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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚔️ My Bodyguard is a Girl ⚔️
( The Return of Zane?)

Season two~~

° ° ° Episode 11 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: The closure ?

❎ Do Not Copy Or Repost ❎
~~~ Acacia
In a swift, i got up an picked up my slipper, i made sure i chase him with it, an thankfully he ran away, for his dear life because if he hasn’t, i would have use the slipper to design his hair, i would have rub the back of the slipper on his hair and then use the slipper to roll his hair for him: if there is anything i know about Andres is that the worst punishment one could ever give to him is rub and placing dirt or dirty item on his precious hair.

I later decide to use the opportunity at hand and see Diego so i can avoid seeing Etienne for the night, i can’t believe that once again, i let my emotions get the best of me.

I searched his room but he wasn’t there so i thought of stepping out and behold he was seated on the swing at the back of the house.

Diego, what are you doing here? Come let’s go in so you can rest.

Nah, if anything all i want right now is to feel the cool air of breeze.

“How long have you been out here?”

“Hmm, let’s me see…” It should be more than thirty minute, i have been here since we finished talking. Why do you ask!?

Nothing much, am only curious.
Please come, let us go inside, it’s chilled out here.

Yeah you are right, let’s go in cause we have a very important discussion.

“Important discussion!” I knotted my brows.

You’ll see. Am sure your mother is waiting, how can we find your office? She sent me a message saying we should meet there.

Wow! Alright come with me an let me lead the way.
Diego an i reached my office and we found mother seated on my chair, her legs were crossed together and she had a cigarette in her hand; the place smells of the content in her hand and am sure she’s been smoking for quite a while before we walked in.

This is one of the terrible habit mother has formed over the years.
Mother changed drastically after facing a lot of things, she became stronger both physical an at heart, i was surprised when mom asked me to train her or get someone to do that for her, she added saying she was tired of being weak, saying that she needed to feel strong so she can protect herself and her families.

All those years pasted and her hard work has produced a fine woman who is a fearless, powerful both financially an mentally, she no more prays like she use to instead all she does is smoke, work, spend time with family and cook up a plan so our revenge against Giselle can be successful this time around

Sometimes i wish she can listen, an go soft on herself, so she can stop indulging in things that can cause harm to her body, especially smoking.

I remember how i hard to quit smoking because of my wonder children so i believe she should quit smoking because of me, at least am her child, an am also wonderful no one would see me an say am not, so what the hell is her problem?

Mom you’re smoking again! how many times, do i have to beg you not to smoke again?

Alright, alright before we get into the therapy session you are about to give let me put it off so we can start we the main reason why Diego is here.

That’s right; he cleared his throat.
I am here because like i said earlier, i have good news for us all.
So it might no excite to know but we have Eloise working with us so we can bring his Giselle down.

What! I gasped, arching my back up at a unnatural angle, i felt my legs and arms shaking in anger.

Before you say anything you need to know that it was due to Eloise help that we found Christ, Etienne’s father.

To hell with you an that knowledge, Diego this is the most barbaric news I’ve heard since i came back to New York.

What do you want from me? To begin to work with the enemy, that man who was the starter of my awful life?
“Is that what you want? Huh! Tell me, Diego.”

Cassy am saying, is that we need all the help we can get, after all there’s a saying that it is better to have your enemy closer than a friend
We need this man, over the past few years, he an i has been in contact with one another.

I flinched back, stunned at his confession.
You what!? And you never thought it was right to tell me all these while?

Listen to me Cassy, if i have done that, it would have been a devastating news to you, you would have pissed off an troubled just as you are now.

Please you both should lower your voice, we have people who shouldn’t be listening to this conversation
in this house. Mother warned with crossed legs, it appeared she was enjoying the query.

Look here Cassy, i once helped Eloise, i sent him the video of Giselle and Arc: Curt’s bodyguard ki||ing Curt in the office he was that day they ki||ed him, i sent it to Eloise

I asked him to meet up with me and that was how i told him everything i knew about his mother, since then we’ve pretty much became friends, in as much as i h@ťě to say it, we are friends now and i must say he is a complete changed man.

I scoffed scratching my hair with my both hands. “Did you tell him about me, did you tell him i was alive?”

He furrowed his brows jerking back with a surprised reaction on his face.
That is something i would never do Cass, what exactly did you think of me?

Oh i have no idea at all, i mean you became friends with one of my enemies without my knowledge an now you expect me to trust you fully well. ‘Wow! you must be mad Diego.’

Mother chortled at my last words an that pissed me off the more.

You need to calm down V-Cass; she quickly say, i guess she must have notice the irritation on my face.

Listen darling, Diego is not insane, he’s well and that is why he is helping us.
He’s right, i know you would h@ťě me for saying this but he’s right, Eloise has turned into a brand new reflexion of his former self

