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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The interview panel were done for the day, Xavier had expected his house mate to be there but she wasn’t, he had no choice than to end the interview.


“12pm😮 I bet Xavier will skin me alive” Mara swore as she rushed to the bathroom to take a bath again.

After taking her bath, she frapped a wrapper around her body and Rushed to the sitting room where the clothes her friends brought was. And as fast as light, she scattered everything to the floor and choosed the one she wants to wear.

After dressing up, she rushed out but stopped at the kitchen, it was dirty, “Xavier will not only skin me alive, he’ll tear me apart! She mumbled and left the house.

It’s 12pm She’s not yet around, Xavier was concerned “what is this dirty punk doing at home? He asked himself. Just then Gordon Veriland his bussines rival came around.

“Hey it’s nice to see you again, President Xavier! He cheered by Xavier’s face was far from Smiling, he was frowning

“Who made you so made early in the morning? Gordon asked

“I guess you don’t have anything better to do than to gossip around? Xavier Quipped

Gordon Veriland not wanting to take more of his abuses kept quiet and sat down, Just as the interview panel was about to leave: she rushed In.

“Am sorry, am so so sorry Xavier, I am seriously sorry, I just had some drinks and fall asleep, I promise I won’t be late again”Mara apologize not aware of the people around.

As she looked up and noticed people looking at her, she compose herself Gordon Veriland laughed “Is this not the lady that came to say in front of the media that you two are having an affair? Wow! She’s now working here? He asked but the eyes Xavier gave him was unbearable.

“Miss Mara Kings, you loosed a point for coming late and you loosed a point for disrespecting the president” Xavier said.

“Oh… Wait, Xavier you ….. Sorry I mean President Xavier, before deducting my point can I have 3dollars? The taxi is waiting outside, I don’t have money to pay”Mara demanded not minding what he was saying.

Xavier was angry, but before she started blurting about how they live together he supposed his hand into his purse and gave her 3 dollars. After she returned for the interview, they comemmenced and asked her different questions. Even though Mara had no other experience before, her ski||s were good she could draw Lingerie very well as well as designer gowns.

Gordon Veriland looked at her well and with a simple glance at her he could guess she’s a rear genius.

After the interview, Mara was given a job at the designing department, that’s where she would start from.

“Hello everyone I am Mara Kings, nice to know you all” She bowed at everyone when she was showed her desk.

One of the employees asked her “My name is Pepca, but how did you cajole the president that he gave you his money a while ago? She asked

Mara smirked “Compassion, the president is so compassionate”She said.

Everyone sat in their own desks doing one or two things but nothing was assigned to Mara, so she bring out her drawing book and started scrawling on it….

Not long, someone came and Introduced himself as Secretary Tan, “The president wishes to see you! He said

Mara’s eye widened she knew that since Xavier wants to see her then she’s in permanent soup! He’ll scold her for coming late and Will also scold her for demanding money in public. She had breached the contract. Meanwhile Xavier had sent her a contract PDF on her phone while she was coming, so she saw the rules.
– Never call me by my name in public

– Never talk to me in public as if we know each other

– Nobody in the company must know that we live together not even my sister

– you must be dirty any area in my house or else you’ll park out

– You must always dress properly and address me properly.

– I Will not come to your room under any circumstances

– I’ll take care of you feeding and clothing and I’ll minus it from your salary

– if you damage anything from my house you’ll pay for it.

-if you mess anything up, you pay for it.

– your friends are not allowed to come to
my house because I don’t have friends

– you’re not allowed to hang any picture of you in my house

– Nobody, I repeat Nobody must know we live together!

“I am a dead meat! Xavier will ki|| me” She cursed aloud making everyone looked at her in Surprise

“Did she just call the president by name? Someone asked

“She looks like she was close to him” another one replied.

To avoid many more disgrace, Mara went with the secretary.

As she entered, he was sitting on his chair faced back looking at the street below.

“I am here! She mumbled obidently then Xavier turned.

“Mara did you see the contract I sent you? He asked

Mara was startled “Yes, I saw it but I never signed it”She mumbled

“Did you see signature tab there? Did I say I wanted your signature? But you breached the contract so you loosed one point” He ranted.

Mara lost her cool “That’s against the law of human right! You can’t give me a contract without my permission! This is compesation! She replied

“Compensation is Living in my house, Compesation is giving you job in my company but Compesation is not you calling me names in public and demanding money”Xavier said angrily.

“What did you expect me to do without Money?

“But I sent you enough cash!

“You said it will be deducted from my salary, and I don’t want to spend it Anyhow” She argued.

Xavier was lost of words, he was infact frustrated there’s no how he can ever win an argument against this lady…. She’s obstinate.

“Okay, you know what? Let’s just abide by the contract”He pleaded

“I don’t want to, it’s too much! She refused

“What? Mara are you even Human? It’s okay leave now! Remember the contract! He called after her.

“Enough with the contract you Crazy neat pshyco! Mara cursed and left.

Xavier slumped down on his chair “this is the perfect definition of problem!

“Xavier how did you compensate that girl? Celine told me she wants to live with you? His aunt asked after the board meeting

“Don’t worry aunt, I have taken care of her, she won’t make any noises now ” He replied

“I am just terrified, In case she decides to pursue the case legally, then our company and family is done for! Then brother and sister-in-law (Xavier’s mum and dad) will never forgive me”She sobbed

“It’s okay aunt, she can’t even thought of that, what did you expect such nincompoop with 30 IQ do? Xavier cajoled.

“Good that I have you my son, now it’s time to be done with you! She said

“What did you mean?

“I want you to get married, you’re old enough to be married, or will Celine get married before you? She asked

“Aunt I am 28 so it’s not too late, I don’t want anything to distract me from the company now” He replied

“No honey, you’ve worked at the company all your life, you must get married! She said again

“I don’t have anyone in mind to marry for now!

“Don’t worry, Did you remember Rose? Your childhood friend? She’s coming back to LA by next week so I want you to meet her!

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