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Friday, October 18, 2024
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MY CRUSH IS A GAY – Episode 17

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(My mission is to make him mine)






“what do you want?” Mike replied dryly.

“Mikey…you know it’s exams period soon…?” She asked fiddling with her fingers.


She held his hand.

“I was thinking if you could tutor me again? She suggested.


“Please Mikey…I’m having difficulties studying alone. You know I can’t do this alone uh?”

“You do this everytime…can’t you just try to do it on your own for once? Stop relying on others and try to stand on your own”

“C’mon Mikey I really need your help this time.if I don’t do well I’ll have to retake the course…Mikey…” She purred tugging his hand.

“Ugh! You’re really frustrating”

“I know…” She chuckle and Mike head inside the class after giving her one last look.


The professor kept talking but Angela’s mind wasn’t there instead on Mike and the leech sitting beside him.

“Why are they sitting so close to each other? They’re always together…look at how flirting with Mike…gosh he’s taking advantage of Mike’s kindness and gentleness…that guy is really frustrating!” She broke the pencil in her hand into two getting the professor’s attention.

“Young lady…?” The professor called.

“Huh? Me?”

“Do you have anything to tell the class?” The professor asked and all attention shifts to her.

“Umm….no I…don’t…im sorry ma’am” she apologize embarrassingly.

“Comport yourself” the professor warned and resume teaching. Fred looks back and smirks at her.

“Annoying fellow” Angela mutters.


Angela rushed to Mike immediately the class ended.

“Can we go now?” She held unto his hand.

“Angela how are you doing with your project?” Fred asked.

“What is it to you?”Angela snapped back.

” I’m just concerned…as a friend ”

“Since when did we became friends?”

“Isn’t my friend’s friend also my friend? You don’t seem to think like that?” Fred asked smiling.

“Yeah…I don’t so can you please buzz off? Mike let’s go” she faces Mike.

“I’m eating with him first” Mike replied leaving.

“Since you aren’t my friend then I guess I can’t invite you to join us. Good day miss Angela” Fred smiles before running after Mike.

“Who gave him the permission to eat with him?” Angela askes no one in particular before running to them separating them by staying in their middle.

“What are we eating Mike?” She smiles pushing Fred away.


“Mike have some crabs” Fred offers Mike crabs but Angela stops him.

“He’s allergy to crabs”Angela said.

“Since when?” Fred asked.

“Duh! Since like forever”

“Sorry…I didn’t know” Fred took back the crab.

“It’s okay…” Mike said and Fred smiles.

“Sorry…I didn’t know” Angela mimicked him in low tones.

“But where are you guys going?” Fred asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know” Angela replied.

“Angela why are you being mean to me? Are you angry with me or what?”

“I never said anything…” Angela shrugged.

“Do you have everything with you over here?” Mike asked.

“Uh I prepared everything” she replied smiling.

“Alright…Fred I won’t be able to stay for long…I’ve to go do something”

“It’s okay…”

“I’m actually tutoring her”

“You don’t have to tell him that” Angela said.

“It’s nice you’re doing that. I noticed she’s having problems also…good luck on that” Fred said and Angela glares at him.

“Is something wrong with your eyes Angela? It’s about falling off” Fred asked.

“Apparently my eyes is suffering from seeing an annoying freak…but don’t you’ll take care of itself”

“I’m not worried…just asking” Fred replied and continue eating.


“Admission, authentic, complete reliable and believable…and the three burdens of proof aee the proof beyond reasonable, preponderance of convincing evidence…” Mike keeps explaining while Angela just eats the tip of her pen cover looking at him not really concentrating.

“…in court what do you think will happen?” Mike asled looking at her.



“Yes…I’m listening”

“If such situation arise what will be your defense?”

“My defense? Ohhh….I’m not sure yet” she itch her hair.

“You’re not listening right?”

“Of course I…I…wasn’t” she replied slowly and Mike flared up.

“HEY!!” He stood hitting the desk making Angela flinch a little.


“Have I been talking to my myself for over half an hour now?”

“Sorry…I tried listen…my brain tried to…but my heart keep putting a the attention on you” she bit her lower lip.

“Can you listen to yourself right now? Are you here to study or goof around?”

“I’m not goofing around…I wanna study…I’m sorry Mikey…can you start again? I’ll really try to concentrate now”

Mike slumped on the chair sighing.

“Why is this happening to me? Why me…?” He lamented.


“How is the tutoring with your crush going?” Celine quizzed while Angela just sigh.

“It’s hard” she replied feeling down.

“Hard? Why is it hard? It’s should be fun and romantic”

“I guess I’m really stupid…he tries to tutor me everyday but in the end we always ended up arguing”

“Maybe he doesn’t wanna tutor you?”

“I’m the one not cooperating. He has every right to be mad. What do I do seriously? He might end up hating me more…” She lamented.

“Do you like him that much?”

“Hey…Mike is my man crush everyday”

“It’s been three years girl…three years and you still haven’t date. Wake up girl your youth is wasting away for something that doesn’t worth it”

“Don’t say that! Are you Jinxing it?”

“I’m only trying to look out for you because I care”

“It’s better you don’t say anything Celine. Thanks but you’re overstepping it”

“Wow…chill girl no bad vibes” Celine surrendered and Angela sigh.

“I’m sorry Celine…I’m just too…kinda frustrated”

“Dear I won’t stop you from chasing after him. Infact I admire the fact that you could take it this far but do you think if you guys continue like this you’ll really progress? You keep doing things to annoy him”

“So what do I do Celine?”

“You’re meeting later right?” She asked and Angela nodded.

