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HomeMY EX, MY BOSSMY EX, MY BOSS - Episode 6

MY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 6

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“You mind if I drop you off at your work place?” Haris ask and she just nodded.

She had told him yesterday that he was working, he was kinda happy but if only he know she is not happy about it.

“Where is little ava?” He ask looking around trying to see if he could find the little one.

“She already went to school,” Evelyn replied.

“Come on let get going, you might get late on your first day of work,” Haris Said and they both enter the car.

She look out of the window as he started the car. Her mind was occupied, she was thinking so hard.

She h@ťěs so much to be working for that bastard. She had wanted to work at a restaurant but the money was not big and now when she got the opportunity to work in a company, it turns out that the boss is her nightmare.

How was it going to be like for her during work.

“You bothered?” Haris ask and Evelyn just fake a smile trying to sound okay but she wasn’t good at prentending.

“Is there something wrong evelyn, aren’t you happy you got the job?” Haris ask as he control the starring and evelyn sigh turning away from him.

“I am perfectly fine,” she replied.

“Okay,” Haris simply replied but he knows it, he know his Best friend was not okay but he was not going to bother her with questions.

“I think we are here,” He announced and that feeling came into her again.

She was struggling to work on this feeling because it seem to be ki||ing her inside and outside.

“Am scares,” Evelyn said as she look at the tall building from the window.

“You don’t have to,” Haris tried to calm her down but it was not working.

She breath in and out before coming down from the car and Haris did the same .

“d@mn girl, that dude must be so rich to have this kind of company,” Haris said and evelyn scoff because he find what he says funny.

Martin was rich beyond one can see, she remember those days they were dating, most girls were jealous of her because he take her out every day but…….if only they knew what she was passing through.

The sound of horn honking made them turn around and a lamborghini car drove into the compound with two lexus following behind.

They rush out of the car and quickly open the door open him. He steps out gently like a king, arranging his suit.

Evelyn gulp down nervously, fear as she watch him step outside.

He was dressed in a black suit and one could tell by just looking at it that it was expensive, he wore a silver shoe making the dress more fitted and he was also wearing a gold chain.

His long hair was comb to the front almost covering his eyes, making him more handsome and segzy.

He turn his face to evelyn and he smirk but his face turn to an angry one when he saw Haris standing near her.

“Geez, did I ever do something to this guy,” Haris whispered in evelyn ear staring at martin who was glaring angrily at her.

“Okay is better I go, see you,” Haris said to evelyn and quickly rush inside his car.

“Bye,” he throw a kiss at evelyn who couldn’t help but laugh and that seem to make martin angry.

He should be the one to make her laugh not some other boys.

When Haris finally drove out, she looks at martin who was just looking with that farmiliar look.

He was angry and he was feeling possessive over her.

He stare at her for some seconds before he started walking inside the building and his guards didn’t waste time in following him.

Evelyn sigh before walking inside the building as well.

As he walks inside all the staffs quickly bow down their head. They know better than staring at him but as usual some of the girls and boys could not help but stare at their handsome boss.

“Awwn, he is so cute,”

“Look at his shoe,”

“I wish I could have a night with him,”

“I am so happy I got to see his naked body,”

That particular comment seem to take the attention of evelyn who was walking behind him.

‘he slept with his worker’s,’ Evelyn taught to herself.




She rub her sweaty hands together, breathing heavily before pushing the door.

‘The office was really beautiful,’ She taught looking around.

“You were late,” She turn around to see him sitting, his legs crossed.

“We came the same time didn’t we?” Evelyn said and martin scoffs standing up, moving towards her and she move back until her back touch the wall.

He pin her to the wall and evelyn just stare at the floor, wishing the ground should open and swallow her.

She h@ťě the position they are standing.

He raised her chin up and made her look at his segzy blue eyes yet.

“What the hell are you wearing?” He ask calmly and evelyn frown not understanding what he meant.

Her eyes widened when he felt his hand moving inside her skirt.

“What the hell are you….you doing martin?” She shuttered fearfully and she didn’t bother to push him because she knew it was useless anyway.

“I am trying to prove to you that this skirt is too short and I can get my hand anytime I want so next time wear something coverable, I would not want some other boys looking at what Is mine,” He said smirking while evelyn just stare at him.

“You still smell nice eve,” He sniff her hair making her shivers and she pushed him away angrily.

“I am here to work as your secretary, I am not here for Romance,” Evelyn said angrily and he chuckled.

“We haven’t even started the real Romance,” He said smirking and evelyn sigh.

She know this was all a bad idea.

“Get me coffee,” He order as he sat back on the chair…

T. B. C.

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