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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY CRUSH IS A GAY – Episode 10

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(My mission is to make him mine)







“Hey Pamela…you’ve grew more pimples. Welcome back to school”

“Hi there Lydia and Cole. Oh! Are you guys dating now? Hope it last”

“Hi there…Erica your Long legs are somehow shorter. What did you eat? It ain’t nice as before”

“Hey Katie…you’re glowing. Isaiah you’ve grown some f-__-king beard…try to get a shave sometimes uh?”

“Daniel my good friend…you look Grumpier…welcome back to school”

“Buzz off” Daniel glare at him going to his sit while Edward shrugged.

“Ohhh….who is this? My lovely guardian Andrea. Wow…you look tanned. Granny did a bad job for the past few weeks”

“What are you doing Ed?”

“Welcoming you my good friends of course…a king must welcome his subjects innit?”

“You’re crazy…why am I your guardian?”

“Angela is my angel…of course you should be my guardian. Or better still…soulmate?”

“Cut the $h|t!” Andrea hit him silently with her bag.

“Is Angela not here yet?”

“She is…over here” Angela said at the door post and both turns their head to her.

“Angel! Welcome back to school darling. Heavens knows I missed you d@mn much. How was the holiday? Wow…you’ve really grown more beautiful than before” Edward squealed.

“Cut it out Eddie. We see each other practically everyday. We still met up yesterday”

“Seriously…an idiot he is” Andrea hit him with her bag again.

“I always miss you…” Edward mutters.

“Andrea you’re looking good? How was granny’s? What did you bring back from Mexico”

“Oh..don’t get me started…that place was hell. As you can see all I brought back is tan”

“Ohhh….that’s terrible”

“You? How’s life without me for you guys?”

“We did well….so well”

“Really…I brought something for you guys too” Andrea dipped her hand in her bag and brought out two beautiful bead bracelets.

“Here. Have one” she gave it to them.

“Wow…I love this”

“I have one also” Andrea showed them her wrist which she was wearing the same kind of bracelet but different color.

“It’s tacky but since it’s your sincere heart…I’ll manage it” Edward said wearing the bracelet while Andrea scoffs.

“Idiot” she mutters.

“But why are you two standing here? Did you just came?”

“I arrived not long ago. I met him here” Andrea replied.

“Ahh…I was welcoming everyone” Edward boasted.


“Uh? We just resumed…I need to give them a warm welcoming to boost their willingness”

“What’s he saying?”

“Then are you saying you came before everyone?”

“I was the first to come….around six”

“Wow…you must be anticipating so much for today”

“Nah…nah…nah…i just followed the saying that says. ‘Early to bed…early to death’ so I slept early” Edward said simply.
Angela and Andrea looked at themselves for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Why are you guys laughing? You don’t believe me?”

“Dear Eddie…I love you okay…friend remember that” Andrea said before heading to her sit together with Angela as they laughs.

“What’s with them?”

“But what about Mike? Are you guys still talking?” Andrea asked as they settled on their seats.

“Not sure? How was your granny’s? Did you have fun?” Angela changed the topic.


Teacher kelvin was explaining on the board when he heard a grunting sound.

“Who is that pig!!” He roared.

“Here” Mike pointed to Angela who was sleeping soundly. Her head on the desk with her mouth opened.

ANGELA ANTONY!!!” Teacher kelvin hits the cane on the table angrily and Angela sprang up.

“Ye…yes…as teacher I’m here”

“Of course I know you’re there. What do you think you’re doing during my lessons? Is my lesson that boring or what? What are you? Sleeping beauty? Or should I say sleeping monster?!” Teacher kelvin said angrily while the students aroused in laughter..

“I’m not…sir”.

“Then are you sick? You have trypanosomiasis?”

“Sir…trypan…can you repeat that Sir?”

“ANGELA! COME OUT AND SOLVE THIS QUESTION ON THE BOARD!” he growl making Angela flinched.

“Oh no…I’m dead…” She mutters to herself as she drag her feet out to the board.

Both Andrea and Edward looks at her pitiful.

