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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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I stormed into the yard smiling in tears ,Ryan wants to see me ,I wonder how he is.just then I
barged into 6 men. they where dressed in thick black suits. some held brief cases and some wore
I moved back ,my mom stood up with lia.
Diana rushed out with my dad.
” how may we help you” my mom asked
“you have 30 minutes to leave this house
“what!!”my mom said
“why ” my dad said
“what’s going on ” I asked
“we are no longer renting this building” the man said
“but people are still living around” my dad asked
“sir your rent is obviously delayed so you do not have any right to say all the things you are saying
…guys move inside and help them pack.
the boys stormed in, my dad placed his fingers across his face. Anna again.what did that girl
drink…it’s obvious this is her hand work.why Wont she stop I ran out of the house.. I moved my
wet hair and ran faster…I took the bus I was freezing cold .people didn’t even realize my cloth morning
wet. minutes later I arrived a.g.h.c ,I stormed upstairs and stormed into her office.her
secretary ran after me. there Anna stood looking out her window.she told her secretary to
leave.she sat down on her i seeing red marks on her neck or am I seeing things.and why
is the front of her hair getting scanty most importantly why is her eye dimmed is she okay..
anyways that’s not why am here.
” clara welcome” she said sitting in her chair” why you are so wet ,u might want to change in my room…
” really, do you think I trust you enough to do that you might as well ki|| me in there just ..just
because of a man…
” clara shut up you are talking rubbish” she said opening the file on her table.
what kind of creature is this girl I am taking and she wants to read… I moved over to her table and
pulled all the files to the floor .she looked up at me. my tears streamed down just like a wounded
” what Is your problem Anna,why are u ruining my life ,I left Ryan for you was that not enough u
demolished my dads shop now he is owing thousands of people ,u sent us out of our house what
do you want me do for you this girl.I screamed at her.
” go to Utica clara
” what
” go to Utica and I will stop,I will stop ruining your life.
” how can you be so heartless
” am not heartless,u said you left Ryan right but you were going to meet him even in your wet
cloth that how to leave someone…is that how to move on , if u didn’t want to see ryan today do
u think I will try to demolish your house huh!!!.
” wow so its all because of Ryan ,its still all because of a ryan
” man , because of a you think I am stupid. look at this.. she switched on her projector
and showed the video of the two guys who had been following me since morning where they hid
waiting for me with their guns.


” am sure you are smart u must have seen them DiD you wonder why they are following I
am sure you didn’t.
I called Jake on phone
” Jake send me a live video of the men waiting in her fathers house.
he started videoing and I previewed it for her to see. where they hid with their guns…Clara used
both hands to cover her mouth.I switched off the projector…
“Clara you are not safe… I sent those men to your house so they can push u to come see me.
your parents are not safe , your best friend is not safe your cousin is not safe Clara and once u
follow Ryan they will die.they will all die but don’t think u will be saved because ryans dad is
following Ryan too if you meet him Clara his dad will ki|| you.if you agree to follow Ryan you will die but not only you all your family members .Ryan found a way to separate the marriage he found
a way to separate the marriage without separating the merger.should I tell you what he decided he
decided to sign off his birth right to his cousin ..he decided to live as pauper for life ,he decided to
start live afresh as a nobody.I will be forced to Marry Carlos and I don’t mind I will do it for the
merger , you, u Will loose your family , Ryan will loose his birth right and start life afresh like a
pauper ,he’s parents will never forgive him ,u will surely become an orphan are you ready to do all
this for love,are you ready to let all this happen just because of love.. if u think I am fighting
because I desire Ryan then u must be blind.I am fighting for you and Ryan and if you truly love
Ryan Clara u would know that running away is not an option … giving out his birth right is not the
best option.the ball is in your court and my men won’t follow you again.if u still want to meet Ryan
you are free but if i were u i will go to utica and let fate do the rest , it’s your choice clara .Anna sat
on her chair


how could ryan make such a childish decision…just when I thought i will finally be happy my pain
toppled.I sat down on the floor of Anna’s office and started crying.I cried my heart out Anna looked
up for a while she doesn’t want to shed a tear she stood up and walked past me. I stood up and
walked out of the office crying…. Anna is really heartless , who trained her to be so cold , she
couldn’t even console me and the only time she touched me was to slap me.i really wanted her to
hug me and tell me sorry now but am I drunk,she’s dry I am wet,she’s looking rich I look dirty … I
don’t know why I even love her so much… after all she did to me i still like her. Ryan i know u
won’t go.u won’t leave that beach. u would stay until I come.that’s how u are .u might even wait
till morning.I checked my time 6pm its going to get dark soon.I took a cab and headed for the


