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HomeMY EX, MY BOSSMY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 43

MY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 43

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♨️(Office Romance)♨️
By, Authoress Succy ✍️?


Chapter 43


The couple sat down eating while martin just placed his hand on her jaw staring at evelyn as she eat.

“The food is really delicious,” She commented, her mouth filled with food and martin bursted into laughter making her frown.

“Why the hell are you laughing?” She ask.

“Nothing,” He replied and evelyn scoffs and continue eating.

The food consist of roasted potatoes and turkey.

“If you want to be eating all of this you can stay here,” He said winking at her and evelyn scoffs.

“I have a kid sister and my mum is still in the hospital.” She replied and continue eating her food.

“Hmmm when is your mother doing her surgery?”

“Next week…..I am really scared,” She said sighing loudly.

“Hey sweetie you don’t have to be scared, your got your strength by your side,” Martin said pointing to himself and evelyn just chuckle.

“Why aren’t you eating? Evelyn ask

“Staring at you made me lost my appetite,” He said staring at her softly and evelyn blush yet again.

“Seriously martin you are silly,” She said.

?I really envy the girl so much, I really wish I was her.

?”Oh please shut your mouth. The girl is pretty and you aren’t even pretty as her,”

?”I think they had broke up before. I heard master and his friend talking about it,”

?”I could tell master love her so much. It is clearly shown on his face,”

The maids gossip as they stare at them from the kitchen.

“Feed me,” Martin suddenly requested and evelyn rolled his eyes before stretching forth her hand towards his mouth and he gently eat it, grabbing hold of her hand and licking it at the same time.

“Seriously martin,” She shake her head and continue eating.

“What?” He ask innocently with a smirk and Evelyn scoffs.

“You know what you did martin. Stop prentending,” Evelyn said glaring at him and he laughs softly.

“I just lick you hand and you are complaining. What if I lick your p***y,”

“Martin,” Evelyn yells and slap him by the hand playfully making him laugh.

“You are f-__-king spoilt,” She said and martin just throw a kiss towards her making her blush as usual.

“You always made me blush,” She said.

“Am full,” She said stretching her hand.

“Sir,” Someone called making them turn their direction to the side only to see the guards and maids standing while bowing their head.

“You send for us,”

“Well I just wanted to introduce you to my fiance. This girl right here is my finance and probably my future wife so obey her anytime she is here, treat her like the house owner and respect her,” He said and evelyn couldn’t help but smile.

She feel so happy that he introduced her to his guards and maid. Making her feel so special and important and this can’t stop her from smiling.

“Yes sir,” They responded.

“You may leave,”

They bow down before walking out.

“Thank you so much martin,” She said and martin frown confuse.

He didn’t understand why he was thanking him.

“Why are you thanking me?”

“Thank you for making me feel so special, thank you making me smile. I am just so happy that I am that special person in my life,” She said. A little trace of tear is seen in her eyes.

“Geez eve what is with the tears?” He ask frowning as he stood up from his chair and walk towards her back, his hand placed on her shoulder.

“Seriously eve you don’t have to cry. You are my everything sweetheart and you really do own that special place in my heart,” He said softly and evelyn smile lightly.

“Come on, let go upstairs, it is getting late already,” He said and evelyn nodded.

She stood up from the chair and they both walk upstairs.


They both walk into the room and evelyn gently sat on the bed playing with her hand shyly as martin pulled off his clothes.

“Can I sleep in another room?” She ask and martin scoffs.

“Of course not,” He replied and evelyn just sigh.

“Don’t tell me you are scared of us having segz,” He said in a mocking tone and evelyn gulps down nervously.

“What…..what? Scared? Why would I be…be scared of something that is never going to happen,” She shuttered while martin just shake his head.

“Am gonna take a shower,” He said and evelyn nodded.

“You wanna come along?” He ask smirking and evelyn gulp down.

“Of course not,” She replied immediately, and martin laughs softly before walking to the bathroom and evelyn sigh.

You know that feeling of visiting your fiance house at the first time right? You feel nervous, you feel scared of something which might not happen. You suddenly start to imagine the unexpected and this was how she was feeling right now.

The sound of phone peeping disrupted her from her taught. She took her phone but there was no message.

“Oh it is martin phone,” she muttered and pick it up.

“Boss the job Is done,” She read and she scoffs before dropping it back on the bed.

She could not help but wonder what job is that. She knows it may be from the company but she got the feeling it was not from the company.

