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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚔️ My Bodyguard is a Girl ⚔️
( The Return of Zane?)

Season two~~

° ° ° Finals part 1?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: How our story ends?

❎ Do Not Copy Or Repost ❎
Acacia was able to trace the building as instructed, she has told her herself repeatedly not to involve the police or else the life of Etienne was at sake.

She made a quick call to Amariam, telling her the situation on ground, aside getting Etienne out of danger, her second priority was making sure her children are in safe hands.

Amariam assured her that she and the children are safe, they both made a promise to stay alive before ending the call.

She walked out of the car, into the apartment where she met some group of men who directed her over to Thalia.

Thalia! She muttered, flinching back a bit, when she sight Etienne tied to a chair.

Awwn! My baby is here. Thalia cooed, sending kisses through the air.

What is going on here, why is he tied up to a chair Thalia?

Now don’t shout at me, don’t do that okay!
You of all people know how much i h@ťě being shout out, i h@ťě it especially when it’s coming from the one i love so dearly.

She sighed out, ruffling her hair in frustration.
What is going on, what is wrong with you?

“You are wrong with me Acacia, can’t you see am insane for you? Am in love with you Cassy
I am doing this all for you, so you can be with me!”

This is insane, you’re insane Thalia. She barked running towards him.

“Are you okay Etienne, i hope you are not badly hurt my love?”

Listen to me Val, you have to agree to wh@ťěver they say, is that clear?

Get off from him Cassy, stay away from me that man he is brain washing you, can’t you see?
“What i saying?” She chuckled shaking her head vigorously.

You’ve prob’ly been brain washed and that’s why you can’t realize the fact that you are making a mistake.

Acacia’s( Valerie) nose crinkled in disgust, she just couldn’t believe this madness displaying in front of her, was this all a dream or what? If it is then it’s awful and she don’t mind ki||ing whoever has to die so she can be set free from the awful dream.

“Why would you do this Thalia? ”

“Why! Why you ask?” Tell you can’t see that i love you, can’t you see?.

“Enough of this nonsense!” Blair’s voiced, she walkied out of her hiding spot, and stood closer to Etienne, where she can get a proper view of Acacia’s face.
Unknown to Acacia, she has been there all the while, standing to observe what the reaction of Valerie would be, so she can pick up her next move smoothly.

Blair! Acacia murmured out, she couldn’t explain her reaction at the moment: anger, hatred, the urge to ki||, fight an laugh, they were all there.

But then, she choose to let out a bitter laugh.
I see you really out did yourself this time Blair, ganging up with Thalia so you can get to me, you say you love Etienne so tell me why are you hurting the man you claim to love?

Am gonna point out some correction here,
Thalia came to gang up with me, i never went on my own so stop looking at your Thalia with those innocent eyes cause she ain’t innocent.

“It’s true!” Thalia replied with her sweetness smile. I can’t lie even if i wanted to, when it comes to you am always a fool.

How could you do this Thalia? Anyways it doesn’t matter anymore, i want you both to let him go this minute.

Oh am scared Cassy, or Val wh@ťěver the name is.. Am so scared that my heart fell out.
You listen and listen good, you stay away from my man; stay away from Etienne and give back my son to me, so we can go and be the happy family we uses to be right before you risen from the dead.

She sighed and rolled out her eyes.
You’ve succeeded in becoming a comedian, the joke was quite funny Blair, but am doing non of the option.

Let me warn you, your children’s life are in danger, and i will make sure they all pay for their mother’s crime.

Don’t you dare touch my children Blair, i told you i agree to go with you, i agree i will break up with her, and be with you.
Etienne chirped in, he was literally Mõ@ɲing in pains.

Acacia arched her neck to his direction, unable to believe what she has heard she asked again.

What nonsense are you blabbing Etienne?
We both know these two are bluffing.

You can underestimate Thalia but definitely not me, because i promise i will get your children and harm them.

Then have you forgotten that your son is with me, if anything happens to my children Smith gets it.

That’s not true, because you and i know that you don’t have such heart to harm my son, considering that Smith is the son of the man you love. However i on the other hand, i have every hatred in me to do so.

Alright that’s it, am taking Etienne out of here and we are leaving, if anyone tries me, trust me i will ki|| you all.

Thalia whispered angrily to herself; were her plans coming to not?
Never, this can’t be the end, thank her stars she canes prepared.

She pulled out her gun from the slack of her butt pocket and pointed it straight at them.

“No one moves! no one moves or i $h00t!”
She braked crouching her head alongside her body from right to left.

Stop this nonsense Thalia, you and i know you won’t $h00t. Am not intrested in you why don’t you get it? Am not a lesbian, i don’t do girl
This man right here is the only man i ever loved, what’s hard to understand?

No! No you are lying, you’re only pulling my legs, and it’s not funny.
You love me Cassy, i know in my heart that you can love me, that you love me.

Yes Thalia, i love you so much… But as a friend, as my sister, the same way i love Mariam.

Lies, lies upon lies. Everyone your hands up or else i $h00t everyone’s f-__-king brain.

Acacia ignored all the thr_@ts and unties the rope from Etienne, he looks as if he has been beaten. “How cruel! How can Blair be so cruel to watch the man she claim to love, beaten up this much?”

Drop your gun down Thalia and tell your men to drop theirs and let us go in peace, or else i swear i will ki|| everyone here.

No! Shut up! Shut your f-__-king mouth up or i burst your brain with my f-__-king bullet.

Thalia please stay calm, i am not the enemy here. Acacia and Etienne are our enemy and our lover at the same time.
What will you gain ki||ing one of them, what will be the outcome of this collaboration between us?

Enough!! She roared pulling the trigger up in the ceiling. Etienne took up his chances and charges towards her in full force.