The man is changed, he has learned his lesson an change his way, i have met with him before, he couldn’t recognize thanks to the surgery i got.

Am not saying that he won’t equally be punished for the crime has committed, no am not saying that.
Eloise himself has said that, he knows that if he exposes his mother he exposes himself however he’s still eager to make things right, all the man wants is a chance to be with his son, to make things right with his son once again.

Your mom is saying the truth, all Eloise desire is to make things go back to the way they were with his son, right before Corentin found out about everything.
Eloise is ready to go to jail for his wrong doings, all i ask is that we search for a way to make his jail terms easy, the man should be pardoned since he has changed his ways an decide to help out, he feels guilty, he has turned himself into a drunk because of it

Do you know sometimes he calls me at night and tells me about the nightmares he has, i advised him to see a therapy but it’s not helping so he believes that he has to pay for his crime so he can be better again.

Somehow i didn’t want to believe what I’ve heard, non of them are making sense right now, however i was made to know that seeing is believing therefore they would have to make me meet with Eloise so i can see him for myself.

For me to believe you guys, i would have to meet Eloise too.

“Sure darling, that is wonderful!”
Although there is something else we need to tell you, tell her Diego.

We have Etienne’s father with us, he is under our care just in case Giselle cooks something up we will know how to counter that.

I stared back at my mother an she nodded, i was totally shocked.

Yes my darling, we are actually behind his appearance at the house.

No way! You too are some bad @zz people.
You needed to see the drama he caused, Giselle was left dumbfounded at his sight.

You can say that again Cassy, we are aware he played his part well.
Now all we need to do is get Giselle crazy, we are going to make everyone turn against her, Etienne is against her now but things will burn up when he finds out that she ki||ed his mother, took him away from her when she was a child an accused his father falsely an then took him to jail to rot there.

Also we have a video of Giselle ki||ing his mother twenty five years ago.
Diego added pouring himself a glass of wine.

So if they had evidence against Giselle why was she not arrested?

According to Christ, that was because Giselle men found out that among the neighborhood someone video the scene that took place that night, so they traced the lady and ki||ed her.

If they ki||ed her that means they probably took the evidence away from her so how did Christ get it back?

I guess life in the prison must have taught the man a lot of things.
When he came out of the prison he went in search of the evidence, according to him he got a call when he was in prison from a lady, telling him that her husband hide something in a envelope and asked her to call the prison and ask for Christ Gulliver when he dies.

So what you are saying is, Giselle men had a copy of the video?

Yes Cassy, they did and we all know Giselle to be a winch, she sent someone else to get rid of the men that helped her in getting the video from the lady
She didn’t want them exposing what she did so she had those men cleared out, but it turns out they were a bit faster than her so they created a different copy unknown to Giselle and one of them gave it to his wife.
So his wife called Christ and told him where to find the envelope when he comes out of jail.

The year he came out of jail, he went in search of the evidence and here we are.

We have also watched the video, meaning we have two videos against Giselle for now
So if you are worried about evidence against her don’t be anymore, all we need you to do now is make her feel like taking her life, that’s just all we need.

I laughed out in joy, the excitement i felt was beyond this world.
Thank you for that amazing news, i am going to make her want to take her life, her end is near.

The both of you are genius but from now on give me every details about what is happening, i know you all don’t want me to be troubled but i need details or else i will get someone to do the searching for me since you both want to form a secret society of keeping me in the dark.

I need to see my kids before they sleep off, good night mother, good night Diego.

Good night! They whispered.


We have to make sure we keep this a secret, i will be going to Italy this week, nonetheless i will be lying to Valerie that i am going to Korean for some business trip.

“Why!.. I thought she said no more secret?”

Yes Diego, nevertheless she shouldn’t know about my plans now or else we will kick against it.

“What plans do you have this time around?”

I want to go on a trip an meet Giselle’s father
I am going there to ki|| him and all those other men that joined hands in taking the life of my husband. I want to find out what secret he has against them for all of them to join heads an declare him dead in their closet.

As i am going there, i am going to seduce the old fool so i can be his woman for the main time, until i get what i want.
They will all pay Diego, Valerie is paying attention to Giselle while i pay attention to the one’s at the top, when am done with them i will come back and ki|| Giselle myself, we are not just going to take her to jail.

I know Val wants her in jail first before we find someone to do the job but i won’t wait that long, i understand she wants to do things the right way for her children which i love so much, her children should always be her number one priority.

Be careful Mrs Clara, be careful not to get hurt because am sure if you do, you would break her heart.

I won’t get hurt, not this time. I promise.
T. B. C

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