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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⛔⛔ EPISODE 79⛔⛔

I headed to the presidents office. we need to discuss the future of a.g.h.c and i am sure my
success is a certainty. i entered my car and headed off to his office.


I stood outside Anna’s office nuella just walked in now. just then a crowd of investors stormed in
panicking and complaining.
” where is Anna!!” mr Han asked
“we are waiting in the hall.” mr choi shouted.
all of them stormed into the hall, why are they acting so scared? I logged into the news line and
what I saw gave me the biggest shock of my life.I ran into Clara in the office
” Rachel what’s wrong
” well….. miss… you need to…
I couldn’t talk I hastily picked the remote and turned on the news.nuella placed both hands on her
mouth.Clara stood up and sat on her table so she can see the news clearly.a reporter was
already on screen.
reporting live, Anastasia Alexandra Grande the first was given 3days by the prosecution to defend
her case about a today being used to move narcotic drugs today being the first day is almost
coming to an end and finally the president who kept quiet on the issue dropped a comment.” we
are talking about national health here,Annastasia Alexandra Grande knows that she is guilty of the
crime that is why she hadn’t made any move to defend herself. the evidence is still strong, the
drugs in los Angeles are still there.
what exactly can Anna prove ?
it has need decided that 3 days is too much time for Anna. 3 days is too much to keep that Los
Angeles hospital locked down waiting for Anna to defend herself when she has no plans of doing
so. in order to protect sick patients it has been decided that Anna has only one day to defend
herself. after today if Anna fails to defend herself, a.g.h.c won’t be locked down anymore rather
a.g.h.c will operate but only under m.h.c. yes the government will sign a.g.h.c under m.h.c’s
supervision.this is the final verdict.
Clara switched off the television .
” Anna go to the prosecution quickly ” nuella said.
“that’s what malcom wants, he knows that I can’t Defend myself in the prosecution .
what will I say? the drug and the evidence are still in los Angeles.
” I receive a live feed of everything that happens in los Angeles do u think they will believe me if i
tell them I don’t know anything about the Drugs?
I need evidence to defend a.g.h.c .
“but how ?,how will you do it in one day.
” I need your help nuella.
” tell me ,cos am kinda late for the delivery my dad sent me for, we are sending drugs to m.h.c
” i know , that’s why I need you to help me nuella , you will miss your flight cos I will delay you.
” Anna you know how Dad is ,if I don’t……
” you are my only hope right now and u have to help me cos I helped you too. it’s time to pay Me
back for acting as you.
” omg Clara?
” nuella the same way I saved you I have to save Anna too.
“Ok am game ,I will help you.


Omg malcom is texting me ,I hope no one notices
keep me informed ,annastasia is as cunning as a snake ,I need to know her every move.
nothing new sir ,she still Thinks she is In charge ,she is busy resting in her office.
mmm inform me if Anna goes out ,my boys are around to track her down.I must know her every
ok sir i will wait in front of her office.
I rushed out and started stroling along the entrance of her room ,I need to know when she goes
out.Rachel came out and turned to a near by guard.
” Anna wants to rest , she is going to sleep right now,no one should disturb soon as lady
nuella leaves with her hand maid you are ordered to lock the lady’s door and stay there.
” yes I understand
I told malcom Anna is not going out.well I need to watch carefully in case she sneaks out. just then
nuella walked out and her hand maid was holding her purse.
omg ,isn’t it this girl,clara David. so Anna fired her and now she is a maid.
I really pity her, i missed her too . I shouted waving at her
” anyeohaseyo Clara !!!!
” oh hyung – nim” she smiled and rushed towards me then she bowed.
” ahhh, I couldn’t eat tasty foods after you left….are you okay?
she smiled and nodded.
” am fine oppa.
“do you work as maid now.
she nodded.
I dragged her closer
” what about Anna?
” seems she is sick , she is sleeping .she told them to lock her inside.
” oh really?
” really oppa
” that’s good ….I should give you some money
she smiled and moved her hair
“No oppa you shouldn’t
I smiled
” what about a hug
” oh why not.
she hugged me tightly. then nuella walked down
” hey commoner , faster.
” oppa bye
“bye Clara.
she rushed out with nuella and Rachel walked back inside .Anna’s door was it’s certain
Anna Is inside and if she leaves I will surely see her from this camera. I placed a camera on the
flower facing her door.yes clean work.
I ran back up stairs to the research department.


Gosh I can’t believe Clara is so no one knows she left a.g.h.c. she is keeping malcom
in the dark cos he loves tracking people. she care fully wore the mask again inside my limo ,then
she wore a thick expensive plain black gown.she looked good.she sat looking out the window,
Anna someone is really suffering and fighting for you.

