out of Nick mouth.

It was late in the evening when they set out to leave.

“You know what Mr CEO?”Nick asked as he pulled Andrew away muttering into his ears

“What?”Andrew muttered back

“You are cool”Nick replied giving him a smile which showed how drunk he was

“Cool enough to be your brother in law?”Andrew found himself asking Nick and he stared at him in surprise

“Don’t tell me that you like that dude of a girl”He said as he stared at Claire who was walking ahead with Alicia.

“And if I do will it be a problem” Andrew asked

“Of course not! I will like having you as a brother in law just as long as you don’t hurt Claire”He muttered drunkenly

“But that girl…..she likes Ben and there is the part where she dreamt of herself getting mar…….”

“Nick!!!!”Claire yelled suddenly and he turned to grin at her

“What the hell are you telling him?”She said as she pulled him away from Andrew

“I was just telling him about your dream…the one you had of yourself and that……” He didn’t get to finish his word because she put her over his mouth

“He is drunk and when he is, he says rubbish, Get him to the car Alicia, I will join you soon “She said as Alicia pulled Nick to the car.

“What was he going to say?”Andrew asked

“Nothing! He wasn’t going to say anything, don’t pay attention to Nick, he is crazy at times”She replied quickly

“Fine then”

“After work tomorrow, am taking you some where with me”He said suddenly

“Where?”she asked

“To watch a movie….well it’s part of the date you owe me”He added quickly

“Okay then, I will be looking forward to it as long as you pay”She added jokingly

“That’s cheating”He replied

“You can’t expect a working girl to pay for her boss”She said pouting her lips which made her look adorable

“Fine then,I will pay”He added and she gave him a smile

“I hope you enjoy tonight and now that you know this place am hoping you come here often, I will see you tomorrow si…..Andrew. Good night”She said as she went to the car.

If someone had told her a week ago that she will be agreeing to go on a date with the man she vowed to avoid, she wouldn’t have believed it but here she is agreeing to go on another date with him.

Seeing more of him certainly tells her that she couldn’t avoid him but when it comes to marriage, she would rather run than making her dream a reality ,she thought as she got into the car with Alicia and Nick.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

When it comes to getting married, will Claire be able to run?

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