“Just because you did quite well in your exams you think you’re all that right? If not for Mike you wouldn’t have the ability to do that”

“I’m sorry Sir..I won’t do it again”

“Solve it now!” He gave her the chalk and Angela face the board squeezing her face.

“What am I to do here now…” She murmur to herself.

“Teacher!” Mike called.

“Yes Mike”

“Can I solve the second question?”

“No you don’t have to…I was planning on calling _”

“I want to…please let me” he offers a smile and teacher kelvin gave in.

“Sure…come on” he smiles back.

Mike walks up to the board standing beside Angela. He solves the second question while Teacher kelvin stood there watching them closely.

“Angela what’re you doing? You can’t solve it? I thought you’re smarter now? Smart enough to sleep in my lesson?”

“I know it Sir…I’ll…solve it don’t worry…” She face the board scribbling rubbish on it.

Mike looks at her then looks back stylishly signaling to Edward.

“Erm….Mr Teacher…I can’t seem to understand something…can you check it out?” Edward called Teacher kelvin’s attention.

“Come to my office later I’ll explain it to you”

“Erm…Sir why don’t you explain now…I don’t quite understand either” Andrea chipped in.

“Yes…” Edward chimed.

“Alright…let me see…” Edward stood up together with Andrea taking the math textbook to him.


“This one.”

“This? This is quite simple…you look for the index of…” Andrea stood behind Angela blocking Teacher kelvin’s view of her as he explains the work to them.

“Move” Mike said to Angela.


“I said move” he nudges her away and solve the work for her.

“You can do it from here yourself right? I did the hard part” he mutters to her.

“Oh…I can…” Mike went back to his position and Angela pretended to be solving.

“Oh…so that’s it. It’s quiet simple like you said. Thanks Teacher kelvin” Edward grins taking the book from him.

“But I’m not done explaining”

“I think we get it now” Andea smiles and they went back to their sits.

“Oh Mike you’re done?”

“Yes Sir” teacher kelvin went through the work and nod his head in satisfaction.

“As expected…you’re great! Go sit” Mike bowed a little and went back to his sit.

“Miss Angela…you can’t solve it?”

“I’m almost done Sir…just a little….”

“I know you have nothing in that brain of_”

” I’m done Sir…” She interrupted him smiling.”

Teacher kelvin went through it.

“You did it”

“Yes I did”

“Um…I see…good of you. Next time don’t you dare kip in my class to your sit” he hits the cane on her head.

“Argh!…always hitting me…” Angela grumble to her sit.

“Edward if you still don’t understand then see me in my office”

“Don’t worry Mr teacher…I won’t ever come to see you for that matter in Jesus name” Edward replied and the class burst into laughter.

“QUIET!! Back to lesson!”


“I decided to give up on him”

“So you’re saying you don’t like him anymore?” Andrea asked and Angela reluctantly nodded.

“And you think I’ll believe that? Hey I caught you several time stealing glances him”

“When did I? I did not”

“I’m not Ed…you can’t fool me”

“Andrea just forget about it…nothing good will come out interacting with him anyway.”

“So? You won’t talk to him again?”.

“Weren’t you the one persuading me to forget him? Now I’m trying to can you let me?”

“Alright…but not just only you…I saw him stealing glances also”

“You must be seeing things”

Andrea sighs.

“At least thank him for earlier…doesn’t he deserves that? You know I don’t think he totally h@ťěs you. If he does he wouldn’t have helped you”

“I don’t know…”


“Alright okay? Just ‘thank you’ right? I’ll do that. I’ll do just that”

“Go to him now…he’s coming this way”

“Andrea seriously…”

“Just go” Andrea pushed her and she bumped into Mike who was coming.
He looks at her.

“Hi…” Andrea waves.

“Andrea…” He said back then look at Angela.

“Oh hi…erm…thank you…for earlier. I would have been in one hell of a trouble if not for you earlier…thanks” she said itching her hair and behaving awkwardly.

“Just behave like your normal self. I don’t want you walking on eggshells when you’re with me. I feel uncomfortable”

“This is my normal self what’re you saying Mike you’re funny. Hahaha” she laughs awkwardly and Andrea face palmed.

“See what I’m saying” Mike said and Angela clears her throat.

