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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY CRUSH IS A GAY – Episode 19

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(My mission is to make him mine)





“Hey hey! How was your date yesterday?” Fred wouldn’t stop disturbing Angela as he follows he around asking how her date with Williams went.

“Leave me alone!” Angela shunned him off taking her sit on a bench.

“Come on tell us…I’m dying to know also” Jeff pester her also.

“I heard Williams is the romantic type…” Fred says.

“Did you two kissed? How was it? Was he good?” Jeff quizzed.

“I never knew you liked gossiping so much like this. Are you girls? Both of you scram I wanna be alone”

“Eiyyy…it must not have went well. Were you dumped?” Jeffrey asked.

“He_” Angela halt in her speech when she spots Mike.

“Ohhh…of course not…you don’t know how romantic he was. He took me to a lot of places bought a lot of things for me as well. I must say not only is he good looking he also knows how to care for a lady” Angela said smiling.

“It seems you’ve totally fall for him…” Jeff said.

“That’s good…at least she won’t bother me anymore…I hope he does not run away when he finds out how clingy and annoying you can be” Mike who has now joined them says.

“Let me tell you I’m not annoying…well I do admit I can be clingy sometimes but my Williams cares for me so much that he won’t ever ditch me. He’s such a responsible and amazing guy. A real boyfriend maternal”

“Shouldn’t it be boyfriend material?” Fred asked.

“Wh@ťěver…anyways he’s hundred times better than you poker face…he’s soft hearted”

“Angel! I’m glad you think of me that way” Williams appeared suddenly making Angela gasp she looks back.

“How…how long have you been here?”

“Since the boyfriend material” Williams smiled.

“$h|t! Why does he have to appear now…is he stalking me or what…?” Angela thought.

“Willy she just called you my Williams…I think she’s completely into you. How did you manage to do it?” Jeff said.

“I guess…I’m too charming” Williams giggles and face Angela.

“Angel…how are you fairing today?”

“Good enough…I’m good” she fake a laugh.

“But aren’t you busy? Why are you here?” Mike asked.

“I’m never too busy for my Angel. I came because I missed her”

“Ohh….you’re one lucky girl Angela” Fred gushed.

“You didn’t have to ditch your class because of me…” Angela manage to say feeling uncomfortable with his words.

“Well it’s indeed true I missed you but I’m here for another reason. You don’t forget our lesson starts today right? I’m all yours today baby” he winked and Angela twitch where she sat.

“Ohh…right our lesson…”

“Good luck on that. Let’s go Fred” Mike said taking his leave immediately.

“Good luck on your love” Fred said also running after Mike.

“Let’s go Angel” Williams smiles reaching his hand forward to Angela which she reluctantly took.

“Sure…” She stood and they leave together hand in hand.

“What’s this? I’m the only one left” Jeff said to himself.

“Hmm….seems like it’s time for some little troubles uh…?” He smirks to himself before finding his way also.

Jeff smiles to himself after causing mischief to some people. He went to get a bottle of water but then he saw Andrea coming.

“Hmm…” He smirks to himself.

As Andrea was passing by he stretches his leg forward making her trip on it. Omg falling he quickly got hold of her as a show to save her.

“Hey nerdy” he winks.

“Idiotic whack job!” Andrea got hold of his shirt and trip him also making him fall on the ground.

“Ouch….hey!! Hoe could you do that to someone who saved you! Are you a gangster to what?!” He yelled at her.

“Save my foot…you..i told you not to mess with me didn’t I? Do you think I’m that gullible not to know you tripped me?” She accused while Jeff scoffs.

“You’re really brute for a Lady…” He mutters.

“Yeah…and watch me while I do this” she dipped her hand in her bag and brought out a lipstick.

She dropped to a squat and started drawing and coloring his face with it.

“Hey! What’re you doing? It tickles…hey…stop…” He laughs and Andrea continues in her deed.

“I said STOP!” He suddenly got of her hands flip her and pinned her down on the ground.

“I told you to stop seriously…”

“Let go!” Andrea gritted.

“This is shy I always find it fun anytime I tease you…I must say you’re such a fun little thing”

“If you don’t want me to break your nose let go”

Jeff smirks leaning closer.

“Jeffrey doesn’t fall for empty thr_@ts darling… Ohh you poor little thing are you angry uh?” He tease the smirk not leaving his lips.