Her phone ringing tone disrupted her from her tuaght again and she pick it up immediately.

“Hey bestie,” She said as she pick up the call.

“Enjoying your stay in your fiance house?” Haris ask in a mocking tone and evelyn just rolled her eyes.

“Yeah,” She replied.

“WaW, has he made any attempt to have segz………”

“Haris stop that,” she cut him off and Haris laughs.

“Is ava sleeping?” She ask laying softly on the bed.

“She is doing her homework,” He replied and evelyn just nodded like he could see her.

“Bye and don’t forget to tell me wh@ťěver happens,” He said and evelyn huff.

“f-__-k you”

“Tell that to Martin,” He replied and ended the call and she couldn’t help but laugh.

Almost immediately the bathroom door open revealing a half naked martin and evelyn eyes widened immediately she saw him.

The towel wrapped around his waist was the only thing covering his nakedness and he was looking so segzy and hot.

Her eyes widened as she stare at him while he just smile observing her as her eyes move around his body.

“Hmmm,” He cleared his throat and she quickly look away, prentending like she was never looking at her.

“You can stare at me all you want, am all yours,” He said and evelyn gulp down.

She feel so shy because he had caught her staring at him.

“I…I was not….not looking…. looking at you,” She shuttered nervously trying to defend herself.

“Really?” He ask coming towards her and evelyn quickly stand up In alarm.

“Hey go and get dressed,” She said but he kept on moving towards her while she move back until her head hit the wall and he quickly cage her making the young girl panic.

His lips slowly move closer to her and evelyn close her eyes expecting a kiss.

Martin smile as he stare at her. He was trying hard not to laugh.

“Go and take your bath,” He said and evelyn open her eyes immediately while martin just Bursted into laughter and she just glared at him in embarrassment. She push him off angrily while he just continue laughing.

“You can wear this cloth after bathing,” He throw a white top to her still laughing though.

Evelyn huff before walking into the bathroom.




She walk out of the bathroom slowly trying to cover her exposed legs.

Martin felt her presence and he stare at her and a smirk form on his lips.

“You look so hot,” He said licking his lips and evelyn just rolled her eyes.

His eyes was fixed on her admiring her body and he didn’t bother to hide it like she did.

“The shirt is quite short but yet big,” Evelyn said as she sat on the bed.

“That is one of my favorites shirt I am giving to you. You should appreciate me,” He said and evelyn huff.

“You are making me hungry,” He said licking his mouth as he roam his eyes freely about her body and no one needs to tell evelyn what he meant, for some reason she became insecure.

Her phone rang and she sigh when she saw it was haris but she picked it up anyway.

“Hello Haris,” She said.

“It is me ava,” The little one said and evelyn eyes widened.

“Oh hey princess. Why are… aren’t you in….in bed,” She shuttered as martin trace her legs slowly with his fingers.

She glare at him and tried to move his hands away but he wouldn’t allow her.

“I am going to sleep just that I miss you so I decided to call you. He told me you were spending a night with uncle martin,” Ava said and evelyn smile.

“Oh I miss you too,”

She gasps as martin hands move to her pant tracing his hand to her va**na.

“Princess good night,” She said and hang up.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She ask removing his hand.

“Geez,” She scoffs before laying on the bed and martin did the same.

His hand slowly wrap around her tiny waist and evelyn slap it off.

“Hey am not going to do anything so let just sleep.” He whispered in her kissing her cheek softly and evelyn smile.

His hand wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him and his legs too were on her and they both fall asleep.




The sound of animals chirping and the alarm clock woke martin up. He groan softly touching evelyn spot but finds it empty.

“Eve,” He called as he open his eyes but got no reply.

“Babe,” he called again looking around the room but still there was no reply.

“Is she gone already?” He muttered to himself and then he found her phone laying on the bed.

He sigh and slowly stand up from the bed.

He stare at the time only to see it was 6:30.

He wore his fancy slippers and walk out of the room.

He walk downstairs but still there was no trace of her. He frown when he saw some maids looking at the kitchen.

“What is going on here?” He ask and they all look at him fear.

This was what they were trying to avoid.

“Hmmm she…she insisted on cooking,” One of them replied and he scoffs. He look inside the kitchen only to see her cooking alone in the kitchen.

“What the hell eve?” Martin yells entering the kitchen and evelyn flinch back in shock.

“Hey, you are awake,” She smile softly but martin didn’t smile back.

