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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚔️ My Bodyguard is a Girl ⚔️
( The Return of Zane?)

Season two~~

° ° ° Episode 5?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: I Know you..?

❎ Do Not Copy Or Repost ❎
? Acacia~~°°
I made strode out of the hall to clear my head a bit.

I still can’t believe that Etienne is married, i mean he has every right to, he can’t wait for me forever, moreover
he thought i was dead so it’s fine but, does it has to be Blair?

To think she looks so happy, like she has finally gotten what she wanted after a long time.

“I knew i can’t trust her, something tells me she joined hands in getting rid of me, so she can Etienne all to herself.

My blood boiled as the thought flows right in, my eyes swelled up, i knew i was going to cry in no time if i don’t leave the place.

I can’t help it, my heart bleeds:, seeing Etienne and Corentin really did a lot of harm to my metal state.

If for nothing, i promise to get my son back to me
How can Blair do this? Having Etienne in her life wasn’t enough for, so she decided to add my son to it.

Breath in Valerie, breath in or else you’ll go mad just by thinking so much


Etienne took a closer look at the woman as her hips sway from side to side, he kept wondering why he has the picture of her face crafted in his mind, sooner than later he saw a flash back of Valerie walking towards him dressed in the gown he bought for her, he remembered begging her to dress like a lady, now the question is why does he feel like he knows this lady?

He can’t help but feel like he knows her from somewhere, she doesn’t act like Valerie, she doesn’t walk, talk, dress or have anything similar to her, not even the eyes yet the face… The face did held a little resemblance to the Valerie who dressed like a lady that night.

His hand ruffled his head when he felt a migraine.
He knew if he doesn’t do proper findings on this lady he won’t feel at ease.

Why does she has a familiar aura?
Her presence made him a bit confused a while ago. It took him his greatest will power to not have gotten lost in staring at her.

Her smacking beauty left him nonplussed, her green orbs read something different, her slender waist and perfectly shaped body did a lot to him.

“d@mn it!” He cursed.
I can’t hold it anymore, i have to have a word with her, any word at all.

He crouched when he felt a grip on his arm.
Blair, my love. Is anything the matter?

No! She hummed out.
I noticed you look troubled, do you want to talk about it?

She wrapped her arms around him.

Is nothing my love. He feign a smile while cupping her face in his hands.

So then, can i have this dance with my handsome husband?
She giggled kissing his neck.

My love, i promise to have this dance with you before we head home.

Why not now? Do you have anything doing? She pouted, frowning.

My love, i have to…uh make a call, I’ll be back so we can have this dance.
He quickly pecked her forehead and hurried out, in search of this strange woman.

He did a quick search round the place but found no trace of her anywhere.

“Where has she gone?”
He asked ruffling his hair yet again.

Who do seek for that’s making you a mess?

He heard a voice with an Italian touch, the voice sounded firm with a feminine touch to it; it was a lady, she’s quiet tall, her hair appeared black in color, she was neatly dressed in a white suit and a black shining shoe.

Paying attention to her physical appearance made his mind drift back to Valerie, Valerie really wears a male suit in the gorgeous way ever.

Are you going to just stand there staring at me like a gigolo or you’ll give me an answer you stupido.

Etienne jerked back to reality, a while ago he was in search of this Acacia an now he’s mind is drifting back to his only true love, the only woman he will ever love.

Too many thoughts of Valerie under one night, all because of this Acacia, he must have a word with her, why does her present bring back memories of his past lover?

Amaria rolled her eyes, she was loosing her patience already, the man has been standing there lost in thought over nothing.

She still doesn’t know what Acacia saw in this man, he’s a dumb @zz with a cute face, she must admit.

Hey, here mr gigolo! Will you stop thinking of nonsense an answer me?

d@mn this lady has quit a lot of similarities to the Zane he once know.

Right! Am sorry please pardon my manners.
Am Etienne an am in search of a lady wearing a red sequins gown with a…

Shut up and walk straight
She blurt averting her eyes over to the garden.

Keep walking till you find the person you are looking for, she’s in the garden.

Uh.. Thanks, thank you so much!

Her eyes never left him as he strode towards the garden.
Something wasn’t right, the guy can’t recall her face so why was he after her like a lost puppy in search of his owner?
Come to think of it, the man now has a wife so why is he running after her?

She knows fully well that Thalia and Etienne won’t won’t get along because there was no way Thalia would sit back for Etienne to take Acacia away from her.

“Things are about to turn to a thriller movie in no time” she sighed placing a cigarette in her lips.

After wandering round the garden he finally found her siting on a grass chair decorated with flowers.

He observed her closely and noticed she was in tears, he took two step closer and he could hear her sniff in

His heart breaks in seeing her in tears, many thoughts flew through his mind, what could be making her cry this way, she appeared fine a while ago.

He stood there gazing at her since his presence wasn’t known yet; she seems so lost in thought

She cried out, biting her lips to prevent herself from screaming, her hands were planted on chest as she kept hitting it from time to time.