Blair yelped in fear. “Etienne stop it!”
She screamed unable to hold back her tears

Everything happened so fast, too fast for Acacia to be able to round her head up with an idea on how to stop wh@ťěver was happening. She knew fully well that Etienne was hurt and aside that Thalia is a fully trained fighter.

Etienne struggled hard to get the gun off her grip but unfortunately for him, Thalia wasn’t the weak type: she’s the type of woman with ski||s and the strength to protect herself.
He grunt out in pain as her fingers dug deep into his already injured skin; one hand struggling to hold back the gun and the other digging wounds into his already wounded body.


The whole place grew quiet as the sound of the gun could be heard.
Her hands fell down in fears as Etienne moved back like one who’s drunk.

He grunt out, falling to one knee and instantly she knew it him… “Etienne has been shot.”

No!!! Blair screamed as she slumped herself to the floor.

Thalia on the other hand was too shocked to utter a word or even make a move, her eyes were glued to Etienne who had his knee stuck to the floor.
Argh!!! He bellowed, groaning in pain.
With one hand on his arm; where he was shot, he raised the other and fired the bullet at her.

Etienne!! She called rushing over to him, she was able to catch him, right before he fall on his back.

Thalia held tightly to her bleeding stomach, right where she was shot.

Am fine! Am fine Val, you don’t have to worry; he managed to say..
His eyes were shut tightly, his teeth clench as he groaned out, the pain was unbearably to take in.

Within the twinkle of an eye, Acacia swiftly picked up the gun swerved back, firing the second bullet at Blair; the bullet landed right in her arms.

Blair let out a loud cry, panting heavily, she made sure to crawl her way through the door, despite the pain.

Diego rushed into the apartment with a gun in his hand, leaving them stunned as to how he found the place.

“Diego! What are you doing here?” She asked panting heavily.

Amariam traces your phone to this place and send me the location, she said to come help you out. Not to worry, all the men outside have been taken care of by my men.

And my kids! Including Amariam how are they all doing?

Don’t worry they are all fine, the house is fully surrounded with able men, who are capable to do their jobs well.

She let out a sigh of relief. So far that’s the best news i have heard today.

I am sorry to say this but Giselle escaped from the cell the police was holding her.

What! How is that possible? That place is crowded with police men, how can one woman escape from their hands?

It appears she has helping hands all around, we both know Giselle isn’t any ordinary woman.

Okay! First take Etienne with you, he needs to be treated, then you have this..
She pulled out a recorder from her pocket and stretched it to him.

He took the recorder from her and nodded without saying a word. So far so good, if there’s anyone who knows Valerie so well, it should be him, or so he thought.

With this, you can get Thalia and Blair arrested, make sure to filter some words out of it, so not to get our hands dirty.

Am going no where Valerie. Etienne murmured gaining their attention.
Am here, we are going to stick… He groaned holding his arms carefully.
We are going to stick to. get. her. He said breaking the words bit, by bit.

And am not leaving you alone, at least not now, not anymore.

“I should go after Blair, i can tell she’s escaping, and we don’t want that, do we?”

She nodded giving out a weak smile. ” Okay, you do so Diego.” She said, before arching her head back to Etienne.

“Look at me Etienne ,” you can’t…
She came to an abrupt pause, the minute her phone rang out.

Mother! She barely whisper and hurriedly pick the call.
“Mother are you okay? Where are you now?”

“Hello Valerie baby, my darling daughter.”

Mom you need to stay, Giselle esca…

“Escaped!… Yes! I know.. Giselle escaped from the cell.”

Mom, where are you? You need to stay hidden, get a place and stay safe, we all know Giselle will be out to get you, cause am certain she’s aware of your identify.

Yes she is, infact am happy she escaped.
I want you to know that i helped her escaped, aside the help she got from her men, she doesn’t know that am the person in charge of her escape.

Mom, tell me where are you? I need to see you, you need me by your side tonight.

Giselle called me today. Valerie baby, she wanted to meet with me, and am going
So please stay out of this, if anything happens to me then be happy with your children.
The money i have and the one I’ve obtained from Giselle father will all be willed in your name.

Mom i don’t need your money, all i want is for you to stay alive.

Mom! Hello mom, can you hear me?
She stared at the screen unable to believe the fact that her mother could take such risk.
f-__-k!! She screamed banging the car in front of her.

She veered back and found Diego carrying Blair on his shoulder, he looked stained in blood. Stained with Blair’s blood.

Diego, i know you know where my mother is going to meet Giselle, i want you to send me the location this minute or else if anything happens to my mother you are a dead man, i will never forgive you.

Fine, i will send it to your phone, please stay alive when you get there.

Am coming with you Valerie and you can’t say no, it’s final.

Etienne you are injured badly, and i can’t let you get more hurt please go with Diego and get some treatment.

I left you once, i don’t want history to repeat itself, am coming with you and it’s final.

They got into the car when she noticed another incoming call, but this time from an unknown number.

She slide the screen and picked the call, and the voice behind the call stunned her.

Hello Valerie, or do i address you as Acacia?
Which do you prefer?

Oh darling don’t be surprised, i found out about you. I mean, i should have seen it right?

When you cut off the investment you place in my company, now your mother came back from the dead and took all that belongs to me.

If you want to see so badly, and ki|| me, or ask me so many questions why don’t i make it easy for you hmm?

“I will send you the location, come and let’s have small chat shall we? Ladies to ladies.”

Giselle let out a soft cackle right before ending the call.

Acacia stared back at Etienne who had his eyes glued to her the whole while.

We have to go and meet your mother, i am sorry, i meant we have to meet Giselle, are you ready?

Of course i am, that’s why am here with you.
He squeezed her hands softly and smiled sadly in which she returned.

She start up the car and zoom, the drove their way to their new destination.

T. B. C

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