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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⛔⛔EPISODE 73⛔⛔


is Clara still cooking or what? its been long.I walked into the kitchen and she was sleeping I
smiled. Clara please don’t stress yourself too much you will break down.
I walked closer to her and turned off the gas,no maybe she hadn’t eating.I turned on the gas and
finished what she was mixing .I placed it on fire. I sat facing her and she slept soundly even the
noise didn’t wake her she must be really tired. I moved her hair and kissed her cheek. Clara is an
Angel who was sent to earth.
soon the food was done I switched of the fire and just looked at her sleeping face and pouted lips,
i kissed her she smiled … omg is she smiling in her sleep.
just then she woke up in a haste.and scratched her hair she looked around and ran to the stove
” oppa am sorry,I didn’t know when I fell asleep.
” No, apology not accepted
” why
“I don’t like the way you are stressing yourself.
” actually,I have no choice and a lot of the wonder re involved.” she said this dishing the meal then she
sat facing me
” eat , u said you where hungry
“oh.. of course ” I took the fork she smiled and relaxed her face on the table.
I smiled sound fully Clara is asleep again.I ignored her.after few minutes I carried her up into my
arms then into our room…I dropped her on the bed and she rolled to her side.
cute when she is sleeping.
few minutes she awoke again
” Clara
“omg why did I sleep… I didn’t watch the video
“Clara take a rest if you are weak.
” No ..seems something is wrong
” do u think you will be able to concentrate if you are drooling.
” I will try
she took the laptop again and i watched her
” what are you watching?
” Yes,
“u what are u watching.?
she realized she didn’t even play any video.I took the system from her
” Clara don’t break down for something you can break down
” Clara rest, look into it when you are strong.
” what if something goes wrong
” that’s impossible no major incident can take place by this time…u are still Clara take you time
and rest u need your brain. u still have a board meeting tomorrow u can’t appear looking
” Ok” she dropped the system.
” goodnight
” Ryan are u sure that no one would get hurt
” are u asking me that with your eye closed
she smiled and fell to her sleep.
i wrapped my arms around her
” No one will get hurt Clara ,not you ,not Anna ,no one you care about.
she turned and hugged Me tight
“not you Ryan
“Yes not me.
I kissed her fore head.

