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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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† Finale†

Mara walked into his office nonchalantly and sat down wearing angry face…. Xavier stroked her cheeks “who should I fire for making my fierce wife angry?”He asked

Mara slapped his had away cutely and pouted her lips cutely “Why did you look so handsome today?, Those ladies form Design department is crushing on you I h@ťě it when they talk of my husband like that”

“Ohhh, is that jealousy I am perceiving? See who’s getting jealous? Or should I and tell them that I am married?

“Don’t you dare…. Don’t Tell them yet, it Will be awkward, anyway why did you call for me?”She asked

Xavier stood from his seat and brought his face closer…. “I wanted to see my Wife, Since she didn’t want me to come meet her in her office, I don’t have a choice”he expressed

“C’mon why are you being clingy all of a sudden? You’re not like this before, now you’re being all romantic and it creeps me out” she said

“Because I didn’t have girlfriends before doesn’t mean I don’t know how to he romantic…. I watch romance movies anyways” he replied.

Mara stood from the chair and made to leave but Xavier held her hand and kissed her….”Don’t leave me that Soon, wife, when I round matters up with my aunt, we’ll travel to Dubai for our honeymoon then I’ll have you to myself all-day”He said against her hair.

“You’re being clingy hubby, let me go and work now I don’t want to be caught yet…. just then the door suddenly opened revealing Secretary Tan.

Mara and Xavier was shocked “Am sorry president I don’t mean to interfere” He said and left.

Mara burried her face in his chest “He saw us, then I should dig my grave here because I can’t go out now’ She Said

“It’s surprising to hear that the mighty outspoken Mara can be this shy… Anyway it’s time to show off”…

Before she could say any other thing he grabbed her hand and led her outside the office. Mara was pinching him and trying to hide her face but Xavier was not listening instead he keeps pecking her along the way and held her hand tightly then lead her to the design department.

“Wifey go do your work, I’ll come pick you up in the evening” He said and kissed her in the lips making all the ladies giggle…..

“Since when are you two married? Pepca asked

“Are you here to question me or to work!

“Mara told me everything aunt, you should have told me I’ll have even given you the custody of the company myself and work under you then why did you have to go this far?” Xavier asked his aunt.

The woman looked sharp, she wasn’t going there give up anytime soon and wasn’t ready to let her guard down.

“I have to do this because Our Styles Group was mine in the first place, your dead father had no share in it but he took over it because I got married” The woman sprewed.

Xavier gulped hard, this was the first time he’ll be hearing this “Then you should have told me, you should have brought the matter up since when he was alive, is that why you ki||ed him?

“Yes I ki||ed him…. I ki||ed your d@mn godforsaken father and mother, our styles group belongs to the both of us, he made it all his when I get married, and I am not going to stop until I get to that sit that you’re sitting on…. And if that girl Mara wants to be the stumbling block I’ll finish her off just like I finished her mother!” The woman swore

Xavier was lost for words, he didn’t know what else to say, he didn’t want Mara to do anything bad with his aunt but now he had no choice…. “Alright aunt, I have done my part as a nephew, I thought you’ll change if I talk it out with you but you’re but ready to make amends, don’t blame me aunt, for letting Mara do what she wanted”

The woman looked at him suspiciously, she knew she was in a hot pot of soup now that Mara is going to step in but she’s too arrogant to give up.

“Listen here Xavier, Mara is no Match to me anyways, but I’ll stop for now but I can’t guarantee if I can sit still anymore”She Said and made to go upstairs when the door was knocked open powerfully.

“You don’t need to back off…. Because I am coming for you myself! Mara’s voice was suddenly heard.

Xavier was also surprised that she came, “Mara why are you here? He asked surprisingly. Mara smirked and some police on uniform came in. “Hey Xavier, don’t be surprised because I don’t dull business, if we let her loose what if she becomes more agressive?”

Mrs Astrid was surprised because she didn’t expect Mara to bring police so soon. Mrs Astrid quickly defended “Why will you bring police to my home? What is happening? Mara are you okay?”

Before Mara could reply, one of the police officers intervened “You’re under arrest for the murderer of Mr Joe Klien and Mrs Regina Klein and also Mr Williams Kings and miss Tiffany Kings”

She was shocked “No that’s not true I never ki||ed them, Mara is just framing me I never done that” she protested as they drag her to their Minivan.

Celine came down from the stairs with tears on her face, she met Mara and Xavier there. Xavier feel guilty, he didn’t want to hurt his sister, Celine trusted him,she had sisterly love for him and he had always cherished her like a sister he never had too.

“Bro… is it true that mum ki||ed your parents? Is it true that it was Intentional to ki|| Mara’s mother that day? She asked sadly

Xavier shook his head regrettedly…. “I am sorry, I am so sorry Celine, I didn’t want to do this but she….

“It’s okay, I heard everything, everyone should be punished for thier sins”

“Sister-in-law, I am sorry, but don’t worry, we’ll help you, I’ll raise you! Mara said and hugged her while the latter was still weeping profusely.

Mara and Xavier held a grand wedding….. Gordon apologized while Rose returned back to America.

Mrs Astrid was sentenced to life imprisonment, there’s nothing Celine could do but accept her fate. Her relationship with Charles deepens……..

Mara and Xavier became official couple, they both handled the company very well, the grace of Our Styles Group soared higher……. It’s standard becomes more tighter.

After one year, Mara gave birth to a bouncing baby Girl…… They live happily afterwards.

“Through the rise and falls🥀, I made it to top….”

“Thanks for coming to make me miserable Mara……”


I thank everyone that joined me in this journey with MARA and XAVIER. If not for your advice and motivation I won’t have make it this far…. Some ignored, some shuned, some criticized but you stayed thank yah’all.


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