“Anyway…thanks. I’ll get going…bye…see you probably…in class…yeah…so…Andrea let’s go” she held Andrea hand leaving hurriedly while Mike just stood watching them as they leave.

“So am I right? You couldn’t even look him in the eyes Angela” Andrea said and Angela sighs.

“They say if a crush exceeds four months that means you’re in love. Do you still I’m in love with him Andrea? Is this what love really feels like? Does it really hurts so much like this?”

“Angela dear…I don’t know the feeling so I may not understand how you’re feeling right now or be of much help to you but as a friend who loves and cares I’ll advice you to make your choice wisely. Don’t choose something you’ll regret later. You only know was you want”

“But what I want isn’t possible…initially I thought I could change it. I thought if I continue to chase after it it’ll eventually be mine. But my persistence only leads me to a point of no return…I can’t change it. It’s impossible”

“Dear….even the word ‘impossible’ itself says I’m possible. Don’t relent. Don’t back down. If it’s meant to be yours you have to chase it all the way down. Cause it’s yours”

“It isn’t mine Andrea…I know what to do now” she wipe away the little tear that escape her eyes.

“Thank you Andrea” she smiles while Andrea smiles back patting her back.


Angela was having her lunch with Andrea and Edward as usual but Mike suddenly joins them making them all surprised.

“What are you doing?” Angela asked.

“Can’t you see everywhere is packed? Eat. Don’t mind me” Mike replied eating his food.

Angela was about saying something but Andrea signalled her to stop and she did.

“But bro…thanks for earlier…you saved my Queen” Edward said in a mouthful of food.

“I didn’t do it for you to appreciate”

“Um…maybe…but thanks anyway. But…why did you do that? I thought you don’t really like her much?”
Edward asked making Mike halt.

Andrea pinched Edward immediately.

“Hey that’s hurt! Why are you pin_” Angela stuck some sausage in his mouth cutting him short.

“Just eat Eddie…” Angela gritted.

Mike continues eating without saying anything.

So does Angela and Andrea.

Mike put some potatoes in Angela’s food while Angela looks at him with a question eyes.

“I don’t like it. You can have it” Mike said not looking at her.

“Too bad….I don’t like it also…” She returned it to his plate.l while Mike looks at her.

“What do you mean Angela? That’s one of your favorites” Andrea said and Angela shrugged.

“Guess not anymore…It stopped being my favorite few weeks ago” Angela replied eating.

“I can just have it. I love potatoes you know” Edward took the potatoes from Mike’s plate eating it.

“Ummm….yummy” Edward grins chewing it.

“You can have more if you like it Edward” Mike gave him more then stood up.

“We’re are you going?” Andrea asked.

“I’m done eating…enjoy your food…Andrea” Mike said and took his leave.

“Ohhh….I think he’s angry” Andrea said.

“Why would he be angry?” Edward asked still munching on the potato.

“You seriously” Andrea hits Angela’s shoulder.

“Why did you do that!”

“Did you have to say that? You like potato and still do”

“So what?! Aish I’m no more eating!” She dropped the food and March out of there.

“That girl seriously…”

“Andrea?” Edward called in a serene tone.

“What’s wrong with you now?”

“Let’s say you like girls_”

“I’m not a lesbian!”

“I’m not saying you are. Of course I know you’re not. You’re into guys like Edward” he smirks.

“What’s he saying?”

“Now listen…example…just example…let’s say you like girls and suddenly you met a certain boy became friends and close and that friend likes you. I mean really likes you”

“But I like girls”



“Is it possible to like him back?”

“Umm….that’s tough. But you know in life there’s nothing predictable. Just like the poor may become rich tomorrow and the rich may become poor. Humans are unpredictable also. We never know what the future holds so liking him back might be possible if it was meant to be”

“Are you saying you can like him back?”

“Maybe…who knows” she shrugged.


“Why? Do you like a lesbian?” Andrea wiggle her eyebrows.

“Hey! I like Angela!” Edward hits her forehead with his spoon.

“Hey!” She pouted rubbing it.

“Take care of this! I lost my appetite” she said leaving the table also.

“What’s wrong with him also? What’s wrong with all of them? What’s really going on?!” She asked no one in particular.

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