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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY CRAZY DRIVER – Episode 57

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? (He is rude, she is crazy)?

?Chapter 57 & 58?

✍️ Bettydiva ✍️




*****WEDDING HALL*****

Authoress ?

The hall was a pin drop silent. Everyone wondering what’s going on

Lewis walked closer to Wendy and her hands are shaking vigorously as nervousness found it way all over her face

He let out a smirk and that made her shiver but she stood her ground

“What the f-__-k is he doing? This was not the plan”. Wendy thought

Goldin, Daisy and Natalie watched with keen interest anticipating the next move

Lewis brought out a remote from his pocket and aimed at the TV hanging in front of the audience

The first scene that popped on the screen was one of her segz videos which she had with one of the thugs she hired to murder Goldin

The audience gasped and threw her dirty glares. The show was intriguing to Goldin, Daisy, Natalie, Alex and most especially Trenchy who wouldn’t stop smiling

“Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!. You jerk this is not me. I’m still a virgin. I don’t even know this guys. This $h|t is framed”. Wendy yelled and Lewis smiled this time around

“We’ll see about that. Bring them in”. Lewis ordered and four guys were brought in roughly

“So will you deny them in their presence”. Lewis asked and and her mouth refuse to close

“I don’t know any of them. Infact, I’ve never set my eyes on them before”. She deny looking down

“Then explain this”. Lewis said and played a voice note of when she was discussing with the boys

She denied it again and he got angry and played the video of how Goldin was taken into the building

She gasped as her face showed clearly on the screen and how she dragged her roughly by the hair couple with the numerous slaps she gave her. She kept calling her all sorts of names in the video and that really made Trace angry

He walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder roughly

“I’ve never lay my hands on a woman before and I swore never to do that but I guess I’m breaking my promise now. The slaps she received from you are sumed up to twenty and I promise to return the slaps to you right now”. Trace snapped angrily and the first slap landed roughly on her face which sent her to the ground. The audience gasped but none showed pity towards her

“Trace, I’m sorry. I did it for the love I have for you. She was just an obstacle that needed to be cleared out of the way. That’s why I did it. Please, I’m sorry”. Wendy pleaded but Trace turned deaf ears to her plead

She winced holding her cheek. He pulled her up again and landed another one on her face

That continued and her face was so red and visible tears could be seen on her cheek as she held her cheek groaning in pain on the floor

He was about giving her the fifteenth slap but his mum held his hands

“That’s enough, this can’t solve any problem. It will only add to it”. She said and he relented still fuming

His mother moved away from him and he rushed to her giving her another slap

Another one!

Another one!

He was about giving her another when he was forcefully dragged away from her

“You all should let me deal with her. She deserves more than slaps. I should have punched out your teeth and leave you toothless. You ugly used wh-_-re”. He spat and walked to where Goldin sat

“I give you the chance to do wh@ťěver you like to her”. Trace said and Goldin stood up

“I’m so mad at you but yours can wait till we get home”. Trace said and barged out of the hall while Natalie walked up to her

“Well, well, well, I can see you are indeed a public thing. Gosh! You are a disgrace to womanhood and your family. Ɓîtçh like you are meant to be ki||ed and not spared. Mark my words, you will get married in jail, conceive in jail, die in jail and decay in jail because I just realise you need a change of home and guess what…I found you a new home which is jail. Even your father cannot bail you out because I Natalie Dante and the soon to be Harper will never let it happen. I want justice and justice it is”. Natalie spat angrily wishing to grab her hair so hard and pull it out not leaving a strand

Daniel held her hands and led her out of the hall still trying to calm her down

“Wow, what a Ɓîtçh you are. Even though I also entered that wide hole of yours doesn’t mean I support the evil you do. Do you even think I’ll be that dumb and brainless to rape an innocent girl? I’m not that heartless even though I’m seen as one. I have never R@P£D a girl before and I will never do that because all those things are bullshit to me. Your plans are to actually get married to him pick his documents and run far away from Italy”. Lewis fired and she started laughing

“You think I’m the only one going to jail? You are also going because you supported the marriage so we can elope together”. She said smiling and Lewis chuckled

“Do you really thing I’ve been supporting you all this while? Then you must be a big fool for thinking like that. I never supported your deeds because I felt it wise and matured enough not to listen to you. Acting like a devil will only make you lose your stand and your loved ones. I wish I never met you. Good luck in your new home”. Lewis spat moving back as he signalled the cops to take her away while the audience shook thier heads in disbelief

“Lewis you can’t do this to me. Please I’m begging you. I can give you my body if that will make you change your mind. I can’t be a prisoner at this age……”

“You forgot that when you were acting like a witch. You forgot you are still young when you planned on ki||ing that innocent girl who did nothing wrong to you. I curse the day I met you”. Lewis interrupted angrily and walked out while the cops kept dragging her away

“Dad do something, I can’t go to jail!!!!!!”. She screamed while her dad shook his head not looking at her direction till she was dragged out like a thief as people started trooping out of the hall

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