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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚔️ My Bodyguard is a Girl ⚔️
( The Return of Zane?)

Season two ~~

° ° °
Episode 7 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Talk about us?

❎ Do Not Copy Or Repost ❎
Come here you! She pulled him in for a hug.
Always remember that i love you, an am happy that you are my son.
It’s such a blessing to have a son like you in my life, you are so understanding an smart.

He rolled his eyes and held unto his cheeks.
“Stop it! You are making a young man blush.”

But it’s true, you make everything easy, i asked myself continually: how am i going to talk to him when we meet?
How is he going to react when he find out that am his mother an i didn’t die?
And here i am, talking to you and you understand me perfectly well, not many child can be smart an understanding like yourself, for that am honoured to be called your mother.

I love you so much mum, thank you for surviving, for staying alive so we can be together, mostly thank you for wealthy.
Just take a look at this place, this is another heaven on earth. Mom you can get money just by making this house a museum, many people will pay money just to come here and see the beautiful wonders in this house.

Oh- okay don’t over step your boundaries, nobody is going to use my house to make a museum an when i say nobody, i mean you are not going to turn my house into museum.

But mum this house can bring wealth for your son, tell me don’t you want your segzy baby boy to become wealthy?
He said lightly, his hands cupped his cheeks as he blinked rapidly.

Acacia smiled, she loved the fact that he’s trying so hard to look cute.

What are you doing? You look like someone holding a hot fart in his @zz.

He frowned arching his brows.
Mom!! He whined stamping his foot angrily.

She watched in awe, bursting out in laughter.
I love you so much my baby Corentin.

“Seriously mom!” He smiled, his eyes glinting in triumph.

Fine! She gestured lifting her hands up.
I will get Amaria to get you a credit card which you can use.

There was gleams of victory in his eyes.
Seriously mom? He squealed pecking her cheeks repeatedly.

However… However, the credit card is going to be created an signed under my name, so if you spend or try to spend more than the amount i signed i would be alerted of that act
Is that good with you?

Mom i love you so much, an that is why am taking my kisses back.
He got up and pecked her cheek making sure to suck unto it softly before withdrawing back to his seat.

She laughed ruffling his hair once more.
So tell me, tell me how you have been, what are you up to? Do you have a girlfriend, is she pretty?
How you survived all these while, an how everything have been with you.

Mom, all these question cannot be answered under one day; he sighed lightly.
I will answer the one’s i can answer then we will talk about the rest some other time, i will make sure to answer the one you didn’t want to ask but hope to ask.

Her eyes twitched. What do you mean by the one i didn’t want to ask but hope to ask? I wasn’t going to ask any other thing apart from what i have asked.
I won’t ask for any..any other thing, okay.. Okay!

He chortle cupping her face an planted a kiss on get nose.
You are so so cute mom, especially when you lie.

She Ç0çƙed her head to the left and they both laughed at her gesture.

I have not been well, i barely eat, food has not been in my agenda since everything turn wrong. Is either am always reserved, or am getting into a fight, or i skip school just so i can find a bit of peace also a prove against grand ma Giselle.

I wanted to find something, anything that i can use against her.
I promised myself that i was going to get her in jail for what she has put you through all those years but then uncle Etienne came in and took mr away from my prison of a house.

Uncle Etienne is my hero, he had always been
He is a father figure to me, both he and his wife; Blair.
The both of them has been there for me when i least expect anyone to be.

Thanks to uncle Etienne i resumed a different school, he would constantly yell at me, letting me know that you would have want the best for me.

Am sure you have been asking yourself why he got married to Blair.

She nudge and he smiled, nodding slowly.

When you died, uncle Etienne was devastated, he h@ťěd him so much, he would starve himself going round searching for you where he thinks he might find you, all to avail.

He became malnourished, a confused grown man, a drunk and so on.
The year everyone thought you died, uncle Etienne didn’t believe them an do did i.
Do you know, grandma Giselle deceived me, i went to the car and fell dizzy.
When i woke up i found myself in a room with grandma Giselle.

They all tried keeping the news away from me, few months later i found out through uncle Etienne, i mean the way the man behaved, regularly calling your name an all i figured out what had happened.

There was a time uncle Etienne passed out for days, he woke an found himself in the hospital, an all these while Blair has been with him.

He had a burial in honour of your name, bought a tomb where he goes an cry out his eyes, meanwhile Blair was still with him.

The next year, he kept on living, still trying to accept the fact that you are dead.
Cut long story short seven years later he got married to the only woman who stayed back an supported him throughout everything, yunno she held him pass through therapy.
They both had a child called Smith.

Her eyes widen, she moved in discomfort
It was almost as if she could not believe her ears.
“Smith! Etienne named his son after my father?” She gasped softly, a faint smile was visible on her face.

