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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY CRAZY DRIVER – Episode 33

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?(He is rude, she is crazy) ?

?Chapter 33 & 34 ?

✍️ Bettydiva ✍️





Trace ?

I walked into the company ignoring their greetings as usual. I walked straight to the elevator leading to my office

I got to my office and Daisy walked in

“Good morning boss”. She greeted and I replied with a nod

“Schedule??”. I asked

“The applicants are here for the interview”. She said and I looked up

“What interview?”. I asked and she frowned a bit

“For the post of a secretary and assistant”. She said

“Ohk, check their CV and bing me the best two”. I said switching on my laptop

“Okay sir”. She said and walked out of my office



I walked to the reception and met about 20 people sitted

“Attention everyone!!!”. I said with a loud voice

“I’ll be the one to check your details because the boss is currently busy and I will only pick the best two”. I said

“Is that understood?”. I asked again and they all nodded

I walked to the first person which happened to be a guy but i wasn’t impressed with what I saw

I gave it back to him and walked to the second person

That continued for about 40 minutes before I got to the last guy

One could easily see the fear on his face. I peeked at his CV and muttered a wow

Even if it’s not really what we want but at least he has little experience about the job unlike the rest

I held it with a lady’s own I saw not quite long

“So, the two has been selected but I’m sorry, you all will have to leave except the two I’m about to call out”. I said looking at them

“Cindy Qual and Richmond Scarl. You both are to wait here for further information”. I said smiling

Some left stumping the feet on the ground, some left murmuring to themselves while some left quietly

I went back to the office with their CV ready to show the boss


I walked into his office when he told me to come in

“Sir, here are their details”. I said stretching it to him

“I don’t need it, I saw everything from my system. Give them the job but not without giving them the rules and regulations guarding this company”. He said coldly

“Ok sir”. I said and walked out immediately

I went back to the reception and met the both of them sitting very far from each other

“Congratulations!!! You both got the job!!”. I said a bit loud and they stood up instantly

“Really? Like you mean i got the job?”. The guy asked and I replied with a nod

“Thank you so much. I promise to work hard”. The lady said and I chuckled

“So for the start, be here as early as 7:30am or else you kiss your job goodbye. Every other thing you need to know will be said tomorrow”. I said smiling

“You both can go now”. I said handing them their CV still smiling

I could tell they are both supper happy about this

I walked back to my office still smiling. I sat down ready for today’s work



Richmond ?

I walked into the house feeling so excited

I can’t believe I got the job despite me been a drop out


Mouth can’t express how happy I am right now

I ran to the kitchen to prepare something to eat before I hit the small mall not too far from here

Goldin has really been supportive this days because she got to find out i lost my job and she has really tried her best

She sends more than half of her salary claiming she doesn’t need it more than I do

I settled for noodles and in no time, the noodles was ready for me to devour

I quickly rushed it and I took the plates to the kitchen

I ran to my room and got dressed in a casual outfit

I ran out and flagged down a taxi

I told him where my location and he drove off to the address given to him



Trenchy ?

I kept on hissing while cleaning the plates

A cute guy like me doing the dishes


What kind of sister do I have?

Why me of all people?

I looked at the plates which are so many and I furiously hit my left hand on the basin


I never knew this dumb basin is so hard

“Trenchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. I heard her(Natalie) yell

Not again!

“How many hours will it take you to clean this plates?”. She asked walking into the kitchen

“When did I turn to a maid ?”. I asked faking tears

“Since I returned”. She said with a smirk

“I’m so tired, can I just leave it and rest a little?”. I asked and she let out a loud scoff

“You can’t rest until you finish this”. She said placing a pot on the cooker ready to cook lunch

“Really?”. I asked again

“Yes baby boy”. She replied smiling

“Why did you fire the maids?”. I asked

“Just to punish me or what?”. I asked removing the gloves in my hands

“Nope, this is called teaching. You need to be a good father and husband when you are finally ready to have a family”. She said cutting some vegetables

“And why are you still a spinster?”. I asked but got a glare in return

“I think I know, no man will want to marry a crazy lady like you”. I said diverting my attention to the plates

She hit a spoon on my head and that yield a plate crashing on the floor

“How dare you say that?”. She asked $h00ting daggers at me

“Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down lady, I didn’t mean it that way”. I said trying to defend myself

“So what do you then mean?”. She asked hitting the spoon on my head again but this time more harder

“I can explain……..”

She kept hitting the spoon on my head yelling. She pulled her slippers and hit it on my face


“Can you just……”

“Shut up”. She snapped hitting the two item very hard on me this time around

I took to my heels and she ran after me yelling

I ran to my room but luck wasn’t on my side because she ran in before I could even think of closing the door

How can a lady run this fast?

She gave me a hard kick on my leg, she kept hitting me very hard with the spoon and I tried dogging all her strikes but it seems she is more faster

“Fine, I’m sorry”. I yelled almost in tears

“No you are not. How dare you talk to me in that manner?”. She asked yelling

She turned me around and spanked me hard


She finally stopped and I could see visible marks on my body

She hissed and walked out while I fell on the bed feeling pain all over my body

She came in again and I hurriedly stood up

“To the kitchen now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She yelled coming closer

I quickly ran out of the room to avoid more beating

I got to the kitchen and resumed washing the plates which doesn’t seem to finish anytime soon

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