this beautiful ,sparkly angel I met then is
now so cold and quiet.
” Clara
” tell me
” how are you
“fine …am fine but i will be better if I see ryan
“I saw him ,he is fine.don’t worry once you are done with malcom he is all yours.
” I hope he won’t get mad at me nuella, I really placed a.g.h.c before him..I just want to make sure
he never gets hurt again.
” I understand but where are you taking me too
” you will see.
soon we arrived she walked out.I looked around no one is here.I rushed up with her ,she opened a
door and we both walked in then she opened another door and we walked in.there sat chris, Ethan,Jake,Mr kang,nurse Dell, one of Jake’s boys.I and Clara walked in .a big projective screen
was visible.Clara took the first chair and everybody bowed
” you are the only ones I trust in a.g.h.c ,and i called you here to tell you my real plan.
” Anna what about the los Angeles,is it not part of Your plan?
” there was no los Angeles Chris ,no team ,no drugs.I used that to find out the person who was
feeding malcom information.
” but , what about the boys we plan to Send in with the Drugs .
” high school students looking for where to do their intern. they are not our team.i just used them,
I don’t care if malcom catches them. everything about the first plan was fake I just decided to
make it look real.
all of them started clapping unconsciously.
” so what’s our plan , how do we hit Malcom Back.” Jake asked.
“yes how will we get our vengeance on malcom?” Ethan asked.
” yes how many hospitals can we take from him” Chris asked
” revenge? hit back ? seize hospitals ?
we are not cowards that’s exactly what malcom wants us to do. our aim is not hitting malcom our
aim is securing a.g.h.c.
malcom has a very smart plan and we have only few hours.if we channel our time and resources
against malcom we will not have time to save a.g.h.c .we will loose a.g.h.c. for good.
” but we need our revenge.” Jake said
” hitting malcom back is not an issue ,securing a.g.h.c is the problem.we can hit Malcom any day
but we have only today to secure a.g.h.c. listen to this.
” I shot Ryan ,yes I shot him,I shot Ryan and i enjoyed it.
” it’s very clear to everyone that this is Malcom’s voice
” yes it is madam
” am sure of it Anna.
” well if revenge was my problem I will take this clip to court.
if hitting malcom was the case I can still penetrate los Angeles without his knowledge.
there are so many ways to get our revenge easily.
but, if we face revenge we will loose our hospital.if we face hitting malcom we will loose a.g.h.c.
is that what you want? I brought you here not to talk about hitting malcom but to talk about getting
a.g.h.c back from the law. and we have only today
” I dont mean to be out of line Anna but it’s obvious we already lost a.g.h.c, malcom did a clean job
framing’s better we pull malcom down now so we fall together, if you ask me i would say let
us focus on hitting malcom. all of us will be hospitaless ” Ethan said
” Anna its true , clearing our name is like 99 percent impossible to do in few hours .we don’t have
time neither did we visit the prosecution. we didn’t book or get a meeting time with prosecution
now we can’t bribe the witness to change his testimony cos as you can see his face is masked.
moreover , the courts evidence is still in our hospital cos it was closed down.all the Drugs are still
there.Anna I don’t know your plan but i can strongly say it will not work.the figures are clear
madam. we already lost a.g.h.c. so let’s pull malcom down too , all of us will die together just like
Romeo and Juliet m.h.c and a.g.h.c . no body will have hospital ,every body will go back home.
Mr kang chuckled , Clara looked at Chris In such a way he used his book to cover his face.
” Anna Chris is right , there is no evidence you can use to clear a.g.h.c’s name . its only the person
that caused this problem who can solve it. Malcom framed us only malcom can clear this mess.”
mr kang said
” then he has to clear it ,malcom has to clears this mess himself.I am going to make him do so. ”
Clara said.
“but how Anna?
” it starts with me going into m.h.c
” what!
” what!
” what!
” this is the only way i can get what i want from malcom. I have a good feeling about entering
m.h.c , something is fishy and i want to figure it out ” Clara said
” ok ,but m.h.c security is very tight. how do u get in.
” that’s where nuella comes in
” you will take me to m.h.c as one of your nurses. after we move in the Drugs I will find my way.
” what If malcom gets you.
” he might but he won’t. if i can get into m.h.c, phase one of the plan is over. the rest will happen
inside m.h.c, right under malcoms nose.
” ok , we understand.
Clara turned to Chris
“Ok Chris move To the system with Ethan
” yes madam.
” Jake did you get what I asked for
” sure.
he placed all the chips on the table clara smiled.
” nice.
they shared the chips , earbuds, recorders etc . Clara was properly equipped.she fixed the earbud
deep into her ear then freed her long hair. she took 2 recorders.
my nurse arrived so I walked out and collected the mask and uniform from her.I walked in and
Clara was upstairs.she wore the nurse uniform and the face mask of my nurse.she looked so
different and she is really ready.
we walked out to the team, they all bowed.
they looked sad like she was going to die.
” whats next clara?
“Mr kang, its time To go to work. you know what to do
Mr kang left.
all of them sat down
” I am going now to fight for a.g.h.c , I need you to back me up. Chris ,Ethan Jake , all of
you…don’t sleep on me.
” yes madam, we are monitoring you .we won’t let malcom harm you” Chris said
” good luck madam.” Ethan shouted
clara nodded.and walked out with me , we entered my company car and drove off.


Anna I hope I can get what I want today, cos I don’t have time.
I am not panicking but the news that the court gave us only today really shaked me. it’s only today
Anna , where are you ? , wish me luck… I chose to secure a.g.h.c for you,I will secure a.g.h.c.
i just need to enter m.h.c. of all the approaches to use ,why did malcom choose to frame us with
drugs ? where did malcom get drugs? how does Malcom know so much about successfully mixing
narcotics and normal drugs without being noticed or found out by the crowd of nurses,patients and
doctors in our los Angeles brand? that kind of knowledge only comes from experience. I have a
feeling Malcom deals drugs.and that’s what I need to confirm with my eye.
soon we arrived, all nuellas nurses and workers carried a load of drugs and walked out with it.I
carried my own.
I got close to the entrance of m.h.c. I turned and nuella waved at me. am walking into the lions den
but this is the only way. I smiled at her and I took a step inside.
just then Chris spoke into my earbud
” good luck madam , don’t worry I hacked all the camera’s in m.h.c . we are watching you.
I smiled and rushed in.


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