“Why the hell are you in the kitchen?” He ask.

“Oh I wanted to cook,” She replied and martin scoffs.

“Allow the maids to do their job, I paid them to do their job,” He said and Evelyn chuckle.

“I just wanted to cook. Why are you so bothered,” Evelyn said and evelyn just rolled his eyes.

“So what are you preparing?” He ask wrapping his hand around her waist.

“Well am preparing chicken and waffles,” Evelyn replied and he just nodded kissing her neck softly.

As she cut the onions the knife fell down from her hand and she gently bend down to pick it making martin gulp down as her @zz slowly met with his Ďïčk.

As she stood up martin stare at her and she laugh inwardly.

“What?” She ask innocently. She knows what she did though.

“You know what you did babe. You just made me hard,” He said and she bursted into laughter.

“Am sorry,” She said still laughing and a smirk suddenly form on his lips.

“Am hard already so what do you plan to do?”

“Martin don’t do anything f-__-king silly,” She said but martin just smirk. She tried to run but martin was quick enough to grab her by the waist.

“Next time don’t do that sweetie,” He said and she nodded.

“Boss someone is here to see you and she has refuse to tell me her name,” A guard said as he stood at the entrance of the kitchen.

“Send her in,” He said and the guards bow down before walking away.

“Expecting anyone?” She ask and martin nodded his head negatively.

“Okay babe be back in few minutes,” He said and evelyn nodded.

He spank her @zz lightly and evelyn just smile.

She just can’t help the smile that form on her lips.




The door open and she walk in looking around.

She is dressed in a light trouser that shows her @zz since she was not wearing any pant with a crop top that only covers her n***le.

She was really pretty but she look like a slut.

Martin eyes widened immediately he saw her.

“Want the f-__-k are you doing here?” He ask rudely and she smile.

“Your dad gave me your address,” She replied and martin huff.

He was really so Angry. Can’t believe his dad gave his address to a slut.

“Maria or wh@ťěver you call yourself, get the f-__-k out of my house else am gonna do something terrible,” He half yells looking at the kitchen.

He didn’t want evelyn to see he so to avoid trouble.

“I came to see my future husband.” She replied trying to sit down but martin push her harshly to the floor.

“Get the f-__-k out,” He yells loudly and the girl flinch back in fear.

“Everything okay honey, I heard you…… She stops on her track when she saw maria.

“Of f-__-king lord,” Martin muttered to himself roughing his hair.

“Who the hell is this babe?” She ask glaring at maria, who was also staring at her with h@ťěred.

“Hmmm is it the girl we meant at the mall?” He ask but Martin didn’t reply.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Evelyn ask glaring at maria with h@ťěred and the other huff.

Both of them h@ťě each other just for the first time they met and now they still h@ťě each other.

“I should be asking you that you Ɓîtçh. This is my boyfriend house,” Maria said and evelyn scoff.

“Hey mind the way you talk to my fiance,” Martin said trying to move toward her but evelyn was quick enough to stop him.

“I don’t know what you are doing here but you should mind the way you talk to me in my fiance house. If you are here to seduce my man, sorry but he is only attracted to me, so get get the f-__-k out of here Ɓîtçh,” She said bodly and maria just continue glaring at her.

Her word really hurt her and martin who was standing behind her was kinda surprise to see evelyn talk that way.

Probably she was not the fragile evelyn he had known.

“Guards,” Evelyn suddenly yells and almost immediately there were 3 guards standing.

“Get this Ɓîtçh out of here,” She commanded.

The guards look at martin asking for a go ahead and he nodded immediately and they grab hold of her hand.

“Do you know who I f-__-king am. I am going to get rid of you and I must have martin,” Maria yells as they drag her out.

Evelyn turn to martin, glaring at him.

“You better explain what is going on,” She hiss and walk back to the kitchen and martin smile.





“I told you several times to stay away from martin but you wouldn’t listen now look what he did to you,” Tom yells at alexander who was laying on the bed staring at one direction.

“A man like martin is not supposed to mess with. All you need to do is get rid of her but instead you are making this hard,” Mr Tom yells again but he just kept looking at one direction.

His face and body were bruised and Injured that he couldn’t speak.

He got beaten by martin guards. They had dealt with him mercessly and warn him to stay away from Evelyn and no one needed to tell him that martin sent them.

He had taught he was going to do and for the second time yet again he has created more fear on him.

“Since I can’t have her then I will get rid of her,…………

T. B. C.

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