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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY CRUSH IS A GAY – Episode 8

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(My mission is to make him mine)





“It’s been a week now that you’ve spoken to Mike are you really okay?” Andrea asked Angela who sighs.

“Of course not…I miss him like crazy”

“Then why don’t you just stop this your so called punishment and talk to him?”

“It isn’t the right time yet”

“In my opinion you’re only punishing yourself not him. I know you steal glances at him secretly. Stop with your childish act and make up with him before someone else steals him away from you? From what I can see Jacquie has been hovering around him lately”

“That darned Jacquie!”


“Mike let’s have lunch together this weekend” jack said to Mike who’s getting some stuff in his locker but Mike ignored her and continue doing his thing.

“I have something important to tell you. You’ll come right?”

“Mikey…?” Angela called joining them. Mike turns to her and as Angela was about talking, he placed his headphone over his ear and closed his locker leaving.
Angela ran after him holding his hand. Mike removed the headphone facing her.

“Do you have something to say?” He asked dryly.

“Uh? Huh…I…i…actually I…you see…” She shuttered whilst Mike removed his hand from hers.

“I’m busy” he wears back his headphone and leaves while Angela sighs.

“I…I….I…?” Jacq mimicked laughing hysterically leaving also.

“That girl seriously…aargh! What on earth is wrong with Mike now? I should be the one angry not him! How annoying…”


“I must talk to him today….Mike!” Angela double crossed Mike.

“What do you want?”

“Let’s talk. Follow me” Angela said heading to the rooftop but Mike branch somewhere else.

“I know I’ve been avoiding you for the past week but that doesn’t mean you should_” Angela looks back only not to see Mike.

“What the heck!” She runs back to him jumping on his back.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing!” Mike yelled trying to shake her down.

“I said we should talk!” She pulled his ears.

“Let go of my ears and come down you freaky monkey!”

“I’m not going to until we talk!” She shot back.

“What a lunatic! Alright! Alright! Let’s have the d@mn talk” Mike gave in and Angela smiled to herself..

“To the rooftop!” Angela ordered and Mike piggyback her there grumbling.


Angela came down as they got to the rooftop and Mike glares at her.

“What do you want?”

“You” Angela blurted out.

“I’ll just get going…”

“Hey stop!” Angela stops him and sighs.

“Why are you avoiding me?” She quizzed.

“And who started it?” Mike asked back..

“I did that for a reason”

“And I did also” Mike replied simply.

“More so I don’t think we have anything to do with each other anymore…I don’t need to tutor you since exams has started also”

“You’re still my boyfriend”

“What do you want Angela?”

“Are you…still seeing that man?”


“That day….the day we had our last lesson…you ditched me for him”

“Is this about him?”

“I was so hurt back then”


“Mike you…how can you be so mean? Don’t you even feel bad?”

“Why should I?”.

“You hurt me!”

“So why would you get hurt because of me?”

“Because I like you!”

“Angela you…how can a girl just say that easily?”

“Why? If I like you I should day it. Why keep quiet and hurt myself?…it’ll only be my loss” she said and Mike clear his throat.

“Is that why you’re overreacting?”

“Who is overreacting?” Angela scoffs.

“It’s seems you forgot but I’m only in this relationship becau_”

“I know! You don’t need to remind me!” Angela snap at him cutting his speech short. Mike sighs tucking his hands in his pockets.

“Are you free this weekend?”

“What if I’m not?”

“Then forget it. I was thinking of fulfilling my promise of taking you out on a date. Since you’re busy then it can’t be helped…bye” he walks away but Angela ran to him stopping him.

“Wait! Date? If course I’m free! I’m free! Why will I be busy? I’m more than free…I’ve been free since birth!”

“Again! You’re overreacting…” Mike shook his head and leaves whilst Angela started jumping around.

“Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! We’re going on a date! We’re going on a date!! Date! YES!!” She dances happily all over the place.

“But wait. I thought he said if I do well? Why does he suddenly wanna go on a date now? The results isn’t even out yet. Wh@ťěver who cares…what matters most is that I am going on a date with Mike! Hoo!!”


“Hey Angela…you seems to be in a good mood. Did you patch things up with Mike?” Andrea asked Angela who kept giggling and humming a song.

“What! You’re back together!!” Edward frowns.

“Guys I’m soooo elated right now. Guess what! I’m going on a date with Mike this weekend!” She beamed

“What!!” Edward shouted.

“Why are you so surprised? Isn’t it normal for them to go on a date? Angela dear I’m so happy for you” Andrea said and Angela grins holding her hand.

“This is like a dream come true. Andrea let’s go to the snack bar. It’s my treat today!”

“That’s awesome! Let’s go right away” both leaves the class leaving Edward behind.

“Date? Then it’s going to be just two of them?!” He asked himself.