I know Clara will come ,there is no way she won’t come.I sat back on the floor waiting for her just
now she walked out .she looks so wet from hair too toe.she slimmed down and pain is written all
over her, is ok Clara ?
she moved closer to me, no smiles,no tears, I missed her so much on seeing her tears filled my
eye.I pulled her closer and hugged her like my life depended on it.she didn’t talk she finally
( oh God i cried when writing this part)

” Clara
“sir Ryan,the way I broke up with you was very wrong so I came to break up with you the right
way… please stay away from me , we are done for good.
I wiped my tears
” clara what are you saying.
“Ryan i don’t love you anymore ,stop calling me,stop looking for me ,stop sending people to call
me , you doing all this is irritating me.
I fell to my kneels and she looked up seems she doesn’t want to shed a tear.
I took her hands and she looked down at me that was when her tears streamed down.
” clara please don’t ki|| me,I love you so much,we made promises,we shared moments , you said
you loved me Clara I know you love me very much .
” no i don’t !!, .Ryan I loved you,past!!! ” she shouted.I stood up in tears almost limping.
I took her hands.
” clara noo
” I desired you ,past!!!.
” I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you ,past!!.
“clara please
“I wanted to be in your arms ,past !!!” she said in tears
” Clara I can’t leave without you
” I dont love you anymore ryan …don’t ruin your life for me.I don’t feel anything for you.she tried
rushing out I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly.
” clara I love you ,present !!. ()she started crying like a baby.
” I need you Clara ,now!!
“Ryan let me go
“do I miss you ?,every day !!!
“can I live without you ,no!!.
” clara please don’t do this to us .I don’t know what They told you but I really love you very much.
I knelt down and wrapped my hands round her waist. she cried more and hastily wiped her tears
” Ryan let me go ,I don’t want to be with you…i love someone else ,I dont love you.
I stood up like I was drunk.I pulled her into myself with my hands on her waist
” say it to my face Clara and I will let you go.
she looked into my eye and tears streamed down wetting her beautiful lips.
” clara just say.say it one last time.say it to my face. she ran her eye behind Me like she saw
someone. whoever she saw gave her courage to look me in eye.
” I don’t love you Ryan.I don’t love you anymore.she said this looking into my eye and streaming tears.
I fell back to the sand
” go …. I am letting you go . I will always love you even if I do it alone.I said to her and she turned
her back on me. as she walked I saw her Hands cleaning her tears…. Clara moved on from me so
quickly.did she really ever love me… she isn’t worth it .she isn’t worth the sacrifice I made to be
with her… I feel so dead…Iost the only reason behind my smile I watched her walk away gently.


ryan I love you ,I love you so much that I can’t let you ruin your life for me.I want to go with you but
not at the cost of innocent lives.I know we will meet again.I love you more than life itself.I love you
more than God himself.I love you more than love can ever describe. I love you Ryan so Much that
I will die and ki|| for you.if I was the only one your dad wanted to ki|| then I would have died for
you…. just go now Ryan.go now cos I want to start my own life afresh lets leave like we never
met.. I looked into the ocean and it roared heavily just like it did that very day I and Ryan went to
the beach.I want to make a wish but what do I wish for.knelt Down in the water and I saw ryan
kneeling down at the other side. what will I wish for what does he want to wish for.
” dear holiness, I am here again just like I came before.I have only one wish.. allow me to meet
Ryan again but let it be in a way everyone will be happy ,Anna,Tony,Ryan,Liam,Mr Grande,Mr
dervantes, Isabella . I want to be with ryan till I die but not at the cost of anyone’s life,not at the
cost of anyone’s happiness.I have so many needs and wishes but all I ask you for is ryan.give me
a chance to love Him.give me a chance to love Ryan and watch him love me.
Ryan’s ~~
dead goddess,I dont believe in u but Clara told me that you are real.and I have a wish.all I really
want is seems impossible but you are the only one who can bring Clara back to me in a
way everybody will be happy.I have a lot of things to wish for but all I need is Clara.
I opened my eye and the water over flew getting me very wet.I turned and Clara got wet too.I
wonder what she wished for.I stood up and walked into my car.


