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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Rose sat down gingerly opposite President Xavier whose eye was red as fiery fire balls, his fists were clasped together in angry balls. He was mumbling to himself…. “Mara, Mara, Mara…. Mara!!!!! He murmured aloud.

“Why are you mentioning that rude girl? Rose asked…

Then Xavier remembered she was there, “Oh, Rose, we invited you so as to tell you about the LA Fashion week that’s coming, we want you to be our Model for the fashion week” Xavier said

“Oh my Xavier, you came late, I have already signed a contract with Immortal, how can I sign a contract with you too? She asked

“Oh really? Okay, thanks for coming! Xavier said and ushered her out.

While outside, buzz of different comments are flying around…..

👥”Oh my! They look good together!

👥”Who knows that our dear president Xavier had a crush on Rose too?”

👥I can’t wait for their wedding day….. Maybe the cold president Xavier will be warm if he gets married”

👥I wonder how Mara got to know that they are getting married

Rose stopped and looked at Xavier “What’s all these? I am tired of hearing all these buzz tell me what happened? She demanded

Xavier hesitated for some moments and was about to answer when Mara came to rescue….

“Hey Miss sharp mouth oh sorry Mrs Xavier Klein to-be” Mara greeted

“What’s that? Spill it! Rose said

“Actually after hearing what you and the president discussed that day in the office and how you defended your position to him, I am so touched! So so touched so to apologize for my mistake of last time, I announced your wedding to others” Mara said

Rose smiled and hugged Mara “really? I’ll be getting married to Xavier? Did he tell you that?” then she faced Xavier “Xavier are you really going to marry me? She asked giggling like a kid.

Xavier wasn’t looking at her but looking at Mara that was smiling like a fool, Mara too, glared at him….. And they exchanged eye contact.

Xavier decided to pay her back too…. “Oh Rose, I don’t remember saying that but since Miss Mara said she witnessed it when I said I’ll marry you then I’ll like you to tell me how I proposed to marry Rose! He replied

Mara bit her lips, “d@mn this Xavier for always getting back at me! Just as this was going on, GORDON Veriland, Xavier’s friend and bussiness rival and also president of Immortal Fashion group arrived and thr four of them went back to Xavier’s office.

He was frowning all these while, he h@ťěs to have many people around.

“Really? Xavier is marrying rose? Wow that’s incredible! Gordon said as Mara Explained everything that happened to them. Gordon Veriland was enjoying all that was happening, he had been chatting away with Mara while the both of them laughed together. He found someone with thesame crazy vibe with him.

“I want to consider coming to Immortal but Our cold President Xavier’s generosity is good that I don’t want to leave again! Mara faked Lamentations

“Tell me Miss Mara when is their wedding holding?, He asked

” With the situation I guess the both of them needed time together! Mara said again.

Rose who had gotten enough of their puppy jokes stood up furiously! “will anyone Explain what’s going on here? Even if Xavier wants to marry me how is it your bussines? She asked Mara

Mara faced Gordon Veriland again… “President did you see that? Both the husband and wife are like wild flowers! She said again and the both laughed together.

“Shut up both of you! Leave my office now!Xavier commanded and they both left still making jest of them then Xavier faced Rose.

“I am sorry for the confusion Rose, Miss Mara likes to say wh@ťěver comes to her mouth without thinking well pls don’t get the wrong idea” He said and bowed slightly.

Rose walked closer “Jokes apart, if Mara didn’t say so, can’t you marry me? Are my that bad or you h@ťě me that much? She asked

“Rose, you got the wrong idea, I don’t have feelings for you whatsoever and I don’t plan on having one, you’re a friend that I cherish, pls let’s keep it that way” Xavier said again.

“Why can’t you have feelings for me? She asked almost sobbing, this time, Mara and Gordon came in when they heard the loud voices.

“I am sorry, you’re not my type! Xavier Quipped and sat back on his seat. Rose left angrily like a dog.

When she left, Gordon and Mara made to talk, when she came back (Rose)

“Hey Gordon Veriland, I have told my Manager to cancel my contract with your company! I’ll pay for the breach of agreement” She said to Gordon Veriland

Gordon stood up ” Why all of a sudden? I am not the one that rejected you? He asked

“I am working for Our STYLES! She said and walked out.