👑👑 Clara’s POV👑👑

oh God.thank God I woke up early… I will go to work in the next 30 minutes for now I better watch
that preview.
Ryan turned on the .is he still sleeping?
lazy. I switched on the video just then my phone rang,Liam. I stood up and walked into the shower
Ryan doesn’t know I am in contact with Liam and he is cutely possessive… I better avoid issues
thank God he is asleep.i picked the call closing the shower door.
” Clara am around your home ,are u home?
” by this time ,where are u
” well…
” am with a friend
” male?
” well no.. let’s meet tomorrow
I dropped the call.I can’t tell liam I am with Ryan over the phone.he might get hurt.I already
accepted his love meaning I accepted him as a friend and gave him permission to love me so I
should have told him immediately I got back with Ryan so he Won’t keep his hopes up.I walked
back into the room and lay beside Ryan
” who was that? “,Ryan asked me.
” well…he opened his palm so I can give him my phone..I hastily deleted the number and gave him
my phone.. I can’t start explaining how I stayed in a hotel with Liam.. he saw my last call just then
Liam called again…Jesus.. I ignored the call
” won’t u pick…do u need to go to the toilet again cos ur free
” no Ryan its not ….
” pick your call!
” ok.
I picked up
” i forgot , tell lia am with her wallet
“ok..send me ur house address
he dropped .
” Ryan ,Liam is just my friend
” friend,and u couldn’t pick his call in my very presence.
” well
I don’t understand , it was through me you met him and in a very dirty circumstance. should u still
have anything to do with him? i mean after I took u away from his house rightfully you shouldn’t
meet him how did u meet liam again, am confused.
” it was when we broke….
” wow so u dumped me and ran to Liam,ahhh no wonder
” ryan must u take it the wrong way
” then why couldn’t u pick his call in front of me… how did u meet him.
” Ryan stop.i didn’t want him to know am with u yet . and secondly I need to clear some air
” in his house,u just asked for his f-__-king house address so comfortably.. come on everyone knows
Liam king is a play boy, u can’t tell me he’s just your friend and u are so comfortable going to his
house where he lives alone after what almost happened last Time then it means something is
going on between u two.
” Ryan did u just say that?
he fell to his pillow and used his blanket to cover himself. I tried touching him
” go to work ” he said.
I turned the video on but i couldn’t concentrate.I kept looking back at Ryan i never had a quarrel
with him before I don’t know how to handle him..I closed my laptop and rose up to him on the bed
i just hugged him tight he didn’t touch me . he tried moving me i didnt move
” ryan am sorry ,am really sorry.forgive me please I won’t do it again.I kissed him deeply and when
he unlocked angrily I formed a baby face and took my lower lips into my mouth.
” Ryan please
finally he pulled my head down in a deep hug, i took a deep breath.that was war. I unlocked from
the hug and checked my time…I Need to be at work.
” tell me how you met liam,I wanna know
” well how we met = I saw Danny in utica and he took me to a hotel where I met liam cos Liam
asked him to bring me
” and
” well there was no skin touches .Liam just wanted to tell me that he was in love with me
Ryan nodded
” and
” well I told him I still want ryan but i accepted him as a friend. I scratched my hair.
” so why didn’t u tell him about us last night
” actually I wanted to tell him to his face so be Won’t feel hurt.if I hurt him he might become my
” ok good so why did u take his house address
” well he has lia’s wallet so I want her to go and take it.I said looking into my gown
” truth
I nodded.
” ok.I believe you ” Ryan said . I don’t feel leaving him ,I don’t feel like going to work. i feel weird..I
miss ryan so much i don’t know why…I feel like I am going to loose him.
” Ryan are you going out?
” yes but i will be back before you.
” ok.” I nodded and smiled as I slowly kissed him again till our tongues played on each other. he
tried zipping down my gown I hit his hand he smiled i unlocked
” am late
he laughed
” bye.I wore the mask and fitted it. I ran down. i still miss Ryan so much… what is happening to me.

I entered my car soon I arrived a.g.h.c every body bowed.I walked to my office. now I can
concentrate on this preview.I removed my suite jacket and dropped it.
i stood facing the screen.

💙💙Malcolm POV💙💙

my boy walked in
” sir arora was right,she didn’t figure anything out last night. but she is at work and we are still in
the process. we are so close…if only we can distract her for 4 hours.
” i thought she would be with her dad,
how do I distract Anna’s attention.
” sir i dunno…the girl has no weakness,even when her dad fainted she still attended a board
” what about her boyfriend
” Ryan… what do we do to Ryan
” $h00t him
” what!!, Mr dervantes son
” this is my biggest chance to lock down all branches of A.G.H.C. in the world. this is big and it
needs a big sacrifice.
I guess, Ryan devantes is the sacrificial Lamb.
” but
” this is the only way we can distract Anna from work for the 3 to 4 hours u need.once she hears
he was shot she will leave work .that way she won’t realize our plan and before Anna is done
mourning his death. a.g.h.c will be locked down everywhere.
” ok sir.
he called his boys
” new order,take Ryan out.
“ok sir ,he is just walking into his building.
my boy dropped the call and left.

💟💟Clara’s pov💟💟

I ran into the research department with Rachel everyone bowed.
” Chris you are right,something is off in the los Angeles preview
” what do we do madam
” black out all other videos, I want to only watch what is happening in los Angeles.
” ok madam.
soon all the screens where showing loss Angeles..
” good ,now display yesterdays video”
I said facing another screen they displayed it and I paused the video on the woman wearing
” yesterday was Tuesday but a nurse is wearing Thursday uniform is our preview showing the
future?”I asked
Chris looked up
” Anna someone hacked into our system” Chris said
” yes the person corrupted our satellite and the person is feeding us past video” Ethan said
” that means , for the past 2 days we have not been watching what is really going in los Angeles”
Tristan said.
” madam what’s our next step.” Chris asked I tied my hair up..I am really scared right now.. what is
really happening in los Angeles now…God.
“Chris I need you to locate the hacker
” Ethan call the MD of a.g.h.c-l for suspicious activity
” Tristan I need you to…my phone rang I picked up
” hello
” Ryan was shot
” what!!!


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