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HomeMY EX, MY BOSSMY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 40

MY EX, MY BOSS – Episode 40

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“Boss we are here,” The driver said as he parked the car. Two guards quickly came and open the door of them.

“Thank God, they didn’t do anything,” The driver said in relief.?

“WaW this place is really beautiful,” Evelyn said as they stood at the entrance holding each other hand tightly.

“Well you should know I don’t go for nothing less,” Martin said with pride filled inside of him and evelyn just rolled her eyes.

They both walk towards to the table and they both sat down.

The restaurant was fancy and beautifully decorated.

One could tell it is expensive just by looking at it.

So many people were sitted in group or two laughing, eating and chatting.

“Good day ma, sir,” A young girl wearing a uniform greeted as she walk towards their table.

She was wearing a short Gan exposing her cleavages and evelyn just scoffs staring at her angrily.

It was obvious she was jealous and martin chuckle when he noticed her.

He wasn’t move by wh@ťěver the Ɓîtçh was wearing.

He was only attracted to evelyn

“Isn’t that martin parker,” Someone said pointing at them and everyone turn their attention towards them.

?Oh my goodness. He is the one.

?He is with that same girl.

?I wish I could touch him

? They are so perfect for each other.

They all tried to move closer to him but was blocked by the guards who came with him.

Martin rolled his eyes and just wave at them with a polite smile.

He didn’t want to look rude.

?Awwn, he is so cute.

?His smile is beautiful

Some quickly took out their phone and started taking pictures of them while some just admire them.

“Please what will you like to have?” The waitress ask smiling politely, biting her lips at the same time and she was obviously doing it to martin who just huff.

Evelyn look at the menu and she just sigh.

Everything here are d@mn so expensive and she didn’t even know the one to choose.

She didn’t want to spend his money all because of food.

“I will just go for a glass of juice,” Evelyn said and martin frown.

“Get her friedrice with salad, chicken and orange juice,” Martin said and the waitress wrote it down.

“What will you like to have sir?” She ask in a seductive voice biting her lips slowly and martin scoffs before picking up the menu.

Nothing seem to move him except he is with evelyn.

“Just give me bacon and egg with wine,” He replied and she nodded jotting it down.

“Anything else?” She ask seductively while evelyn just glare at her.

She was d@mn so jealous and annoy.

“No…get your Ɓîtçhy self out of my front, if you wanna get fuc**d, go to a f-__-king club,” He said rudely and the waitress frown angrily before walking out and meanwhile evelyn couldn’t stop smiling.

“You don’t have to be rude that way,”

“Seriously eve? Am sure you are happy I said those words to her,” Martin said and evelyn rolled her eyes.

“Hmmm weren’t you attracted to her?” She raised her eyebrows in a question manner and martin laughs softly.

“Come on babe, you should know by now that I am only attracted to you,” He said and evelyn couldn’t help but blush.

She can’t even count how many times he had made her blush.

Martin was not the best though but she knows he was perfect for her.

Few moments later the waitress brought the food to them.

Evelyn took the spoon and dig into the food immediately.

“Geez, this is d@mn delicious,” Evelyn said as she took a spoon into her mouth and martin just smile.

She took the juice and gulps down some while martin just fold his hand staring at her…..her lips actually.

“What?” She ask

“There is something on your face,” He said and evelyn tried to clean her face but martin held her hand gently.

“Let me do it,” He stood up from the chair and walk towards evelyn.

A smirk form on his lips as she turn to look at him expecting him to get wh@ťěver it is off her face but……her eyes widened when he slowly claim her lips making everyone scream at the restaurant and the sound of cameras could be heard from different angle of the restaurant.

“Martin,” Eve called in between the kiss and quickly push him away.

“There was nothing on your face. I just wanted to create a scene and kiss those lollipop lips of yours,” He wink at her and went back to his sit while evelyn just look down trying to hide her red cheek. ?




“I think this clothes is perfect,” Evelyn said as she pick up a blue dress.

Martin took her shopping after they had eaten in the restaurant although it was against her wish but like the stubborn boyfriend he is, he had forced her to go shopping.

“But it is d@mn expensive,” She muttered to herself and tried to drop it but someone drag the clothes off her hand.

“I never complained,” Martin said and evelyn just rolled her eyes.

“Martin you should not have bother to buy me clothes. The ones you brought for me I haven’t even wear them,” She said.

“You don’t get it. Do you? Evelyn no matter what, I want to spend all of my money on you, I want to spend everything on you that money will no longer have value to your eyes,” He said holding her hand gently and she laughs softly punching his chest playfully.

His phone rang and he sigh.

“My dad is calling. Be back in 2 minutes,” He said and evelyn nodded smiling. He kiss her forehead before walking out.

“This is beautiful,” She picked up a white skirt and almost immediately she felt someone hold her waist making her flinch.

She turn around and her eyes widened when she saw Alexander

“Alexander?” She called in surprise and he just smirk.

“What the hell are you doing here? If martin sees you here, he Is going to do something crazy,” Evelyn said panickly but Alexander doesn’t seem to be moved.

“I don’t f-__-king care…..tell me eve, why you you need to date him after all he did to you,” Alexander said and evelyn frown.

“He did nothing to me Alex. He is changing and he is the perfect man I would ever ask of so i suggest you mind your f-__-king business before you get beaten again,” She said and push him off slightly.

He frown as he stare at her and a smirk suddenly form on his lips as he sighted Martin coming from a distance.

“You don’t get it eve. I aren’t going to allow you be with Martin,” He said and evelyn frown, turning to look at him confused, not understanding what he meant.

“What the hell are you saying Alex?” She ask confused.

He drag her forcely to him and attack her lips immediately kissing her harshly while evelyn struggle to move away but she couldn’t, instead alexander grab her hand and place her hands on her shoulder.

“What the f-__-k?” Martin yells and that was when alexander let her go.

Martin stood staring at them, not knowing what to say. Confusion, anger, h@ťěred, betrayal, were all shown on his face.

“Ma….martin isn’t what you…. you think. He kiss me forcefully,” Evelyn said but martin just stare at her not knowing what to say.

He didn’t know whether to believe her or not.

“No….you kissed me,” Alexander said and evelyn eyes widened in shock.

“How can you say that?” Evelyn yells angrily at alexander who just smirk watching the drama.

Tears were already flowing down from eve eyes. She was so scared to loose him.

“Martin please do not believe him,” She said trying to walk closer to him but martin move back.

“Why didn’t you push him away. You were probably enjoying the kiss,” He said and evelyn just bursted into tears.

“Please martin don’t believe him,” She pleaded kneeling down martin started walking away from her while evelyn just kneel on the ground crying.

Martin suddenly stop and turn towards alexander.

“You know you should think twice before trying to frame my fiance for cheating,” He yells and a heavy punch landed on his face and Alex spit out blood

Alexander eyes widened in surprise including evelyn.

He taught he believed him.

T. B. C.

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