Blair may not be perfect but she’s good, she takes goof care of me like am her own
Yunno, any woman that can allow her husband name her child his ex lover father’s name is a woman with patient and good understanding. “She loves uncle Etienne so much, there’s no doubt.”

So she has successfully gotten into your head also, haven’t she?
If i find out that she has a hand in what happened to me an mother, i would make her pay dearly.

Mom! I don’t want you to get your hands stained in blood no more.

I promise you, this time there will be no blood, am doing this in the right way.
Also grandma Clara is coming here with your siblings, you will get to meet my brother Gabriel.

Whoa!, whoa! wait a minute. Grand Clara is not dead? How! I thought it was reported that they found pieces of her bone and yours together?

Yes but my brother Gabriel saved her before they could burn her body.

“Wait you have a brother and grandma is alive?”

Yes i do, his mother is your granny’s sister
Her name is Ashely, you can also call her granny. “Guess what? Sage is pregnant for him, they got married two years ago.”

Whoa!! He gaped smacking his head playfully
You know what i think? I think God kept you and everyone for my sake.

Mom! I have to ask, something has been bothering me since i came here.

“And what is that if i may ask? ”

How did you do it? Yunno, you look different from the old you, i swear i barely recognize you.

That is because i did a little surgery to add changes to myself.
Mom on the other hand did a whole lot of changes to herself, you won’t recognize her at all.

Well I must say it’s better that way, besides i barely recognize you, i must say i am lucky to have a connection to you.

“No, no you are not lucky my Corentin, it is called blood!”

So sorry to disturb this peaceful reunion, i would love to watch more like i have been doing a while ago but Etienne is at the door, and he wants to see you. Amaria announced pointing directly at her.

They stared at themselves in wide eyes.

Did he followed me here? No it can’t be, or did he?
Corentin whined biting his lips nervously.

“What is he doing here? How did he find the place?”

How am i supposed to know? I the security informed me about it, when i checked and saw that he was the one, i came here to inform you both.

Thank you Amaria. Corentin please go in, follow Amaria she will lead you on where to stay.

Yunno now i know why she’s my guardian angel, it was because you sent her to me.
Thank you mummy, thank you auntie Amaria.

You are welcome young man, i am only doing my job. Now come, let us go in before Etienne comes in and find you.

Yes Corentin go on, follow Amaria.

Okay, okay. Give me a kiss first so i can go in peace.

Her brows knotted in confusion, she stared at him dumbstruck.

Are you kidding me Corentin, you want a kiss? Etienne is few miles away.

I know but i want a kiss from my mother or else i go nowhere, nevertheless Etienne has already suspected that he knows you from somewhere but can’t tell where.

Corentin!! She warned with pleading eyes.

Fine! If you really want me to go, give me a kiss on my cheeks and forehead and here; he points his chin.

She grunt in anger and pecked his cheeks as fast as she could.

I told you i wanted it on the chin and forehead too.

Corentin get outta here or i spank you this instant. She yelled glaring at him.

Okay! Okay! Alright just tell me you love me an i will run off before you know.

Corentin i love you so much an sure you are going to be a pain in my neck from now on.

I love you too mum, don’t forget my credit card, or i will be a bone in your cute neck.
He blew kisses as he ran along with Amaria.

Acacia groaned rushing to pick up her contact lens before Etienne shows up.

She picked up her phone, called the head security and told him to let Etienne in.

*•*¶ Etienne ?~~
(Sigh).. Blair and i finally turn on good terms, i must confess she doesn’t deserve this, she has been a good wife and a good woman.

Yet something in me can’t help but think about this lady in person… “Acacia!” The name alone sounds odd.

Something in me wants her, crave for her touch, to feel her delicate skin on mine.

He scratched his hair and rubbed his beards, lost in thoughts.

His mind reminisced on how him and Acacia danced the night away, indeed she is an epitome of beauty.

Please follow me, miss Acacia is waiting for you.

I nodded as i was led into the house. Mind i say she’s not only beautiful but rich as well.

~ ★


Eloise sat down on a sofa close to the fire place, his mind pondered over many things he needed to do, he shook his feet repeatedly, his body moving rhythmically.

The door suddenly open
Eloise jerk up, breathing a sigh of relief.

I am happy you could make it, remember me?
Am Eloise and i must say it is such an honour to meet you.

I couldn’t miss it for the anything. I heard you have news pertaining my son’s whereabout.

Yes i do Christ, as a matter of fact i know him in person, and from the news i have gotten so far i know you have been in search of him over the years after your release from prison.

He nodded in acceptance.

Please take your seat Mr Christ, we have a lot to talk about, although am going to start by saying that your son is my brother an when i said i know him in person, i meant he is my brother and the woman you have been looking for, the one who kept you in prison all these years is my mother.
T. B. C
Ewo who do we have here? Someone is claiming to be Etienne father, don’t even get me started with Corentin that child is lovely??

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