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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(My mission is to make him mine)





“Why is Mike not here with you?” Mrs Antony asked Angela who only focus her attention on the TV.

Her mind is actually not on the TV only her eyes is on it.

“Isn’t it obvious? They must have fought again” Abby said folding her arms beneath her chest.

“Did you really fight? Why? Did he do something wrong? But Mike is a good child” Mrs Antony said.

“She must have been a nuisance again and she walks out of the relationship herself” Abby said again.

“Shut it what do you know?” She munch on the chips in her hand.

“I know a lot…and part of it is that I’m ain’t a nuisance like you”

“What!” Angela drops the chips.

Abby stuck her tongue at her.

“I’m outta here it’s seems it was a mistake coming home to spend this f-__-king Valentine with you. I’M OUT!” she stomped out angrily.

“Nobody ask you to come…we don’t want you here either!!” Abby shouted after her before dashing upstairs while Mrs Antony sighs.

“What am.i gonna do with these two?”


Later in the evening Angela came back home. She wouldn’t have if not for the fact that her stomach needed to be attended to. She didn’t take anything along earlier her phone or purse so she had no choice but to come back home.

She went in
The house was silent. She went to the cushion she was sitting earlier and found her phone there.

“He didn’t call…” She mutters disappointed.

Just then it came to her nose.

The aroma.

“Ummm….guess I’m not late after all”

“Why are you back?” Abby asked descending the stairs.

“I’m not back for you…I’m back to pack my things…I’m going back to school” she replied.

“Wh@ťěver…” Abby rolled her eyes.

“Just move out of the way” Angela ascend the stairs.

“But I must say you’re one lucky brat” Abby sneered.

“Move” Angela nudge her away almost making her fall.

“Hey!!” Abby yelled after her.

Angela stomped to her room.

“He won’t call isn’t it? Alright let’s keep this up Mike..I’m surely gonna surprise you this time…maybe I should just give up altogether…I have tons of guys after me anyway…” She ranted opening her door but immediately she did a basket of flowers rush down on her.

“What the…” She looks around the room was dark.

“Abby…” She gritted turning on the light. That’s when it dawned on her.

Her room was totally different.

Candles…flowers…colorful . That’s when she realized it was flowers that poured down on her.

“What’s all these…?” She looks forward and saw someone backing her staying by the window.

“Williams?” She mutters.

“Williams?” She called walking closer while the person turns to her.

“Mike?” She called like someone disappointed.

Mike frowns.

“Williams?” He said.

“You just called me Williams”

“Because I probably thought you were him. Sorry” she said nonchalantly.

“That’s it?”

“Then what?”

“Angela…I prepared all these for you”

“I never asked you to. You totally turned my room into something else” she rolled her eyes going to sit on the bed.

Mike couldn’t believe it.

She wasn’t moved by her surprise.

He felt down casted.

He head for the door with the flower in his hand.

“You’re just gonna leave?” Angela asked flatly.

Mike turns back.

“You should return my room to its normal position…clear all these before you leave” she regard to the candles and other decoration he made.

Actually this was meant to be a surprise to her but it seems Mike was the one met with the surprise instead.

Angela totally changed and care less.

“What are you doing? Clear them up…ah….you can ask Abby for help” Angela said again.

Mike felt devastated.


Is she really being serious?

He dropped the flower and crouch to pack the candles but Angela spoke up.

“Are you hurt? Why? Am I being mean? Are you angry…and hurt?” She asked and Mike looks at her with a hurt face.

Angela knock his forehead.

“What…you did and said to me….hurt me more than you can ever think. This…it’s nothing compared to that” Angela said while Mike just stares.

She picked the flowers he dropped earlier.

“How beautiful…” She smiles then walk to the big panda teddy he placed on a chair.

“Happy Valentine…my clingy girlfriend…your smiles completes me and always will until the end of time XOXO” she read the card and smiles.

Mike stood up and face her.

“What was that all about?” He asked.

“I wanted to punish you”

“It’s not funny”

“I know…but…i still got back at you”

“Were you that mad?”

“I was…but not anymore…my anger melted the moment I stepped in and saw all these. You prepared all these for me Mike”

“It…wasn’t my idea”

Angela smiles then runs to hug him.

“Thank you Mike…I’m really happy right now”

They stayed like that for some moments.

They disengage.

“Come I want to show you something” Mike held her hand. They both went to the window side looking at the city.

“Wow…look at those fireworks…it’s so pretty” she gushed.

“Do you wanna go out?”

“No…I’m okay here…I wanna be here”

“We could go watch movies…go skating and_”

“Shh…I’m okay…I don’t have to go”

“You sure?”

She nodded smiling.

“So…how’s Williams?”

“Why are you bringing him up?”

“Weren’t you gonna spend your Valentine with him? You even called his name earlier…you must miss him a lot”

“I do miss him…but not like I do to you”

“Is he a better choice? I mean…I’m clueless unlike him. He’s perfect and…he could do practically everything you wanted”

“Yeah you’re right…he’s better than you…but you know Mike…he’s not you…you’re you and that’s what makes you special”

“I’m sorry…for keeping you waiting. And thank you…for waiting”

“Pay me back”

“What do you want?”

“Your time and attention…give me that”

Mike keep silent.
She looks up to the sky.

“You know Mikey everyone has his or her own star in this world?”

“Star?” Mike looks at the sky as well.

“I have mine…while you have yours”

“Have you found yours?”

“Yes I have…I’ve found my star”

“Where? Which one?”

“Here…right here in front of me” she replied and Mike brought down his gaze to her.

“Me?” He asked.

She nodded the stand on her toes giving him a peck on the lips.

“I like you” she said and give him another peck on the lips.

“I like you so much Mikey” she stood on her toes again and did the same.

“I like you so so so very much” she was about doing the same thing when Mike block her lips with his palm.

She furrows her brows.

Mike removed his palm.

“Hey!!” She frowns but Mike grab her face locking lips with her.

Angela smiles wrapping her arms around him deepening the kiss.

Not long after the door slammed open.

“Mom said you should come down for din_” Abby stops when she discover the position they were in.

“Oh my gosh! What the hell are you two doing?!!” She yelled while they unlock immediately facing her.


“Take it easy will you? You guys aren’t the only one in this house! My eyes seriously” she jammed the door to their face but then opens it again.

“Come down for dinner BOTH OF YOU!” she jammed the door again making them silently flinched.

They look at each other and giggled like babies.

“Let’s go” they interlock their fingers then exit the room.

“Abby is such a character isn’t she?”

“She absolutely is…”

They walk downstairs.

“And you’re the worst”


“How could you chase after a guy who is obviously not interested in you for years?”

“Don’t make it sound like I’m begging for it. That sounds pathetic”

“Aren’t you?”

“You’re mean”

“I know…and you know what Angela?”

“What?” She snapped.

“I love you”

“Happy Valentine Mikey”

“Happy Valentine Angela”



Thanks for reading.

If you enjoy this story of the determined girl who wouldn’t give up on her crush till she makes him hers then leave some juicy comments.

Written by: Faith Ifeoluwa.

I drop my pen here.

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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