“What’s that? Mara asked Xavier that was looking at her. “All thanks to you, she hsd decided to work with us and cancel her agreement with Immortal! Xavier said

Mara bowed and left, she had Gotten what she wanted. Meanwhile, Lisa had called her to tell her that she failed at the test to be a model for Immortal and Roe was the Choosed one.

She had decided to pull all these stunts so as to make her give up on immortal! Well this was just to make her get angry and give it up and her Plan B was that if things didn’t end in the note she wanted, then she’ll use a trump card.

After Mara left Gordon started “I kind of like that your staff, she catch things quickly and she’s also beautiful she’s my type” Gordon said smiling foolishly

Without raising his had Xavier replied ” Now I get it that you really have short sightedness… If someone as messy as Mara could be Beautiful then the world is coming to an end” He said.

Still not relenting, Gordon continued ” Will you help me pursue her? I want to date her”He said

“Why did you choose me of all people to be your love third wheel? He asked

“She’s your staff not mine! So tell me about her” Gordon demanded

Xavier smiled “Mara? She’s messy, she’s Arrogant, she’s persistent, she always eats in the sitting room, She doesn’t sweep her room, and she doesn’t know how to cook…. Xavier blurted

“How did you know all these as if you live with her?

“Oh no… I just heard someone saying

The five of them were drinking…. They were drunk rather, Charles took Lisa home while Angela left to prepare herself for her date later that evening.

Mara was the only one there with Drew…
Then he strike up conversation

“Mara why don’t you want to leave Xavier’s house? Drew asked

“I have told you before, I am staying in his house so as to make his life miserable just as his family made mine miserable! She replied

“But don’t you think your deal is off? I mean he had stop being clean conscious like unlike before so can’t you leave his house now? He asked again

“Why are you suddenly curious whether I leave his house or not? Mara asked

“Because we’re friends! If you stay there any longer you two might end up falling on love! And I’ll never allow it” Drew retorted

Mara stood up and lit another cigarette, “What had Gotten to you all of a sudden? Why are you suddenly Interested in my personal life? Did I need your permission to fall in love?” Mara asked curiously

“Because I love you! I can’t stand seeing you with another men not with Xavier of all people”Drew confessed

Mara was surprised for some moments, she can’t believe what she was hearing, Drew? Love her? Not happening as in, they’ve been friends since childhood how can he be confessing his love now of all times?

“Drew what are you spewing? Are you drunk? She asked

“I am not drunk Mara and I know what I am saying…. I love you Mara, I have been loving you since the day I came to this neighborhood and meet you, No doubts Mara…. You’re the only one in my heart, it hurts me to see you crying, it gives me ecstasy to see you happy…”Drew confessed again.

Mara faced the other side and dragged the cigarette harshly and puffing out the smokes with pains, Drew was her best friend, she can’t afford to hurt him. She remembered when he came to Flaky town, he was a nerd that other kids make jest of but Mara defended him, before crushing it with her shoes.

“Then what does your love have to do with my living with Xavier? She asked

Drew was angry by now, “What the heck is your problem Mara? Xavier again? Can’t you just do without mentioning his name? Xavier here Xavier there what does he have that I don’t? He asked angrily

“I should ask you what your problem is, why are you confessing love so suddenly? Why did you h@ťě Xavier that much? She asked

“I h@ťě him because he’s the guy you wanted to stay with! He concluded

Mara walked to him and gently puffed some smoke to his face… “Drew Parker, we’re friends, you’re my best male friend, and I don’t want to hurt you, you’re a great guy, you’re handsome, and you’re good Living by yourself without parents, Many ladies will want you, so Drew I’ll want you to cancel any feelings you might have for me… “She was interrupted

“Why? You don’t love me? Then why should I stop loving you? Because of Xavier? Have you forgotten his mother ki||ed your Mother? He asked

Mara had gotten enough of his rubbish she dropped the cigarette in her hand and faced him. “Yes, I don’t love you, that’s because of him! His mother ki||ed my mother? Yes I know she ki||ed my mother but not Xavier right? And besides she didn’t ki|| her intentionally… So Drew Parker I don’t want our friendship since the last almost 20 years to be crumbled, pls stay in your lane” She Explained ad made to leave. Drew stopped her.

“Mara…. Don’t regret it…. Falling on love with the son of the woman that ki||ed your mother….. Don’t regret it….Good day” He said and Mara turned then she left.

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