“Don’t blame me later”

“Do your worst darling”

His hands still pinning hers down tightly, Andrea bit her lower lips thinking of what to do. Jeff by the way finds it fun as he just continue smirking not ready to let go.

“Let go Jeff” she says rather calmly.

“Make me”


“Who is the boss now?”


“I can’t hear you”

“YOU JEFFREY!” Andrea yelled spitting on his face in the process.

“Eish…” Jeff brought one of his hands to clean the spit and Andrea used the opportunity against him.

“You DORK!” She kicked him in between his legs immediately she stood up and Jeff clutch to his genitals Mõ@ɲing in pain.


“Fool…” Andrea dust herself before leaving.

“Wicked soul…” He groans.


“Welcome to my humble home angel”

“Wow…this place is spacious”

Williams chuckles.

“I do hear that a lot of times…take a sit. I’ll get some drinks” he went over to the fridge while Angela wouldn’t stop gaping at the house.

“This is really good much for him alone…” She thought within.

“You should be honoured…being the first girl I’ll ever brought to my house” he said serving the drinks.

“Oh…really…” She replied awkwardly.

“scratch that…I didn’t say that to make you feel uncomfortable…” He sat opposite her while Angela smiles.

“But Williams…you’re clearly not from the law faculty…why offer to tutor me…you must be busy on your part also…I don’t understand what law has to do with economics” she said and Williams chuckles.

“Yeah…I totally understand…it’s weird isn’t it?” He paused while Angela nodded.

“Actually…I came from the family of Abogados…”

“Abo…avocado?” Angela said and he couldn’t help laughing.

“Oh…sorry…it’s isn’t avocado…Abogado…it means barristers” he corrected and Angela itch her hair feeling embarrassed.

“Oh…” She mouth.

Williams chuckles yet again.

“Actually I wanted to go for law at the onset. I always admired lawyers especially my elder brother…but my mom disapproved saying the house can’t be full of lawyers…she was a legal advisor…her father was an attorney and my dad apparently has a law firm”

“Oh…that really runs in the blood”

“Hmm…song went for my second dream that’s how I met myself in the Economics World”

“Now it makes sense”

“Does it?”

“Uh” Angela nods her head Williams couldn’t help smiling.


“…which is a crime and if such person is brought to court he\she will have to face the charges press against him\her. In this case the_” he stops while he discovered Angela seems lost.

“Am I told fast?” He asked.

“It’s not like thst but…” She sighs.

“I’m sorry I guess I’m just too obtuse…like was right after all…I’m a hammerhead with no definite future…useless” she mutters feeling down.

“Why are you talking too much today? Look here” he cupped her face surprising Angela herself.

“There’s no shame in not knowing things…the only shame is to pretend that we know everything. Nobody was born a genius…we all start from somewhere. Angela you can do it too. You made it this far so why are you relenting? Don’t berate yourself…you can surely do it. You just have to bring out your ability from your disability then you’ll know you’re capable of anything…trust me and just follow my lead. I promise to lead you through” Williams said softly and Angela couldn’t help smiling.

This time not faking it. For real.

“You’re really a good person…” She heaves a huge sighs.

“Aright. I came this far as you said. I can’t back down now. At least for your sake. You sacrificed your precious time to tutor me…I shouldn’t disappoint you”

“That’s my girl” he draws her cheeks while she chuckles.

“Then should we start all over again now? I think I was a little bit fast earlier” he said and share nods.

“Brain activated! Full concentration! Let’s go!!” They both giggled.

Jeff wash his face in the basin in the toilet.

“That nerd…can’t believe she did that…” He grumbles as he was his face.

“Ahh….my handsome face…” He admired himself in the mirror fixed on the wall.

“How dare she…ruin this perfect work of art…” He said touching his face.

“I’m just too perfect…”

He walks out of the toilet and and spot Celine nearby.

“Hmm…another fun” he smirks to himself.

He snuck to hear back and pull her hair.

“Ouch! What motherf-__-ker wreck is that!” Celine groans.

“Let go right now or it won’t be funny!”

“What’re you gonna do uh? Your empty thr_@ts doesn’t scare Jeffery” he stuck his tongue out.

Celine clearly annoyed grape his hand and flip him over.

“You balmy Ç0çƙsucker!”