“Eddie! What’re you doing? Aren’t you coming?” Andrea shouted from outside the class.

“Ohhh I’m coming!” He rushed out to them.


“Not this!” Angela threw a dress on the bed.

“Not this either!” Another went on the floor.

“Not good!…plain….old fashioned!…certainly not his taste! Too long! ….looks churchy! Aargh! I don’t have any appropriate dress to wear…what am I gonna do now? I have look pretty for Mike today” Angela slumped on the bed.

“OMIGOD! What’s all these mess! Are you taking out trash!” Abby said on entering her room and she sprang up.

“Right? Abby…you’re a fashionista!” She smiles cunningly at her whilst Abby eyed her suspiciously.

“Don’t smile at me like that…you’re up no good at again”

“Dear little sis…wanna make a deal…?”

Mike check his wrist watch for the umpteenth time.

“Why isn’t she hers yet?” He said impatiently tapping his right foot on the ground.

“Mikey!” Angela called running to him. Mike looks at her from toe to head.

“Black boots…short lemon skirt with pink armless top. Her hair was packed in two pony tails and she was wearing a red band also on her head. Not only that she seems to be wearing make-up also. Mike sighs.

“What have you done to yourself Angela?” He asked rather calmly.

“What do you mean? I dolled up prettily for you. Aren’t I beautiful?” She twirl around.

“Are you going to a carnival? You look like a f-__-king clown” Mike shook his head leaving.

“What? Clown?” She checked herself.

“I look pretty” she huffed and ran after him.


“Orange squash…milkshake and two burgers please?” Mike ordered at the counter while Angela Sat waiting for him.

“Yes please wait a minute” the lady at the counter said and Mike nodded.

Angela was taking pictures where she was sitting then her eyes caught Mike giving a lady his phone.

“What the f-__-k is she doing when his girlfriend is sitting right here?!” She stood up and went towards them.

“Here’s your order”

“Thanks” Mike collected the tray.

“How dare she flirts with my boyy ohhh_” Angela missed her step unfortunately pulling Mike along with her as she reached for the floor.

“Ouch!” She winced with the drinks all over them.


“I said I’m sorry…I thought she was flirting with you. Who knew she only wanted to borrow your phone to make a call…” She plays with her fingers feeling guilty.

“She’s pretty so I thought you’ll like her and forgot about me”

“And why will I like her? I can’t even if I do!” Mike snap at her.

“Ah right? I forgot for a moment you can’t like her” she grins.

“I guess you’re happy after causing a ruckus and embarrassing me out there?”

“I’m sorry I embarrassed you in front of so many…”

“It’s my fault…I forgot how clumsy and stupid you can be for a moment and let my guard down”

“This date is such a mess..because of me” she said feeling down.

“Let’s just find something to wear first…we’ll think about that later”


“Wow…I love this ” she grins looking at a dress on a mannequin.

“Here go wear this” Mike gave her a top and she collected it going to the changing room.

Minutes later she came out wearing the cloth.

“It’s fit me perfectly and pretty…I like it” she grins.

“Let’s go if you’re done”

“Oh! Yours is the same as mine! Is this a couple tee?” She beamed.

“It was the cheapest…let’s go” he walks out the boutique where she follows..

“I’m sorry happy that happened earlier. I got to wear a couple tee with him” she giggles and link hands with him.

“Let go already”

“Nope…I’m gonna stick to you like glue!” She grins.

“How bothersome…”

“Angela my angel!” Angela heard someone called.

“Uh? That’s strange…why am I hearing that here?” She said to herself.

“Angel! Angel!!” She called again then saw someone running towards them.


“Angela!” Edward called breathlessly.

“Eddie! Why are you here?” Angela asked quite surprised.

“Wow…is this how coincidence works? I came to meet a friend of mine here and I can’t believe I bumped into you guys”

“Come here” Angela dragged him a little further away from Mike.

“Are you stalking us?” She whispers.

“What made you think that Angel?”

“I told you I’m going on a date with Mikeke today didn’t I? And now you’re here isn’t it strange?”

“It’s not. I told you I came to meet a friend of mine”

“I won’t buy that bullshit. Tell me the truth already!”

“Argh! Alright. I couldn’t trust that guy so I came to protect you”

“What nonse_”

“What are you two whispering to each other?” Mike asked already at their back.

“Oh! Ohhh nothing” Angela face Edward and quickly whisper to him.

“You better not ruin our date and scram” she faces Mike.

“Let’s go Mikey” she links hands with him again and they turns to leave but Edward stop them.

“Wait! Since I’m already here you don’t mind me joining you guys right?”



Mike and Angela said in unison.

“Thanks bro…let’s go!” He got in between them separating them while Angela glared at him.