“Ok. Listen try to do everything he ask of you. Don’t grumble don’t complain. Listen and try to pay attention. Ask questions also that way he’ll know you’re serious. You can even try to study a little before your lesson”

“You don’t understand Celine…following your heart is easy but following your brain is tough”

“You have to try…have you guys talked today?”

“I’m too scared to even look at him in the eyes”

“Call him”



“O…okay…” She picked up her phone reluctantly and dialed his number.

At the second ring he picked.

“Hello” he voice came at the other end.

“Hi…it’s Angela”

“I know”

“Uh….I….how are you Mike?”

“I’m doing okay what do you want?”

“Oh…I just wanna ask if you lost anything?” Angela asked and Celine face palmed.

“I lose nothing goodbye” he hanged up while Angela look at Celine.

“I just realized you’re really stupid as they said Angela” Celine said while Angela sigh.

“Do you think he’s still angry?”

“Ohh…I can’t say. Mike is hard to read” Celine replied and just then Angela’s phone rang.

“It’s…it’s him”

“Pick up” Celine whispers and Angela quickly picked up.

“Hey Mike”

“Angela…today’s lesson is cancelled I have somewhere to be”

“Why? But you__”

“Mike hurry!” Angela heard Fred’s voice calling him.

“Are you with Fred again?”

“Talk to you later I gotta go. Study by yourself today” Mike said before ending the call.

“What did he say?” Celine asked curiously.

“He dumped me Celine…he dumped me for that guy again…” She cried placing her head on the table.

“Hey Angela….don’t cry girl…I suck at comforting others”


“The demonstrative evidence…the testimonial and the documentary evidence” Angela replied proudly to Mike’s question baffling him.

“You aren’t being an headache today” Mike smiles.

“Of course not…I really studied hard for this” she smiles to herself while Mike stood up.

“I’ll be back. I have to use the restroom” he Saud while Angela nodded.

Mike excuses himself while Angela smiles to herself.

Not quite long Mike’s phone started ringing Angela checked it and discover it’s Fred.

“What does he wants again? He’s so clingy” she end the call. He calls again for about three times and Angela keep ending the call.

Mike came back and they continue their lesson luckily Fred calls didn’t come in again.

“Since you know the basic things the rest shouldn’t be a problem to you”

“Oh…I guess…” Angela replied and Mike stares at her.

“Why…?” She asked.

“I don’t trust you” he replied and she fake a laugh.

“What are you saying?”

“Complete this…according to prof cross evidence is the testimony, hearsay,documentary things and fact which a court will accept as a….”


“A what?”

“A…so a…” She shuttered not knowing what to say.

Mike held her head and started checking it as if looking for something.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking if your head is leaking”


“Angela tell me the truth…is it just that you’re really stupid or are you just obtuse? Why is your brain homo empty?”

“That’s harsh”

“Harsh? You wanna know what’s harsh? You not being serious. I’m devoting my time here for you but you’re not even making use of the Golden opportunity. Until when are you gonna do this? You can’t continue relying on me. I have my own life to live also”

“Are you saying I’m a burden to you? Why are you being like this to me seriously? I’m not happy being dull also. I don’t wanna impose on you either. I’m also trying my best. I’m just asking for a little help to put me through. So why are you so mean to me? Can’t you be a little nicer? Why do you smile at everyone one but frown whenever you’re with me? Do you feel that uncomfortable with me? You don’t wanna be with me that much?” She poured out.

“Don’t take it the wrong way…you’re overreacting again” Mike said simply.

“I know I’m not perfect…I know I can be frustrating and annoying…but as a friend shouldn’t you at least encourage me once in a while? Shouldn’t you?”

“Why should I do that when you don’t deserve it? To be frank we both know you’re incapable all you do is tag around me everywhere. You’re famous in this campus for that. You don’t even have time for yourself. Have you ever sit down and think about your own future instead of stalking me around? You want to be encouraged?” He paused and scoff.

“What am I? A motivational speaker? You aren’t a high schooler anymore get a grip of yourself”

“Is that it? You’re ashamed of me?”

“I never said so”

“Ahh….because you have a new friend now you realize how worthless and useless I am” Angela said with teary eyes.

“Don’t bring him into this”

“If I say you shouldn’t be friends with him will you listen to me?”

“Why? Because you don’t like him? Exactly my point…are you trying to dictate who I’ll interact with now? At least he’s smarter than you”

“You…are really mean. I must really mean nothing to you” she sniffs and pack her things.

“I think we should just end today’s lesson here…” She stood and head for the door not giving him a chance to talk.

However as she opened the door she was me with Fred who was about knocking.

“Hey Angelie” Mike heard Fred’s voice and quickly stood up heading for the door.

“Why are you here?” Angela asked flatly.

“It’s kinda boring at home so I’m gonna crash here tonight I called to inform Mike but he kept hanging up”

“If he was then you should have known he doesn’t want to”

“Hey what are you saying? Wait! Did you touch my phone?” Mike arched a brow.

“He even sleeps over”

“Why would you do that?”

Angela faced Fred ignoring Mike and his question.

“Do you like Mike?” She asked.

“You’re being weird today…of course I do. Why else would I be hanging around him?” Fred said grinning.

“Not as friends. Do you have any romantic feelings for him?” Angela asked but mime quickly stop her.

“Hey don’t answer that she isn’t thinking straight…Angela you should get going now”

“Now I’m like a patient who needs treatment to you?”

“Let’s go inside Fred” he pulled Fred inside.

“Go home” he said to Angela before closing the door.

“You’re really mean…Mike…” She said to herself.

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