I stood up and headed home,its time to go to Utica and start my life a fresh . i arrived home
everyone already packed. Diana was outside.
” come on Clara ,leaving for Utica is our best option” my dad said
I nodded
“clara Diana helped you pack.” my mom said
I hugged Diana deeply.
“clara I will miss you
“it’s just two bus drives
“I know
she hugged me deeply..
minutes later the car arrived and we left…I sat quietly crying to myself..i hope my fathers debtors
won’t find us here too.


I sat on the bed i already bathed..I waited for Ryan to come back that’s if he would come back.
finally he walked in much tears.he sat beside me on the bed.
” Anna Clara left…Clara said she doesn’t love me anymore ,she said she moved on from me.” he
said I pulled him into my arms and hugged him tightly.
” Ryan I am sorry,everything will be fine I know.
he tightened the hug and I held him tight.God I never wished for any of this to happen.he unlocked
and I wiped his tears.
” Ryan am sorry
” Anna Clara really left.she left me.I should let her go right ?,I should let her go now.I hugged him
tightly again.
Ryan i want u both to be one but not at the cost of your birth right Ryan not at the cost of innocent
lives.Clara really acted smartly.


My boy just walked in.
” sir Anna was right ,the girl left.
” wow how far is she
“hmmmm that’s not too far
“at least Ryan can’t look for her sir ,she dumped him.
“yes she said she doesn’t love him anymore.
“too bad…ok good job.
he walked out.Ryan must be in so much pain right now well if Anna is smart she should console
him and use this opportunity of his weakness go get pregnant that way no one can separate them
ever again.

wow new environment new feeling.I love this place and I love my room the best.I can’t believe am
now living with lia she Wont escape to visit me again.moving in was not really bad.we are all set
actually. mom went on a job hunt and dad well he is still here.he is always moody I guess loosing
that super market must have really ki||ed him.he Is in his room.lia went to college and Clara is
going to look for work.yes if I stay home I will just keep thinking about sir Ryan and I don’t want
I strolled into yard in my pajamas and Jesus Christ those men my dad is owing how did the find
this place.
” hey there’s that rude girl that said she would pay us today ,they think running can save them.
I used both hands to cover my face and ran away.
“hey catch her
they all ran after me yes that’s my plan I don’t want my dad to see them it will make him too start
“hey stop there
“can’t you people come next week.
” stop there
” please we will pay
” catch that girl.
I increased my speed and ran into the streets .
” hey do you want to die
” hey pls ..we will surely pay.
they increased their speed finally one of them caught me .I smiled at least they are not in my
” listen Ajussi
“Ajussi what ,where is our money
” but wait.
“we were asked to bring a member of the family to the station , we are taking you.
“no u can’t
I tried running away but they caught me and carried me up .
they tried moving when a car pulled over.then another this person must be rich.
4 guards came out.then they opened the door for him.he walked out .
” how can you carry a woman like this?” he asked .
I tried seeing his face but i can’t because of how they carried me
” sir she is owing us
“just that,bring her down i will pay you” he said
omg who is that angel.
he turned to his assistant
” handle the cost
“yes sir.
” so can you bring her down now.
“of course,sorry.
they pulled me down to my feet and faced his assistant. I hastily bowed without even looking at his
face .
“thank you sir
” welcome Clara .
he knows my name,he knows me.I lifted my face and Jesus I can’t believe it’s him
” clara hi ” he said
I tucked my hair behind my ear
“what !!
hmmmmmm who did Clara meet.


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