He felt the urge to walk up to her an that he did
He pulled down an handkerchief and stretched it out, her eyes landed on it so she took it and dabbed her face with it.

Suddenly feeling embarrassed, she swiftly dabbed the tears and gulped down the lump of saliva she felt in her throat.

She made to turn but then paused as she felt a hand patting her hair, it’s going to be alright.
He whispered softly.

Pardon! She gasped bewildered.

I…am sorry i came here unannounced. “Are you okay now?’
I saw you crying a while ago.

She cleared her throat and stood up from the chair.
I am fine, is nothing to bother yourself about, you are not my husband.

He felt angry at her word but did good in masking it.
” I do not need to be your husband, am only worried about you.”

“And you need not to!” She said abruptly.

If you must know, i was crying because seeing you an your family together made me felt lonely, it made me miss my father.

I am sorry to hear that miss Acacia.
He stood up an took a step closer to her.

We all have that time when we feel lonely, or miss someone, is part of our nature as humans.

It doesn’t matter anymore, am off to the party, you should go back too an stay with your family because time is always limited.

She took out a mirror an a powered from her pause to fix up her make-up, then applied more lipstick to her lips.

She fix them back to her bag an realize that the man was still here, standing, his gaze never left her body.

“Am i that beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off from me?”

He nodded in response and she smiled in satisfaction.

“Good!” Although you should learn to keep your eyes only on your woman.

They both walk their way back to the hall without sparing a glance at themselves, and on reaching there Etienne stretched out his right hand to her.

“Do you mind if i have this dance?”

Her eyes narrowed itself from his eyes down to his hand stretched out.

Are you trying to build a friendship with me Mr Etienne?

He smiled; I don’t believe it’s a bad idea.
So can i please have this dance with you?

She sort out her new assistant in the crowd but found her nowhere, luckily Amaria came by and took her purse from her.

“Sure i will, since you’re begging.”
He chuckled throaty.
Her hand were placed in his, he led her to where the dance was taking place and wrapped his hand on her waist.
One hand was placed on his shoulder an the other in his hands.

They dance slowly to the melodic tune the instrumentalist were creating. His eyes were fixed on hers as they dance gracefully to the music.

“I must say you are…” He laughed shortly when he realized he lacked words to describe her.

Tell me mr Etienne, am i that beautiful to have left you speechless?

He sighed, all smiles.
I don’t know, i just believe there is something about you, you remind me of someone.

“So this someone, is a boy or a girl? A man or a woman?”

He noticed the curiosity on her face however decide to beat around the bush.

Does it matter who the person is?
All that matters is, that person once held a great part in my life an funny enough the person still do.
At times i feel like, this person intentionally come into my dream to hunt me, to make me think endlessly.

It does seems like you are talking about a woman! She teased knowingly.

Is it that obvious? Then i did a bad job in masking it. He gasped bemused.

Mr Etienne tell me, does this lady look like me or act like me or is she pretty than me?

A teasing smile flashed on his face.
Does it matter? All that matter is she changed me, she made me stronger an weaker at the same time, she made me so horny just with her stares.

The light emitting from her makes me want to be useful to myself an her
She has the ability to bring out the best in me, something no one has ever done.

She hummed as the dance took another tune leaving her to twirl on the dance floor.

His hands were tightly wrapped around her waist this time.

“And me! Where do i fit in all of these?”
She asked firmly.

I have no idea miss Acacia, an that’s why am trying to find out.

She chuckled throatily.
Getting closer to me will only make you fall in love with me, Mr Etienne.
Tell me, are you ready to take that risk?… ‘To fall in love with me’ despite having a wife!

I am sincerely attracted to you miss Acacia, there is no need to beat around you, it’s obvious.

Are you trying to seduce with words, Mr Etienne?
She pushed her lips in a seductive manner.

Is it working, miss Acacia? Cause i believe it is.

A sympathetic smile flashed on her face when an idea popped up in her head.

“It would be fun to make Blair suffer” she thought smirking wickedly.

Something tells me miss Acacia is cooking something wicked.

The only thing this… Miss Acacia is cooking is how to f-__-k you an get away with it, without you coming back to pest her.

God knows the amount of effect that word has on him, his body tingled, he felt the urge to get a table and put her there, f-__-king her with all intensity.

Is been seven years since he married Blair and he must confess he has never felt his body react so well to mere words like it did with Acacia, this was something Valerie had on him; her stares alone was enough to get his monster hard.

The music came to an end and they reluctantly pulled away from each others grip.

He swerved till his eyes landed on Blair who was biting her lips in anger, her eyes carried sadness in it, he hurriedly went after her when he saw her exiting the hall.

Acacia gave a weak smile, the urge to laugh out loud was present but she held it in.

“The fun had only began.”


