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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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πŸ’™Tony p.O. vπŸ’™

She carefully ate Every thing in the plate and before I could take my 5 th spoon she was done.
I also got filled up so I dropped my spoon, so I won’t be The only one eating.
I just enjoy observing this gurl quietly
The waiter removed the plates on the table
β€œArrrgh I over ate” she said smiling.
β€œYou were really hungry right β€œ, I asked
β€œYes I had not eaten since morning β€œ, she said with a gossipful face.
β€œReally ” i asked with my hands under my jaw
β€œYes , you wont believe my mom asked me to sweep the yard and I sneaked out so I won’t sweep it that’s why I didn’t eat I., she said smiling
β€œOh you must be very lazy β€œ, i added
She smiled
β€œSo tell me Clara how old are you, if you don’t mind β€œ, i asked
β€œAm 30 ”
She said laughing
β€œserious β€œ,
She suddenly hit me laughing
Ouch that hurt
β€œJust kidding am 21. β€œ, she said.
This gesture made me smile
” nice meeting you Clara β€œ, I said
Oh thanks, she replied
β€œSo eehhm can I call you, that’s if you don’t mind. I asked.
β€œOh I don’t mind , but where did i write my number.
She carried her bag up and started searching through it..
First she dropped two small toys on the table this made me smile
β€œOh this is Tom ” she said
She shifted one of the toys to my face
β€œReally β€œ, i asked.
β€œYes and this is pretty β€œ, she added.
I smiled
This is
And the others are at home she said smiling with satisfaction while clapping her hands together.
β€œOh that’s nice β€œ, i replied her
She brought out her diary and flipped it back and front then she scratched her hair and formed a very attractive cute face
β€œI dunno where I wrote my number , this is is embarrassing. β€œ, she said almost crying.
β€œits ok i can give you my card β€œ, i replied
β€œNo my cousin said only prostitu……” She covered her mouth with her hands and started coughing
**Lols she the thinks only prostitutes take cards from men **
β€œWhat where you saying β€œ, i asked her
She removed her hands from her mouth and took the card from my habds
β€œI smiled while looking at her cute self
She put the card in her purse .
β€œSo where is your phone, I asked her
β€œOh its in the kids section, a kid was playing games with it when I left., She said smiling happily
β€œBut what if you miss an important call”, i asked
β€œNo, no, that’s not possible only 7 people call me
And Methron
She Said this while counting her fingers
β€œOh that’s nice, I replied
Just then the guy at the counter signaled me for my credit card since I didn’t have cash i already told him i would pay with my card, so I tried standing up.
Clara looked at me with a confused face
β€œBut where are you going to?, Clara asked me.

❀️claras p.O. vπŸ’™

Oh that’s y he hadn’t paid since he wants to use his cars
He tried standing up and I stood up to
β€œNo am not going far just there β€œ, he said
β€œNo I want to go”, I replied, don’t stress yourself ”
β€œOh ok β€œ, he said
he sat back and gave me the card
β€œUuhm code is Anna. β€œ, he said
***Wow same name with my sleeping beauty ***
β€œok sir β€œ, i replied as I bowed and rushed out carrying my bag.
I got to the counter just then I saw Abigail waving at me through the door
I ran to her
β€œHey clara u look good”, She Said
β€œThank you β€œ, i said
Abigail is my nurse friend in the same rank
β€œwhat are you doing here”, i asked her.
β€œI am waiting for the free bus ” She said
β€œis the free bus coming this way β€œ, i asked,
β€œYes its coming”, She said.
**omg I don’t have t. P fare.***
Before I could turn the bus came out
Abigail dragged my hand
β€œCome on Clara β€œ, she said
I ran out with her till we got a seat In the bus. I forgot I was with Tonys card.

πŸ’™Tony p. O. VπŸ’™

Oh no we’re did she go to
She entered the free bus in such a haste didn’t she know I had plans of taking her home
What a girl
Just then the waiter came to me
β€œSir the machine is ok now β€œ, he said
***Omg Clara is with my card ***
I took my phone and sent him the money through transfer.
Thank you β€œ, he said
I walked to the door and my guards joined me
I entered my white car and my driver drove off
called my assistant
β€œHey Kiki β€œ, I said
β€œYes sir β€œ, she said
β€œGet me a new card I think I lost the other”, I said.
β€œshould i block the other one sir β€œ, she asked
” no its ok, leave it β€œ, I said.
β€œOk sir as long as they don’t know your password your money is safe β€œ, She said
β€œYes just get me another today β€œ, i said
β€œOk sir no problem sir β€œ, She replied.
I dropped the call
If Clara stole the card then it must be really important to her
Also if she forgot then she might return it.
I told my driver to drive off this was my best date ever..