They went to a lot of place catch fun and did a lot of fun things.

Angela tries to feed Mike an ice cream but he turned his face away. Edward got hold of her and and took the ice cream instead.

“Get lost Edward!” She pushed him away lightly while Edward licked his lips.

“It’s sweet” he grins.

“Mikey…let’s take a picture” Angela brought out her phone and tries to take a selfie with Mike but Edward got in the way again by standing in between them.

“A picture? That sounds good” he collected the phone from her whilst Angela mutters ‘devil’ beneath her breath.

“I’ll take it now. 1…2…cheese!” He took the picture making a funny face. Angela grins making the sigh peace while Mike had no expression on.

“Guys..I think I took to much ice cream…my bladder is worrying me. I’ll use the restroom real quick” Edward said and Angela nodded.

“Hey bro…let’s go together”

“I’m okay…hopefully I didn’t take much ice cream” Mike replied flatly.

“Sure….wh@ťěver you say…I’ll be back”

“Don’t be long!” Angela waved at him as he ran inside the public toilet.

“Yes!” Angela grins as Edward disappeared into the building.

“Finally…let’s go Mike!” She grabbed Mike’s hand and start running away with him.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“What does it looks like? Running away from that date spoiler of course…come on faster” she kept running holding his hand though Mike is taller and he couldn’t run well cause Angela was holding him.

“Can’t you do better? Your legs are long for nothing”

“Hey it’s because you’re holding my hand!”

“Uh?” Angela let go of his hand and he grabbed hers instead.

“This is more like it” he smiles and Angela couldn’t helped grinning widely as they ran out of there.

“Uh…where are they? Angela my Angel! Angel!! Mike!Angela where are you?!!” Edward called looking for them.

“Argh!!” Angela winced holding her leg.

“Hey what’s wrong?”

“My leg…it hurts” she complained holding her left leg.

“Wait” Mike crouched and took the leg.


“I think you sprained it” Mike looks at her.


“How is it now?” Mike asked massaging it with ice.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Not anymore….but my leg…”

“I don’t think only ice will work…we should go to the hospital”

“What?…mom is gonna slaughter me”

“Then what will you do?!”

“This is all your fault. It’s because we kept running” she blurted out.

“Hey! Who made me run in the first place?!” Mike shot back whilst Angela sighs.

“My poor leg…”


“You didn’t have to piggyback me home…”

“Will you just get down?”

“Uh? No….no….keep going”

“Thank you Mike…I really had fun today.”

“All I had was troubles…maybe I shouldn’t have looking a date”

“I wonder when we can go on a date like this again…just the two of us…” She murmurs resting her head on his back while Mike just keep walking without saying anything.


“Is this the right place?” Mike asked himself standing in front of a house.

“Hey! Wake up already….is this your house?” She shakes Angela but she wouldn’t woke up.

“Wh@ťěver…” Mike sighs and pressed the door bell.

“Yes who is that? ” a voice came.

“Oh. It’s handsome and the beast” Abby said from inside watching Mike and Angela from the entrance cam.

The door opened and Mike went in.

“She’s really an embarrassment…look at her look at her!” Abby shook her head as Mike dropped Angela gently on her bed.

Mike straighten his back and look at Abby.

“Oh hi…I’m Abby” she smiles tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Hi” Mike replied.

“You must be the handsome and smart Mikey?”

“How do you know me?”

“Oh come on…that idiot talks about you everytime” Abby said and Mike looks at the sleeping Angela on the bed.

“Eddie…stop that…Mike…is…mine a….lone…” She mutters in her sleep.

“Let’s go down” Abby said and he nodded.

“Welcome dear…thanks a lot for bringing her home” Mrs Antony said to Mike as they cane down.

“It’s nothing ma’am…and also it’s my fault she hurts her leg I hope you don’t blame her much”

“How sweet of you…don’t worry dear. I know my daughter can be really clumsy and jumpy” Mrs Antony said and he smiles.

“I’d like to get going”

“So soon?”

“It’s getting late…”

“Ah right? Mike right?”

“Yes ma’am”

“I hole you can visit again…you’re always welcome here darling”

“Thank you ma’am” Mrs Antony smiles warmly at him.

“You’re exactly my type. Would you love dating me?” Abby blurted out gaining a spank from Mrs Antony.


“I’ll get going now…goodbye ma’am…”

“Make sure to join us for dinner next time” he nodded and faced Abby.


“Lovely night handsome prince…think about it” Abby waves at him smiling as he leaves.

“Why would you do that mom?!”

“Stop your nonsense and go wake your sister up for dinner”

“She won’t die from skipping a meal! Seriously mom you really love embarrassing me” Abby lashed before marching upstairs.

“That…that brat…”


“She looks familiar…where have I seen her?” Mike mutters to himself.

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