Etienne worried as they alighted from the car, Blair didn’t spare him a glance all through the ride, Corentin on the other hand was lost listening to his music; of course he was used to Corentin nonchalant behavior, ever since the death of Valerie he has become so withdrawn in his shell, he barely talk to anyone and that was how everyone found out that the boy actually had an idea who his mother was.

Time passed by and he grew worst, skipping classes, engaging into a fight an flaring up at his Abriella, Eloise and Giselle, those act alone made everyone pondered if he truly had an idea about what his mother went through in this hands of his wicked family.

He followed her inside their room and took off his jacket.

“How could you do this Etienne?” You promise to have a dance with me, yet you were curled up in the hands of that Columbia woman, was she the reason why you lied that you wanted making a call?

A call you never made!
How dare you lie to me Etienne?

I saw the way you danced with her, there was lust in your eyes, the way you stared at her, held her waist.

Etienne!! She called suddenly crying out loud.

Etienne i am your wife, you married me remember?
I was the only one there for you, i stood by you during your hard times, i loved an cherish you more than my own life.

Etienne i quit many things so i can be with you, so how dare you?
It wasn’t long, i had to deal with you always dreaming an calling out Valerie’s name at night, i dealt with that until you healed and now you want to switch over to Acacia

Who the hell is this women anyway?
Why is she after you? After my own husband!
Etienne i married you, you are my husband an i won’t share what is mine, do you get that?
I will never share you!
She shouted throwing anything that came her way.

Get out of this room Etienne! She bellowed louder. She was blinded by tears, her heart breaks whenever she think of how Etienne loves an adore Valerie more than her, yes he was nice to her and appreciated her but she wanted more.

“How much more do i have to compete with a dead woman? How much more?” She cried slumping herself to the floor.

Etienne stroll down the stairs where he met Corentin standing, he looked like he was waiting for someone.

“Any problem champ?”

Corentin averted his eyes from his phone to Etienne who looked worn out within a few minutes.

“You look terrible uncle” he teased with a weak laugh.

Do you wanna have a drink? He asked staring straight at Etienne to see his reaction.

Etienne coughed as he frantically gasped.

Am asking if you would love a drink for yourself and not me, am not drunk. He addressed shoving his phone into his pocket.

He laughed when he saw Etienne let out a loud sigh.

They both sat in front of the bar, drinking the night away: Etienne had a bottle of whiskey placed in front of him while Corentin took pleasure in sipping his pineapple juice which he loved taking.

Do you want to talk about it or you want to drink yourself to stupor?

Corentin i don’t understand myself anymore, i feel bad, stupid, am in a confuse state at the moment.
Honestly i do not know what am feeling anymore.

I saw you and the lady last night.
He blurt sipping his drink once again.

Etienne instantly veered his head over to his seated position.
He almost didn’t believe his ears, turns out life has truly worked on his nephew these past few years.

I went in search of the woman, i don’t know why i did that, i found you there siting with her as she cried.

Why did you go out in search of her?
There must be a reason why you did that?

I just told you, i don’t know why i did that.
Good night uncle, make sure to sleep with thoughts of how to talk to Blair when she wakes up tomorrow.

__The morning breeze blew through his window, since he slept with an open window last night.

He wore his clothes, took his bag with him and sneaked out to the bus station.

His eyes landed on the card the lady dressed in white gave to him.

He’d recognize her anywhere he sees her, she had been the one acting up like a guardian angel to him all these years, so when she gave him the card he felt there was something off an what caught his attention was the fact that she appeared to be at the welcome party, funny enough she was a bodyguard to miss Acacia.

He got off the bus, took a taxi that stopped right in front of the address written in the card.

He took out his phone an made a call to the number written in the card, five minutes later the same woman came out; she was putting on a night wear.

” Come on in!” She urged leading the way.

If he haven’t been to different exquisite house before he would have screamed at the sight of this one.

The environment was neatly decorated, hefty bodyguard were fixed round the building and CCTV cameras were not left out.

In no time they arrived quickly at the siting room, with the use of the elevator.

Wait here, let me get the one you are looking for.

He nodded watching her exit the room.

He sighed softly, he still can’t believe he was crazy enough to walk right into a silly trap.

Why did he feel so connected to this woman? That he wanted to find out, he needed to find out, and find out he shall.

His eyes glance through the room, side by side he made sure to feed his eyes.

The house was decorated with so much expensive paintings an vase.

From the electronic to the chandelier dangling with fanciness, he knew a lot of money was spent gorgeously on this place.

His eyes landed on a painting of her(Acacia)
She looked so sad in that painting, he wondered why anyone would want to paint herself looking sad an then fix it in her living room.

“Such a weird woman!”
He thought out loud.

Thanks for the compliment mr Corentin.

He gulped down in fear and turned over quickly, a part of him felt scared.

Unknown to him she had been watching him all these while, she was surprised to see him but then happy that he came to see her.
“It’s just as they say, blood truly is thicker than water.”
T. B. C

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