“Ouch! That really hurts you know! Eish…I forgot she’s a dojo master” he mutters the last part to himself.

“Stand up now before I break your balls”

On the mention of balls Jeff sprang up. No he can’t risk it twice.

“You’re really mean…how could you do thst to a friend?”

“Friend my butt…have you been going around looking for troubles?”

“I don’t look for troubles…it looks for me”

“Wh@ťěver…just stay out of my sight or I might do something really mean to you”

“But dear friend…you look awful…oh my! Don’t tell me it’s another heartbreak!” He exclaimed.

“How about you get a rib break from me uh? Get lost!”

“That’s why I told you to stop wasting your time. I can predict your future already…you’ll doe an old maid.” He started singing.

“I loved you like no other…but you choose to break me…I longed for you…but you only shattered my soul….ohhh foolish love….ohhh my silly love….” He sang Mockingly taking his leave.

“That skunk…”

“What am I to do to mend this broken heart of mine…oh CELINE WHAT ARE YOU TO DO….” He hops leaving singing loudly.


“Finally I finished it” Angela said placing some books on the table.

“Good job…you did well” Williams smiles mussing her hair up while she giggled.

“I did well didn’t I?” She said munching on a burger.

“You did…I’m proud of you” Williams respond and she bit her lower lip smiling.

“So how was it?”

“Hmmm…I should I put it…first it was difficult…I understand nothing but as time goes by I got adjusted to it. Ah I even wrote some things down wanna see?” She said excitedly bringing out her notebook.

“Hmm…great…this will be of great help to you later” Williams said looking at the notes she wrote.

“Exactly…” She grins.

“I knew you’ll be done with this so…I brought more” Williams said bringing out books from his bag.

“More…” She whined.

“These reference books really helps…you just have to trust me”

“The firm…Bleak house…” Angela sighs placing her head in the table.

“Are you sleeping?”

“No…I’m trying to die”


“Williams…this is too much pressure for my brain…I feel bad for it don’t you?”

Williams Snickers.

“Oh really…oh no…your brain must be frustrated then”

“Uhhhhh” she nodded pouting her lips.

“Dear brain…I implore you to cooperate with our dear Angela here…stop getting heated up and do your job well uh? Stop stressing my angel…” Williams said massaging her head.

“Ohh…stop that…it tickles…” Angela laughs as Williams continues it.

Mike who was passing by with a friend stop and watch them for a while.

“Mike what’s wrong?” Cole asked.

“Oh it’s Angela…hey she really seems happy with her new boyfriend…look at how happy she is” Cole said again and this time Mike looks at him.

“They’re just friends…shut up if you don’t know anything…” He said to him before taking his leave.

“Oh…hey Mike wait!” Cole ran to him.


“About you and Williams…are you guys really dating? Rumours are spreading everywhere like wildfire….you’ve been tagged as the hottest couple in town…you guys are always together” Celine said as she walks to class together with Angela.

“I told you numerous times that we’re not dating. Who is spreading such false rumours”

“Then tell me the truth…are you starting to feel anything for him?”

“Williams is just a good friend alright? A d we’re always together because he tutors me. Don’t go around saying nonsense about us dating…it ain’t happening” Angela said walking into the class.

“I’m not the one spreading the rumors! And you haven’t answered my question!” Celine shouted after her.

“Mike” Angela called on entering the class but Mike ignored her.

“Hey…morning Angelie…” Fred smiled.

“f-__-k off” Angela said going to take her sit.


“Finally…no more projects for this semester..I’m finally free!!” Fred stretch his arms widely.

“Hey Angela…we’re going for some drinks later…coming?” Celine asked as they pack their books.

“No thanks…I’m going home to sleep”

“Come on lets go together…you could relieve some of your stress also” she tries to convince her.

“You can go without me…” Angela stood up.

“I’m leaving first” she said and leave.

“What’s wrong with her…?” Celine thought.

“Hey Mike…we’re having some drinks later care to join? Fred you can come too though I don’t want you to” Celine said as she went over to Mike.

“Do you want me to come or not?” Fred asked.

“You should come but I’d like if you refuse the invitation” Celine replied smiling.

“Alright babe…expect me there” Fred winks.

“I’m not your babe…I’ll text you the address Mike…” Celine said taking her leave.

“She’s a cunning witch” Fred shakes his head.

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