❀️Ryan’s p. O. VπŸ’–

What a funny date Tony had but I must confess the girl is pretty
Though I didn’t see her face
her skin and figure is already perfect.
Am glad this equipment issue has been resolved.
I feel like visiting Anna but my maids just started arranging my stuffs for the trip
And I don’t want to forget anything so I better monitor them..
I wonder who passed the exam, I look forward to meeting the girl who can be so smart.
They organised my cloths well and I watched them and also directed them..

❀️Claras p. O. V,❀️

Oh am home
No place like home
I forgot to call Diana
I hope she passed the exam
I tried taking my phone them I remembered
that child in the children’s section is with my phone
I opened my purse and saw a credit card
Omg I left with his card
How could I leave with his card
Arrrgh am so crazy
he is going to think am a thief
How will he buy things
What do I do
I am so confused
I dropped my purse on the bed and scratched my head in confusion
What do I do?
next day

πŸ’™Diana’s p. O. VπŸ’™

The results are out, omg am so nervous
I rushed into the hospital , all the nurses where already rushing up to the 10 floor
I ran up too and I looked for Clara with my eye
Where is she
Abigail tapped me
β€œDiana you passed the exam go to the notice board β€œ, she said
Really, I shouted
I ran up fast till I got to the board
I saw the results, it was only me, I was the only one who passed
I jumped up and hugged Abigail.
Just then Methron linda as well as 2 other Methrons tapped me
I turned
β€œGood day Madame β€œ, i said
β€œCome with us Diana, to the conference room. β€œ, Methron Linda said.
” ok β€œ, I replied and followed them.
I hope am safe..

❀️Claras p. O. V❀️

Am in the kids section
I have been here all morning
Where is the kid I gave my phone
This is so embarrassing
I need to call Tony and tell him am not a thief
What is this
Arrrgh so bad
I scratched my hair as I searched all the kids around
I even forgot the particular kid with my phone..

πŸ’™Nurse delvaliares p. O. V❀️

I walked into Anna’s room this morning
I touched her hair and she opened her eye smiling.
I just got shocked
Anna can you see me
She smiled
She tried talking but I think her mouth was to heavy
She just smiled
Omg am so happy finally Anna can go and look for her mother
I instantly placed a call to Anna’s doctor
Doctor Tim..

❀️Doctor Tim’s p. O. VπŸ’™

I was organising some stuffs in my office when nurse delveliares called me
Tell me, I said
I think Anna is waking up β€œ, She said
What do you mean β€œ, I asked
She opened her eye, She opened her eye right now”, She said
Am coming over β€œ, I replied.
I dropped the call
How can Anna wake up
Did someone change her drip
The only person who knows that I am ki||ing Anna’s system with (hyemaclux ) is Daniela
I need to call her
I placed a call to Daniella
Anastasia Grande just woke up β€œ, i said
β€œWhat do you mean Anna is awake β€œ, she asked
β€œDid you change her drip Daniela?, i asked
β€œNo no I didn’t β€œ, she said
β€œWell this means someone else is unto us, I hope its not Ryan β€œ, I said and dropped the call.
I ran out of my office with my kit I ran into Anna’s room.
The nurse already left
Anna β€œ, I called her
She opened her eye
I got shocked
β€œAm glad you are waking up, it means your drugs are working, I said
She smiled.
I touched her drip, hmmm someone very smart changed this drip and mixed exactly the perfect solution that ki||s hyemaclux
Who is that person.
I instantly brought out the hyemaclux in my kit
I injected it into her drip and instantly hid it in my kit
I looked around then I used my hands to close her eye.
I walked out of the room I called Daniella on phone.
I have sent her back to coma β€œ, I said
That’s nice β€œ, She said
We need to find out the person who changed that drip as Soon as possible β€œ, I said
Don’t worry I will find out who it is, She Said
We need to implant a c. C t. V camera and once we find out who it is we have to ki|| her or him β€œ, I said
β€œOf course, I already asked mother and she doesn’t have a hand in it β€œ, she replied
β€œOk its all good no problem ” i replied.
I dropped the call..

πŸ’–Annastasia p. O. VπŸ’–

I can’t open my eye again
What’s wrong
I told my nurse to call Ryan for me, shes not back
Am so sad
I won’t see him when he comes
I think doctor Tim has a hand in this
What did i ever do wrong
One minute I was happy
Now am in tears
Why are the doing this to me
If they want the shares they can take it
I just want to wake up and look for my Mother
Dad has not visited
I need to wake up and know how my dad is doing
Pls someone just wake me up
Ryan pls wake up
Tears streamed down both my closed eyes..


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