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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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🦢 HE’S a neat freak @followers
She’s as messy as a pig🐷




She pulled the bicycle to stop in from of OUR STYLES fashion designer. The company is tightly and tolerably clean. Mara packed her bicycle and spread her arms wide to exhale the air around the company.

“OUR STYLES…. I’m coming” She said excitedly and proceeded to the reception so that she could go to the mall and see their latest designs.

The staff at the reception turned her down vehemently saying “Madam you can’t enter our mall with such dirty legs unless you clan your legs and come back later” The receptionist said

Mara was a little bit sad, she was downgraded because of the scent in her body and the mud on her legs plus the blood that dripped when the freak earlier scratched her.

Mara tightened her fist forming it into a ball, her eyes were red…. The receptionist was surprised “Are you okay ?she asked

“I beg of you let me enter I’ll make use of your toilet to clean myself” She said.

The receptionist was hesitant at first,she knew the type of president they have, then she said “Wh@ťěver you do, don’t let our president see you or don’t even walk anywhere near where he can see you I beg of you too”

Then Mara walked into the toilet of the mall to clean herself then continued her search for the styles she came for.

Xavier got to the conference room only to find out that his rival, Gordon Veriland of IMMORTAL fashion designer came with reporters. As he stepped in, cameras flashed at him violently almost giving him visual epilepsy.

They both sat down for their meeting while the reporters are capturing everything then a reporter asked

“Mr Klein, we heard that OUR STYLES FASHION DESIGNER’S mall is more bigger than that of IMMORTAL fashion designer how so?

Gordon Veriland answered ” What are you saying? How can you compare Immortal to Our styles?

“Then can we inspect it together for better understanding? She asked then everyone including Xavier and Gordon made their way to the mall.

Along the way, Gordon whispered “you’re still thesame Xavier that h@ťěs dirt that I use to know isn’t it? He asked jokingly but Xavier was smiling

“Since you know I am still thesame why asking me again then? He Asked nonchalantly the Gordon slipped him playfully by the side and said “c’mon dob frown always try and smile”

Xavier immediately pulled out his handkerchief and sanitizer and sprayed it on him and the place he and touched. Meanwhile, after became back from the blind date earlier,Xavier had changed his smelly clothes to new ones. And Mara, she continue walking around the mall taking mental notes on the designs on show case.

“Wow, our styles had good and perfect designers that I had imagined, no wonder they are the leading designer in Los Angeles” She said while giggling. But she was unaware that people are behind her. She didn’t even notice that the staffs around bowed just then someone replied her.

“Our styles is not the leading designing group, it’s just the neatest and the biggest” The voice replied her. And foolish Mara too, without looking back and her attention fixed on the cloth she replied “Obviously that’s because they had the most nonchalant and wicked President…. I hard their president can faint because of a drop of dirty water” she said this because of what she had heard from the staffs.

Gordon looked at Xavier and laughed, while Xavier stood still looking at her familiar figure and voice Before him. Gordon made to reply but before he could say anything, Xavier stopped him “Since the president is as bad as you said why are you still in here when you know he can ki|| you? He asked in a extremely frozen voice.

Mara turned this time and made to talk but stopped when she saw who it was, it was him, that freak earlier that she planned for get back at… Mara walked nearer…

“Ohh… Oh… It’s you? That mute jerk earlier? Wow nice to see you here again now I can teach your rich brat head how to behave to strangers” She said evenly.

Xavier was surprised and angry at thesame time to see her in his Mall, that dirty girl with fish basin in a rich Mall? Who the heck let her in?

The reporters flashed their cameras more and asked ” Mr Klein did you perhaps know this lady anywhere?

Xavier made a straight face “Are you here to ask about my personal matters or you’re here to report? He asked

Mara noticing that he’s avoiding others quickly walked towards him and held his right hand immediately like a couple, then with a cute face she said to the reporters…. “Can you see? He… He.. (she made a fake crying face) he… Slept with me last night and refused to pay me Money” Mara cried which made everyone present surprised.

Comments flew past

“So our dear Neat President has this kind of hobby?

“She looks so dirty to sleep with the president”

“President can even sleep with a woman and refused to pay?

Xavier removed her hands and faced her

“You rotten little trickster how dare you run your mouth unnecessarily? We only met this morning and that was because of you reckless driving! He said angrily

“Remember… I told you you’ll regret it.. because I am MARA!! how dare you walk out on me then can’t you just apologize? You even throw money on my face as if I was a beggar you rascal? She asked

“You don’t deserve my apology, and a beggar that’s who you are…. Get out of here before I call the police on you!

Just then his phone rang “Yes Celine what’s going on?….. Hospital?….. accident? I’ll be there” He said and rush off.

Mara stood bewildered fro some time then her phone Also rang “Lisa don’t you have a date? Why are you calling me? She asked but Lisa’s response shocked her….

“What?….. Accident?….. Hospital???

Then she also left hurriedly leaving everyone in bewilderment.

Xavier drive crazily even through the traffic towards MOUSHA hospital, Celine’s call was to tell him that his aunt, Celine’s mum hit someone with a car, and the person is being admitted.

He silently prayed in his mind that his aunt shouldn’t be injured and the victim should not die.

As he was going, he saw another bicycle following him, it was the lady from earlier, she was even following him….

“What does this girl wants? Why is she following me? Even here? He asked himself but he won’t be able to stay to listen to her for now.

As he landed at he hospital’s car park he stopped and waited for the lady that was following him….

“What did you want? That you even followed me here? Are you insane or something? He asked but the lady in question didn’t answer him but parked her bicycle and rushed into the hospital leaving him mouth agape.

Mara rushed into the hospital, her friends were there at the reception, tears filled their eyes, then two other people were there,One was a rich woman probably in her early fifties and the other was also a rich lady, probably in her twenties.

As they saw her they stood up…. But Mara ignored them and met her friends…

“What happened? She asked….

“Mara…. Nothing Happened…… Nothing, don’t worry okay? Dawn said with tears but went closer and hugged her…. Others increased their cries too.

Just then…. Mara’s phone rang again…. This time it was someone from their neighborhood…. After receiving the call Mara shouted…. Then facing her friends angrily and with tearful face she asked

“Can someone tell me the meaning of all these? Can someone just Explained the meaning of what’s happening here and what that caller just said? She asked like someone insane…

Lisa rushed to her… “No Mara, you wont, we don’t understand too, Mara….no you can’t , tell us what the caller said” Sh asked holding Mara that was clenching her fists.

The know her, she was someone that had violent angry, whenever she was angry or sad she can destroy anything.

Just then she saw her Formidable for coming towards where she was….. She heard him say to the rich mother and daughter that was sitting….

“Aunt, what happened? He asked then the young lady walked towards him and hugged him cutely like a puppy…..

“Bro….. Bro…. Mum….” then she begain crying…

Mara walked over towards them with tears in her face….. “why is this happening? Can you tell me the meaning of this? Why is this all happening the day that I met you? She yelled angrily.

Xavier looked at her but ignored her, and Mara too, bee friend held her… All the five… Crying…

“What happened? She asked her friends

“What Happened? Xavier asked his family

“What happened? Lisa, Angela, Charles and Dawn asked


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